Slow interface and artifacts

Since I upgraded to a new Mac Pro and Compressor 4.1.1, I've been dealing with a verrrry slow user interface.
Sending a clip from FCPX to compressor, it takes a lot of patience to simply add a setting and location. Click on the file and wait 5 seconds for it to respond.
Recently I've noticed my compressed videos have random frames of artifacts and problems in graphics areas (like a white title will have one character that is greyed out; see image)
Any one else facing similar issues?

I'm seeing the same graphics bug in Compressor 4.1.2 with some characters showing up gray and not white. This is a title text that is faded in. Sometimes the export works well and sometimes a single character just stays gray and don't fade to white. In this case it's the two 's'. Another time, I saw all three 'e' faded out. This is random, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Very ugly when after a few hours of export you have to run it again (and again).

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    Message was edited by: Mezcla

    You could consider getting a firewire hub or get an expresscard 34 adapter with a firewire port.
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  • Slow processing and getting opening errors/warnings

    I've modified the PDF Binder sample to get a plugin that would open PDF's and Tif files, and save them as PDF/A-1b (code below).
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    Thanks in advance.
    The code:
    Copyright (C) 1998-2006 Adobe Systems Incorporated
    All rights reserved.
    NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file
    in accordance with the terms of the Adobe license agreement
    accompanying it. If you have received this file from a source other
    than Adobe, then your use, modification, or distribution of it
    requires the prior written permission of Adobe.
      \file PDFBinder.cpp
    - Implements a method to convert multiple files into PDFs and bind the PDFs
    into one PDF file. The code shows how to use AVConversionToPDFHandler to
    convert files to PDF and how to use PDDocInsertPages() to combind PDF files.
    // Headers.
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <ctype.h>
    #ifndef MAC_PLATFORM
    #include <direct.h>
    #include "PIHeaders.h"
    // Defines ----------
    // Define this flag to show AVConversionToPDFEnumHandler info. in log file.
    // define this flag to use file type filter 
    #define USE_FILE_FILTER   
    // Message display control.  Ture: display
    ASBool bEcho = true;
    // File location. User can change the following filenames.
        const char* STRING_PDFBinderFolder = "C:\\Fairfax\\Adobe\\in";
        const char* STRING_PDFOutputFolder = "C:\\Fairfax\\Adobe\\PDFA";
        const char* FOLDERSYMBOL="\\";
        const char* STRING_PDFBinderFolder = "/PDFBinder";
        const char* FOLDERSYMBOL="/";
    char* OutputPdfFileName = "PDFBinderOutput.pdf";
    char* LogFileName = "PDFProcessLog.txt";
    static ASInt32 gNumToPDFExt;
    static ASInt32 gNumFromPDFExt;
    static AVConversionFromPDFHandler RightHandler;
    const int MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH = 256;
    char sLogFileName[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH];
    // Filter -----------
    // Filter is a list of file types which can be converted to PDF in this program.
    // Use a filter may fit user's specific needs and ensure a smooth automation process.
    // Of course, the user can turn off the filter in two ways:
    //   (1) gPDFBinderFileFilter = "";
    //   (2) comment out //USE_FILE_FILTER 
    // The filter should be consistent with the Acrobat viewer's menu capability:
    //   Create PDF from multiple files ...
    // Here we put the types which have been tested, but user can expand it.
    const char* gPDFBinderFileFilter = "pdf,tif,tiff,PDF,TIF,TIFF";
    const int MAX_STRING_LENGTH = 2048;
    AVConversionToPDFHandler gHandler;
    // functions in this file.
    int    ConvertAndInsertFileToPDF(ASPathName aspItem, char* aFileName, PDDoc  PDFfile);
    void BindingFileToPDF(ASPathName aPathName, char* aFilename, ASFileSysItemPropsRec nFileAttrb, PDDoc targetPDdDoc, ASPathName outputPathName, int *ipTotal, int *ipConverted);
    ASBool PassPDFBinderFileFilter(char* filename);
    int    ConvertAndSavePDFInTargetFolder(ASPathName aPathName, char* aFileName, PDDoc PDFfile, ASPathName outputPathName);
    char* NewFileName(char *& aFileName);
    // callbacks
    ACCB1 ASBool ACCB2 MyAVConversionToPDFEnumProc(AVConversionToPDFHandler handler, AVConversionEnumProcData data);
    ACCB1 ASBool ACCB2 AVConversionToPDFEnumFindHandler(AVConversionToPDFHandler handler, AVConversionEnumProcData data);
    static ACCB1 ASBool ACCB2 myAVConversionFromPDFEnumProc(AVConversionFromPDFHandler handler, AVConversionEnumProcData data);
    /**    This sample implements a method to convert multiple files into PDF
      and bind the PDFs into one PDF file .
        This sample shows developers how to grammatically implement To-PDF file
      converson functionality.  Basically, the code uses AVConversionToPDFHandler
      to convert files to PDF and PDDocInsertPages()to combine PDF files.
      This plug-in is designed to run from a menu item, and by setting bEcho = false
      it may be run without any graphics user interface on the screen. Therefore, it 
      can be executed from other programs such as C IAC, VB IAC, and JavaScript
      to meet enterprise workflow needs.
        How to run it :
        - This sample adds a menu item "PDF Binder" under the Acrobat SDK submenu. Two ways to
        execute it: 1) click the menu item to run the program using a fixed file location
        hard coded; 2) press the shift key and click the menu item to choose a folder where
        files to be converted are located.
        - Without folder selection, this original code is to convert and bind files in a
        directory    C\test\PDFBinder for Win, or a folder   MacHD:test:PDFBinder for Mac.
        You can copy the test files in the project's testfiles folder to the appropriate location 
        for testing. You may locate files to be converted in another directory/folder, and
        specify the location in the string variable PDFBinderFolder in the code.
        - When you have the files to be converted ready in the specified location,
        run Acrobat 6 menu Advanced->AcrobatSDK->PDF Binder to start the operation.  There are
        echo messages informing you of the operation start and end, but you can change and
        rebuild the code to turn off the display on screen.
        - An output file PDFBinderOutput.pdf in the same location is created
        when the program succeeds. A text log file  PDFBinderLog.txt in the same
        location records the process and results.
        -  You can set bEch = false in the code to turn off any display on the screen.
        This is necessary when you  call the menu function from within other programs
        of C IAC, VB IAC, JavaScript. 
        -  An optional file filter is used to pre-process the files. The filter only allows
        the files with predefined types to be processed. You can change the file type list
        as you wish. Using a filter may ensure a smooth automation process, since you can put
        only well-tested file types in the filter. To turn off the filter, you can set
        gPDFBinderFileFilter = "" or not to define USE_FILE_FILTER 
