Smooth Cam Question

Whats the difference between translation smooth and rotation smooth? What values should I be using to stabilize a clip?

You want smoothcam to analyze jitter. How much jitter you want to stop you tell it by using the translation and rotation smooths.
Say you've got some jitter you want to remove from the camera moving side to side and up and down --- you TRIED to hand hold it but... well...
So you adjust your TRANSLATION smooth up. ZERO means Shake wont even try to fix what it thinks is side to side or translation jitter. Zero makes things go very fast too (analyzing). So -- if it is just jittering like a 2.0 earthquake... then leave it close to 1 or 1.5... the less it has to look for jitter the better results you'll have. If you're rocking like your hanging out a ford pickup truck going down bubba lane -- well... you're going to need to crank that puppy up quite a bit. BUT be prepared for longer analyze time and probably less desirable results too (but it will do it's best with a higher translation smooth slider)
Rotational smooth looks at camera rotation... like you were on a waterbed... we've all messed with 3d apps... that rotation ribbon ... that's what it's looking for. How much diagonal spin is it having to fix. If you KNOW your horizons are level and you're just jittering left and right and up and down... turn it to 0. Etc and above for worse case.
Zoom smooth is the same as the others only with zoom. It works nice if you've got too much coffee hands on your zoom ring. Else... leave it a zero!

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    Ok, answers to your questions. I render a file out node to HDV 1080i60 at 29.97 fps. The codec looks fine in FCP but as we mentionned earlier does not play back smooth.
    On my boot drive I have 30 GB free out of 400GB drive. I did try to "RECOMPRESS" the file from within FCP to my desktop. I could render to my RAID or my 2nd internal drive which has more space.
    I'll try 5 seconds of footage and let you know what happens when I render to my RAID.
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    I'll try a 5 second clip and let you know using my RAID drive which has 1TB free out of 2 TB.

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    You could try this.  Edit each entire clip individually into it's own sequence (with sequence settings that match the clip settings) and the sequence name matching the clip name, EXACTLY.  Apply the smoothcam filter to each clip in each sequence and adjust parameters to your satisfaction.  Then export each sequence to a new folder on your hard drive.  When it's done, duplicate your project (for safety's sake) and reconnect the original clips to these new clips.  Remove the unnecessary smoothcam filters in your sequence.  Should work fine. 

  • Motion Stabilize vs Shake Smooth Cam

    Hello all,
    I am a Final Cut Express user that is looking to take some camera jitter out of a few clips I've taken. I know that FCE has and image stabilizer filter but for the life of me I can not seem to get good results by using it. This may or may not be operator error but in my defense I have done some research on using it. I also have access to Motion as well as Shake and in my research I've discovered that these apps also have tools for image stabilization.
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    How do I actually do it?
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    Any help or advice is greatly appreciated!
    ps. Here is an example of the videos I make. Its non-professional but I do like my projects to look decent. If I can learn a little about Motion or Shake and successfully have a good workflow for removing camera shake I will be thrilled. Thanks!
    Message was edited by: bcrider

    I'm not a big Shaker user but i believe you have to apply an Output node in order to render stuff out. However Specialcase is correct since Motion and Shake use the same technologies the results should be pretty similar. Motion is obviously easier to use. Just play around with the settings you'll get there. Motion doesnt have the split pane view, but you can just toggle the filter on and off to compare.
    Had a look at your film, and it looks very nice, the images are really stunning, well shot. Does that have camera stabilization in it. Looks pretty good. But did you know that the music track is only coming out of one channel?
    Keep at it

  • Motion Stabilizer vs Shake Smooth Cam

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    I am a Final Cut Express user that is looking to take some camera jitter out of a few clips I've taken. I know that FCE has and image stabilizer filter but for the life of me I can not seem to get good results by using it. This may or may not be operator error but in my defense I have done some research on using it. I also have access to Motion as well as Shake and in my research I've discovered that these apps also have tools for image stabilization.
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    Which app will remove camera shake better?
    How do I actually do it?
    Before I switched to Mac I used a very basic app for image stabilization. It was not a pro app but it was easy to use and produced decent results. I liked the fact that it had a split screen view where I can compare the clip before and after. From my poking around in Motion and Shake I can't seem to find a similar view.
    Any help or advice is greatly appreciated!
    ps. Here is an example of the videos I make. Its non-professional but I do like my projects to look decent. If I can learn a little about Motion or Shake and successfully have a good workflow for removing camera shake I will be thrilled. Thanks!
    Message was edited by: bcrider

