SOAP Sender Web Service Authenication

Dear Experts,
Is there a way to authenticate a web service call from a third party system to local (to the company) De-central adapter. I would like to embed the required username and password in the SOAP call. I know it can be done in the URL of a HTTP request but can it be done by customising the SOAP header ?
Many thanks

If user name is passed in header within standard field 'sap-user' in case of sender SOAP adapter, it can be read using DynamicConfiguration.
Remote User SRemoteUser
Remote Host SRemoteHost
DynamicConfiguration conf = (DynamicConfiguration) container.getTransformationParameters().get(StreamTransformationConstants.DYNAMIC_CONFIGURATION);
DynamicConfigurationKey key = DynamicConfigurationKey.create("","SRemoteUser");
String userName = conf.get(key);
Further you can map this retrieved value to required field from target structure.
Hope this explanation helps.
To store adapter attributes in the message header of the XI message, set the Set Adapter-Specific Message Attributes indicator.
The following attributes are added to the XI message header if the sender makes them available, and if the Variable Transport Binding indicator is set. SRemoteUser and SRemoteHost .
You can check the originating user and Host in mapping and you may decide not to answer to the soap call .Means fails the mappings
Also see
Security Settings for the Sender SOAP Adapter

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    <part name="summary">
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    Thanks for the reference.
    I have checked both in the wsdl and the Soap message,
    rpc property effectively means rpc/encoded. Now that
    would say that RPC/Literal is not supported ?
    Here are what the messages looks like with rpc and
    document properties
    Thanks all for making this clear.
    document wlw property = Document/Literal
    <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <SOAP-ENV:Body SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="">
    <ns:getEmployeeResponse xmlns:ns="">
    <ns:getEmployeeResult xmlns:ns="">
    <ns:Address xmlns:ns="">
    <ns:City xmlns:ns="">Luxembourg</ns:City>
    <ns:Country xmlns:ns="">LU</ns:Country>
    <ns:Number xmlns:ns="">2</ns:Number>
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    <ns:Age xmlns:ns="">20</ns:Age>
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    <ns:String xmlns:ns="">Jean</ns:String>
    <ns:String xmlns:ns="">Jacques</ns:String>
    rpc wlw property = RPC/Soap-Encoded
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    <SOAP-ENV:Body SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="">
    <ns:getEmployeeResponse xmlns:ns="">
    <getEmployeeResult xmlns:s="" xsi:type="s:Employee">
    <Address xsi:type="s:Address">
    <City xsi:type="xsd:string">Luxembourg</City>
    <Country xsi:type="xsd:string">LU</Country>
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    <Age xsi:type="xsd:int">20</Age>
    <Name xsi:type="xsd:string">Dupont</Name>
    <FirstNames SOAP-ENC:arrayType="xsd:string[2]" xsi:type="SOAP-ENC:Array">
    <String xsi:type="xsd:string">Jean</String>
    <String xsi:type="xsd:string">Jacques</String>
    Message was edited by phcollignon at Aug 27, 2004 2:54 AM

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    Thanks in advance

    Hi Clinton,
    I am pretty sure that the adapter gives back standardized
    You could also use the faultmessage functionalities
    in the message interface.
    Maybe this helps:
    Browse SDN, there is a lot of stuff about this

  • Access Java SOAP based web service using WS Security

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    I have connected to the service using SOAPUI and below is the sample header for the same. I need to achieve the same in my Windows form application from where I am calling the SOAP service over https.
    I am not an expert in WS Security. Need some tips or sample code to achieve this.
    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:v1=""
          <wsse:Security xmlns:wsse="" xmlns:wsu="">
             <wsse:BinarySecurityToken EncodingType=""
    ValueType="" wsu:Id="X509-76146B887E7568491C142289201149318">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</wsse:BinarySecurityToken>
             <ds:Signature Id="SIG-76146B887E7568491C142289201149421" xmlns:ds="">
                   <ds:CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm="">
                      <ec:InclusiveNamespaces PrefixList="soapenv v1 v11" xmlns:ec=""/>
                   <ds:SignatureMethod Algorithm=""/>
                   <ds:Reference URI="#id-76146B887E7568491C14228915193694">
                         <ds:Transform Algorithm="">
                            <ec:InclusiveNamespaces PrefixList="v1 v11" xmlns:ec=""/>
                      <ds:DigestMethod Algorithm=""/>
                <ds:KeyInfo Id="KI-76146B887E7568491C142289201149319">
    <wsse:SecurityTokenReference wsu:Id="STR-76146B887E7568491C142289201149320">
                      <wsse:Reference URI="#X509-76146B887E7568491C142289201149318" ValueType=""/>