        - Note this is a sample only, developers need to make further improvement for
        their actual use. For example, you can set up a list of files to use the method for
        the conversion and binding. And you can add code to handle special file types.
          @see AVConversionConvertToPDFWithHandler
        @see AVConversionEnumToPDFConverters
        @see ASFileSysDestroyFolderIterator
        @see PDDocOpen
        @see PDDocClose
        @see PDDocInsertPages
        @see PDDocCreatePage
        @see PDDocDeletePages
        @see PDPageRelease
        @see ASFileSysCreatePathName
        @see ASFileSysFirstFolderItem
        @see ASFileSysNextFolderItem
        @see ASFileSysGetNameFromPath
        @see ASFileSysReleasePath
    ACCB1 void ACCB2 PDFBinderCommand(void*)
        // if the menu item clicked with Shift key pressed down, go to interactive mode.
        // let the user to choose a folder and process all the file in the folder.
        ASText dispText = ASTextNew();
        char PDFBinderFolder[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
        ASBool shiftKeyIsDown = ((AVSysGetModifiers() & AV_SHIFT) != 0);
        if(shiftKeyIsDown) {
            AVOpenSaveDialogParamsRec dialogParams;
            // Configure the dialog box parameters.
            memset (&dialogParams, 0, sizeof (AVOpenSaveDialogParamsRec));
            dialogParams.size = sizeof(AVOpenSaveDialogParamsRec);
            dialogParams.windowTitle = ASTextFromScriptText("Choose folder with files to bind",kASRomanScript);
            dialogParams.flags |= kAVOpenSaveAllowForeignFileSystems;
            dialogParams.initialFileSys = ASGetDefaultUnicodeFileSys();
            ASPathName thePath;
            ASFileSys fileSys;
            if(ASBoolToBool(AVAppChooseFolderDialog(&dialogParams, &fileSys, &thePath)) != true){
                //AVAlertNote("Failed to select the folder");
    #ifdef WIN_PLATFORM       
            ASFileSysDisplayASTextFromPath(ASGetDefaultUnicodeFileSys(), thePath, dispText);
            ASHostEncoding bestEnc = ASTextGetBestEncoding(dispText, (ASHostEncoding)PDGetHostEncoding());
            strncpy(PDFBinderFolder, ASTextGetEncoded(dispText, bestEnc), MAX_STRING_LENGTH - 1);
            ASPlatformPath aspPath;
            ASFileSysAcquirePlatformPath(fileSys, thePath, ASAtomFromString("POSIXPath"), &aspPath);
            strncpy(PDFBinderFolder, (char *)ASPlatformPathGetPOSIXPathPtr(aspPath), MAX_STRING_LENGTH - 1);
            ASFileSysReleasePlatformPath(fileSys, aspPath);
            // remove extra path separator
            char e = PDFBinderFolder[strlen(PDFBinderFolder)-1];
            if(e == ':' || e == '/')
            dispText = ASTextFromScriptText(PDFBinderFolder, kASEUnicodeScript);
            ASFileSysReleasePath(fileSys, thePath);
        // Otherwise, the hard coded file path will be used.
        else {
            strcpy(PDFBinderFolder, STRING_PDFBinderFolder);
            dispText = ASTextFromScriptText(PDFBinderFolder, kASRomanScript);
        // instruction message
        char strMsg[MAX_STRING_LENGTH] = "";
        sprintf(strMsg, "This function will convert and process Tiff and PDF files in the selected directory. ");
        strcat(strMsg, " You need to copy your files in C:\\Fairfax\\Adobe\\in directory." );
        strcat(strMsg, " Files will be processed into C:\\Fairfax\\Adobe\\PDFA directory." );
        strcat(strMsg, " If you are ready, click OK to continue, or click Cancel to quit. " );
        strcat(strMsg, " \nNote you can press down Shift key and click the menu item to have a folder selection. " );
        strcat(strMsg, " \nNote you can turn off the echo message by setting bEcho = false and rebuild the code. " );
            ASInt32 choice = AVAlert(ALERT_CAUTION, strMsg, "OK", "Cancel", NULL, true);
            if(choice==2) {
        // create a new target pdf file with one empty page
        PDDoc TargetPDF = PDDocCreate();
        ASFixedRect mediaBox = { fixedZero, ASInt32ToFixed(792), ASInt32ToFixed(612), fixedZero };
        PDPage emptyPage = PDDocCreatePage (TargetPDF, PDBeforeFirstPage, mediaBox);
        PDPageRelease (emptyPage);
        //     get available headlers and set our file filter
        char ValidExt[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
        memset(ValidExt, 0, MAX_STRING_LENGTH);
        // enumerate AVConversioToPDF handlers to get all available file
        // types which can be converted to PDF.
        AVConversionEnumToPDFConverters(MyAVConversionToPDFEnumProc, (AVConversionEnumProcData) ValidExt);
        //AVAlertNote("Converters Defined");
    #ifdef USE_FILE_FILTER    
        // set File filter
        strcpy(ValidExt, gPDFBinderFileFilter);
        // process all files in the directory
        int iNumFiles = 0;
        int iNumFilesConverted = 0;
        char* Done = "Converted";
        char* NotDone = " - ";
        char fileName[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH+1];
        ASFileSysItemPropsRec props;
        ASFolderIterator iter;
        ASPathName aspItem = NULL;
        memset(&props, 0, sizeof(props));
        props.size = sizeof(props);
        //AVAlertNote("Props Defined");
        ASPathName theFolder = NULL;
        ASFileSys fileSys = NULL;
    #ifdef WIN_PLATFORM   
        fileSys = ASGetDefaultFileSysForPath(ASAtomFromString("ASTextPath"), dispText);
        theFolder = ASFileSysCreatePathName (fileSys, ASAtomFromString("ASTextPath"), dispText, 0);
        //AVAlertNote("FileSys and Folder Defined");
        fileSys = ASGetDefaultFileSysForPath(ASAtomFromString("POSIXPath"), PDFBinderFolder);
        theFolder = ASFileSysCreatePathName (fileSys,
                                ASAtomFromString("POSIXPath"), PDFBinderFolder, 0);
        if (theFolder==NULL) {
            //AVAlertNote("Fail to create ASPathName for the selected folder.");
        // Find first file in current directory
        if((iter = ASFileSysFirstFolderItem(fileSys, theFolder, &props, &aspItem))==FALSE) {
            //AVAlertNote("This is either an invalid folder or the folder contains no files.");
        ASFileSysReleasePath(fileSys, theFolder);
        //AVAlertNote("Folder Released");
        // get filename only
        if(ASFileSysGetNameFromPath(fileSys, aspItem, fileName, sizeof(fileName))) {
            // exception handling
            char errorMsg[256];
            ASGetErrorString (ASGetExceptionErrorCode(), errorMsg, 256);
            if(aspItem!=NULL) ASFileSysReleasePath(fileSys, aspItem);
            if(theFolder!=NULL) ASFileSysReleasePath(fileSys, theFolder);
            // display an error message.
            if(ASBoolToBool(bEcho)==true) {
                AVAlertNote (errorMsg);
        // go to binding if it's a valid type of file
        if(props.type == kASFileSysFile && PassPDFBinderFileFilter(fileName)) {
            char outFileName[] = "";
            //strcat(outFileName, STRING_PDFOutputFolder);
            //strcat(outFileName, FOLDERSYMBOL);
            //strcat(outFileName, fileName);
            strcat(outFileName, STRING_PDFOutputFolder);
            strcat(outFileName, FOLDERSYMBOL);
            strcat(outFileName, fileName);
            ASPathName outputFileName = ASFileSysCreatePathName (ASGetDefaultFileSys(), ASAtomFromString("Cstring"), outFileName, 0);
            BindingFileToPDF(aspItem, fileName, props, TargetPDF, outputFileName ,&iNumFiles, &iNumFilesConverted);
            //AVAlertNote("File Processed");
        ASFileSysReleasePath(fileSys, aspItem);
