So bad !! menuda mierda los altavoces de creative.

Me he comptrado unos altavoces creative, los inspire 3000, tenian buena pinta.
Los mont? y los instal?, sonaban bastante bine, pero cual es mi sospresa cuando me llaman al movil............... pipipipipiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ipipipipi iipipiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii SU PUTA MADRE !.
Han protegido los satelites contra electromagnetismo y el subwofer NOO ! MENUDA CAGADA.
Y no solo eso, les he llamado 30 veces, escrito 40 mails, y ni me responden.
Creative... nunca mas. !
un saludo.

It would be better to post here in English if you can, I don't think there are many Spanish-speakers on this board.
Alternatively contact Customer Support (again), and they should be able to help you.
And please refrain from using bad language (in English or otherwise!) on these forums.

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    Google translate:
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    - Reset the iOS device. Nothing will be lost
    Reset iOS device: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Reset all settings      
    Go to Settings > General > Reset and tap Reset All Settings.
    All your preferences and settings are reset. Information (such as contacts and calendars) and media (such as songs and videos) aren’t affected.
    - Restore from backup. See:                                 
    iOS: How to back up                             
    - Restore to factory settings/new iOS device.

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    Hey jose_sifontes_31,
    Welcome to the BlackBerry Support Community Forums.
    Thanks for the question.
    I'm sorry but can you clarify the issue better, do you mean the * key is not working anymore?  I look forward to your reply.
    Come follow your BlackBerry Technical Team on Twitter! @BlackBerryHelp
    Be sure to click Like! for those who have helped you.
    Click  Accept as Solution for posts that have solved your issue(s)!

  • Hola, altavoces 6700 (6

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    If I dun remember wrongly, there's a switch at the woofer. Try changing that to direct mode.

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    Hallo zusammen,
    meine Frage steht schon in der Überschrift. Ich nutze einen iMac mit Yosemite.
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    LR 5.7 does not have uninstaller file , you can simply trash it from Applications folder.
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    NO NO NO NO!!!!
    I posted this in another thread :
    If time is on your side TAKE IT BACK ASAP. Like you, I did plenty of research before putting out the money on an Mp3 player. I was impressed with what I read about the Zen micro so I went ahead and purchased 3. WHAT A MISTAKE!!!! I purchased them in May 2005. I've already sent player back twice for repair - and am awaiting the RMA label to send THE SAME player back again for replacement. Now the other 2 players are starting to act up. One won't hold a charge at all and when it does start it goes to the clean up screen and the other has started freezing up quite a lot. As far as I am concerned this product is a joke. I was patient with customer service, even after I was LIED to. I let them replace the product not once but twice and am actually going to see if I can't cancel the advanced RMA on the third replacement and try and get my money back on all three of the players through the replacement plans I bought on them. If I have to wait until May 2006 for the year manufacturers warranty to be up I'll stick them in a drawer and wait.
    The funny (not ha ha funny, but strange funny) thing is that I bought the Zen Micro's because I didn't want to be like everyone else and buy iPods. Now I wish I had. I have a feeling I threw over $600.00 away. Not quite 7 months and almost $700.00 spent- $00.00 a month for nothing but problems - wow what a really bad investment!
    If I thought Creative would buck up and do the honorable thing and give me my money back, I probably wouldn't have bothered to register and post here. But I really don't think they give a crap about me or any other poor sucker that fell for their line and bought this junk. Buyer Beware....

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    Can you help me?

    Might be a bad installation.
    You'll get much better answers to product questions if you use the appropriate product forums.  See link below.
    Nancy O.

  • What causes ad-hoc to run with bad plan and its resolution

    One of our Company Application funcnalities uses the ad-hoc query that returns top first row from the result sets .There has been several times since this ad-hoc query ran with a bad
    execution in last 8 months .There is no specifice time and date or day when this query run with bad execution plan ,however whenever this query ran with a bad execution plan on SQL ,that happed always early in the morning , before 6am .The setting of database
    parameterization is set to forced .There is SQL maintenance reindexing job that runs each night at 2am that changes the recovedry model of our production database from Full to simple and changing back from simple to full after the reindexing operation .That
    causes the SQL plans to flush each night .The next day morning , when the application ad-hoc query runs on SQL first time , SQL generates a new plan for that query . Some strange reason , SQL genarates a good plan for that ad-hoc query most of the times ,but
    sometime this query picks up a bad plan .Whenever it happen,the application function becomes exetremly slow and it seems that the rest of the fuctionalities work fine meantime .
    Our application vender is aware of this issue and this issue will be fixed in the application next release .Developer is converting the ad-hoc query into stored procedure to fix this
    issue .Application new relase will not available for next 2-3 months ,meantime we still have to deal with the ad-hoc query bad execution plan issue . Usually ,when the ad-hoc query run with the bad execution plan , I retrieve the query bad plan and just remove
    the plan for that particular query from cache .Once the bad plan is removed from cache , the perfomance gets back to normal .
    As my understanding, this issue is related to parameter sniffing .but anyone thinks there are other factors responsible for this issue such as the network problem , the resource intensive
    report ran or something else .
    Has anyone have step by step troubleshooting steps that could help me with my investigation and what areas
     do I need to look into in order to investigate what could caused the ad-hoc query to pick up bad plan ?
    Any help will be apprecited .