    The following articles would be helpful:
    .net call WS-Security enabled web service (created in java)
    WS-Security Protocol with .NET – A Overview
    An introduction to Web Service Security using WSE - Part I
    As this question is not relate to SharePoint, I suggest you post it to a suitable Forum, you will get more help and confirmed answers from there.
    Best Regards
    Dennis Guo
    TechNet Community Support

  • Automatically send web service request on restart

    Is it possible to send a web service request (or invoke a web method) on restart of a web application that is contained within oc4j.
    I want to try and improve the performance of my web service sine it takes a long time to execute the first method call
    Thanks in Advance

    One possibility would be to use a ServletContextListener:

  • How to access (any) soap / rest web services from widget

    Hi all,
    Is there an API, javascript library etc, which allows accessing (any) soap / rest webservices from widgets?
    I know I can access web services from sap j2ee with widget foundation, but I'm still not sure how to access "outside"
    web services.
    A blog entry about this topic would be greatly appreciated I think, not only by me.

    As promised, below is the js lib source code. I did not see the attachement option, so you can just create a text file and save it with .js extension.
              function getHdrData( FuncName ) {
                return '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>' +
                          '<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" ' +
                                             'xmlns:xsi="" ' +
                                             'xmlns:xs="">' +
                          '<SOAP-ENV:Header><sapsess:Session ' +
                                    'xmlns:sapsess="">' +
                          '</SOAP-ENV:Header><SOAP-ENV:Body><ns1:' +
                          FuncName +
                          ' xmlns:ns1=\'urn:sap-com:document:sap:soap:functions:mc-style\'>';
              function addVar ( VarName, VarValue ) {
                return '<' + VarName + '>' + VarValue  + '</' + VarName + '>';
              function getFtrData( FuncName ) {
              return '</ns1:' + FuncName + '></SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>';
              function setTable ( TblName, TblType) {
                   return '<' + TblName + ' xsi:type=\'ns1:' + TblType + '\'>';
              function closeTable ( TblName) {
                   return '</' + TblName + '>';
              function startEntry( ) {
                   return '<item>';
              function endEntry( ) {
                   return '</item>';
    So the following is the basic on how to use this library:
    * Set up SOAP envelope
    * Get the header data
    getHdrData( SOAP operation name )
    * If the web service set up the table and record start tags
    setTable( variable name, table type ) - Optional
    Set new record tag: startEntry() ? Optional
    * Set up the fieldname or variable name
    addVar( variable name, variable value )
    * Set up the table and record end tags
    endEntry() ? Optional
    closeTable( variable name ) ? Optional
    * Set up the footer SOAP envelope
    Set footer data: getFtrData(SOAP operation name )
    So hopefully that will help you consume SAP Published web services.

  • Calling Non SOAP based Web Service

    Can I call a web service that is not SOAP based through Data Services natively? I have an API I need to hit that's XML based, but it's not SOAP.
    Edited by: jmbsquared on Sep 20, 2011 7:25 PM

    I adjusted the JVM memory options to what you suggested, but it looks like the files are just to big. I've decided to just take the pieces out of the request and reply schemas that I need for each method I'll be using and have an operation instance for each. Maybe this is supposed to be how it works anyways.
    But, I'm running into an issue where some XML is getting inserted into my request by Data Services after I launch a test job. I show this in the trace file:
    11/21/11 9:22:59 AM Thread[Thread-15,5,main]      Handle request data:
    <methodName xmlns:xsi=""   xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="adapter_schema_in.xsd"
    attribute1 = "test"  attribute2 = "test" >
    </methodName >
    When that happens, I get this accompanying error:
    8012     8956     XML-240304     11/21/2011 9:22:59 AM     XML parser failed: Error <Invalid document structure> at line <1>, char <1> in <XML PARSING ERROR: unknow atrribute 'xmlns:xsi'
    8012     8956     XML-240304     11/21/2011 9:22:59 AM     in element 'methodName'>, file <>.
    (I've replaced the actual method with methodName in addition to attribute1 and attribute2 replacing actual attributes)

  • Invalid SOAP format, Web Service

    Hi All,
    I am trying to send a SOAP request to get the list of Activity ID using the following code:
    SOAPPart soapPart = message.getSOAPPart();
    SOAPEnvelope envelope = soapPart.getEnvelope();
    envelope.addAttribute(envelope.createName"xmlns:xsi"), "");
    envelope.addAttribute(envelope.createName("xmlns:xsd"), "");
    SOAPBody body = envelope.getBody();
    SOAPElement bodyElement = body.addChildElement("ActivityNWS_Activity_QueryPage_Input","ns1","urn:crmondemand/ws/activity/10/2004");
    SOAPElement childElement = bodyElement.addChildElement("ListOfActivity","ns1","urn:/crmondemand/xml/activity");
    SOAPElement childElement2 = childElement.addChildElement("Activity");
    String destination = ";jsessionid"+SODSession;
    SOAPMessage reply =, destination);
    But I am getting the following SOAP error when I try to send the SOAP request.
    <faultstring>SOAPAction '&lt;?&gt;' is of invalid format:
    SOAPAction should be of the form "rpc/operationName" or "document/operationNa
    <detail><siebelf:errorstack xmlns:siebelf="">
    <siebelf:errormsg>SOAPAction '&lt;?&gt;' is of invalid format: SOAPAction should be of the form "rpc/operationName" or "document/operationName".(SBL-EAI-08006)</siebelf:errormsg>
    Is there anything else that needs to be added to the code?

