Solaris 10 - install server - AAAAAARGH !

i have set up a Solaris 10 box, and created an install server for solaris 9, when booting the client i get a RARP reply
but then it sits and festers doing nothing ?
V CONFUSED !!!!!!!!!!!!
Edited by: syscare on Jan 22, 2008 4:37 AM

syscare wrote:
i have set up a Solaris 10 box, and created an install server for solaris 9, when booting the client i get a RARP reply
but then it sits and festers doing nothing ? Easiest way to troubleshoot is to snoop the client from the server, then see what the last traffic you see is before it hangs.
The normal sequence is:

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  • Linux install server and solaris 10

    I am trying to learn Solaris as a student. I bought a SPARC (Netra T105 UltrasparcII) server on ebay which requires a network install as there is no cd-rom, or keyboard.
    I only have a linux box (like I said, I'm a stingy student) to use as an install server, there is a few tutorials out there to try and do this, but none for Solaris 10. I have been hacking away at this for days, but cannot get it to install. I have the sparc server using RARP and then getting the /etc/bootparams file and downloading the boot files, but it does not get to locating the jumpstart files or the install files (I dont know if I can install from the terminal using the keyboard (without jumpstart) - I have not got that far yet).
    I always get this, like it cannot find the install directory, I was wireshark on the linux boot server and see loads of NFS traffic after the TFTP download, but cannot seem to see what part it actually at. I have a detailed log at the bottom from putty. Any help greatly appreciated.Cheers
    ERROR: bpgetfile unable to access network
    /sbin/install-discovery: information: not found
    Linux box setup:
    solaris root= rootopts=rsize=32768 boottype=:in install= sysid_config= install_config=
    TFTP setup from /tftpboot:
    [root@robert tftpboot]# ll
    total 232
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 8 Jun 10 13:55 C0A80214 -> inetboot
    -rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 221280 Jun 10 13:47 inetboot
    The Openboot can get ahold of the inetboot file and downloads and it and then loads it.
    The following directories are exported through NFS
    [root@robert sunos_install]# cat /etc/exports
    /home/sunos *(ro,no_root_squash)
    /home/sunos_install *(ro,no_root_squash)
    [root@robert tftpboot]# showmount -e localhost
    Export list for localhost:
    /home/sunos *
    /home/sunos_install *
    In /home/sunos, I have:
    [root@robert sunos]# tree -L 2
    |-- Solaris_10
    | `-- Tools
    |-- boot
    | |-- hsfs.bootblock
    | `-- sparc.miniroot
    `-- lost+found
    In /home/sunos_install, I have:
    [root@robert sunos_install]# tree -L 2
    |-- Solaris_10
    | `-- Product
    |-- jumpstart
    | |-- jumpstart.conf
    | `-- sysidcfg
    `-- lost+found
    [root@robert jumpstart]# cat jumpstart.conf
    install_type initial_install
    system_type server
    partitioning explicit
    filesys any 2000 /
    filesys any 1500 swap
    filesys any 1500 /var
    filesys any 2000 /opt
    geo N_America
    cluster SUNWCreq
    package SUNWgzip add
    package SUNWless add
    package SUNWman add
    package SUNWbash add
    package SUNWtcsh add
    package SUNWzsh add
    [root@robert jumpstart]# cat sysidcfg
    { hostname=js-test
    Putty log file from console:
    root server: (
    root directory: /home/sunos/Solaris_10/Tools/Boot
    module /platform/sun4u/kernel/sparcv9/unix: text at [0x1000000, 0x10a096d] data at 0x1800000
    module /platform/sun4u/kernel/sparcv9/genunix: text at [0x10a0970, 0x12615bf] data at 0x1867cc0
    module /platform/sun4u/kernel/misc/sparcv9/platmod: text at [0x12615c0, 0x12615c7] data at 0x18bdf80
    module /platform/sun4u/kernel/cpu/sparcv9/SUNW,UltraSPARC-IIi: text at [0x1261600, 0x126da07] data at 0x18be680
    SunOS Release 5.10 Version Generic_139555-08 64-bit
    Copyright 1983-2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
    Use is subject to license terms.
