SMB Netinfo reconnect on wakeup

Hello. I've successfully configured two SMB mounts to my NT server using Netinfo manager. The problem is when my iBook goes to sleep or i disconnect my network it hangs the finder for a minute then asks me to disconnect the two shares. Is there a way to A. prevent this and B. auto reconnect when those shares become available again with out having to restart the machine.

Same problem here. Bluetooth pairing with Apple Mighty Mouse and Keyboard was very erratic in 10.5.x. Especially after waking Macbook Pro from sleep.
Upgraded to SL 10.6.1 and everything was working fine. Then just recently my mice and keyboards (home and office) will not pair.
Sometimes Bluetooth status in the menubar shows the devices as connected, but with no response. If not connected, selecting "Connect" registers positive, but again, without an actual pairing with the device.
In Mouse Prefs, selecting "Setup Bluetooth Mouse..." returns "No mouse found" and continuous "Searching...", even though I'm using the bluetooth mouse!
Turning Bluetooth off then on re-pairs the devices. But problems repeat after next wake from sleep...

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    Occasionally, my wireless connection will drop for a fraction of a second. When it comes back up (almost immediately), everything works as normal on my MacBook (Snow Leopard) except for the connections to the shares I have on my Windows 7 box. It shows the root folders and items as it should, but the folders are empty (and even labelled "no items"). Ejecting and attempting to reconnect doesn't work at all (Finder simply hangs). And to make things stranger, the drive I have shared from my Linux box (via SMB also) does actually reconnect properly. This also happens if, for some reason, I need to reboot my Windows box. The only solution I've found is to reboot the Mac. Which, as you might imagine, is a pain if you're in the middle of something. Any clues as to how to address this?

    Renew your lease. Also try resetting the IP's. And unplud the router for a bit and restart it.

  • Reconnecting to smb volume on wake-up

    This question comes up every now and again but I have yet to see a coherent, useful answer.
    The problem is simple. A mapped smb drive volume will go away at sleep and the max does not re-mount the volume on wake.
    Looking for a way to do this. Seems like it should be simple.

    Hi there 504lmc,
    While this isn't the exact issue described in the article below, it may still be worth it to take a look at some of the troubleshooting steps found there.
    OS X Mountain Lion: If you see a blue screen at startup
    -Griff W.

  • SMB not accessing LDAP

    After a recent reboot of our Xserve 4.11, the few Windows machines are no longer able to access the Volumes. The logs are saying the user is using the wrong password.
    After some testing, I determined the Windows services are not accessing the LDAP service properly. A testing user in LDAPv3 cannot make the connection but one created in NetInfo works perfect.
    I have tried reseting the SMB setting by:
    1. Shutting down the service
    2. Removing the share points
    3. Starting the Windows service back up.
    4. Setting the share points again.
    No luck.
    Does anyone know why this has happened and how to reconnect the Windows service and LDAPv3?

    After a recent reboot of our Xserve 4.11, the few Windows machines are no longer able to access the Volumes. The logs are saying the user is using the wrong password.
    After some testing, I determined the Windows services are not accessing the LDAP service properly. A testing user in LDAPv3 cannot make the connection but one created in NetInfo works perfect.
    I have tried reseting the SMB setting by:
    1. Shutting down the service
    2. Removing the share points
    3. Starting the Windows service back up.
    4. Setting the share points again.
    No luck.
    Does anyone know why this has happened and how to reconnect the Windows service and LDAPv3?

  • Windows XP users can't access SMB/CIFS shares on MAC OSX10.4.4 Xserve bug?

