SMTP server down - Still server should not crash!

I'm using Weblogic 5.1 with service pack 9 installed and am using the
Process integrator environment with that. In my flow, when I send a mail
notification, in the situation that the SMTP mailserver is down, I do not
want to sent the mail message this time. Rather I want to have the mail sent
only after the SMTP host is available. How do I queue this mail message? Or
how can I build an listener interface that I can use to detect presence (or
absence) of the SMTP host.
Can I use the JMS services? if no, then what?
The exception (an obvious one) that I get is as follows :
javax.mail.SendFailedException: Sending failed;
nested exception is:
javax.mail.MessagingException: Unknown SMTP host:;
nested exception is:
at javax.mail.Transport.send0(
at javax.mail.Transport.send(
com.bea.wlpi.server.workflowprocessor.WorkflowProcessorBean.executeActions(W, Compiled Code)
com.bea.wlpi.server.workflowprocessor.WorkflowProcessorBean.executeActions(W, Compiled Code)
at com.bea.wlpi.server.workflow.Start.activate(
java, Compiled Code)
a, Compiled Code)
piled Code)
at weblogic.jms.common.MessageQueue.execute(

ian01 wrote:
I have read a great deal about 'authentication' and appreciate the reasons for this but still have some questions.
Until this weekend my wife has used our BT Home Hub ISP to send and receive email via her two own domain accounts that are not BT accounts - I always use my BT account.
Suddenly she cannot send - smtp not recognised
I have 'verified' her domain accounts and added to my BT account
I do not understand why I should put my account details (username and password) on her outgoing email account details
Surely a fundamental principle of wifi connections should be that someone, a casual visitor to my house for example, should not have to change accoutn details - certainly not have access to my username and password details, in order to use my ISP?
Or am I missing something?
Hi Ian.
You can set up a BTinternet sub account for your wife, and use those details for verification and then put them into any mail client program.
I'm somewhat suprised that she was able to send non BTinternet emails using the BT mail servers without address verification, since this was introduced over 3 years ago! (Though over this time, it has seemed to "catch up with people" ...)
Since you are responsible for your connection, any casual visitor needs to either have their own way of sending emails (e.g. via webmail) or they will need to alter their mail client details. This is pretty much the same for all ISPs. Most will not allow emails to be sent from other ISP mail servers. If they use 3rd party mail servers, then this is usually unaffected.

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    F.D.E. Schleiermacher wrote:
    I'm hoping someone can help with a problem I've been having today.
    I have a Gmail account which I use on my Mac (MacBook Pro, 2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, System 10.6.8), my iPad and my ancient iPhone. Everything has worked perfectly for the last two years until today when it stopped sending e-mail from any device. On my iPad, it tells me that the SMTP server 'does not allow relay'. On my MacBook, it simply refuses to send it and prompts me to choose another SMTP server (which, alas, I don't have).
    At any rate, here is a list of things I've already tried:
    1. I tried switching my computer off and on again. This didn't work.
    2. I have deleted the account (from both Mac and iPad) and set it up again. This didn't work.
    3. I have deleted just the SMTP server details and re-entered them (both Mac and iPad). This also didn't work.
    4. I manually changed the SMTP port to 25 and 587. This didn't work.
    5. I have tried to send e-mail from a different WiFi network and from 3G (Mac, iPad and iPhone). This didn't work.
    6. I have tried setting up a completely new Gmail account and using the SMTP server of that account to send messages. Bizarrely, this sort of worked: it allowed me to send a message, but the message showed up from the new account rather than from my primary account. However this is not an ideal solution. I would much prefer having a single e-mail account which both sends and receives.
    7. I also tried a variety of other things, but nothing worked.
    I fear the problem may actually be with Gmail, and not with any of the Apple products in question. I spent about an hour trying to contact Google, but I don't think they will get back to me.
    If anyone has any brilliant ideas, I would be tremendously grateful.
    All the best.
    The issue is with gmail.  There are 10 post already about this in the iphone forum.

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    Ok i have fixed it but not sure why it is working. Both ports on the smtp server are now set to 25 and after sending an email and reviewing the header it appears that it is sending in TLS v01, as shown below. This tells me that the email was sent using TLS.
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    (version=TLSv1/SSLv3 cipher=DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA bits=256 verify=OK)
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    The issue may not be the server your thinking of in some cases. If you have multiple emails set up, it could be one of the other emails smtp setting that are wrong so check those also.
    When you send or receive mail it goes thru each account you have set up each time to send or receive. Any setting issues with any of these account can stop all mail in or out.

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    By the way, the outgoig email server is using port number 25
    How can I resolve the issue?

    Please put more light about your environment
    oms version,platform etc

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    Hello sama,
    Thank you for the details of the issue you are experiencing with sending email from your iMac.  I recommend following the steps in the following article to continue isolating and troubleshooting the issue you are experiencing with Mail:
    OS X Mail: Troubleshooting sending and receiving email messages
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    Sheila M.

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    SMTP stands for Simple Mail Transport Protocol. It's used to sending email. This would be a server that your ISP or mail provider defines. POP or IMAP is usually the protocol used by your mail provided to receive email.