    \|/Ethernet address = 8:0:20:c2:1b:b4
    -Using default device instance data
    \|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/mem = 1048576K (0x40000000)
    avail mem = 846602240
    root nexus = Netra t1 (UltraSPARC-IIi 440MHz)
    pseudo0 at root
    pseudo0 is /pseudo
    scsi_vhci0 at root
    scsi_vhci0 is /scsi_vhci
    ramdisk0 at root
    ramdisk0 is /ramdisk-root
    root on /ramdisk-root:a fstype ufs
    pseudo-device: dld0
    dld0 is /pseudo/dld@0
    pcipsy0 at root: UPA 0x1f 0x0
    pcipsy0 is /pci@1f,0
    PCI-device: pci@1,1, simba0
    simba0 is /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1
    SUNW,hme0 : PCI IO 2.0 (Rev Id = c1) Found
    SUNW,hme0 : Local Ethernet address = 8:0:20:c2:1b:b4
    PCI-device: network@1,1, hme0
    hme0 is /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/network@1,1
    SUNW,hme1 : PCI IO 2.0 (Rev Id = c1) Found
    SUNW,hme1 : Local Ethernet address = 8:0:20:c2:1b:b5
    PCI-device: network@3,1, hme1
    hme1 is /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/network@3,1
    PCI-device: ebus@1, ebus0
    ebus0 is /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ebus@1
    su0 at ebus0: offset 14,3803f8
    su0 is /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ebus@1/su@14,3803f8
    cpu0: UltraSPARC-IIi (portid 0 impl 0x12 ver 0x91 clock 440 MHz)
    iscsi0 at root
    iscsi0 is /iscsi
    |pseudo-device: zfs0
    zfs0 is /pseudo/zfs@0
    Configuring devices.
    /pseudo-device: devinfo0
    devinfo0 is /pseudo/devinfo@0
    PCI-device: pci@1, simba1
    simba1 is /pci@1f,0/pci@1
    pseudo-device: pseudo1
    pseudo1 is /pseudo/zconsnex@1
    /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/network@1,1 (hme0) online
    /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/scsi@2 (glm0):
    Rev. 3 Symbios 53c875 found.
    PCI-device: scsi@2, glm0
    glm0 is /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/scsi@2
    PCI-device: pci@1, pci_pci0
    pci_pci0 is /pci@1f,0/pci@1/pci@1
    su1 at ebus0: offset 14,3602f8
    su1 is /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ebus@1/su@14,3602f8
    ecpp0 at ebus0: offset 14,340278
    ecpp0 is /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ebus@1/ecpp@14,340278
    pseudo-device: fssnap0
    fssnap0 is /pseudo/fssnap@0
    pseudo-device: ramdisk1024
    ramdisk1024 is /pseudo/ramdisk@1024
    sd0 at glm0: target 1 lun 0
    sd0 is /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/scsi@2/sd@1,0
    pseudo-device: winlock0
    winlock0 is /pseudo/winlock@0
    pseudo-device: llc10
    llc10 is /pseudo/llc1@0
    pseudo-device: lofi0
    lofi0 is /pseudo/lofi@0
    pseudo-device: fcp0
    fcp0 is /pseudo/fcp@0
    pseudo-device: fcsm0
    fcsm0 is /pseudo/fcsm@0
    pseudo-device: trapstat0
    trapstat0 is /pseudo/trapstat@0
    pseudo-device: pool0
    pool0 is /pseudo/pool@0
    pseudo-device: mem_cache0
    mem_cache0 is /pseudo/mem_cache@0
    pseudo-device: fcode0
    fcode0 is /pseudo/fcode@0
    -\i2c0 at ebus0: offset 14,600000
    i2c1 at ebus0: offset 14,100000
    i2cadc0 at i2c0: reg=0x0:0x9E, name=bus,address="0,9e"
    i2cadc0 is /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ebus@1/i2c@14,600000/adc@0,9e
    i2cgpio0 at i2c0: reg=0x0:0x70, name=bus,address="0,70"
    i2cgpio0 is /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ebus@1/i2c@14,600000/gpio@0,70
    i2cgpio1 at i2c0: reg=0x0:0x72, name=bus,address="0,72"
    i2cgpio1 is /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ebus@1/i2c@14,600000/gpio@0,72
    |/-\|/-\|/-Using RPC Bootparams for network configuration information.
    Attempting to configure interface hme1...
    \|/-\|/-WARNING: hme1: fault detected in device; service degraded
    WARNING: hme1: No response from Ethernet network : Link down -- cable problem?
    \|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-Skipped interface hme1
    Attempting to configure interface hme0...
    Configured interface hme0
    ERROR: bpgetfile unable to access network
    /sbin/install-discovery: information: not found