    The Xserves are new for us. This problem involves two of the 10.4 xerserves.
    1 serves as an Open Directory System Master(10.4.3). 2 Serves as a file share & backup (10.4.4).
    Both are production machines and cannot easily be restarted.
    There is no Windows network, Active Directory or Windows domain in our network.
    We created a SMB and AFP share on the file server which is a member of the Open Directory. (It is bound and kerberized to server 1).
    The users all have accounts in the OD system and all passwords are Open Directory. Our users can ssh into the various xserves (including the file share server 2) and authenticate against OD.
    We made the shares available via smb under Protocols --> Windows File Settings. We turned the Windows Service on in Server Admin. I'ts a standalone server and all the authentication types are checked under access.
    The MAC (powerbook) users can access the share fine. The Windows users can't. The Windows laptops can see the file share server (through search - not visable is Network Neighborhood) but when they try and connect they are presented by an authentication box that just keeps cycling over and over regardless of what the user types as user name & passwd.
    I tried to access the smb share with my powerbook(10.4.4) and have the same issue. I'm presented with an authentication box but authentication fails.
    The Windows File Service Log shows:
    checkntlmpassword: Authentication for user [csmith] -> [csmith] FAILED with error NTSTATUS_WRONGPASSWORD
    [2006/02/24 21:52:03, 1] authods.c:opendirectory_authuser(212)
    User "csmith" failed to authenticate with "dsAuthMethodStandard:dsAuthSMBNTKey" (-14090)
    [2006/02/24 21:52:03, 1] authods.c:opendirectory_smb_pwd_checkntlmv1(427)
    opendirectorysmb_pwd_checkntlmv1: [-14090]opendirectoryauthuser
    [2006/02/24 21:52:03, 2] /SourceCache/samba/samba-92.15/samba/source/auth/auth.c:checkntlmpassword(312)
    checkntlmpassword: Authentication for user [csmith] -> [csmith] FAILED with error NTSTATUS_WRONGPASSWORD
    [2006/02/24 21:52:03, 1] authods.c:opendirectory_authuser(212)
    User "csmith" failed to authenticate with "dsAuthMethodStandard:dsAuthSMBNTKey" (-14090)
    [2006/02/24 21:52:03, 1] authods.c:opendirectory_smb_pwd_checkntlmv1(427)
    opendirectorysmb_pwd_checkntlmv1: [-14090]opendirectoryauthuser
    [2006/02/24 21:52:03, 2] /SourceCache/samba/samba-92.15/samba/source/auth/auth.c:checkntlmpassword(312)
    checkntlmpassword: Authentication for user [csmith] -> [csmith] FAILED with error NTSTATUS_WRONGPASSWORD
    [2006/02/24 21:52:03, 2] /SourceCache/samba/samba-92.15/samba/source/smbd/server.c:exit_server(595)
    Closing connections
    I've googled this error and it seems that there a lot of engineers out there with the same problem but no answers. Could this be a bug with Apple's SMB process? Is there something I've missed? (I've looked at the smb.conf and have even turned off deny clear text passwords - I've even tried granting guest access) Anyone have any ideas?

    On the server itself, run the following in the Terminal:
    (from a few different sources):
    run ps -auxw | grep Password
    to see if Password service is running
    Also check the logs in /Library/Logs/PasswordService
    Try: id username
    and see if you get some info returned.
    Ex: id jimguy
    You should get some info about uid, gid, groups.
    sudo killall -USR1 DirectoryService
    Then try to login from a client machine.
    Be sure to re-issue
    sudo killall -USR1 DirectoryService
    in order to stop the (far more) verbose logging.
    Then check the logs in /Library/Logs/DirectoryService
    In Open Directory, you might want to revert to standalone (this will destory the existing OD setup) and then re-promote to OD Master. You'll lose all OD users however when doing so. If you don't have many, this may be best.
    You'll want to verify the hostname, and forward & reverse DNS lookups before re-promoting, and watch for any errors when promoting to OD master
    See, when you say "The real clue is that I'm unable to access the shares from my Powerbook G4 with my Open Directory account. I can log in to the file share as the local admin though and that's why I'm thinking there is a bug in the samba/OD relationship. " - that's the real clue indeed.
    The local admin account, the first admin account you setup on the server, is indeed local, and resides in NetInfo, not Open Directory.
    So something is afoul in your OD.