    Hi ,
    You might have not read that on top of the web page on left of the "Welcome + your name" there is the note
    "Community Feedback and Suggestions (Do Not Post Product-Related Questions Here)"
    Post your problem to:

  • PI  7.0 SOAP receiver don't send the request to the destination web service

    Hello everybody.
    I have a problem with a synchronous scenario.
    RFC -> XI -> SOAP
    The Web service is outside our network.
    It's a communication HTTPS and the certificate is installed.
    The mapping between RFC and the outgoing message is made by XSLT because I had to put data in SOAP:Header.
    When I use the soap enveloppe in XMLSPY from my PC, that works, but when it is used by PI, the request is well generated and the adapter say that that the "call is completed" and the "request entering" but our partner doesn't  receive anything.
    Message souce extract coming from the adapter SOAP :
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:m0="">
    <m:credentials xmlns:m="">
      <SOAP-ENV:Body />
    Could it be a problem of firewall or something else like this?
    Is there anybody who can help me?
    Thanks in advance for your answers

    In SOAP communciation channel, you have the parameter as Target URL, just below that you will fine some checkbox as Configure Proxy.
    Select this option and it will ask for HOST and PORT, these details will be available with the contact person of receiver Web Application, just fill up and this is HTTPS so may required related User ID and Password also to be specify. for this select the chek box Configure Proxy User Authetication.
    Hope this will help.

  • Help NeEDED. How to link to soap web service from objective c

    Hello , HELP
    I'm trying to connect to a SOAP based web service using objective C as my programming language. Although the little bit of information on the Apple Dev centre documents is should be straight forward, im struggling like **.
    What im trying to do is connect via a small username and password text-box plus 'login' button from interface builder to and parameter called login.
    then pass it my username and password from the interface text-boxes plus a few other standard set bits of information which are required.
    in turn the soap request will pass back a session token which i need to store.
    I've tried using WSMakestubs, which builds successfully the classes, but when calling them method nothing happens.

    Hello Etresoft
    Thanks again for coming back to me.. I would like to add that maybe on my first thread i wasn't as clear on what i was asking for, and also what avenues have have stepped down before asking for help.. Believe me i hate nothing more than not being able to resolve something myself. I'm currently reading 'another' programming in cocoa book by Arron Hillgrass, although he touches on the web service call to a Amazon web service example, he doesn't go into detail about how to actually do this.
    So again thank you for trying to help me.. its greatly appreciated.
    Ok back to the subject, and your response below.. I will try and be as informative as i can.
    I'm want to create a application using the interface builder which has a username and password textfield plus a button called <login>..
    On entering the username and password and pressing the login button, i was to send a request to the a .wdsl (SOAP) web service and login.! the webservice in return will send back a session token, which i need to store for further web service calls.
    In xcode i have been trying now for 1 week..!!! and the more i read up on how to make the Soap request call the more i fail to understand if this is simple or complex.
    * A bit more info if i may, on clicking the login button i need to send information to the below address as a soap type request.
    i need to also tell the request the method name which is loginreq
    and also i need to pass these parameters in the request.
    username (from textfield)
    password (from textfield)
    productId = '82'
    vendorsoftwareId = '0'
    locationId = '0'
    ipAddress = '0'
    The stage I've got to is, I've used wsmakestubs and I've tried 'wdsl2objc' to create the classes required. I have then created a app controller class and a interface build app with the textfields and login button. I have then linked up the textfields and button to the nsobject appcontroller with a action ibaction loginreq etc. On build and go the app builds without error's but fails to do anything when i press the login button.. (more i think about this the more i think its either two things, one im not passing the parameters and two im not invoking the loginreq method from the class.)
    I feel like im wading in treacle and getting nowhere fast.!
    All i would like is for some help from someone to point me the correct direction..
    Im thinking that with all the Soap web services out there in the WWW, this must now be a easy thing to do in xcode. Im starting to think im stupid..
    Thanks again for you Help
    Iain Smith
    [email protected]