  • Editing primary SMTP server crashes settings

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    How can I delete/change the primary SMTP server without it crashing?
    All help is appreciated.

    This probably means that your mail app data are corrupted. First, try resetting the phone by holding the HOME and SLEEP buttons until an Apple logo appears. The try to change the setting again. If it still fails, delete the Verizon account, Reset the phone again, and add the account back.

  • Smtp server not responding

    imsimta version:-
    Sun Java(tm) System Messaging Server 6.1 (built Apr 28 2004) 6.1 (built 13:10:36, Apr 28 2004)
    When I make some changes to the imta.cnf file,
    I get the following error
    18:17:57.85: Can't find channel in table
    in the file
    (this file is in the log directory)
    The result of the above seems to be that though the smtp server is listening on port 25, as can be observed from
    netstat -an | grep *.25,
    yet when I do a "telnet localhost 25", the session
    gets hung.
    I see no reason why the smtp server is not responding.
    Can you give me any possible reason for it.

    The configuration file is as follows:-
    ! IMTA configuration file
    ! part I : rewrite rules
    ! Domain Rewrite Rules.
    ! Uncomment this line to use domain rewrite rules
    ! from the configuration file instead of the domain database.
    ! Please refer to the iMS documentation for details.
    ! Rules to select local users
    $* $A$E$F$U%[email protected] $U%[email protected] $U%[email protected]
    ! ims-ms
    .ims-ms-daemon $U%$H.ims-ms-daemon@ims-ms-daemon
    ! lmtp
    !.lmtp $U%$H@lmtpcs-daemon
    ! lmtpn
    !.lmtpn $U%$H@lmtpcn-daemon
    ! native
    .native-daemon $U%$H.native-daemon@native-daemon
    ! pipe
    .pipe-daemon $U%$H.pipe-daemon@pipe-daemon
    ! tcp_local
    ! Rules for top level internet domains
    ! tcp_intranet
    ! Do mapping lookup for internal IP addresses
    [] $E$R${INTERNAL_IP,$L}$U%[$L]@tcp_intranet-daemon $U%$
    * $U%$&
    ! reprocess
    reprocess $ $
    ! process
    process $ $
    ! defragment
    defragment $ $
    ! conversion
    conversion $ $
    ! bitbucket
    bitbucket $ $
    ! deleted
    deleted-daemon $U%$H@deleted-daemon
    .deleted-daemon $U%$H@deleted-daemon
    ! inactive
    inactive-daemon $U%$H@inactive-daemon
    .inactive-daemon $U%$H@inactive-daemon
    ! hold
    hold-daemon $U%$H@hold-daemon
    .hold-daemon $U%$H@hold-daemon
    ! part II : channel blocks
    defaults notices 1 2 4 7 copywarnpost copysendpost postheadonly noswitchchannel
    immnonurgent maxjobs 7 defaulthost
    ! delivery channel to local /var/mail store
    l subdirs 20 viaaliasrequired maxjobs 7 pool LOCAL_POOL
    ! ims-ms
    ims-ms defragment subdirs 20 notices 1 7 14 21 28 backoff "pt5m" "pt10m" "pt30m"
    "pt1h" "pt2h" "pt4h" maxjobs 2 pool IMS_POOL fileinto $U+$S@$D
    ! native
    native defragment subdirs 20 maxjobs 1
    ! pipe
    pipe single defragment subdirs 20
    ! tcp_local
    tcp_local smtp mx single_sys remotehost inner switchchannel identnonenumeric sub
    dirs 20 maxjobs 7 pool SMTP_POOL maytlsserver maysaslserver saslswitchchannel tc
    p_auth missingrecipientpolicy 0
    ! tcp_intranet
    tcp_intranet smtp mx single_sys subdirs 20 dequeue_removeroute maxjobs 7 pool SM
    TP_POOL maytlsserver allowswitchchannel saslswitchchannel tcp_auth missingrecipi
    entpolicy 4
    ! tcp_submit
    tcp_submit submit smtp mx single_sys mustsaslserver maytlsserver missingrecipien
    tpolicy 4
    ! tcp_auth
    tcp_auth smtp mx single_sys mustsaslserver missingrecipientpolicy 4
    ! tcp_tas
    tcp_tas smtp mx single_sys allowswitchchannel mustsaslserver maytlsserver delive
    ryflags 2
    ! tcp_lmtpss (LMTP server - store)
    !tcp_lmtpss lmtp subdirs 20
    ! tcp_lmtpsn (LMTP server - native)
    !tcp_lmtpsn lmtp subdirs 20
    ! tcp_lmtpcs (LMTP client - store)
    !tcp_lmtpcs defragment lmtp port 225 nomx single_sys subdirs 20 maxjobs 7 pool S
    MTP_POOL dequeue_removeroute
    ! tcp_lmtpcn (LMTP client - native)
    !tcp_lmtpcn defragment lmtp port 226 nomx single_sys subdirs 20 maxjobs 7 pool S
    MTP_POOL dequeue_removeroute
    ! reprocess
    ! process
    ! defragment
    ! conversion
    ! bitbucket
    ! deleted
    ! inactive
    ! hold
    hold slave