    rmcnaught48 wrote:
    I am trying to learn Solaris as a student. I bought a SPARC (Netra T105 UltrasparcII) server on ebay which requires a network install as there is no cd-rom, or keyboard.
    I only have a linux box (like I said, I'm a stingy student) to use as an install server, there is a few tutorials out there to try and do this, but none for Solaris 10. I have been hacking away at this for days, but cannot get it to install. I have the sparc server using RARP and then getting the /etc/bootparams file and downloading the boot files, but it does not get to locating the jumpstart files or the install files (I dont know if I can install from the terminal using the keyboard (without jumpstart) - I have not got that far yet).You can install using the keyboard with jumpstart. Without jumpstart you'd need local media (you can't enter the OS via the keyboard).
    I always get this, like it cannot find the install directory, I was wireshark on the linux boot server and see loads of NFS traffic after the TFTP download, but cannot seem to see what part it actually at. I have a detailed log at the bottom from putty. Any help greatly appreciated.Cheers
    ERROR: bpgetfile unable to access network
    /sbin/install-discovery: information: not foundHmm. That looks like the image file is corrupt. Can you pull the image from media again? Can you see if there's a /sbin/install-discovery file in the image (usually under Tools/Boot/root). I recall there used to be a problem with that file.
    Linux box setup:
    solaris root= rootopts=rsize=32768 boottype=:in install= sysid_config= install_config= you just want an interactive install (prompt for configuration/settings), you don't need sysid_config or install_config. Those are for automated installations.
    TFTP setup from /tftpboot:
    [root@robert tftpboot]# ll
    total 232
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 8 Jun 10 13:55 C0A80214 -> inetboot
    -rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 221280 Jun 10 13:47 inetboot
    The Openboot can get ahold of the inetboot file and downloads and it and then loads it.
    The following directories are exported through NFS
    [root@robert sunos_install]# cat /etc/exports
    /home/sunos *(ro,no_root_squash)
    /home/sunos_install *(ro,no_root_squash)
    [root@robert tftpboot]# showmount -e localhost
    Export list for localhost:
    /home/sunos *
    /home/sunos_install *That looks pretty good.
    You do have the option of running VMware on linux, and putting a Solaris 10 image on it, then using that VM as your boot server. But the problem you're displaying doesn't appear to be related to the linux server.

  • Solaris 10 x86 jumpstart installing from cd instead of install server

    Hi all,
    I am building a Solaris 10 x86 jumpstart server and was able to jump the client to a certain point. The jump appears to be running but for some reason stops after the first CD ( very peculiar considering the jumpstart is automated). After watching the jump, I discover that the install is using my CD to install rather than from the install server. It is, however, getting the sysidcfg info, rules and profiles from my install server. I booted from CD and then selected Custom Jumpstart to install via the network. Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong?
    Here is my add_install_client command:
    /jumpstart/OS/Solaris_10_x86_2006-06/Solaris_10/Tools/add_install_client -s server1:/jumpstart/OS/Solaris_10_x86_2006-06 -c server1:/jumpstart -p server1:/jumpstart/Sysidcfg host1 i86pc
    Here is the output from that command:
    Adding Ethernet number for jre-dlt to /etc/ethers
    updating /etc/bootparams
    ln: cannot create /tftpboot/pxegrub.I86PC.Solaris_10-1: File exists
    Create a grub floppy and edit GRUB menu to contain
    the following entry:
    title Solaris netinstall
    kernel /I86PC.Solaris_10-1/multiboot kernel/unix -B install_media=,install_boot=
    module /I86PC.Solaris_10-1/x86.miniroot
    BTW, can someone tell me how to create a grub floppy? Can't seem to find any documentation on that!
    Thanks in advance,