  • IMac sometimes beeps endlessly after wakeup

    I'm not very familiar with Mac computers, though I'm very experienced with Windows computers, so I might overlook or misunderstand things obvious to someone more familiar with Macs. I'm helping a less technically-oriented friend with her Mac. I'm not sure I have all the information that is needed, but let's try.
    The computer is a fairly old one-piece iMac. The "About" choice under the Apple menu says it is an iMac 5,1 and SMC version (system) 1.8f2. The current OS is 10.6.8. I believe the original OS was one of the 10.4 versions. The computer originally used a wireless keyboard and wireless mouse, both from Apple. Sometime after the upgrade from 10.4.x to 10.6.8, the wireless keyboard and mouse were replaced by a wired keyboard and mouse. There is an HP inkjet printer connected to the computer. The owner of the computer is not certain of the timing, but believes the beeping that is the subject of this post started after the switch to the wired keyboard and mouse, but she admits that it might have started before the switch. She is confident that it started sometime after upgrading to OS 10.6.8. She was told by the staff at an Apple Store that she needed to upgrade to OS 10.6 in order to use Skype, or some new version of Skype (I am not sure about that reason).
    The problem is that, at times, the computer will emit one beep or a series of beeps (the owner sometimes calls them clicks, but I have heard them and would use the word "beep"). The owner has reported only one situation in which a single beep occurs.  Usually, it is a repeating series of beeps, each of the same duration (about half a second or maybe a little less, I'd say) and with a uniform interval between them, though I can't say whether the interval between the beeps is the same as the duration of each beep.
    The beeping usually starts immediately after the computer wakes up from the sleep state (done by pressing a key on the keyboard). The owner usually puts the computer into the sleep state when she is done working for a while by selecting Sleep from the menu. I imagine it sometimes goes to sleep on its own due to exceeding the configured time of inactivity, but I have not asked her that. Sometimes the beeping does not start immediately after wakeup, but when a folder on the desktop is opened. When the computer is emitting a series of beeps, the beeps usually can be stopped by opening Safari and starting to type a URL. Typing the first letter of the URL stops the beeping. The owner is not sure whether starting any other program also can stop the beeping. If the beeping started when a folder was opened, usually closing the folder makes the beeping stop. The owner says that she thinks opening a folder containing Word files causes the beeping (though that does not trigger beeping all of the time), but most of her folders contain Word files, so I'm not sure it actually is necessary for there to be Word files in the folder to trigger the problem.
    When the computer is emitting the series of beeps, the owner reports that the menus respond differently than normally. She says that, normally, when she clicks on a menu, it stays open while she makes her selection from it, but when the computer is beeping, she must hold the mouse button down while selecting her choice, else the menu will close.
    The beeping does not start after every wakeup, but once it has started beeping after a wakeup, the beeping starts at all subsequent wakeups until the computer is shutdown. The owner does not know whether a restart rather than a shutdown also stops the beeping after wakeup. When beeping occurs after a wakeup and has been stopped by starting Safari, the owner believes that the computer does not resume beeping again until it has been put to sleep and is awakened again.
    The owner has not had the computer start beeping right after being turned on, however, it sometimes does emit a single beep when the first letter of the user's password is entered into the logon dialog box. This single beep did not occur on a test of using the logon dialog after logging off without shutting down. (The owner does not usually log off, but I had her try it just as an experiment to see whether the single beep would occur when logging on in that situation.)
    Possibly related is that there have been times when Word documents will not open. The owner mentioned that when this happens, if she hovers the pointer over the Word icon in the dock, she gets a choice to force quit. I believe she said that using the force quit restores normal operation of Word. There also has been at least one case in which Safari refused to close. I don't know how common this sort of stuck program is in a normally-operating Mac, and I don't know how often it occurs on this Mac.
    When I was observing once, when I asked the owner to log off, the logon dialog box proceeded to shake rapidling left and right a small distance (perhaps a centimeter or so) while the computer emitted a series of beeps different from the other series of beeps I described. This series of beeps had two beeps in rapid succession, followed by a longer pause, two beeps in rapid succession, longer pause. This repeated until a key was pressed. The owner has seen that occur only that one time, but she does not normally logoff while leaving the computer running.
    We have uninstalled and reinstalled Office (including all the updates to make it current). We have verified that Bluetooth is not enabled, that the old Bluetooth pairings have been deleted, and that the batteries have been removed from the wireless keyboard and mouse. We have reset the PRAM and the SMC. We have run the Apple Hardware Test and it found nothing to report. We have disconnected and reconnected all of the cables (keyboard, mouse, printer, ethernet). The problem of the endless beeping after wakeup sometimes still occurs.
    I imagine the next logical thing to try is to reinstall Mac OS. The owner is a bit reluctant to try that. She does have copies of her personal files on CDs, but she is reluctant to undertake reinstalling the applications. Reinstalling the OS without erasing the hard disk probably would be less disruptive, but is there much chance that would eliminate the beeping?  My guess is that something in the software somewhere has gotten messed up, and a completely clean installation would be the only way to guarantee to clear it up. Am I discounting the chances that just reinstalling the OS could fix it?
    My feeling is that this is a software problem, not a flaky piece of hardware, but is that justified? If it might be a hardware problem, which part of the hardware might it be?
    At one point, I had an idea that there is some software remnant of the wireless keyboard or mouse software still active that sometimes causes fake input that triggers the beeping. However, I don't know enough about the Mac to know whether that is a reasonably likely possibility, and, if it is, I don't know what to do about it.
    All suggestions for clearing up this beeping problem will be accepted gratefully.  Suggestions of other experiments to try also are welcome.
    If we do decide to try a clean install of everything, should I first install the OS from the original discs that came with the computer, then upgrade using the OS 10.6 discs, or should I just start with the OS 10.6 discs?