        // process all other files 
        while(ASFileSysNextFolderItem(fileSys, iter, &props, &aspItem)) {
            // get filename only
            if(ASFileSysGetNameFromPath(fileSys, aspItem, fileName, sizeof(fileName))) {
            // go to binding if it's a valid type of file
            if(props.type == kASFileSysFile && PassPDFBinderFileFilter(fileName))  {
                char outFileName[] = "";
                //strcat(outFileName, STRING_PDFOutputFolder);
                //strcat(outFileName, FOLDERSYMBOL);
                //strcat(outFileName, fileName);
                strcat(outFileName, STRING_PDFOutputFolder);
                strcat(outFileName, FOLDERSYMBOL);
                strcat(outFileName, fileName);
                ASPathName outputFileName = ASFileSysCreatePathName (ASGetDefaultFileSys(), ASAtomFromString("Cstring"), outFileName, 0);
                BindingFileToPDF(aspItem, fileName, props, TargetPDF, outputFileName, &iNumFiles, &iNumFilesConverted);
                //AVAlertNote("File Processed");
            ASFileSysReleasePath(fileSys, aspItem);
        ASPathName pdfPathName = NULL;
        // close the findfile
        ASFileSysDestroyFolderIterator(fileSys, iter);
        // save and close the output pdf file
        // create path
        ASText pathText = ASTextNew();
            ASTextFromScriptText(FOLDERSYMBOL, kASRomanScript),
            ASTextFromScriptText(OutputPdfFileName, kASRomanScript),
    #ifdef WIN_PLATFORM
        ASFileSys fileSys = ASGetDefaultFileSysForPath(ASAtomFromString("ASTextPath"), pathText);
        pdfPathName = ASFileSysCreatePathName (fileSys,
                                ASAtomFromString("ASTextPath"), pathText, 0);
        char path[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
        strncpy(path, ASTextGetEncoded(pathText,
            ASTextGetBestEncoding(pathText, (ASHostEncoding)PDGetHostEncoding())), MAX_STRING_LENGTH - 1);
        ASFileSys fileSys = ASGetDefaultFileSysForPath(ASAtomFromString("POSIXPath"), path);
        pdfPathName = ASFileSysCreatePathName (fileSys,
                                ASAtomFromString("POSIXPath"), path, 0);   
        if(pdfPathName==NULL) {
        // delete the empty page
        if(PDDocGetNumPages(TargetPDF)>1) {
            PDDocDeletePages (TargetPDF, 0,0,NULL, NULL);
        // save
        //PDDocSave (TargetPDF, PDSaveFull | PDSaveCollectGarbage | PDSaveLinearized,
        //            pdfPathName, ASGetDefaultUnicodeFileSys(),    NULL, NULL);
        PDDocClose (TargetPDF);
        //ASFileSysReleasePath(fileSys, pdfPathName);
            // exception handling
            char errorMsg[256];
            ASGetErrorString (ASGetExceptionErrorCode(), errorMsg, 256);
            if(pdfPathName!=NULL) ASFileSysReleasePath(fileSys, pdfPathName);
            // display an error message.
            if(ASBoolToBool(bEcho)==true) {
                AVAlertNote (errorMsg);
        // use this line to show the massage on screen if you need
        //if(ASBoolToBool(bEcho)==true) {
        AVAlertNote ("Folder Completed. PDF/A Output files generated.");
    /* ConvertAndInsertFileToPDF
    /** Internal function \n
    ** Convert a file to PDF, then insert it to target PDF file.
    ** @param aFileName IN  char string, filename.
    ** @param PDFfile IN/OUT PDDoc of the target PDF file.
    ** @return 0 if OK, 1 if failed.
    int    ConvertAndInsertFileToPDF(ASPathName aPathName, char* aFileName, PDDoc PDFfile)
        PDDoc tempPDF;
        char* Ext;
            // get file extention
            Ext = strrchr(aFileName,'.');
            if(Ext) {
            else {
                E_RETURN (1);
            // if the file is PDF, open PDDoc
            if(strcmp(Ext,"PDF")==0 || strcmp(Ext,"pdf")==0) {
                tempPDF = PDDocOpen (aPathName, ASGetDefaultFileSys(), NULL, true);
                if(tempPDF==NULL) {
                    E_RETURN (1);
            // else convert it to PDF
                // let it automatically find right handler for the file and do the job.
                AVConversionStatus stat = AVConversionConvertToPDF
                    (kAVConversionAsyncOkay, //kAVConversionNoFlags
                      aPathName, ASGetDefaultFileSys(), &tempPDF, NULL);
                // check if successful
                if(stat != kAVConversionSuccess) {
                    //AVAlertNote("Cannot convert the file.");
                    E_RETURN (1);
            // exception handling
            char errorMsg[256];
            ASGetErrorString (ASGetExceptionErrorCode(), errorMsg, 256);
            // display an error message.
            if(ASBoolToBool(bEcho) == true) {
                AVAlertNote (errorMsg);
            return 1;
        // insert new PDF into target PDF
            // insert all pages of new pdfc to TargetPDFfile.
            PDDocInsertPages(PDFfile, PDLastPage, tempPDF, 0,
                            PDAllPages, PDInsertAll, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
             char errorMsg[256];
            ASGetErrorString (ASGetExceptionErrorCode(), errorMsg, 256);
            if(ASBoolToBool(bEcho)==true) {
            if(strcmp(Ext,"doc")==0) {
                char fname[40];
            return 0;
    /* MyAVConversionToPDFEnumProc
    /** Internal callback function \n
    ** called for every AVConversionToPDFHandler.
    ** get the valid type (file extention) for the conversion. 
    ** @return true.
    ACCB1 ASBool ACCB2 MyAVConversionToPDFEnumProc(AVConversionToPDFHandler handler,
                                                 AVConversionEnumProcData data)
        ASUns16 numFileExt = handler->convFilter.numFileDescs;
        for (int i = 0; i < numFileExt; i++) {
            char* ext = handler->convFilter.fileDescs[i].extension;
            if(strlen(ext)>0) {
                strcat((char*) data, ext);
                strcat((char*) data, ",");
        return true;
    /* this is alternative code to get right conversion handler for a specific file
       to be converted. It works with function AVConversionConvertToPDFWithHandler.
       It's not used now, but kept for user's reference.
    ACCB1 ASBool ACCB2 AVConversionToPDFEnumFindHandler(AVConversionToPDFHandler handler,
                                                 AVConversionEnumProcData data)
        ASUns16 numFileExt = handler->convFilter.numFileDescs;
        for ( int i = 0; i < numFileExt; i++)
            char* ext = handler->convFilter.fileDescs[i].extension;
            if(strlen(ext)) {
                if(!strcmp((char*) data, ext)) {
                    gHandler = handler;
                    return false;
        return true;
    /* BindingFileToPDF
    /** Internal callback function for binding process \n
    ** IN: char* aFilename, ASFileSysItemPropsRec nFileAttrb \n
    **     PDDoc targetPDdDoc, int *ipTotal, \n
    **     int *ipConverted, FILE *logfile \n
    ** OUT: int *ipTotal, int *ipConverted. \n
    void BindingFileToPDF(ASPathName aPathName, char* aFilename, ASFileSysItemPropsRec nFileAttrb, PDDoc targetPDdDoc, ASPathName outputPathName, int *ipTotal, int *ipConverted)
        // ignore system, hidden files, and our target PDF and log file.
        if( nFileAttrb.isHidden 
            || (strcmp(aFilename,".")==0) || (strcmp(aFilename,".." )==0)
            || (strcmp(aFilename,OutputPdfFileName)==0) || (strcmp(aFilename,LogFileName)==0)) {
        char msg[MAX_STRING_LENGTH] = "";
        char* Done = "Converted";
        char* NotDone = " - ";