  • Web Service operation not in SOAP request

    Hi There,
    I have a problem with the SOAP receiver adapter.
    I have created an external definition and uploaded a wsdl file. Several messages have been created out of the file.
    In my mapping I fill the message structure from the wsdl file. When I send the message to the Web Service I get an error back.
    The reason for this error seam to be a missing tag under the SOAP:Body element. Because when I create a SOAP request with the XMLSPY, it looks like this:
      <m:setVendor xmlns:m="http://..." ...>
        <ns8:v xmlns:ns8="http://...">
    But in the message from the XI adapter the <m:setVendor..> tag is missing:
      <ns8:v xmlns:ns8="http://...">
    This m: tag seems to be the operation of the web service.
    Has anybody an Idea how to solve this?
    Is the error in the SOAP adapter or in the message definition?
    By the way, can I display the complete SOAP message that has been sent out from the adapter with any XI tool (including SOAP header)?

    I have exactly the same problem in a RFC -> RFC Adapter -> XI -> SOAP Adapter -> Web Service scenario.
    What we see is that the external vendor wants the SOAP to be in "documet-literal wrapped" whereas XI is returning is as "document literal".
    **I don't want to change the original wsdl file because it was provided by our business partner and a modification could cause problems when release update.
    But I have build a workaround with an XSL stylesheet as a second mapping step in my Interface Mapping. The stylesheet adds the missing operation tag into the XML message.**
    Even in our case we dont want to change wsdl, the operation & soap body are going as two parts we want the soap body in operation,i think  this can be achieved by xsl stylesheet,Can u please brief us about xsl stylesheet as a second mapping step in interface maping.I dint work on xsl before......
    Advance thanx for ur help

  • Web Service JAX-RPC/SOAP with JAXB

    During my research on JAX-RPC/SOAP as web service technology. I found only simple "helloworld" sample type what using simple String as aurgment. For my task, I required a more complex aurgment such as a complete contact info. I then did some sample code for JAXB and found it to be very useful as a XML/JAVA binding tool. It seems logical to use JAXB to parse and bind the complex aurgment. Though I have not seen any reference to this using it with JAX-RPC. Does JAX-RPC have the tool set to accomplish the same thing? JAX-RPC may have such thing, but using this JAXB seem logical, thus would I still "conform" to the JAX-RPC if I go this route. Any info would be much appreciative.
    Thanks in Advance,

    The two JAX-RPC tools that I have used, the reference implementation and Apache Axis both have tools for mappiing XML to classes and vice-versa. Having used JAXB also, I have to say that both of these tools are much easier to use than JAXB.
    As far as whether it will conform, you can make a valid SOAP message using any tool you like.

  • SOAP Request for uploading attachment through Web Services

    Can someone help me in understanding how to form a SOAP request (Web Service) for uploading an attachment into OD?
    The Web service PDF mentions about the getting attachment from OD (SOAP) but not uploading.
    Please suggest.
    Sumeet K.

    The return message being in HTML escaped form is expected, however the truncated response is not.
    Please contact support via, and they will be able to advise appropriately.

  • Invoking a Web Service using XI 2.0

    Hi all,
    I am attempting to create a scenario where an SAP application invokes a web service through XI 2.0.
    I have created an ABAP proxy to allow my ABAP to start the call process and have set up the message interfaces within the Integration Directory.
    I want XI to receive a call from this proxy and then act as the client to an existing Web Service.. calling it and bringing back a response... but it doesn't look like I can import the existing WSDL as a I would have expected.
    So... instead I have exported the Message Interface for the "out of XI" portion of the interface as a WSDL and have asked the Web Service provider to amend their service according to this XI generated WSDL.
    My difficulty now is how to use the SOAP adapter. Within the Integration Directory I presumably need to define the endpoint with XI Connectivity but I am not sure how to fill in the URL address of the SOAP adapter...
    Any help on how to configure the actual SOAP adapter to fulfill this requirement would be great too.
    I have looked around the boards to see if I could work this out from previous posts but without success so far.
    It's a synchronous scenario and basically should look like...
    ABAP Proxy->XI->SOAP Adapter->Web Service->XI->ABAP Proxy
    Many thanks,

    Hi Gordon,
    here is an example for SOAP-Adapter config:
    # Bubble adapter java class
    # Sets the bubble module helper that can instantiate your bubble bag
    ###### Part 0 (FromWS and ToWS) : common part ######
    # Keeps the XMB headers in web service messages
    # Encodes the xmb headers into a special HTTP header string x-xmb_ws_encoded
    # The target URL for the web service, to which the adapter sends web service messages.
    # The address is part of the WSDL
    # Proxy configuration from SAP
    # The port and path where the adapter waits for XMB messages from clients.
    # The default SOAPAction HTTP request header to the web Service server
    # The SoapAction is part of the WSDL
    Of course you have to set URL, proxy and SOAP-action to your belongings.
    You define the endpoint as:
    in this example:

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