    Here is the error output:
    # ./add_install_client -i -c sun1:/jumpstart/ -p sun1:/jumpstart/Sysidcfg/Solaris_10-intel/ host2 i86pc
    unmount: warning: /tftboot/I86PC.Solaris_10-1 not in mnttab
    unmount: /tftpboot/I86PC.Solaris_10-1 no such file or directory
    mount: Mount point /tftboot.I86PC.Solaris_10-1 does not exist.
    cleaning up preexisting install client "host2"
    removing host2 from bootparams
    rm: /tftboot/ is a directory
    updating /etc/bootparams
    ln: cannot create /tftpboot//pxegrub.I86PC.Solaris_10-1: File exists
    Create a grub boot flloppy and edit GRUB menu to contain
    the following entry:
    title Solaris netinstall
    kernel /I86PC.Solaris_10-1/multiboot kernel/unix -B install_media=
    module /I86PC.Solaris_10-1/x86.miniroot
    ------------- end ---------------
    So, I have tried this with the -i, -e -i+-e, with -s and without.
    I have an entry in /etc/ethers and /etc/hosts. However, I don't think it is a FQDN or simular issue. Looks like a script issue.
    /tftpboot/ ends up with
    nbp. -> pxegrub.I86PC.Solaris_10-1
    # cat menu.1st
    default 0
    title Solaris_10 jumpstart
    kernel /i86PC.Solaris_10-1/multiboot kernel/unix -B install_config=,sysid_config=,install_media=
    module /I86PC.Solaris_10-1/x86.miniroot
    ---- end ----
    Thanks for the help.

  • Solaris 10 box -  install server PROBLEMS

    i have an E450 setup with solaris 10, i follwed the docs to create an install server for solaris 9.
    problem is : when booting client it gets the RARP reply and then sits and does nothing ??
    The 2 machines are on their own separate network.
    Server ip = SN
    client ip = SN
    i ran the #./add_install_client -e 8:0:20:xx:xx:xx ( client is in /etc/hosts) which reports no errors
    /etc/bootparams shows = server1 root=Xerxes:/export0/sol_9/Solaris_9/Tools/Boot install=Xerxes:/export0/sol_9 boottype=:in rootopt=:rsize=32768
    /etc/dfs/dfstab shows = share -F nfs -o ro,anon=0 /export0/sol_9
    is this correct ?? and why is the client not even getting to the spinning dial ?? let alone the installation, do i have to have a sysidcfg file ????

    Excellent. So we can see that the RARP has completed (sucessfully it appears), but the TFTP step has not. Perhaps the TFTP server isn't running properly.
    Now I see what's going on. You're running Solaris 10 on the machine, but you're trying to jumpstart Solaris 9. That's fine, but those older scripts don't understand how to start Solaris 10 services.
    It's very likely that the 'add_install_client' script populated /etc/inetd.conf and HUP'ed inetd to start the TFTP server. That's not sufficient.
    You probably have some lines in /var/adm/messages saying that you have to run 'inetconv'. Run that and you should get a tftp service. (Check by running 'svcs -a | grep tftp'). With that in place, the boot should proceed.
    (In answer to your other question, yes this is a combination boot and jumpstart server. Thats what you get when you run 'setup_install_server' and you don't use the '-b' flag to make it only a boot server).

  • How to integrate a Solaris x86 server on Sun Management Center ?

    Hello people,
    I want to integrate a Solaris x86 server on Sun Management Center platform.
    If I'm not wrong, SunMC doesn't run for Solaris x86, server and client only as console with Java.
    In speat of it, I try to install Sun Management Center 3.0 Agent for Solaris x86.
    It seems to be ok, install packages, but when execute es-setup script, intents to create the following directory:
    I supose that in this directory, SunMC will install sparc binary files
    At this point, I can't follow the installation and abort it.
    Can anybody give me ideas to install and integrate my solaris x86 server on SunMC ?

    Hi Hisham,
    hishooooo wrote:
    Dear Gents,
    I have one X86 Solaris Server configured and installed to be Sun Management Center Server.
    successfully i could monitor the Sun Solaris Servers after i have installed the SMC agent on them.
    my problem is that i could not install the SMC agent on Red Hat Linux. as i could not find an easy document or steps to do so.
    could you guide please?If you still have a copy of your SunMC media around, the same ["es-inst"|] program you use to install Solaris Agents should work on Linux as well. It autodetects OS type and will install Solaris packages or RPMs as appropriate.
    [email protected]

  • How to integrate Solaris x86 server on Sun Management Center ?