    Hello, excellent work so far!
    It doesn't sound like this much, but including for pondering...
    The following table lists the new tones and their meaning:
    Tone(s)          Description
    1 tone, a 5-second pause, repeat          No RAM installed
    3 successive tones, a 5-second pause, 3 successive tones          RAM does not pass data integrity check
    1 long tone when holding down the power button          Firmware upgrade in process. See About firmware updates for Intel-based Macs for more details.
    3 long tones, 3 short tones, 3 long tones          Firmware restoration from CD in process. See About the Firmware Restoration CD (Intel-based Macs) for more details.
    Can you count the beeps or flashes?
    1 beep = no RAM installed
    2 beeps = incompatible RAM types
    3 beeps = no good banks
    4 beeps = no good boot images in the boot ROM (and/or bad sys config block)
    5 beeps = processor is not usable
    In addition to the beeps, on some computers the power LED will flash a corresponding number of times plus one. The LED will repeat the sequence after approximately a 5-second pause. The tones are only played once.
    Note: In this case, a flash is considered to be 1/4 second or 250 ms or greater in length.
    It sounds more like some Hardware issue at the moment, but only by a slight margin.
    One way to test is to Safe Boot from the HD, (holding Shift key down at bootup), run Disk Utility in Applications>Utilities, then highlight your drive, click on Repair Permissions, Test for problem in Safe Mode...
    PS. Safe boot may stay on the gray radian for a long time, let it go, it's trying to repair the Hard Drive
    Reboot, test again.
    If it only does it in Regular Boot, then it could be some hardware problem like Video card, (Quartz is turned off in Safe Mode), or Airport, or some USB or Firewire device, or 3rd party add-on, Check System Preferences>Accounts>Login Items window to see if it or something relevant is listed.
    Check the System Preferences>Other Row, for 3rd party Pref Panes.
    Also look in these if they exist, some are invisible...

  • Network drives randomly disconnecting, unable to reconnect

    I have been having an issue with network drives randomly disconnecting. When I try and reconnect using the Connect to Server dialog, the share is greyed out. My current workaround has been to open up terminal and run umount /Volume/Share_Name, and I am able to connect again afterwards. This is happening multiple times a day, and across multiple servers. I have poked around the forums and seen some people with similar issues, but the solution of connecting with cifs:// instead of smb:// has not made any difference.

    which ultimately means apple didn't do enough testing before releasing the last patch
    This is not always, and may not be, the case. What many don't realise is that many 3rd party developers stray from the 802.11 series specifications in an attampt to boost speed and get one up on their competitors. For instance D-Link, amongst others, use a short preamble setting by default in some of their routers to improve performance. However, this is non-standard and when it comes across wireless network adapters that don't support this then you have problems. They assume that their network adapters are being used for "maximum speed and compatibility". Whether Apple should or should not support a short preamble is another subject altogether.
    However, I do agree with you in that Apple should put more work into their Airport software.