    YOU DA MAN captain mench!
    That was just the type of thing I was looking for. It really helped bring the pre-existing knowledge I've gathered from my readings and 1st attempt into scope. I've now got the motivation and confidence to get back into shake and try it again. Thanks!
    In regards to the camera and video. Thanks and glad you liked it. I shot it with the Canon HV10. The video I posted wasn't so much an example of the camera jitter as much as it was just an example of what I do. Thanks for the advice either way. I'm looking forward to doing more color correction in my projects too. Up until now I've settled for less. As I learn the apps I'm more interested in making the absolute best I can. I'm sure I don't have to tell you it's a work in progress.
    Thanks again. I'll be back if I need more help.
    ps. Does color correcting the clip first have any effect on how well Shake and SmoothCam will remove jitter? Also, when I send from FCP to Shake does it remove the interlacing? I noticed that SmoothCam only works with de-interlaced footy. Thoughts?

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    It is possible that the clip's media you are having troubles with was previously analyzed.
    Control click the clip/s in question and in the popdown menu choose reveal in finder.
    If next to the original media you find a file with blank icon and extension .mtdf delete/trash that and apply smoothcam again.
    Remember that when applying the filter the entire media file to which your clip in the timeline refers to will be analyzed.
    If you want a specific portion (an edited clip) of the media to be affected by SCam then set IN and OUT and export that as QT movie self-contained (no loss of quality involved) then re-import that and apply SCam.

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    Someone said that putting the clips in motion and smoothing them out in optical flow would work and people had results. However I have no clue how to do this..
    Can someone please help me - I need to render a finished project today..
    Thanks in advance

    Apparently it's a bug with Smoothcam's handling of interlaced footage in FCP 7.0.3 ... there's a post over on the Creative COW website detailing using Motion instead as Finnur mentions above.  Here's my own quick summary of that for those that aren't used to it :
    In FCP select the clip instance and choose FIle > Send To > Motion Project (or right click and choose Send To > Motion Project) and save the Exported clip to your scratch disk 
    The exported clip will open in Motion. Click the clip to select it and then from the toolbar at the top of the main window choose ➀ Add Behavior > Motion Tracking > Stabilize
    Next choose ➁ HUD (heads up display), and in that window ➂ set Method : Smooth, Borders : Zoom, and select Adjust : Position & Scale, and click the Movement : Analyze button
    When the Analysis is complete, choose Motion menu > Quit, and press "Save" when prompted. 
    When you return to FCP the smoothed Motion project (.motn) should be sitting in the sequence in place of the original clip ... it'll probably need rendering .
    Personally, I'd be inclined to just try adding the Shift Fields filter (Effects > Video Filters > Video > Shift Fields) to the jittery Smoothcam shot in FCP first, and see if that works, before jumping through the Motion hoops.
    Hope it helps

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    I have followed the steps of the tutorial " Using Shake to Remove the Shakes" that can be found here (for free) : with impressive results from dv footage.
    If I remember well deinterlacing was requested. Of course results may vary because good and bad's subjective...but it's worth a look!

  • Relinking Smooth-Cam files??

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    I'm on the road with a slightly cranky laptop, and this film was all done (with a fair bit of SmoothCam) on a brand new tower with all the bells and whistles.  And needs to be finished up as quickly as possible (without that bells and whistles tower).
    Any suggestions would be most appreciated.

    Start re-analyzing. Relinking of temporary files is always an iffy proposition. It becomes doubly so when you are working on a different computer.

  • Missing Smooth Cam Render Files?

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    When I went to render those files (on the mac pro) it started to re-analyze the clip. I would really not like to go through this process again. As it takes so long. Any ideas?