        // try to convert and insert it to target PDF file.
        // rc would be 0 for success, otherwise 1.
        int rc = ConvertAndSavePDFInTargetFolder(aPathName, aFilename, targetPDdDoc, outputPathName);
        // if converted
        if(rc==0) {
    /* PassPDFBinderFileFilter
    /** Internal callback function for binding process
    ** @return true if the IN aFilename is a valid file for PDF conversion,
    ** otherwise false.
    ASBool PassPDFBinderFileFilter(char* aFilename)
    #ifdef USE_FILE_FILTER
        // if the filter is empty, any file will pass.
            return true;
        char* Ext = strrchr(aFilename,'.');
        if(Ext!=NULL) {
            if(strstr(gPDFBinderFileFilter, Ext)) {
                return true;
        return false;
            // not use filter, any file will pass.
            return true;
    /* ConvertAndInsertFileToPDF
    /** Internal function \n
    ** Convert a file to PDF, then insert it to target PDF file.
    ** @param aFileName IN  char string, filename.
    ** @param PDFfile IN/OUT PDDoc of the target PDF file.
    ** @return 0 if OK, 1 if failed.
    int    ConvertAndSavePDFInTargetFolder(ASPathName aPathName, char* aFileName, PDDoc PDFfile, ASPathName outputPathName)
        PDDoc tempPDF;
        char* Ext;
            // get file extention
            Ext = strrchr(aFileName,'.');
            if(Ext) {
            else {
                E_RETURN (1);
            // if the file is PDF, open PDDoc
            if(strcmp(Ext,"PDF")==0 || strcmp(Ext,"pdf")==0) {
                tempPDF = PDDocOpen (aPathName, ASGetDefaultFileSys(), NULL, true);
                if(tempPDF==NULL) {
                    E_RETURN (1);
            // else convert it to PDF
                // let it automatically find right handler for the file and do the job.
                AVConversionStatus stat = AVConversionConvertToPDF
                    (kAVConversionAsyncOkay, //kAVConversionNoFlags
                      aPathName, ASGetDefaultFileSys(), &tempPDF, NULL);
                // check if successful
                if(stat != kAVConversionSuccess) {
                    //AVAlertNote("Cannot convert the file.");
                    E_RETURN (1);
                else {
                    //change Extension
                    ASText asTmp = ASTextNew();
                    ASFileSysDisplayASTextFromPath(ASGetDefaultUnicodeFileSys(), outputPathName, asTmp);
                    //AVAlertNote(ASTextGetScriptText(asTmp, kASRomanScript));
                    if(strcmp(Ext,"TIF")==0 || strcmp(Ext,"tif")==0){
                        ASTextReplace(asTmp, ASTextFromScriptText(".tif", kASRomanScript), ASTextFromScriptText(".pdf", kASRomanScript));
                    } else {
                        ASTextReplace(asTmp, ASTextFromScriptText(".tiff", kASRomanScript), ASTextFromScriptText(".pdf", kASRomanScript));
                    //AVAlertNote(ASTextGetScriptText(asTmp, kASRomanScript));
                    outputPathName = ASFileSysCreatePathName (ASGetDefaultUnicodeFileSys(), ASAtomFromString("ASTextPath"), asTmp, 0);
            // exception handling
            char errorMsg[256];
            ASGetErrorString (ASGetExceptionErrorCode(), errorMsg, 256);
            // display an error message.
            if(ASBoolToBool(bEcho) == true) {
                AVAlertNote (errorMsg);
            return 1;
        // Run OCR and Save new PDF into target PDF
            //    OCR
            ASAtom cmdName;
            AVCommand cmd;
            ASCab config = ASCabNew();
            ASCabPutInt (config, "UIPolicy", kAVCommandUISilent);       //hide the interface
            if (kAVCommandReady ==     AVCommandSetConfig (cmd, config)) {
                //AVAlertNote("Config Ready");
            ASCab inputs = ASCabNew();
            ASCabPutPointer (inputs, kAVCommandKeyPDDoc, PDDoc, tempPDF, NULL);
            if (kAVCommandReady == AVCommandSetInputs (cmd, inputs)) {
                //AVAlertNote("Input Ready");
            ASCabDestroy (inputs);
            AVCommandStatus status = AVCommandExecute(cmd);
                        //switch (status) {
                        //    case kAVCommandReady :
                        //        AVAlertNote("Not working, but ready to work.");
                        //        break;
                        //    case kAVCommandWorking :
                        //        AVAlertNote("Still working");
                        //        break;   
                        //    case kAVCommandDone :
                        //        AVAlertNote("Done working");
                        //        break;   
                        //    case kAVCommandInError :
                        //        AVAlertNote("In Error");
                        //        break;       
                        //    case kAVCommandNotExecuted :
                        //        AVAlertNote("Command not executed due to lack of objects on which the command to be executed");
                        //        break;
            //PDDocSave (tempPDF, PDSaveFull | PDSaveCollectGarbage | PDSaveLinearized, outputPathName, ASGetDefaultUnicodeFileSys(),    NULL, NULL);
            //Convert to PDF/A Compliance
            //Select the right handler
            AVConversionEnumFromPDFConverters(myAVConversionFromPDFEnumProc, NULL);
            // do conversion
            AVConversionStatus stat = AVConversionConvertFromPDFWithHandler(RightHandler, NULL, kAVConversionAsyncOkay, tempPDF, outputPathName,  ASGetDefaultFileSys(), NULL);
            // check the returned status and show message
            //if (stat == kAVConversionSuccess)
            //                AVAlertNote( "The PDF/A file was saved in output folder." );
            //else if (stat == kAVConversionFailed)
            //                AVAlertNote( "The PDF/A conversion failed." );
            //else if (stat == kAVConversionSuccessAsync)
            //                AVAlertNote( "The conversion will continue asynchronously." );
            //else if (stat == kAVConversionCancelled)
            //                AVAlertNote( "The conversion was cancelled." );
            //PDDocSave (tempPDF, PDSaveFull | PDSaveCollectGarbage | PDSaveLinearized, outputPathName, ASGetDefaultUnicodeFileSys(), NULL, NULL);
            ASFileSysReleasePath(ASGetDefaultFileSys(), outputPathName);
             char errorMsg[256];
            ASGetErrorString (ASGetExceptionErrorCode(), errorMsg, 256);
            if(ASBoolToBool(bEcho)==true) {
            if(strcmp(Ext,"doc")==0) {
                char fname[40];
            return 0;
    //Select the appropiate handler for the PDF/A conversion
    static ACCB1 ASBool ACCB2 myAVConversionFromPDFEnumProc(AVConversionFromPDFHandler handler, AVConversionEnumProcData data)
        AVFileFilterRec filter = handler->convFilter;
        ASUns16 numFileExt = filter.numFileDescs;
        char *kUniqueID = handler->uniqueID;
        // go through the conversion handlers to find a handler for PDF extension files and the unique key matches the PDF/A one.
        for  (ASInt32  i = 0; i < numFileExt; i++)
            if  (strlen(handler->convFilter.fileDescs[i].extension)>0)
                // found it, fill in the handler and return false to stop going on.
                if (!strcmp(handler->convFilter.fileDescs[i].extension, "pdf") && !strcmp(kUniqueID,"com.callas.preflight.pdfa")) {
                    RightHandler = handler;
                    return  false ;
        return true;

