Snow Leopard release purchase

We have a MacBook Pro that is running 10.5.8 (originally 10.5.2).  I ugraded the RAM and I want to upgrade it to Snow Leopard, 10.6 then to Mountain Lion, 10.8.  I can't get it to upgrade using the installer.  How to I get Snow Leopard disk so I can upgrade to Mountain Lion?  Retail is charging over $125 and this seems outrageous to upgrade an outdated Mac being used by a student employee.
Thank you, AnnetteR

Call Apple and buy it. See below:
Kappy 08/2012 post on upgrading to Snow Leopard, then Lion or Mountain Lion - - including how to get Snow Leopard and Lion since Apple removed them from the online store. 

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    I have 2 iMac's. I installed snow leopard on one. Can the snow leopard I purchased be installed on the 2nd computer?

    If you bought the family pack.
    The single version is licensed to use on one machine.

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    Call the place you bought Snow Leopard from, and ask for them to replace the disk as it or your DVD drive is obviously defective.   As others have noted, you can't upgrade to Lion regardless.
    That said, before you install 10.6, be sure you really are prepared for it:   
    And if after getting a replacement 10.6 disk it fails to install, verify your PRAM battery is not over 4 years old, and that your optical drive isn't dirty by bringing it in for service.

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    Yes. No adaptor is needed.

  • Snow Leopard released this Friday (28th August)!!!

    Ok, so it's finally here... who dares?! I'm tempted on my Macbook as I've got nothing to lose really, but I need to be sure that Logic 9 is still going to run as I do some mobile recording with it. I wonder if we'll also see a Logic 9.01 update to go with it? I'm very curious I must admit.
    What will we need to be careful of? Interface drivers? 3rd party updates?
    Message was edited by: siderealxxx

    Facts from my test during beta:
    1- Logic won't come out in 64bit as the audio drivers are not 64 bit yet, neither are any of the available plugins. So forget that until the vendors follow.
    2- Logic 8 and 9 on Snow Leopard runs very very fast, much faster than now, a joy to use.
    3- A few of the plugin vendors I tested didn't play well under Snow Leopard, it's not fair for me to say which right now because they may have a fix coming after the release of SL.
    4- The thing to be careful and mindful of is well... everything. Install Snow on a new partition, have it transfer your settings over from the partition you have Leopard on, and then reboot. You'll have everything working in no time, and you'll find out very quickly if things are OK or not.
    Like I said, some plugs don't work. I can confirm what I know works:
    UAD2, Liquid Mix and Apogee Symphony drivers. FXPansion BFD2 and DCAM. DUY plugs (all of them). Waves SSL 4000. iZotope Ozone, Trash, Spectrum and RX. Melodyne 3.2.x plugin and App.
    Your mileage may vary, don't run it on a production system yet. Period.

  • A few questions about Snow Leopard before purchase

    it was first a french post that I translate:
    salut, quelques questions avant mon achat éventuel de Snow:
    Hi, a few questions before I purchase Snow Leopard:
    1) le update est-il multilingue. c.à.d a-t-on aussi le choix de la langue comme pour pour la version complète?
    Is the upgrade also multilanguages as for the complete version?
    2) suffit-il de lancer l'installation de la mise à jour si on a déjà Leopard installé?
    Need I only to install the upgrade version when Leopard is already installed?
    3) les programmes tels que Pages, Photoshop cs3, etc... fonctionnent-ils sans problème sous Snow? Do old programs from Leopard run normally, are they all compatible such Photoshop cs3, etc...?
    4) est-ce plus fiable de désinstaller Leopard et d'installer Snow Leopard complètement?
    Is it more reliable to desinstall first old version of Leopard and then install Snow Leopard?
    Who knows?

    There are mixed reports saying some things work fine in CS3, while others do not.
    Pages '09 certainly works, since it is available as part of the Mac Box Set with Snow Leopard. Earlier versions of Pages remains to be seen.
    You shouldn't have to uninstall Leopard. The specs call for the lowest priced version of Snow Leopard to simply install on top of Leopard.
    However, you should make sure to follow the tips on this FAQ*:
    - * Links to my pages may give me compensation.

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    Apple - OS X Lion - Sign up to be notified when Lion is available.
    Apple - OS X Lion - Get Lion in July. Only from the Mac App Store.    Lion requires an Intel-based Mac with a Core 2 Duo, i3, i5, i7 or Xeon processor and 2GB of RAM. The Lion upgrade can be installed on all your authorized personal Macs.

  • Can't Install Snow Leopard (Just Purchased it)

    Hi I purchased Snow Leopard after having it shipped to my local Apple Store. i also purchased a disk drive at Bestbuy for my Macbook (4.1) so that i could install the disk.
    Anyways when I install it, it always starts with "Time Remaining: 45 Minutes left" and freezes for a minute. Then it stops and says that an application prevented the installer from running: Retry? I click retry.
    Now it actaully runs. Frequently it will get stuck on a certain minute and never move. (First was 51 minutes, second two times was 49 minutes) now sometimes I get a good way down and it says installation will continue when I restart the Macbook. I will then restart it and it will ask for my password to login, I'll login and nothing happens. The installer doesn't continue. I have to just wait and it starts all over.
    Is this a software problem or a problem with the disk? Could it possibly even be a hardware issue? Any help would be appreciated heavily!

