Software Simulation speed control

I published my first course with Captivate 8 and am testing its functionality within our LMS.  I am finding the timings of my software simulations very unstable.  In one launch, the simulations are running too fast while in another launch the simulations are running perfectly.  What is going on and how can the playing speed be better controlled?  I didn't experience this with Captivate 5.5.

As far as I know the only options available are what are there in the GUI. This has been true ever since Apple made this technology available in 10.4 Server. I don't know of anything you can do that will give you what you want other than possibly configuring the router to allow timed outgoing connections - if such a thing is possible? Bear in mind the SUS complains if it does not have a permanent internet connection. In 10.5 (judging by what some have reported on these forums) it has a tendency to download everything all over again, deleting everything it has already downloaded - strange but true. I personally have not seen this. The SUS servers of my experience run OK including Leopard Server.
On a side note and apart from the log or tcpdump there is no indication (progress bar or otherwise) that actually tells you 'visually' what is going on. This seems to me a missed opportunity by Apple to include a status bar of some sort. You would have thought they would have done this based on their experience of 10.4.
Perhaps there is a 3rd Party solution somewhere?

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    Kittmaster's Component Database
    Have a Nice Day

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    First off, it would be useful to know what the sensors-detect script actually reports.
    Okay. How fan control works on Linux: First, navigate to /sys/class/hwmon
    Each of these folders, i.e. hwmon0, stands for a sensors monitor / fan controller on your mainboard that may control one or several fans. Inside hwmonN, there should be a subfolder called device, which contains several interfaces if your BIOS allows software-side fan control. You can read them with cat and write to them with echo.
    pwm1_enable shows if OS-level fan control is enabled (1) or disabled and in BIOS control (0). Changing fan speed won't work if this is disabled. (i.e. cat /sys/class/hwmon0/device/pwm1_enable reports 0 -> disabled; you could enable it with echo 1 > /sys/class/hwmon0/device/pwm1_enable).
    pwm1 allows to change fan speed. The values range from 0 (fan off) to 255 (full speed, 12V).
    fan1_input shows the current RPM if a fan is connected. You can only read from this interface. Its useful to check all of these in the each of the hwmon folders to find out if there is actually a fan connected to the fan controller (they often have more ports than mainboard manufacturers use).
    There might be a fan1_div, this is somehow related to how the kernel reads the RPM, I don't know how it works.
    temp1_input interfaces can appeare too, if some of the chips have temperature sensors located somewhere. I *think* lm_sensors places the core temperatures it reads from CPU (the coretemp-isa-000X thingies) in one of the hwmon-folders too.
    There might be interfaces for different fans in the same hwmon folder, i.e. pwm2_enable, pwm2, fan2_input, etc., all interfaces with the same index belong to the same physical fan connector, and all in the same hwmonN are managed by the same IC on your mainboard.
    Warning: These interfaces, if they work, control the fans directly without any kind of security measure. If you shut some essential fan down, it will stay off until you reboot your CPU shuts down.
    (If you see something likein0_alarm, in0_input, in0_max, etc. it's a voltage monitoring chip.)
    If one of those interfaces can do something, OS-level fan control does work, if none of those folders contain a working pwm interface, fan control seems to be unavailable.
    Sometimes there is an option in the BIOS to enable it, and for some BIOSs software-side fan control only works if dynamic fan control is disabled in the BIOS and fan speed is set to a static value - or vice versa.
    I don't know what you are using to control fan speed, there are many applications that use these interfaces, i.e. GNOME or KDE power managers, so I'm not sure what is happening:
    IF: Windows 7 enables OS-level fan control and sets it the RPM to those you observed and you have nothing that provides fan control in Arch and so fan control stays at BIOS-level, which might also read out a different sensor / the same sensor differently or it might be more conservative in setting fan speeds altogether;
    OR: You have something that provides fan control installed in Arch and it reads out a the wrong value supplied by lm_sensors and thus sets a higher fan speed.
    Anyway, possible solutions I can think of:
    Find out if you have some kind of fan control software and what it does. For example, I use the fancontrol daemon, I can't help you if you use something else.
    The wiki mentions how to assign a fan speed to a certain temperature sensors. You might assign it to a different one. For example, there are no sensor chips on the mainboard of my EEE (no temp1 etc.) so I assigned the fan speed to the temperature reported by the BIOS via ACPI (those are in /sys/class/thermal, also no "device" subfolder on EEEs):
    You could also change the MINTEMP/MAXTEMP values to one higher than those you actually want to compensate for the effect of lm_sensors reporting temperatures that are too high.
    It is currently not possible for a mortal user to change the coretemps lm_sensors reads, see this post, last paragraph.
    There is a configuration file, /etc/sensors3.conf, you can change sensor names and adjust offsets here, but only for the monitoring chips and their sensors that are on the mainboard.
    Last edited by Malstrond (2009-08-19 19:34:22)