    The analysis/render file did not get moved over. At this point you'll need to do the process again.
    One way to keep the process under control is cut the clip into just the segment you need smoothcam. Otherwise, the process will want to look at the whole clip, not just the segment you are using.

  • Smooth cam analysis of entire clip!

    I'm working on a long multiple-camera edit. I've been thoroughly impressed by the Smooth Cam filter because it's saved me tons of time on keyframing little camera bumps out, especially on our handheld crowd shots. It really is spectacular. Anyway, before applying the filter, it analyzes the clip. But, instead of just analyzing the portion of the clip that I've cut, it's analyzing the entire clip. The duration of the entire shot is about 35 minutes and it's saying it will take 6 hours to analyze. I only applied the filter to a 9 second clip.
    Has anyone else had to deal with this? Any workarounds?
    The footage was shot 1080PsF 23.98 and captured as the same with the Apple ProRes 422 (HQ) codec, but I don't think that makes a difference with this problem since I tested to see if it analyzes the entire clip with some DV footage I had on my system. Which it does.

    Your problem most likely has to do with collapsing your multiclips. Before you collapse them FCP is looking at the whole clip, not just the section you've cut into your sequence. By collapsing the clips you then tell FCP to only work with the angles on the timeline.
    To collapse one or more multiclips in the Timeline:
    1. Select the multiclips you want to collapse in the Timeline.
    2. Do one of the following:
    - Choose Modify > Collapse Multiclip(s).
    - Control-click one of the selected multiclips in the Timeline, then choose Collapse
    Multiclip(s) from the shortcut menu.
    The selected multiclips are collapsed to the clips of their active angles.
    To expand one or more multiclips in the Timeline:
    1. Select the multiclips you want to expand in the Timeline.
    2. Do one of the following:
    - Choose Modify > Uncollapse Multiclip(s).
    - Control-click one of the selected multiclips in the Timeline, then choose Uncollapse
    Multiclip(s) from the shortcut menu.
    The selected multiclips are expanded to the clips of their active angles.
    All this can be found in the FCP manual, so if it doesn't make sense here look it up.
    Hope this works for you.

  • FCP7 HV20 Video Capture to ProRes no longer can do smooth cam

    Canon HV20 capture into FCP via ProRes. With FCP6 I could then use smooth cam. With FCP7 smooth cam will not work for new captures. Previous captures smooth cam does work. Old (Apple ProRes 422 29.97fps15.2MB/sec) New - everything is the same except 14.5MB/sec. So capturing is OK -- smooth cam will work on previous captures (and will work on HDV captures) just not new ProRes captures.

    Take a look at your capture settings in Audio video settings. Highlight the preset and select edit. see if you can select "remove advanced pulldown"
    It is available on the dvcProHD settings. not sure why you've chosen HQ instead of straight pro res. My understanding is HQ is for greater than 1920x1080.

  • Smooth Cam. Can I fix this?

    Here's a short sequence where the smooth cam could get me out of trouble. But as you can see, it's not perfect. I also tried the Stabilize behavior in Motion 4, with much success. Am just not setting it up correcty or is there nothing I can do to fix this? Thanks!
    [URL= 1.mp4][IMG][/IMG][/URL]

    Not Patrick, but here is a Google search result: apple+motion+tracking&hl=en&prmd=ivns&source=lnms&tbm=vid&ei=ptPeTdPKKpCisQO0maS qBw&sa=X&oi=mode_link&ct=mode&cd=3&ved=0CA0Q_AUoAg&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=4d6 1858279ea3a92&biw=1633&bih=1319
    Here is another good tutorial from Digital Juice

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    I've no idea what is causing it but whenever FCP behaves incorrectly it's always worth trashing the preferences.
    Corrupt preferences can create a vast range of different symptoms, so whenever FCP  stops working properly in any way, trashing the preferences should be the first thing you do using this free app.
    Shut down FCP, open PreferenceManager and in the window that appears:-
    1. Ensure that  only FCP   is selected.
    2. Click Trash
    The job is done instantly and you can re-open FCP .

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