  • Connect to server using SMB. all of a sudden stopped working!! HELP!

    I have a MBP which I used to connect to a Windows XP computer wireless using the smb server address feature in the Finder.
    The thing has been working for a couple of months with no problem. I sometimes take my Mac on the road and bring it back... when I'm ready to reconnect it, just go to the "recent items" under the Apple icon and reconnect.
    But now, I get a long delay and I keep getting the message:
    "Connection Failed"
    The server "XXX.XXX.X.XXX" may not exist or it is unavailable at this time. Check the server name or IP address, check your network connection, and then try again.
    I've tried everything...the IP address is correct and the internet connection is working on both computers, so what's the problem?? HELP!!

    I'm trying to work through the same problem. For 8 months everything worked fine with the network, and then last week "can't connect to servers". So far I've been able to connect to my servers only after a restart. Not even sure how long the fix lasts.
    I've got 3 PCs and my MBP on the network. No problems w/the PCs at all. In fact the other servers can connect to each other as well as my MBP. Unfortunately my network printer is on one of the PCs, so rebooting every time I need to print is wearing thin.
    This is my first Mac after owning a dozen or so PCs. I'm used to the ctrl-alt-del dance but was hoping for better from Apple. Everything else is great w/the Mac. Don't know why I waited so long to switch.

  • Not going to sleep when PC is connected via SMB

    If I have my mac set to go to sleep after a period of inactivity, it goes to sleep while my PC is still connected to it via SMB. Not while any files are beig used, but if they're not used for a while. Is there any way I can change this anyone?

    Sorry - I was very tired when I posted that - I guess it could have made more sense!!
    What I want is for my mac to only go to sleep if there's nobody connected via SMB.
    At the moment, I either have to set the sleep timer to never, or when I start to work on a file from the mac on the PC I find that the Mac's gone to sleep even though the PC's switched on and connected to it. Then I have to go and wake up the mac and reconnect with the PC.

  • Connection to Windows 2008 Server via SMB hangs after standby

    After boot or reboot, I can easily "connect to server" in finder to the Windows Server 2008 machine via smb://hostname. The network and shares work good without connection drops.
    However, when my Macbook resumes from standby or hibernation, the mounts do not reconnect, and the connected server in finder keeps reconnecting until the connecting failed message appears. When trying to unmount the smb server, finder hangs from time to time. When trying to reconnect via "connect to server" using either IP address or hostname, the connecting window with the moving bar appears, but never succeeds. The only option is to reboot the machine to be able to reconnect to the windows server and mount some shares.
    Anyone any ideas?

    I've been having exactly the same issue on my iMac-- very frustrating. I'm not aware of a permanent cure yet, but on my system I usually can avoid a full reboot by turning my Airport/wireless on for a few seconds, and then off again. The Windows shares become visible again after doing so. (My normal state is wired network only, with Airport off.)

  • Could not reconnect all network drives

    I have several drives mapped on different Windows 7 boxes in my office.  Just about every time I boot up one of these systems I receive the message "Could not reconnect all network drives" in the system tray.
    I should note that merely clicking the drive inside Windows Explorer will restore the connection.  I store the server logon credentials in Control Panel / Credential Manager then just map the network paths to drive letters.  I'm pretty sure the
    problem doesn't stem from any credentials type of problem though, because I have the exact same situation when connecting to only open shares.  I have noticed that a couple applications will restore the connection themselves when trying to access information
    on a share.  Most applications however will give an error and time out trying to access the shares unless I go and manually click each drive letter in Explorer.  For instance if I place Firefox bookmarks on a share and open Firefox, Firefox will
    display no bookmarks until I click the drive in Explorer and reopen Firefox.
    One thing I can do to fix the problem is hard code my IP address. I never receive the message if a computer has fixed IP address.  My router hands out IPs on the LAN dynamically, so I switch it to another router and tried a using a Linux based dhcp-server
    as well.  Neither fixed the problem.
    I'm a long time user of batch files and realize I could place use one as a band aid for this issue, but I don't want to go that route.