  • SharePoint Foundation 2013 installed on Windows Server 2012 not sending out email notification

    I have a server where i installed SP Foundation 2013 on top of Windows Server 2012. I have configured the SMTP as well as the outgoing SMTP in Central Administration
    of SharePoint. When i create an alert on a document library, its did not sent any email notification on the changes made to the document in the document library. So, i created a workflow to send out email using SPD2013. The workflow run, but it cannot sent
    out email with error saying that outgoing email is not configured correctly. I have checked with another server which i installed SP foundation 2013 on top of Windows Server 2008 R2 - its sending out email just fine using same configuration and outgoing SMTP.
    I need help to resolve this issue or at least the cause of the problem.
    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    Try below:
    Go to Central Admin ---->Operations----->outgoing email settings and verify that SMTP server is mentioned correctly 
    2) Test the connectivity with the SMTP server.
    In order to do that follow these steps:
      Open  cmd
      telnet <SMTP server name> 25 ( We connect smtp server to the port 25)  
                     you should see a response  like this 220 <servername> Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service, Version: 6.0.3790.3959 ready at date and time
                     Beware that different servers will come up with different settings but you will get something
                     If you dont get anything then there could be 2 possible reasons, either port 25 is blocked or 
                     the smtp server is not responding.
      For testing response from your server
                       For testing response say ehlo to it.
                            Type :
                                        ehlo <servername>
                                        250 <servername> Hello [IP Address]
      Now a test mail can be sent from that SharePoint server. 
                          Now we need to enter the From address of the mail.
                          Type :
                           mail from: [email protected]
                           250 2.1.0 [email protected]….Sender OK
     It's time to enter the recepient email address.
    Type : rcpt to: [email protected]
    250 2.1.5 [email protected]
     Now we are left with the data of the email. i.e. subject and body.
    Type : data
    354 Start mail input; end with <CRLF>.<CRLF>
    subject: this is a test mail
    This is test mail body
    I am testing SMTP server.
    Hit Enter, then . and then Enter.
    250 2.6.0 <<servername>C8wSA00000006@<servername>> Queued mail for delivery
    Type: quit
    221 2.0.0 <servername> Service closing transmission channe
    3)  Check alerts are enabled for your web application
          verify if the windows timer service is running or not.
          Run this stsadm command to check that
          Stsadm.exe -o getproperty -url http://SharePoint-web-App-URL -pn alerts-enabled
         This should return <Property Exist="Yes" Value="yes" />
         If you don’t get this, Enable alerts by:
         stsadm.exe -o setproperty -pn alerts-enabled -pv "true" -url http://SharePoint-web-App-URL
          If its already enabled, try turn off and turn on it back.
    4)  Check the Timer job and Properties
           Go to
           MOSS 2007:  Central Administration > Operations > Timer Job Definitions (under Global Configuration)
           In SharePoint 2010: Central Administration > Monitoring > Review Job Definitions 
           Check whether the "Immediate Alerts" job is enabled for your web application. check these properties:
           stsadm.exe -o getproperty -url "http://Your-SharePoint-web-App-URL" -pn job-immediate-alerts
           The expected output is:
           <Property Exist="Yes" Value="every 5 minutes between 0 and 59"/>.  
           If you don’t get this, run the following command to set its value.
           stsadm.exe -o setproperty -pn job-immediate-alerts -pv “every 5 minutes between 0 and 59" -url http://Your-SharePoint-web-App-URL
    5)  Check whether the account is subscribed for alerts and it has a valid email account. This should be the first thing to check if the problem persists for some users not for      all.
    6)  Then check if at all those users have at least read permission for the list. Because the first mail should go out for every user without security validation but the next ones       won't be delivered unless the user has at least read
    7)  If it is happening for one user, can also try to delete and re add the user in the site.
    8)  Most importantly , you should try this one.
          Run this SQL query to the content db < Select * from Timerlock>
          This will give you the name of the server which is locking the content database and since when.
          In order to get rid of that lock 
          Go to that server which is locking the content db and then restart the windows timer service.
          within some time it should release the lock from content db, if not then at the most stop the timer job for some time
          Once the lock will be released then try to send some alerts
          You will surely get the email alert.
    I found this is the most probable reason for alert not working most of the time. We should start troubleshooting with above steps before coming to this step for any alert email issue but from step 1 to step 7 are best for new environments or new servers.
    If the issue is like this ,alert was working before and suddenly stopped working without any environmental change then above conditions in step 1-7 should be ideally fine.
    Even after this if it is not working, then you can try these few more steps too
    9)  Try re-registering the alert template:
    stsadm -o updatealerttemplates -url http://Your-SharePoint-Web-App-URL -f  "c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\TEMPLATE\XML\alerttemplates.xml" -LCID 1033
    10)  Try to clear the configuration cache
    If this helped you resolve your issue, please mark it Answered

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