    I fixed it by restarting and holding alt and clicking the CD there. It booted up to install and didn't make me reboot until it was done. (It said install failed but after rebooting without holding alt it was fully done)

  • Cannot turn on AirPort after Snow Leopard upgrade with Parallels 3

    Since I have upgraded to Snow leopard, my wifi does not turn on, I have seen some comments about parallels causing the problem, does anyone know if this is true and if so how to turn of the ports they are using.
    I cannot open the parallels environments as I need to upgrade to get them open.
    I now have lots of applications which have stopped working since the upgrade, this is the one thing Microsoft does well making sure the backward compatibility, used to be a advocate of Apple OS's but this one has tarnished my view on them.
    Any help very much appreciated.
    Rgds, Tony

    I find the idea of perpetual compatibility of programs with new operating systems to be unrealistic. The programs that you bought still work with the OS that they were designed for (Tiger and Leopard). In the case of parallels, version 4 has been available for Mac since November of 2008. Version 3 came out in June of 2007. So it looks like they are trying very hard to keep up with the changes that the new Apple cats bring every couple of years.
    Since you don't wish to purchase programs that are certified for the operating system you have upgraded to, then you will either need to find freeware replacements or install an operating system that is compatible with the versions of programs that you currently do own. A lot of third party developers are going to insist on getting paid for their continuing efforts. You can also use Apple's BootCamp to run Windows on your Mac. It's free with the OS, but I don't care for it and I'm willing to pay for a program that provides services that are not available in the OS.
    Parallels upgraded their software to version 4 for a reason, probably many reasons actually. I expect that part of the reason they decided to rewrite their code was to enhance compatibility with the virtual machine and Leopard.
    I was having some issues using version 3 that I bought during the Tiger era (I think - actually started with v2) and they went away with version 4. Version 4 does work with Snow Leopard, and Parallels did come out with a free incremental update for v4 - 2 days before the Snow Leopard release. I suppose that this latest update was also supposed to provide better compatibility with Snow Leopard. Parallels was probably one of the vendors that took advantage of developer's access to the Snow Leopard beta's and they seem to be trying to keep up with the new OS's changes in design.
    Now I'm waiting for Parallels to build a 64bit version of their program (which I expect to pay an upgrade fee for). I'm guessing we'll see some pretty good speed improvements if the code is re-written again (probably v5) to take advantage of the new architecture.
    If you don't wish to upgrade to programs that can take advantage of what Snow Leopard was designed to do, then Leopard or even Tiger will probably work fine for you. Apple is still going to maintain security updates and bug fixes for them for the foreseeable future.
    in what is billed as a simple no impact upgrade
    What Apple actually said is that there would be very few changes to the GUI. They stressed that this update is mainly to enable a better 64 bit platform for future programs, the ability to use an absurd amount of ram, and compatibility with other systems like MS Exchange.
    I have now eight different applications which are developed for the Mac OS
    I guess you mean a Mac OS. This is far from the hundreds of applications that were rendered useless by the Leopard upgrade which dropped support for all OS9 programs. Many people had to find new games that were developed in this century or new word processing programs, or even convert their old graphics files to gifs and jpgs.
    That was really painful for some as there are no replacements for some of those programs at all.
    no WiFi
    Certainly some sort of corruption, or even an actual bug. That's the nature of a bug. It might have just gotten fixed with the 10.6.1 update, or it will be with one of the next updates to come out, or you have a problem in your user account preferences, or some other issue. Anybody who works for a living in the IT industry knows better than to upgrade a computer to a .0 version of any program or OS, and they have backups in case there are serious problems. Let others break in a new OS before you break down. Hopefully, the machine you upgraded wasn't used for income, without having a bootable backup?
    My first computer training was on a Burroughs 3500 Mainframe in the early '70s - Many computer hardware's have come my way away since then. They all cost a bundle at the time, and I used each for the best performance I could afford. You'll have to decide the value of any upgrades or updates and that does require research.
    Google is my friend.

  • Ten dollar snow leopard upgrade?

    I heard that some macs are available for the upgrade to snow leopard for ten dollars. How do you know if your mac qualifies for this?
    And is it worth upgrading? Is there a large risk of my loosing my music or photos?

    Check this:
    It says:
    "Customers who purchase a qualifying new Mac computer or an Apple Certified Refurbished computer from the Apple Online Store on or after June 8, 2009 that does not include Mac OS X Snow Leopard can upgrade to Snow Leopard for US$9.95 plus tax. Remember your completed order form must be postmarked or faxed within 90 days of the date of your purchase of a qualifying computer (described in this offer) or by December 26, 2009, whichever is earlier."
    A friend of mine bought a refurbished MacBook few days before Snow Leopard release. He was lucky enough to have the upgrade DVD included.