    Hello marstech,
    According to the research, the mapped drive lost issue may be caused by the several possible reasons:
    Possible reason1. The problematic client doesn't reconnect to the target share at logon.
    Please follow the steps to re-configure the mapped driver on the client and then check if the issue will re-occur.
    a. Open "My Computer"
    b. Click on "Tools" and then select "Map Network Driver"
    c. input the \\ipaddressofserver\sharename to give the path of the share
    d. Check "Reconnect at logon"
    e. Drive gets mapped
    f. Double click on the drive to check.
    Possible Reason 2. Antivirus software or Windows Firewall may block the SMB protocol on clients.
    Please check if there is any Antivirus software and the Windows Firewall is enabled on the problematic client. If so, please disable them to check if the issue can be resolved.
    Possible Reason3. Fast Logon Optimization is enabled on the clients. 
    The fast logon feature may affect the display and drive letter assignment of a mapped network drive. As a result, the drive may have been mapped; however, the user on client cannot see it in Windows Explorer. He may recognize it as a failed network drive mapping.
    This is the reason why we usually suggest you to disable fast logon on the clients via a GPO, and please check if the mapped network drive will be occur under this circumstance.
    Please also configure the following group policy setting to disable Fast Logon Optimization to see if the issue still exists on the problematic clients.
    Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\System\Logon\Always wait for the network at computer startup and logon
    When this policy is enabled, a Windows XP client behaves in the same manner as a Windows 2000 client at both system startup and at user logon.
    Please note: As this is a computer configuration, please run "Gpupdate /force" and then reboot the problematic clients to make it take into effect.
    For more information about Fast Logon Optimization feature, please check the following KB article.
    305293 Description of the Windows XP Professional Fast Logon Optimization feature
    831998 Mapped network drive shows no drive letter or will not allow you to create new long-named files or folders
    297684 Mapped Drive Connection to Network Share May Be Lost
    If the issue still exists on the problematic clients, please also try adding the following registry subkey on the problematic client to check it works.
    a. Click Start, click Run, type REGEDIT, and then click OK.
    b. Locate and click the following registry subkey:
    c. Click Edit, point to New, and then click DWORD Value.
    d. Type SilentForcedAutoReconnect , and then press ENTER to name the value.
    e. Double-click SilentForcedAutoReconnect .
    f. In the Value data box, type 1, and then click OK.
    Please feel free to let me know if you have any concen.
    Hope the information can be helpful for you.
    Thanks and Regards
    MCTS: Windows Vista | Exchange Server 2007
    MCITP: Enterprise Support Technician
    MCITP: Server & Enterprise Administrator
    Microsoft Infrastructure Consultant
    Enterprise Service: Solution Architect
    Microsoft Storage Team - File Cabinet Blog
    My Blog

  • Nfs mount created with Netinfo not shown by Directory Utility in Leopard

    On TIger I used to mount dynamically a few directories using NFS.
    To do so, I used NetInfo.
    I have upgraded to Leopard and the mounted directories
    are still working, although Netinfo is not present anymore.
    I was expecting to see these mount points and
    modify them using Directory Utility, which has substituted Netinfo.
    But they are not even shown in the Mount panel of Directory Utility.
    Is there a way to see and modify NFS mount point previously
    created by NetInfo with the new Directory Utility?

    Thank you very much! I was able to recreate the static automount that I had previously had. I just had to create the "mounts" directory in /var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default/ and then I saved the following text as a .plist file within "mounts".
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
    <plist version="1.0">
    <string>url==afp://;AUTH=NO%20USER%[email protected]/Backups</string>
    I don't think the specific name of the .plist file matters, or the value for "generateduid". I'm listing all this info assuming that someone out there might care.
    I assume this would work for SMB shares also... if SMB worked, which it hasn't on my system since I installed leopard.