  • Captivate 4 will not record software simulation with Windows 7

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  • Audio Freezes During Software Simulation

    Hi Everyone,
    I hope one of you (maybe Rod?) can help me.
    I'm a newbie to Adobe Captivate (~2 months), and am having an issue when I try to record a Software Simulation on Captivate 8. I go through the whole ~13 minute video with narration, but when I go to edit the audio on the individual slide the whole system freezes and I can only force close with the Task Manager. I've tried for ~10 hours, and lost beautiful, ready to publish recordings more times than I want to count.
    At first I thought it was my less than optimal computer set up at work, but I get the same result with my video game rig at home which has a video card etc. I've checked a few other sites and forums for solutions, and I'm at a loss.
    A few notes:
    I do have administration rights
    My work computer has 2 monitors, but my personal computer only has 1 monitor.
    Pressing ESC doesn't work
    I'm showing a process on my company's website, and as such, the Full Screen option is best. Should 800 x 600 be used anyway, even through it will require *tremendous* sliding and panning?
    Could it be Preferences or something to do with Set Up?
    Thank you!!

    Hi Lauren. Sorry you're having a bad day.
    I would normally put this issue down to using two monitors and having the Slide Audio dialog appearing OFF screen where you cannot interact with it.  But you say you don't get control back when you hit the ESCAPE key.  So the missing dialog issue might not be causing your problem in this case.
    You could also try cleaning out your project cache and your TEMP cache folder where your video captures are stored (look in your Preferences settings to find where it is).  Make sure all of your default folders are located on your PC Cdrive and not on a network anywhere.
    I would also suggest you first try some tests to see if this issue has anything to do with computer resources being insufficient for the task, or whether the issue might be something else like audio drivers etc.
    First, try just capturing a very short section of maybe just a minute or so.  Do you get the same result?  If yes, then this is NOT likely to be a lack of resources due to the size of the capture.
    How long is it since you updated your audio drivers on either PC?

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    Any thoughts?

    Some software tasks are simply NOT a good fit for simulation.  Drag selecting a piece of audio is one such task.
    As far as replicating the actions of slider controls, there is a widget that would allow you to do this, but whether that's still too much trouble considering all the other things you would NOT be able to simulate is up to you.

  • Advice: CP6 - Software Simulations

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    Is there anyway to have each module as a seperate swf and only preload once its selected - I think that aggregator still preloads everything?
    Is there something obvious I'm missing about the preload which would explain why it doesn't work?  My audio files are chopped up not one big one and there is no fancy actions or anything.
    Previously we have used flash to control the indivdual swfs but we need this content to be mobile friendly too.
    Any suggestions or ways of achieving this that I haven't thought of would be appreciated!

    One thing I forgot to ask: Is this project built from scratch in Cp6 or was it upgraded from an earlier version of Cp?  If the latter, you may need to remove your current preloaders and set the path again to the Cp6 preloaders.  Upgraded projects may still show the path to the old location of the preloaders from the previous version and this can be the reason they don't work at runtime.  They're not found at publish time.

  • Is anyone else trying to use Edge Animation to create software simulations?

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    If you're attempted or were successful creating a software simulation using Edge Animate - I would be interested in hearing how you accomplished it. Also looking for some best practices around this idea.
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    In the timeline - allow the user to nest things. The timeline can get unwieldy quickly. Would be nice to be able to nest items and then twirl the nested items to hid them - like in AE.
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    If you have any other ideas or suggestions for creating software simulations in Edge Animate - would be great to hear from the community

    Hi there,
    Thanks for your suggestions! We're looking at ways to make the timeline more flexible as far as nesting and/or hiding elements, so hopefully these types of improvements will come as Animate continues to grow. Just wanted to quickly pop in to address a few of your bullet points - hopefully, other Animate users can answer regarding whether they use Animate for software simulation.
    Your first two points (I think) can be at least somewhat addressed by using symbols. Each symbol has its own timeline which can contain many elements, but it will appear as a single element in the main (Stage) timeline.
    Regarding video, there's currently only one HTML5 browser that natively supports video with alpha transparency: Chrome, using video encoded to the webm format. See here for more info: Alpha transparency in Chrome video - HTML5Rocks Updates
    Once other browsers start incorporating native support for video with transparency, this could be pretty cool. But as of now, native browser support is still quite limited.

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    Please do not double post issues.

