Slow iphone 3GS

Slow, stuttering operation. Eversince I updated the software from version 3......the usage of the phone is annoyingly slow and stuttering and sometimes just resets itself on it own. IOS 5 has made it may be a little worse.
Is it a case of I need a newer Iphone to solve it or is thee something wrong with my phone that needs fixing.

My wife's 3GS has iOS5 on it and runs fine.
Might be worth restoring it as a new phone rather than from a backup.

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    Valis Rhode wrote:
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    No, it doesn't have to be a software issue. If it were, I would expect the millions of other iPhone users, specifically 3GS users running iOS 4 to be experiencing the same problem. They simply are not experiencing the same issue.
    Valis Rhode wrote:
    4) Just for giggles, I've tried turning 3G off. If I do, I lose ALL service (cellular included)
    That would tend to indicate a hardware or network issue, most likely hardware. Have you ruled out the SIM card by replacing it?
    Valis Rhode wrote:
    As I say, this behavior is identical across both my old phone and its replacement. In fact, for both issues (batttery & call-failed), it's as though the replacement was never made.
    Did you restore from your backup? or set up as a new device?
    Valis Rhode wrote:
    BTW, when I got the new phone, it was loaded with a slightly older version of iOS. At the Apple Store expert's suggestion, I upgrade to iOS 4.3.1 BEFORE i loaded my backup.
    Did you try using the device for a day or say as "new" before restoring your backup? It's very likely that the issue is simply a corrupted setting in your backup.

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    you can try doing a reset - hold down the home/power button until you see the apple logo and then release then wait for you phone to boot back up.

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    I'll go backwards with my response.
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          changing ring tones - this was fine
          playing a song from iTunes store - not ok.
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    When you restore to original settings, it doesn't reload your old IOS - just the original settings.
    I'm afraid that IOS5 is going to be slow on a 3GS, but you can do things to help, such as keeping the number of apps open to a minimum; turn off location services for apps that don't really need them and to reduce the number of apps doing a fetch or at least reduce how often they fetch new data.

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