    There are some options for various APIs to run "kinda silent" - but again, Acrobat is designed for INTERACTIVE use…so "completely silent" isn't really an option.
    As for speed – you'd need to be MUCH MORE specific about where your slow downs are.  Have you profiled?
    From: Adobe Forums <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>
    Reply-To: "[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>" <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>
    Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2011 07:39:08 -0800
    To: Leonard Rosenthol <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>
    Subject: Slow processing and getting opening errors/warnings
    Re: Slow processing and getting opening errors/warnings
    created by FFX-ER<> in Acrobat SDK - View the full discussion<

  • Anyone else annoyed by the seriously slow interface (not internet)

    I've had an iphone since it first came out, and ever since version 2.0 came out, it's been really hard to deal with some of the amazingly slow interface problems it has now. I got the 3g about a month after it first came out, so I'm using that one now.
    My problem is that nearly every application takes at least 5 seconds to load. + or - about 2 seconds, sometimes up to 10. That's a really really long time for an application to boot up. It even does that on the phone and text message applications.
    Even worse is the time it takes to load up the search bar on apps google maps or youtube. Once I've already waited 5 seconds for it to load up, I press the search and have to wait ANOTHER 5 seconds for the keyboard to load up. Even better is I'm not sure I actually pressed it right so sometimes I'll press it again and then the bookmarks will come up when it finally loads....blah. Not to mention even more lag as I try to type. I've tested some of my friend's iphones and they're about as slow as mine, maybe a little faster, but still slow enough to be a pain. Anyone else having problems like this? Or does it just not bother you?
    I've messed with my friends' blackberry phones and I feel like the turtle on those comcast commercials. I press facebook and it's right there...immediately...and I freak out. I show anyone my iphone now and they lose interest before it loads!
    Also, any pointers to speed it up? I know I have a couple pages of applications, so I'm sure if I deleted every app it may go a lot faster, but that doesn't sound like a good solution. I'm also wondering why it's going so slow in the first place. Back in the days of 1.x I had no trouble loading stuff up. Now I'm embarassed to try to show people things on my phone because I press the application and have to practically start another conversation before I can show what I want to show.
    Well there's my rant, I hope 2.2 does a lot of optimizations, because that's the only gripe I have about my phone right now, I can live with some things not existing.