  • Cannot save to SMB shares in Pages

    This issue is actually occurring ONLY in the iWork applications, Pages, Keynote and Numbers.
    User recently upgraded to Mavericks 10.9.1.  Has two SMB shares to smb://servername called "Public" and "Company Name".
    The two locations are available in Finder as typical network shares in the left-hand pane.  You can navigate the Shares, open files, etc. without any issues.
    However, if I create a new file in Pages and type some text into the new file and attempt to save it to "Public" or "Company Name", I'm presented with the following error:
    "Untitled" couldn't be moved because you don't have permission to access "Public".  To view or change permissions, select the item in the Finder and choose File > Get Info.
    When I do this, I see the information as "You have custom permissions" which typically indicates an NTFS or ACL related permissions that OSX can't quite read. 
    This same issue occurs whether i'm in Pages, Keynote or Numbers.
    1.  Checked and verified permissions were correct on Windows 2003 server hosting the SMB shares;
    2.  Created new file in TextEdit and attempted to save it to "Public" and "Company Name".  File save was successful.
    3.  Created new user on machine and logged in and performed steps above with Pages, Keynote and Numbers.  Ran into the exact same error.
    4.  Disconnected the shares and reconnected to the server using domain administrator account.  Same issues occur regardless ONLY in the iWorks applications.  Permissions are fine for navigating location, opening files and saving in any application outside of iWorks.
    For now, I have the user performing the following steps:
    1. Create new document in Pages, Keynote or Numbers.  Edit the document.  Save it to the local drive in Documents\Need to Save
    2. Within Finder, user goes to Documents\Need to Save and drags the files that need to be on the network to the appropriate location, "Public" or "Company Name". 
    I'm almost thinking I need to remove and reinstall the iWork suite applications.  However, I don't want to perform that step without checking here.
    Any thoughts or ideas are appreciated.  Thank you!

    In working with the client, we did find that we could create new documents in the various iWork '09 applications and save them to the SMB shares without any issues.  However, since 5.0 Pages, for now, is installed, all applications have been created in 5.0.1, which is the current version on the App Store, and therefore, cannot be opened in Pages '09.  When we open Pages '09, we're prompted to upgrade to Pages 5.0.  Therefore, we look to still have the issue in saving to SMB shares through the iWorks applications regardless.  Especially since the client cannot access any of the current documents in iWorks '09 applications as they were created in the newer application.
    Any assistance on this would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you!

  • "Connection failed" using smb to Win 7 64-bit shared folder

    I am a new Mac user and was unable to find any suggestion for a solution to the problem I am experiencing.
    I use a folder on my PC to store video files. It is shared and the Mac connects to the address smb://biblioteket. This usually works fine, but sometimes I get a "Connection failed" error message. I connect through a gigbit wired ethernet connection.
    Some other characteristics:
    - If I restart my PC and reconnect, it works again - every time.
    - I can connect to the PC using Teamviewer even if I get the error message, meaning there is a connection between the computers.
    - The error will always show up if I try to copy large files from my Mac to the shared folder on the PC. I get a error message during file copying, after that the mounted drive is inaccessible and the "Connection failed" error message appears.
    Any suggestions?

    So I did what I always do to get the error message. I moved about 25 files from the Mac to the PC. Total size was about 5 gb. About half way through, I get the following error message:
    The Finder can’t complete the operation because some data in “(filename(.avi” can’t be read or written.
    (Error code -36).
    So I retry, but this time the mounted drive has disconnected and get the following error msg:
    The operation can’t be completed because an unexpected error occurred (error code -41).
    This happened with a new user (administrator). Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

  • I have problem with WIFI every wakeup from sleep after 10.7.3 (21.5-inch, Mid 2011)

    Since 10.7.3 update, i have to manually reconnect to my WiFi network at every wakeup from sleep in 21.5-inch, 2011 (intel i5)!
    Apple fix it!

    You're not talking to Apple. This a support forum made up of non Apple employees.

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