    When we upgraded our Production Database to SQL server 2008R2 enterprise Edition. We ran into the transaction log file to grow too large during the reindexing job activities at night .To prevent the transaction log file to grow big , we had decided to change
    the recovery model of database from FULL to Simple before the reindexing job starts and the recovery model of Database is changed from Simple to Full after the reindexing job finishes . We also have the differential backup job setup right after the recovery
    model change back to full so the transaction log backup chain does not break.
    The transaction log chain breaks when you set the recovery to simple.
    Yes, if you take a diff backup, you can apply transaction logs from that point
    if the diff backup is good. If the diff backup is bad, you will lose all updates after you set recovery to simple. And, yes, when you hardware starts to deteoriate, you should not be surprise that the last backup is not good.
    Again, please stop setting recovery to simple, unless you have a very relaxed RPO in your SLA. Use bulk-logged recovery instead.
    By the way, you do take a t-log backup before you change the recovery mode, don't you?
     Changing the database recovery model does flush the SQL plans for specific Database. Please review this link
    Hmmm. I don't have the time to verify this right now. Anyway, reindexing is good enough to flush the cache of most plans.
    I have pretty much all required info regarding this query , but what other areas or investigation do I need to do for the query parameter sniffing issue ?
    Have you researched what values the initial plan is sniffed for?
    As Erland said  adding space in query ,I don?t know adding space means just add additional space in the query so it hashes a different values .Please advice .
    Obviously, you need access to the application code. The other alternative is to set up an early morning job that runs after this first execution and which forces a recompilation; either by evicting this specific plan or more brutally runs sp_recompile on
    one of the tables in the query.
    Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP, [email protected]

  • No tengo audio en mis altavoces M30-70

    Compré mi ordenador hace una semana, y los altavoces funcionaban bien. Me conecté a una clase con los auriculares y funcionaban bien tambien.
    Luego de esto ya no funcionan ni los altavoces ni los auriculares. Todos los settings estan bien, pero no cuando quiero hacer la prueba de sonido me sale un error como que no se puede reproducir el sonido de prueba.
    He reiniciado ya el ordenador y nada.
    Que debo hacer?

    Hola Monpepa que tal,
    Puede ser que el servicio de audio de Windows no este iniciado, verificalo, presiona teclas Windows + r escribe services.msc , ubica audio de Windows debe estar en ejecución si no es así inicialo.
    Puede que también el problema sea relacionado al controlador,verificarlo en administrador de dispositivos, puede que ayude quitar el controlador actual para luego re-instalar, el controlador de audio se ubica en D/driver o sigue este enlace
    Un saludo.
    Comunidad en Español  English Community  Deutsche Community  РусскоязычноеСообщество
    Mis Lenovo: Y560p,Z580,Z500 touch,S920,T400,G50-70 ,Soy voluntario no trabajo para Lenovo, las opiniones expresadas por mi no representan a Lenovo, no se responde a preguntas de manera privada debes crear un nuevo tema, números del centro de llamada Lenovo Aquí , reglas de participación del foro Aquí , si encontraste solución a tu problema marcarlo aceptándolo como solucionado!!!!!

  • Mi iMac no detecta altavoces externos

    Reproduce a partir de los internos. Desde ajustes no me aparecen. He probado cables, reiniciar, conecté los altavoces a la pc y funcionan bien

    Tras actualizar a Lion, mi imac y macbook (unibody white) me da problemas de hardware en el wifi, el sistema me informa que No existe ningún hardware instalado. 
    Apple Responda somos muchos con este problema.

  • DISH Connection Bad Weather

    A SUBSCRIPTION?? I live 5 miles down a dirt road in the gorgeous country. We use a dish for internet connection, which is unreliable in bad weather. What lunatic thought up a subscription to the cloud as a means of selling Adobe products? If we get bad weather we lose our connection and it is unreliable. What happens if I am working on a project and lose my connection? What if I chose NOT to pay for internet service if times get tough? More people are moving to cell phones instead of land lines, so again, that's not going to help my ability to edit photos, print and sell them. I came here today to find out what is new with Adobe for 2014, ready to buy myself a nice Christmas upgrade, but NO THANKS.

    Hi Bazz02,
    Thanks for the post.  Sorry to hear that you are having problems with your BT Vision service.  Have you reported this to BT?  I presume you have been told its due to the weather?
    I would be happy to look into this, I know you guys in Belfast have been hit quite badly with the snow so let me see what I can do.  We have been very lucky down here in Enniskillen, we haven't had a pick of snow.
    Please drop me an email via the 'Contact Us' link in my profile. (click on my name and you will find the link under the "about me" section). Include your BT account details and the link to this thread.
    BTCare Community Manager
    If we have asked you to email us with your details, please make sure you are logged in to the forum, otherwise you will not be able to see our ‘Contact Us’ link within our profiles.
    We are sorry that we are unable to deal with service/account queries via the private message(PM) function so please don't PM your account info, we need to deal with this via our email account :-)

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