  • Can't reinstall Snow Leopard on new MacBook Pro

    I had a old Macbook pro running Snow Leopard that died. I used Time Machine to restore to my brand new MacBook Pro. I decided to do an Archive and Install to start with a fresh system even though the new machine is working fine. The install disk is an early Snow Leopard release which loads fine, but when I run the install or try to restart from it, I get the Apple icon, but it never shifts to the installation process (nor can I check with Disk Utiity). Any suggestions?

    There is no Archive & Install option for Snow Leopard. Instead, its installer offers a single "no brainer" option that replaces the existing OS (if there is one) with a fresh copy of Snow Leopard & leaves your existing user settings, documents, etc. untouched (if there are any). You can think of it sort of like doing an Archive & Install with an automatic reintegration of your user stuff from the archive, except that there is no archive & no Previous System folder full of now useless junk that you can't use with the new OS anyway. It automatically moves some known-incompatible software to an "Incompatible Software" folder (go figure!) at the root of the HD, automatically installs or skips certain items depending what is already on the HD (if there is anything on it to begin with), & does several other things that the old installer was too dumb to be able to do without a lot of tedious human help.
    If you want to do an erase & install (which isn't usually necessary or desirable if you want to take advantage of all the advanced features of the new installer) you can do that too, but you must take the extra step of going to the Utilities menu, choosing Disk Utility from it, & using its Erase function to erase the volume before installing Snow Leopard on it.
    Basically, it is as close to a "one button" installer as Apple can make it & far more sophisticated than any previous installer.

  • How to install Windows XP using Snow Leopard Bootcamp

    Have a MacBook purchased Mar '11 that came with Snow Leopard and when attempting to run Bootcamp to create Windows partition receive msg that only Windows Vista or 7 are supported.
    Also have Macbook Pro Jun '08 and Macbook Apr '09 that have Windows XP partitions created with Leopard Bootcamp which Apple Genius Bar upgraded to Snow Leopard and the XP partitions still run with no problems.
    Why does Snow Leopard require Win Vista/7 for new Bootcamp partitions but supports Win XP on partitions that where created with Leopard?
    Is there a way to use Win XP with Snow Leopard as purchasing 4 Win 7, would never run Vista, is a VERY undesirable option.
    First time using this forum, but will do whatever I need to ensure answer(s) get points.
    Thanks for your help.

    Hi Bob.
    Your questions have simple answers. I hope you find them helpful.
    1. Yes, Windows XP will install on your MacBook Pro.
    2. Most games run properly on Windows 7 Home Premium. But if you're really a hardcore gamer, I suggest you get yourself a copy of Windows 7 ULTIMATE (It's a little expensive though).
    3. Home Premium costs around $120. Ultimate shoots up to $220. There is a Professional edition as well but that's not the type you want (It's particularly for business users, plus its $200). If your budget is restricted to $140, I suggest you go ahead with Home Premium. You can squeeze in a $20 software/game as well. I have been using it for quite some time on my MacBook Pro. It's great!

  • Install Windows 7 now or wait for Snow Leopard (bootcamp 3?)

    What should I do? I just received my RTM copy of Win7 and I'm debating whether or not I should wait for the Snow Leopard release to install it.
    I wonder if it will be better supported with bootcamp 3. Any (quick) advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    I definitely agree with Hatter, it was the easiest installation with Bootcamp I've experienced with a Windows OS and I'm currently running Leopard.

  • How do I get my new Snow Leopard 10.6.3 upgrade to be 10.6.8?

    Earlier today I backed up my leopard (on my new external hard drive, $89.99) and installed my new Snow Leopard upgrade (purchased from Apple for $19.99). They sent me 10.6.3, however, it looks like I need 10.6.8 to get the new itunes which was my reason for upgrading in the first place. My son got the ipod touch 5th generation ($225) which requires the new itunes. How do I get my new Snow Leopard 10.6.3 upgrade to be 10.6.8? The price tag is adding up quickly!

    Here you go,

  • How to install upgrade snow leopard in macbook pro?

    I bought a macbook pro 2011 2.2 ghz quad core i7 and would like to install snow leopard in one partition to run older software. I had the full version of os leopard, but can't install in the new macbook pro to upgrade to snow leopard. I can't upgrade snow leopard in my power G5 either because it needs intel cpu. Is there away to upgrade leopard to snow leopard in macbook pro 2011? I have not bought the snow leopard upgrade yet. Thank for your help.

    See the bottom of this user tip to determine if Snow Leopard can be installed on your MacBook Pro:
    If it can, you'll need to find out the version of Snow Leopard installer that was available at the time that machine was released based on the age of the machine.
    Snow Leopard releases are here:
    10.6.6 on January 6, 2011
    10.6.7 on May 4, 2011
    10.6.8 on June 23, 2011

Maybe you are looking for