Slow connection airport MacBook

Hi apple expeers
I am using my MacBook in many places on wifi. Sometimes when connecting to
a wifi I can make connection but get or no or really slow internetspeed. Mainly on wpa2 networks. My biz partner with a pc has got no problems on the same networks. What can be the issue?! Hope somebody can help!

Hi harmhoff and welcome to Apple Discussions!
Unfortunately you will find that many wifi routers do not play well with Macs, particularly older models with out of date firmware. There are a few things you can do about it:
1) Connect to a different wifi source that works better.
2) Suggest to the owner of the wifi network that they check to make sure the firmware of their routers is up to date.
3) If their firmware is up to date, they may need to use a different brand of router.
Best of luck.

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    Sounds like it is not getting a great WiFi conneciton.  Streaming video is not tolorant of anyting other than a perfect connection.   You need a newer WiFi routner to support streaming video.  If you have one that supports the N standard then I would try resetting your Wifi router.

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    I would be very happy if someone figures out what is wrong.
    MacBook   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  
    MacBook   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

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    Hold Option when you click on the Airport in the top bar & post the stats.

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    zdawg77 wrote:
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    There were some Macbooks that had an issue with the screws holding their internal AirPort cards in place loosening, resulting in noise and lower signal levels from the antennas.
    You may want to try taking one of the affected Macbooks to a local Apple Store and see if you experience the same issues on their in-store network.

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    The two key numbers here are: 1) Transmit Rate: 59 which is the current maximum bandwidth of the wireless connection in Mbps, and 2) The MCS Index: 6 which indicates that the iMac's connection to the BT Home Hub wireless is only using a single spatial steam. Forget the techo mumbo jumbo, your iMac is much more capable than that.
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    The ethernet cable is coming from my express
    OK, thanks for clarifying that for me. This confirms that the wired, or Ethernet portion of the AirPort Express is working correctly.
    If the wireless radio on the Express is functioning correctly, then you should be able to get something in the range of 85-90 Mbps over wireless on either the 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz band.
    BTW, these tests were conducted with only my MBP connected to the network, while it was sitting mere inches from theExpress.
    That is much too close, since the signal can easily overload the wireless card on your computer, which will have the effect of knocking the speeds down.  Move the computer 7-10 feet, or about 2-3 meters away from the AirPort Express with clear line-of-sight between the computer and Express and run the checks again.
    Be sure to restart both the AirPort Express and your computer before you run the checks.
    If the wireless speeds still clock in low.......anything below 60-70 Mbps......then I would start to look around for any devices that might be introducing wireless interference on your wireless network. The biggest culprits are cordless phones in this regard, but any BlueTooth devices like a mouse or keyboard can sometimes create issues, as well as wireless camera/security systems. Turn off these devices temporarily as a test and restart the AirPort an computer again to see if the speeds will improve.
    If speeds are still slow during your "test", then I would try a Factory Default Reset on the Express.
    If still no improvement, you need to take the Express to an Apple Store....if you have one near you, or an Apple Servicer to let them take a look and run some tests.
    If the wireless speeds are still low when you do this, then the Express is defective and will need to be replaced.
    However, if the Express checks out OK, then you know that something is affecting your wireless signal at the house.  What that might be will be the real question.

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    Go to Apple Menu > System Preferences > Network, choose Network Port Configurations from the Show popup menu, and make sure that the configuration used to connect to Internet appears at the top of the list.
    Also, try using a different method to connect to Internet, if possible, or connecting the computer to Internet as directly as possible, i.e. bypassing any routers that might be present, using an ethernet cable instead of wireless, etc., and see whether that makes a difference.
    It could very well be that the problems are related to having installed a system update, usually not because of the update itself, but rather as a result of not having installed it properly, or having ignored Apple’s "Important: Please read before installing" warnings, etc.
    Some (but not all) of the problems caused by not having installed an update properly can be fixed by (properly) reinstalling it. If you suspect a particular update could have a bearing on this, proceed as follows.
    Verify/repair the startup disk (not just permissions), as described here:
    The Repair functions of Disk Utility: what's it all about?
    After having fixed all filesystem issues, if any, reinstall any updates that may not have been installed properly. In some cases, it may also be necessary or convenient to reinstall the Combo Update for the type of computer and the version of Mac OS X you’re using, unless this is the version of Mac OS X that came with your computer:
    Mac OS X 10.3.9 Combo Update
    Take a look at the following articles for guidelines on how to properly install system updates:
    Troubleshooting installation and software updates
    Installing software updates
    Basically, you should verify/repair the startup disk before installing the update, no applications should be running while installing it, and you may experience unexpected results if you have third-party system software modifications (not normal applications) installed.

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