    Just found this post and would like to contribute. My 3G iPhone is very slow and always has been since I bought it last summer. I've been through all the updates that have been issued and now on 2.2 there is no difference.
    In contacts when I press an alphabetical key absolutely nothing happens for 6-7 seconds. When typing an SMS the first letter pressed genies up large and stays like that for 7-8 seconds before it will genie back down and allow me to type the next character. E-mail does the same but sticks on the first character for only 3-4 seconds, wow I'm lucky here then.
    I have Mobile Me and this definitely contributes to the problem, ie with Mobile Me not engaged this awful problem of lag is not there. I booked an appointment at an Apple store in the Genius Bar to show them the problem but their Genius decided it was all due to me having too many contacts, 1885 that I should expect this behaviour and I just had to live with it !
    Not what I was expecting, appalling service and it just came across that he was making it up as he went along. I'd say this is a major problem for Apple and they have directed their staff not to replace the handsets as they know full well what the problem is and a new handset won't cure it.
    Wish they'd rectify this problem properly as it's really spoiling the user experience, slowing down my work and is totally embarrassing to show what should be a cutting edge device to others.

  • Nokia's user interface and software A terrible e...

    (hope this is in the right section, here goes)
    I got my E63 about a month ago. I thought it only fair to list my grievances with the phone so far, because I am really close to selling it and buying something else, and I think Nokia deserves to know the reasons why, and will hopefully improve in the future.
    I will start off with what I love about the phone, because I do in fact, really like it. The slim size, excellent keyboard, great connectivity like 3G and Wi-fi, and the reasonable battery life, make it a great phone, but its in the user interface, and actual usage of the phone, where things really start to fall flat.
    The user interface is very disorganized and difficult.
    Why is everything so hard to find and use? For example, if I want to change the applications that appear on my home screen, I need to navigate the following directory tree:
    Menu > Tools > Settings > General > Personalisation > Mode Settings > Home Screen Applications > Application Shortcuts > Shortcut 1
    and then, when I finally get to the list, the items arent even in any order!
    You must be joking, what a horrible menu! Its insane. As a user, I feel like its a terrible experience.
    But thats not all. Why are there 2 notes applications on my phone? There's notes, and active notes. Why does Nokia OVI store exist twice, once in the main menu, and once under installations? Why do I have Contacts, and OVI contacts on my phone? Why can't my phone have just one app that works well, instead of 2 that differ slightly.
    Why is email setup in the installations menu? Why isn't it under email, where mailboxes get set up? Its just sitting there cluttering up Installations, when its something you only use once or twice.
    Not to mention the fact that the configuration settings are all over the place, i.e. there is an Email Key setting in Menu > Tools > Settings > General. Its all on its own, not near anything. Why isn't it in the same menu where the other shortcut keys get set? Or even in the email app settings?
    I am not naive, I know that the E63 is on the cheaper end of the scale, so I can't expect it to be the fastest phone in the world, but scrolling through my email in HTML mode is so horribly slow, and the view tends to jump from left to right on some emails, I hardly even use the phone to check my email anymore, which is sad because that is the reason I chose the E63.( for the nice keypad and email syncing)
    These are just SOME of the things that I have noticed. So please Nokia, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! Spend some of your R&D money on user interface and user experience!
    If there is anything you take away from this letter, let it be this:
    Doing anything on the phone just feels like hard work, it makes me not want to use the phone.
    Your phones should be simple and easy to use, even without the mass of Help files that appear in a lot of the menus.
    I know, some people may say that if I want a better experience, I should be willing to buy a more expensive phone. Well, I can say that if I do spend more money on a phone, the chance is very slim that it will be a Nokia.
    Really, I am not being nasty, just trying to be honest. I know that Nokia is run by human beings like myself, so I tried to be polite, and I dont intend to hurt anyones feelings.
    I am quite willing to answer any questions you may have. Its a bit of a pipe dream, but I would love to see Nokia release an entirely new version of the phone software, with everything re-organized and re-done. The sad truth is that will probably never happen, and I will end up swopping my E63 for something that is easy and pleasant to use.
    So please, let me know if there is anything I can do to change the situation, or help you guys in making this better for everyone.

    "If your not used to symbian you'll learn it quick enough, compared to android it's childsplay."
    On the contrary, Ive been using Nokia phones for the last 8 years, and for the last 2 years Nokia exclusively, and the UI has just got worse.
    The fact that "you'll learn it" is of no comfort. Why should I have to spend hours learning how to use a cellphone? Whenever I want to do something I havent done before, I have to spend time digging through obscure menu options. That is absurd.
    "What phone do you have in mind to replace the E63,  that would help us users alot more then telling us what is wrong with your phone.  Although over all I like my e63."
    I don't have any specific phone in mind, Im just going to ask and look around until I find something with an operating system that is organised in a logical manner, and that allows me to access and read my email quickly and easily.
    I put this here hoping that other users would come forward with UI related things that they were unhappy about,  and then Nokia would take notice. I could easily have just gone out and changed phones, but I chose to do something different.

  • Slow interface when using 9-slice symbols?

    Just wondering if anyone else experiences really poor performance within the Flash application when using 9-slice symbols?
    I'm using a Quad Core 9300 with 4GB ram, 512mb 780GTX, Windows Vista (32bit) and CS4 with dual 24" screens.  I have noticed it's slightly better in CS5 with Windows 7 but still experiences similar problems.
    I am wondering if maybe it's related to the dual screen setup. I will try disabling one next.
    By slow interface, I mean clicking on a symbol might take 4-5 seconds to register. Double clicking it, another 4-5 seconds, moving it a single pixel, 4-5 seconds etc.  It gets worse the more symbols there are on the stage.  Hide the layer with them on it and it runs fine.
    I've tried using XP compatability mode, disabling windows aero all with no success.
    I'd be very interested to hear if other people have this issue and if anyone has a solution!