  • How do i remove popups in software simulation - captivate 8

    I have recently moved to captivate 8 - straight from captivate 4. I have recorded a software simulation and am now in the process of editing it. On some screens captivate has captured the popup messages you get when you hover over a button or link, in the past in captivate 4 i would copy the background out of captivate, remove the pop using paint or photoshop and paste the edited background back in to the simulation.
    In captivate 8 i finding i am unable to do this. When i preview the screen capture the pop up message appears, however when i look at the background there is no pop up. It seems to be there as part of the screen capture, if i use the skimmer to run over the timeline the popup appears in the last few seconds, if i trim the slide of the seconds the pop up remains. I have been unable to find any options for removal of the pop ups.
    Does anyone have a solution for this problem?

    Yeah, somehow those tooltips are animated in the background slide.
    My fix: edit that background slide in Photoshop, ensure it shows what you want (i.e. not the tooltip), copy (or save) that flattened background image, back to Captivate, create a new slide after the 'odd' one, paste the background slide (merge with background), copy over any other elements from the 'odd' slide...then delete the odd slide.
    There is an option to capture tool-tips or not, I believe, in the capture setup/preferences...

  • Problem with multiple output for software simulated project

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    Thanks for the suggestions Malcolm,
    They're very handy app's for sure, but unfortunately they didn't fix the problem.
    Detour DID overide the routing for iChat's general bleeps & noises, but not the audio stream from video conferences (which is the problem I want to fix).
    If anyone has any other suggestions for fixes, I'd appreciate it!
    Thanks again,

  • Flash Web Gallery Slide Speed Control?

    Using LR 1.1 I put together (in the web module) and ftp'd to my web server a number of images of a dog show, as a slide show. I used the basic flash gallery template that comes with LR to do this.
    It works just fine for me but some of the viewers have asked for the ability to speed up or slow down the slides. Does LR have the ability to allow viewers to do that?
    Or on a more basic level, can I adjust the timing of the changes before I upload the gallery?
    I believe there is a speed control when creating a .pdf slide show but I can't find one in the web module.
    You can see the show (if you really like dog shows, or just want to see what I am talking about) at

    One more Question: In the downloadable templates there is Web Gallery 3: In the Samplefile the thumbnails are all rotated a litte, how is that done?

  • Published software simulation not displaying correctly when published

    When viewing a Captivate 6 software simulation either through the Preview mode or when published, screens will 'break up' at different points - part of the previous screen will stay in view when it moves to the next screen. This doesn't happen for the first couple of times it is viewed, which is a worry as you never know who/when it is going to happen.
    Once the projects is copied over to a new blank project it will be fine for a few views and then do the same again - it is not always at the same place.
    Does anyone know what may be causing this?

    You might try de-selecting the Advanced Project Compression option in the preferences:

  • Phantom Lines in CP ( Software Simulations

    Does anyone else have a problem with phantom lines showing up in their published CP software simulation slides?
    They don't display in my previewed copy, but do in the published SWF... and only in my software simulations, not in non-recorded slides.
    To see what I'm referring to, here are two screen shots. The first one shows (SWF) the phantom lines and the second one (preview) with without any phantom lines.
    (NO LINES)
    Any suggestions for correcting this problem?

    These are usually caused by Captivate compressing the SWF file.  You can try Edit -> Preferences-> Swf Size and Quality, an de-select the compression options.  Then republish.

  • Cannot change slide duration in software simulation

    I'm using Captivate 7 for the first time. I had a much older version, but seldom used it.
    I have recorded a simple software simulation that should be a piece of cake to edit and produce, but have come across a problem I don't know how to solve. The simulation includes an item on screen being clicked, then dragged and dropped into a new location. I cannot edit the duration of the slide that shows the drag-and-drop motion. It has a duration of 6.5 seconds, which is painfully and unrealistically slow and there is no way I can find to shorten it.
    I can't drag the end of the slide on the timeline, right-clicking hasn't produced anything promising in pop-up menus, and the Properties panel has a Time field, but when I select the 6.5 seconds and change it, it just reverts to 6.5 seconds immediately afterward.
    I recall this sort of thing being very simple in previous versions of Captivate. Not anymore, I guess...
    - Jennifer

    Thanks, guys! Those replies led me to try something that actually worked. It did record as a video demo (the red strike-through line) as Varun Kalra suggested. I discovered that I can click the end of the timeline for that slide (where the word END displays), then use the left arrow on my keyboard to decrease the duration of the slide.
    That probably wouldn't work if the entire animation was too slow, but in this case, just the very end was too slow.
    Thanks much!
    - Jennifer

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