Software Setup advice!!!

Hi, I'm in the middle of a production and I have some problems with system overload... I have a lot of tracks and plugs and UAD plugs too... I haven't in a while checked into the setup such as... in the hardware and drivers menu, how everything should be... and also if there's any computer system adjustments I can do!?

I'm presuming you've set the i/o buffer size to a larger value and are using the freeze function or bouncing tracks for plug-ins that don't support freeze.

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    You can erase everything and start over, but you should Zero the Disk first, but also you need an Install Disc, you can buy Sno/10.6 online, for Leo/10.5 you have to call Apple, who may also supply you with a replacement disk for the original if you have your Serial# handy.
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    You might try this a few times to see if you can fix your Disk...
    Tough without a Tiger Disk, but try fsck...
    To use fsck, you must run it from the command line. Unlike using your mouse to open an application to do something, you'll need to type a text command at the prompt (#) to tell fsck what to do. The Terminal application (/Applications/Utilities) and single-user mode are two examples of command-line interfaces in which you can type such commands. To use fsck:
    1. Start up your computer in single-user mode to reach the command line. Hold CMD+s keys down at bootup.
Note: If necessary, perform a forced restart as described in the Emergency Troubleshooting Handbook that came with your computer. On desktop computers, you can do this by pressing the reset/interrupt button (if there is one) or holding down the power button for several seconds. On portable computers, simultaneously press the Command-Control-power keys. If your portable computer doesn't restart with this method, you may need to reset the Power Manager.
    2. At the command-line prompt, type /sbin/fsck -fy
    (space between fsck and -fy important)
    3. Press Return. fsck will go through five "phases" and then return information about your disk's use and fragmentation. Once it finishes, it'll display this message if no issue is found:
** The volume (nameofvolume) appears to be OK 
If fsck found issues and has altered, repaired, or fixed anything, it will display this message:

Important: If this message appears, repeat the fsck command you typed in step 2 until fsck tells you that your volume appears to be OK (first-pass repairs may uncover additional issues, so this is a normal thing to do).
    4. When fsck reports that your volume is OK, type reboot at the prompt and then press Return.

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    Thanks in advance for any help and suggestions.

    Well if your looking for performance. You could get a Promise VTrak E-Class RAID with 32TB of storage, later on you can add more chassis to the raid for more storage space. The raid can be expanded up to 160TB. (80 drive bays, each drive 2 TB)
    Using fiber you could attach the raid to an xServer or Mac Pro (running mac os x server). You'll probable want at least 8 or 16 GB of ram on the server.
    The server can run a copy of final cut server. Witch makes it easer to work as a group. Mac OS X server, when properly configured, can also be used to create a VPN between both locations.
    Final Cut Server will let editors check in/out specific parts of the documentaries. So the project lives on the server; instead of scattered over every ones computers. Part of this is you can pull down thumb nails versions of the video to work off of. Only when you do the final render do you download the HD version of the video.
    If you want even better performance on the editing stations. you could also upgrade to Mac Pros. Mac Pros have upgrade slots witch you can use to add fiber networking. You could also use the upgrade slots to add a black magic real time HD capture card.
    Or if you want to keep the imacs. you might want to hook the server to a switch by fiber, and have the imacs connected to the same switch by 1000-T
    If you call apple i'm sure they'd be happy to help you figure this all out.
    for info on Promise:
    for mor info on final cut server:

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    Any advice or tweaks are welcome.. and if needed i can put mine whole install wikipage here. (VERY LARGE)
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    Here is a Bcache mounting part of mine private wikipage.
    ==== Mount the partitions ====
    cd ~/
    mkdir -p /mnt/install
    mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/install
    mkdir -p /mnt/install/{boot,home,srv,data,var,mnt/.hdd}
    mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/install/boot
    mount /dev/bcache0 /mnt/install/mnt/.hdd
    mkdir -p /mnt/install/mnt/.hdd/{home,srv,data,var}
    mount -o bind /mnt/install/mnt/.hdd/home /mnt/install/home
    mount -o bind /mnt/install/mnt/.hdd/srv /mnt/install/srv
    mount -o bind /mnt/install/mnt/.hdd/data /mnt/install/data
    mount -o bind /mnt/install/mnt/.hdd/var /mnt/install/var
    ==== Bcache Check After mounting ====
    Reason for /boot on the HDD is because of boot up failure because of HDD spin-up.
    sda                 8:0    0 167.7G  0 disk
    |-sda1              8:1    0    90G  0 part /mnt/install
    `-sda2              8:2    0  77.7G  0 part
       `-bcache0       253:0    0   1.8T  0 disk /mnt/install/mnt/.hdd
    sdb                 8:16   0   1.8T  0 disk
    |-sdb1              8:17   0     1G  0 part /mnt/install/boot
    |-sdb2              8:18   0    16G  0 part [SWAP]
    `-sdb3              8:19   0   1.8T  0 part
       `-bcache0       253:0    0   1.8T  0 disk /mnt/install/mnt/.hdd
    Here is mine Genfstab Part.
    ==== Generate an fstab ====
    Generate an fstab file with the following command. UUIDs will be used because they have certain advantages.
    genfstab -U -p /mnt/install >> /mnt/install/etc/fstab
    sed -i '/dev\/sda/ s/rw,relatime,data=ordered/defaults,noatime,discard/g' /mnt/install/etc/fstab
    sed -i '/mnt\/install/ {s/\/mnt\/install//g; s/rw,relatime,data=ordered/defaults/g; s/none/bind/g}' /mnt/install/etc/fstab
    more /mnt/install/etc/fstab
    # /etc/fstab: static file system information
    # <file system>    <dir>    <type>    <options>    <dump>    <pass>
    # /dev/sda1
    UUID=48b61847-ef90-4ac0-a9c7-ba8f64b575cb    /             ext4          defaults,noatime,discard    0 1
    # /dev/sdb1
    UUID=9ebda53c-ae98-422b-83bb-b1af767a121e    /boot         ext4          rw,relatime,data=ordered    0 2
    # /dev/bcache0
    UUID=c7e0d20a-f86b-4152-a29c-a41804fde7e9    /mnt/.hdd     ext4          rw,relatime,data=ordered    0 2
    # /mnt/.hdd/home
    /mnt/.hdd/home    /home         bind          defaults,bind    0 0
    # /mnt/.hdd/srv
    /mnt/.hdd/srv    /srv          bind          defaults,bind    0 0
    # /mnt/.hdd/data
    /mnt/.hdd/data    /data         bind          defaults,bind    0 0
    # /mnt/.hdd/var
    /mnt/.hdd/var    /var          bind          defaults,bind    0 0
    # /dev/sdb2
    UUID=84719ad7-c770-436b-ad53-70f512edddc7    none          swap          defaults      0 0
    Last edited by emesix (2013-10-09 00:02:11)

    For one, forget the SoundBlaster Audigy.  You're more likely to have more pain and heartache with it...
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