    Just wondering if anyone else experiences really poor performance within the Flash application when using 9-slice symbols?
    I'm using a Quad Core 9300 with 4GB ram, 512mb 780GTX, Windows Vista (32bit) and CS4 with dual 24" screens.  I have noticed it's slightly better in CS5 with Windows 7 but still experiences similar problems.
    I am wondering if maybe it's related to the dual screen setup. I will try disabling one next.
    By slow interface, I mean clicking on a symbol might take 4-5 seconds to register. Double clicking it, another 4-5 seconds, moving it a single pixel, 4-5 seconds etc.  It gets worse the more symbols there are on the stage.  Hide the layer with them on it and it runs fine.
    I've tried using XP compatability mode, disabling windows aero all with no success.
    I'd be very interested to hear if other people have this issue and if anyone has a solution!

  • Engineer's Interface and Subcontractor's Interface

    Does anyone know what "Engineer's Interface" and "Subcontractor's Interface" mean in Primavera P6?

    I cannot explain in detail here but bottom line is
    Web is not a live database, its parent is client database were planners are working.
    Web takes the summarize data from Client.
    For example CPI, SPI, Gantt chart, Resource usage.........
    It all comes to quality of planning done at client.
    Web is a fancy tool that has the power to
    Compare projects and portfolios + Plan resources at project level
    Have Calculated UDF that shows traffic lights as required by Executives.
    However, Project Planning using WEB is slow with less options and flexibility for a planner when compared to Client.
    Hope it gives a bit of understanding from where I am coming from.
    P6 Project Controls Co-ordinator and Administrator
    Novo Rail, Sydney

  • My iMac 8.1 was slowing down and had permissions problems. I backed everything up, and then re-installed. Now all I get is a black screen. Power+D gives me a hardware error message: HDD-1336. Help!

    My iMac 8.1 (10.6.8 ) was slowing down and had recurrent permissions problems, mostly with Java. I backed everything up, and then re-installed from time machine. Now all I get is a black screen which says I need to reboot. Power+D gives me a hardware error message: 4 MOT/1/40000003: HDD-1336 or HDD-1327. When I reboot from the OSX CD and start disc utilities everything checks out OK. When I reload 10.5.2 from the OSX CD everything seems to work OK and no more permissions problems. But then I loose all my email and safari stuff. Anyone have any ideas short of going back to my old PC?

    DonM. wrote:
    Thanks for the help. No point in fooling around with it any more. Will I be able to use it as a monitor if I get a mimi mac?
    Cheers. Don
    No unfortunatley it's too old, you are referring to Target Display Mode which became avialble in 2009, your 2008 needs to have the HD replaced. I'd still do that if everything else is OK or you can simply buy a new MM and display or even a new iMac  or an Apple refurbished iMac to save money.

  • The difference between IEEE802.1Q Native VLAN sub-interface and Physical interface?

    I think the following topologies are supported for Cisco Routers
    And the Physical interface also can be using as Native VLAN interface right? 
    Topology 1.
     R1 Gi0.1 ------ IEEE802.1Q Tunneling  L2SW ------ Gi0 R2
    R1 - configuration
    interface GigabitEthernet0.1
     encapsulation dot1Q 1 native
     ip address
    Topology 2.
    R1 Gi0 ------ IEEE802.1Q Tunneling L2SW ------ Gi0 R2
    interface GigabitEthernet0
    ip address
     And is it ok to use the physical interface and sub-interface with dynamic routing such as EIGRP or OSPF etc?
    R1 Gi 0 ---- Point to Multipoint EIGRP or OSPF ---- Gi0 R2 / R3 
          Gi 0.20--- Point to Point EIGRP or OSPF --- Gi0.10 R4  (same VLAN-ID) 
    R1 - configuration
    interface GigabitEthernet0
     ip address
    interface GigabitEthernet8.20
     encapsulation dot1Q 20
     ip address
    Any information is very appreciated. but if there is any CCO document please let me know.
    Thank you very much and regards,
    Masanobu Hiyoshi

    The diagram is helpful.
    If I am getting you correctly, you have three routers interconnected by a switch, and you want them to operate in a hub-and-spoke fashion even though the switch is capable of allowing direct communication between any of these routers.
    Your first scenario is concerned with all three routers being in the same VLAN, and by using neighbor commands, you force these routers to establish targeted EIGRP adjacencies R1-R2 and R1-R3, with R1 being the hub.
    Your second scenario is concerned with creating one VLAN per spoke, having subinterfaces for each spoke VLAN created on R1 as the router, and putting each spoke just in its own VLAN.
    Your scenarios are not really concerned with the concept of native VLAN or the way it is configured, to be honest. Whether you use a native VLAN in either of your scenarios, or whether you configure the native VLAN on a subinterface or on the physical interface makes no difference. There is simply no difference to using or not using a native VLAN in any of your scenarios, and there is no difference to the native VLAN configuration being placed on a physical interface or a subinterface. It's as plain as that. Both your scenarios will work.
    My personal opinion, though, is that forcing routers on a broadcast multi-access segment such as Ethernet to operate in a hub-and-spoke fashion is somewhat artificial. Why would you want to do this? Both scenarios have drawbacks: in the first scenario, you need to add a neighbor statement for each spoke to the hub, limiting the scalability. In the second scenario, you waste VLANs and IP subnets if there are many spokes. The primary question is, though: why would you want an Ethernet segment to operate as a hub-and-spoke network? Sure, these things are done but they are motivated by specific needs so I would like to know if you have any.
    Even if you needed your network to operate in a hub-and-spoke mode, there are more efficient means of achieving that: Cisco switches support so-called protected ports that are prevented from talking to each other. By configuring the switch ports to spokes as protected, you will prevent the spokes from seeing each other. You would not need, then, to configure static neighbors in EIGRP, or to waste VLANs for individual spokes. What you would need to do would be deactivating the split horizon on R1's interface, and using the ip next-hop-self eigrp command on R1 to tweak the next hop information to point to R1 so that the spokes do not attempt to route packets to each other directly but rather route them over R1.
    I do not believe I have seen any special CCO documents regarding the use of physical interfaces or subinterfaces for native VLAN or for your scenarios.
    Best regards,

  • What is the diffrence between My Runnable Interface and Java Runnable

    Hi folks
    all we know that interfaces in java just a decleration for methods and variables.
    so my Question is why when i create an interface its name is "Runnable" and i declared a method called "run" inside it.then when i implements this interface with any class don't do the thread operation but when i implement the java.lang.Runnable the thread is going fine.
    so what is the diffrence between My Runnable Interface and Java Runnable?