    Hello people,
    I want to integrate a Solaris x86 server on Sun Management Center platform.
    If I'm not wrong, SunMC doesn't run for Solaris x86, server and client only as console with Java.
    In speat of it, I try to install Sun Management Center 3.0 Agent for Solaris x86.
    It seems to be ok, install packages, but when execute es-setup script, intents to create the following directory:
    I supose that in this directory, SunMC will install sparc binary files
    At this point, I can't follow the installation and abort it.
    Can anybody give me ideas to install and integrate my solaris x86 server on SunMC ?

    From the Unix prompt enter oemapp console(for v9.x). If you are using earlier versions it is oemapp console (for starting the console) and oemapp dbastudio(for starting dba studio)
    For starting OMS enter: oemctrl start oms.
    Hope this helps

  • Use Sol8 intel as install server for NetraX1. possible?

    I spend several days trying to reinstall the Solaris 8 10/01 into my brand new Netra X1 server. but no luck.
    this is my first and only sparc server. i'm using Solaris 8 intel as install server and install the netra drivers...
    my question is:
    is it possible to using Solaris 8 intel as install server for Netra X1 net install?
    I don't think i will buy one more sparc machine in this reason.

    Yes, you can use an X86 box to install Solaris Sparc to a Netra X1.
    First, you must be using InfoDoc 26310 ( available on SunSolve).
    In between steps 6 & 7 of that procedure you must do the following:
    After applying the mis.netra-x1.259-3836-03 script you will need to add the dmfe driver to the boot image served out by your jumpstart server. This is done at the shell prompt as root. Please note that in the example below the root image is located at: /jumpstart/2.8/sparc_1001/Solaris_8/Tools/Boot
    on the example server. This location will vary depending on the setup of your server. The example is used to illustrate the point that you must specify the whole path all the way to the alternate root that is served across the network to your client. The sample command line is:
    # add_drv -b /jumpstart/2.8/sparc_1001/Solaris_8/Tools/Boot -m "* 0600 root sys" -i '"pci128h,9102" "pci1282,9102" "ethernet"' dmfe
    This can also be broken out using backslashes as follows:
    # add_drv -b /jumpstart/2.8/sparc_1000/Solaris_8/Tools/Boot \
    -m "* 0600 root sys" \
    -i '"pci128h,9102" "pci1282,9102" "ethernet"' dmfe Note that the ">" symbols will be added as you hit return after each "\".
    The above procedure must be done to each boot image you wish to install. For example, if you have a 10/2001 image and a 01/2001
    image that you use for different configurations, you will need to add the dmfe driver to both .../Solaris_8/Tools/Boot directories.
    Proceed with step 7 and beyond in the procedure from Info Doc 26310 to complete your installation.

  • Can I use redhat or Sco Unix server as install server......

    to install x86 solaris 8?
    I can't setup_install_server on redhat7.0 and Sco unixware with error "bar" or "mach" etc.
    which type of unix can I use for install server?

    Solaris sun/intel ....!!

  • Prime Fulfillment 6 AND LMS 4.2 on single Solaris 10 server?

    Is it possible to easily operate both Prime Fulfillment 6 AND LMS 4 on single Solaris 10 server?

    They were not tested together, and I recommend they not be installed on the same zone instance (due to potential conflicts).  Now, if you're certain you have a server that can accommodate both suites (in terms of resources), create separate zones for each suite.  This will eliminate the conflict possibility while still giving you one overall physical machine to manage.

  • Solaris Cluster Server Homogeneous System Copy

    We have SAP ECC 6.0 on Solaris Sparc server. Our database is Oracle We will buy 2 new solaris server and we want to use these server as cluster. We want to make homogeneous system copy from current server to new cluster server. How can we make homogeneous copy from current server to new cluster server? Firts of all do we have to install new ECC 6.0 on cluster server and then will we make homogeneous system copy?
    Also how can we install ECC 6.0 on Solaris Cluster server? Will we have install ECC 6.0 seperatly for each server of cluster unit? I have SAP installation document but it is not clear. Do you have another document for SAP installation on cluster server? Please help us about these issues.
    Best regards.

