Software Licenses for Macs

I have Microsoft office and Creative Suite for one computer in my office. Do I have to buy separate versions of the software for a second computer or can I buy a second license?

Since neither are Apple products, contact Microsoft and Adobe and ask them.

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    Choose About this Mac from the Apple menu and check the processor.
    If it's a Core Duo Mac, click here, install the DVD, and run Software Update.
    If it's a Core 2 Duo or better Mac, upgrade it as if it was a Core Duo Mac, and once done, if desired, open the Mac App Store and try downloading Yosemite. If you get told it's incompatible, go to the online Apple Store and order a download code for Lion 10.7.
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    Good evening I do not have disc version, I by in Internet and attached I send the license number can I use?
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    Leandro Duranti
    [email protected]
    Il giorno 08/feb/2015, alle ore 01:15, Barbara B. <[email protected]> ha scritto:
    I have photoshop elements 10 for PC is possible to convert the license for MAC?
    created by Barbara B. <> in Photoshop Elements - View the full discussion <>
    That depends. If you bought the disc version, you're good to go, since your serial number works on both platforms, so just install the mac version. If you lost the discs or your mac doesn't have a disc drive, you can download it here:
    Download Photoshop Elements products | 13, 12, 11, 10 <>
    However, if you bought the windows version as a download, you're out of luck. Adobe does do a crossgrade, but for older versions you have to pay to upgrade to current version on the new platform, and that's more expensive than just buying it, if you search around for a good price.
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    Plenty, but none of them really necessary. 10.6.8 has it's own in-built system. Just keep the security updates up to date to cover the latest malware quarantine definitions.

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    Many thanks
    Message was edited by: hev_lalala

    Accepting the software license will not effect the usability of the iPod for the person you are giving it to (or any future owner).
    If you load your songs, they will be erased if the person receiving the iPod syncs the iPod with his or her own iTunes music library. It would be best to give the iPod unopened and let the new owner load his or her own songs. If someone gave me an iPod, I'd like it if I was the first person to touch it.

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    The answer is yes. If you use the "alias" method (in iPhoto's Advanced Preference pane - don't copy files when importing) you can use your own source folder system. You can also share the source files with another image management application. There are some unique issues, however. Any edit of a photo by iPhoto is not seen by the other application as the edited version is saved in iPhoto's Modified folder. If the other application can perform edits on the source file and save the edits to the actual source file, iPhoto's thumbnail of that file will not reflect the change but the edit will display when you open the photo in iPhoto's edit window or use that photo in a book or slideshow. If iPhoto hasn't edited before hand. If iPhoto edits the other application's edited version the source file is not touched. Also any file added to an existing source folder has to be manually imported into iView and then moved within iPhoto from its roll to the roll representing the source folder it was placed in via the Finder. When moved in iPhoto the source file will physically be moved to that folder in the Finder. Hope I haven't confused you with this convoluted description.
    So with some quirks you can use another application like iView MediaPro on the same set of source files.
    I do the above with iPhoto and iView.

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    PSE9 is multi-platform so you can run both side by side, subject to a maximum of two installations.
    If you ever need to transfer PSE9 to another computer you must first deactivate the Editor by going to Help >Deactivate (it will be grayed out in trial versions)

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    Many thanks.

    Try the combo update on the old machine.
    10.6.8 Combo Updater
    If the 2 computers have the correct cable connections, try the Target Disk Mode.
    Target Disc Mode

  • Software protection for Mac OS X

    Reading discussion on makes me believe that I need to have a software protection.
    Can somebody indicate me a software to keep my MBP protected (OS X, Snow Leopard).

    I understand that is usefull have an A/V installed, even though there is no viruses for Mac. Is that correct?
    Depends on your situation. I haven't run, or even installed AV software on any Mac I've owned for the past 11 years. I'll try to explain why.
    1) There are a few Mac viruses out there. BUT, they died with OS 9. More specifically, they died with OS X, 10.5.x Leopard when it was no longer possible to run OS 9 as Classic within OS X. Even then, if you managed to pick up one of those few, and not even very harmful viruses, they would only affect OS 9 running within the Classic environment since they can't run in OS X.
    No one has successfully created a virus which can run in OS X in the over 10 years it's been around.
    2) Doesn't mean someone won't eventually succeed. Until then though, you're wasting a lot of CPU time guarding against nothing. And when a virus does come out that works in OS X, your AV software will still be useless against the initial attack since all AV software works by finding known threats. It can't protect against something it's never seen before.
    Heuristics are no help, either. AV software uses this technique to help identify new, previously unknown threats by recognizing similarities to known malware. Since there are no viruses for OS X, there's also nothing for heuristics to compare against, so it will still miss the first viruses.
    3) Your biggest defense is between your ears. Don't download illegal software. It's intentionally loaded with malware. If an admin box pops up asking you to confirm something when you haven't done anything to prompt such a request in the first place, DENY.
    It kind of takes the fun out of surfing the web, but infected and purposely malicious sites have killed casual use of the web. Even known, "safe" sites aren't necessarily safe. Look at Google Images. You can bet they aren't happy about all of those infected images that prompt the automatic Javascript download of the current Trojan apps pretending to be Mac AV software. Someone managed to hack into and infect a large part of their servers.
    4) Where you may not have a choice is in a business. Most require AV software on each and every station. Being on a Mac doesn't give you special dispensation. While there are no viruses for the Mac, you could easily forward a Windows virus attached to an email you received to someone else running Windows. That user and your IT department would not be happy with you.
    So in my personal opinion, AV software is a complete waste of disk space and system resources at this time. Especially for a Mac in your own home. Just watch out for the few known Trojans.

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    Packager Links ent

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    Kind thanks for recommendations and advice as to a more appropriate forum for this question if appropriate.
    Thanks so much.

    Hi Connie
    No problem! I think there are 25 or so ... it's really a very straightforward program to use, I suggest you have a look at the tutorials and then jump in and see how you get on. You can always post back if you have specific questions (though I do recommend you post in the iWeb forum section, just because you'll get more specific help there).
    good luck!

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