    Hi folks
    all we know that interfaces in java just a decleration
    for methods and variables.
    so my Question is why when i create an interface its
    name is "Runnable" and i declared a method called
    "run" inside it.then when i implements this interface
    with any class don't do the thread operation but when
    i implement the java.lang.Runnable the thread is going
    so what is the diffrence between My Runnable Interface
    and Java Runnable?
    thnxClasses and interfaces are not identified by just their "name", like Runnable. The actual "name" the compiler uses is java.lang.Runnable. So even if you duplicate the Runnable interface in your own package, it's not the same as far as the compiler is concerned, because it's in a different package.
    Try importing both java.util.* and java.awt.* (which both have a class or interface named List), and then try to compile List myList = new ArrayList();

  • Portege M750 and Win8 - metro interface, and touchpad don't work

    For those of you that, as myself, tryed to install windows 8 in a Toshiba Portege M750 and had problems in portrait tablet mode I recommend the following driver it works perfectly:
    The problem I had was that swipe didn't work with metro interface, and touch didn't work also and in portrait, strangely, when you touch the secren two arrows with different directions woul appear.
    This driver solved my problem.
    Hope that this can help...

    Problem with wacom dual touch driver solved

  • Solution for Slow Open and Save As Dialogs under 10.4.4

    I don't know how many others out there may be experiencing this, but...
    I noticed that -- after updating to 10.4.4 -- I started getting really long delays when accessing Open and Save As file dialogs -- I mean, sometimes it would take 5 to 15 seconds for the dialog to appear!
    I did a lot of troubleshooting, and finally hit upon the solution a couple of nights ago:
    It's the Desktop iDisk!
    Going into the .Mac Preference Pane and turning off "iDisk Syncing" has totally eliminated the slowdown.
    I think it has something to do with DiskMirrorAgent, since that has frozen on me a couple of times and prevented logoff until I force-quit it.
    'Hope this helps.
    -- Steve
    Late 2005 DC G5 2.3 GHz, 4 GB RAM   Mac OS X (10.4.4)  

    Hi Matt,
    One can always manually mount the iDisk when needed, and it still syncs, albeit in real time, and kind of herky-jerky.
    As for the slowdown when multiple items are mounted, I believe I'm describing a different issue, related to DiskMirrorAgent. If and when you get this slowdown (with desktop iDisk syncing enabled), check Activity Monitor, and you'll see DiskMirrrorAgent sucking up most of the CPU time for the time it takes before the dialog appears. My record time was about 25 seconds.
    As for slow Open and Save As dialogs when multiple items are mounted: I customarily have several external FireWire drives mounted, and often a couple of CDs and/or DVDs (I produce a radio program, and have several optical drives), and I have had no Open or Save As dialog slowdowns since at least 10.3.x, maybe earlier.
    Even when the dialog opens to a directory on a CD that has spun down, the opening time on an Open or Save As dialog is nearly instantaneous for me, suggesting that Mac OS X 10.4.x is doing a good job of caching the data.
    But I hear you about the "old days," when it used to take forever to get a dialog to appear, just because a CD was mounted! Maddening!
    -- Steve
    Late 2005 DC G5 2.3 GHz, 4 GB RAM   Mac OS X (10.4.4)  

  • Slow system and application startup times

    I've got a 17" Macook Pro (Early 2011) 2.2 GHz Intel Core i7 - ever since I bought it I feel like it runs a little slow.
    I've been a long-time mac used but I feel a little disappointed with this machine.
    e.g.: Startup time takes around 4 minutes.
    Applications take around 10 seconds to start.
    Chrome sometimes takes 5-10 seconds to start, about the same to quit.
    My Xbench scores fluctuate wildly - best I've ever got is 220, worst is 18. 160 is about the average.
    I feel that tried everything including:
    - Creating a new user
    - Repairing disk permissions
    - DIsk verify and repair
    - Removing all startup items
    - Installing extra ram (currently at 8GB)
    It runs well most of the time but frustratingly slow sometimes and there doesn't seem to be any anomalous activity in activity monitor. I feel that it could be the hard disk, but don't know (I always have 250-350gb free).
    Any help appreciated!

    Thanks for the link. I've never seen that page before but I have done everything in that list.
    It's not a spinning beachball issue - the system doesn't lock-up often it just takes a **** long time to do some things. I didn't really realise it as a problem until I started using other people's older/lower spec'ed macs and noticed that they run FASTER than mine.
    Activity monitor pics - just after a restart with my usual apps running:
    Even using Skitch to take those screenshots took ages.
    It's almost like the disk or CPU is throttled back or bottlenecked, and always has been...

  • Slow system and plist

    My system started slowing down and having gone through the forum,I deleted the plist list files. On deleting the files, I discovered that my settings have changed and has deleted my emails! Can I restore the settings and my emails?

    Deleting the Safari .plist file has not effect on your e-mail.
    Can I restore the settings and my emails?
    You can restore from a backup using TimeMachine.

  • Slow System and cost to take to local store

    Hey All,
    My system has been running slow recently and I'm not sure why.  I was thinking of taking it to my local store but do they charge a huge fee to help?

    FaithPlatform wrote:
    I would recommend you use a Anti virus software to scan for any virus, is there is no luck with that, personally (I am saying this because it's what I would do) I would backup any/all important documents and run a fresh install of OS X Yosemite.
    Please, nobody follow this horribly bad advice!
    Malware is almost never the cause of performance issues on a Mac, while anti-virus software often is the cause. Further, if this one thing didn't help (which it wouldn't), it makes no sense whatsoever to jump straight to reinstalling the system! There are many other things that should be tried first, such as removing certain kinds of third-party software (anti-virus being one of the top candidates), checking for low RAM problems, checking for problems due to insufficient hard drive space, etc.
    Buckeyes1205, Apple's techs should be able to help you. If you're not able to get in to the Apple Store right away, though, you could download EtreCheck, run it and then post the report it generates here. That will give us more information about what's going on with your system, and we can give you some real suggestions for how to fix it.

Maybe you are looking for