    First to move your ECC system from your current server to the new server, yes you do need to homogenous copy. There are other methods like storage sub-system level copy, but it is not supported. Since your system is ABAP, you can setup standby database on the new server and use dataguard to replicate database. You can manual move profiles, binaries and other application file systems manually since they are on external storage. You should change your profiles to use logical hostname instead of the physical hostname though Solaris 10 gives you the ability to move zone/containers with same hostname.
    I am assuming you have distributed system, ie database and SAP separate. You can setup RAC for database HA. For SAP, you can use sun cluster or veritas cluster to move SAP central instance with the logical hostname to the 2nd standby server.
    You can also separate ASCS from SAP central instance and setup failover for the CS instance with the cluster software. Check notes 821904, 870652. You can take another step in HA with ENQ replication (see

  • Solaris WEB SERVER?

    Hi all;
    I have installed solaris x86 on my home machine works well...
    Now i want to change my rental dedicated server from windows to solaris web server?i dont have any idea about it?is it logical,stable and advantageous to use solaris x86 as a web server...
    i will use apache,tomcat,mysql on it,webmin control panel,remote desktop to server,mail server etc...the OS must support all of them...and must have support on internet forums...
    which OS you advice to me..?solaris or freebsd or linux versions?
    thank you

    You know, asking what nx dialect you should use in a Solaris forum is sort of daring.
    All of the softwares you listed works on Solaris, with the possible exeption of remote desktop, which is a windows product used for windows servers. On the otherhand nx has several alternatives to remote desktops, and being unix, they don't really need one anyway.
    In general i think its a bad idea to ask people what you should run on your server, there are a lot of religous people out here, and everyone will claim that their unix dialect is the best in every possible way, and that everyone who disagrees with them are either lame, stupid, managers or all of it.
    This actually gets quite entertaining when it comes to Linux, since different groups will also argue that THEIR Linux is the only usable and that everything else is crap.
    My advice is that you look on what features you want, which platform you feel most comfortable with and what you want to be able to do. Solaris for one thing can be very heavily loaded, scales extremeny well and comes with tons of nice features like Zones, which is a good thing if you have many IP addresses and don't want different webservers to be in the same zone.

  • Can I set two router IP on my solaris x86 server?

    Hi ,
    I want to make traffic balance on my office. Because we have two leased line.
    I would build up NAT in the solaris x86.
    Can I set two router ip in the solaris x86 server? And How to do it?
    The traffic balance is work or not?
    If that is not work, what can I do?
    Thanks All ^_^
    Andrew Choi

    Yes, you can use solaris x86 as a NAT box.
    add another ethernet interface, and install
    IP-filter, or sunscreen
    I suggest you search the solaris newsgroups on for more specific links to

  • Create a install-server on linux

    I want to install solaris 9 on my ultra1 via
    tftp. There is a script setup_install_server delivered
    with solaris 9 but the readme talks about a solaris
    system to act as install server. I dont have any other
    solaris system, so is it possible to use linux
    as an install server for solaris 9 net-install (and
    how )?
    Thanks in advance !

    The script which Ur talking about is used for unattended remote installation provided both the machines are in the same subnet JUMP start installation thats what it is called in solaris.
    Setup_install_server script copies the content of the installtion CD to a machine which would act as a install server for a client which is being initiated for unattended installation,like wise UR suppose to setup an configuration server with configuration information,system identification sysidcfg file
    I have never come across jump start installation being done between solaris and linux it's usually between two solaris machine with SPARC paltform.
    My advice is to go for normal installation webstart .

  • When installing Server 2008 Datacenter from disc, I get the error message "Windows could not parse or process the unattent answer file for pass [specialize].

    This is a clean install from s disc onto a 3TB GPT drive. This is for testing. I'm not concerned with finding a more practical solution for this installation.
    There is no image or answer file involved. But at the "Completing Installation" phase, I receive this error message about an answer file.
    Has anyone else expecrienced this problem? The only results I find here are regarding actual imaging with answer files.
    EDIT: [Redacted]
    EDIT 2: Since this now happens with every single installation of Server 2008 on this system, I feel the need to keep this open and elaborate on my situation.
    I originally installed Server 2008 on the 2TB partition of this 3TB drive. The partition type was MBR. I reinstalled it (there was a false alarm for malicious software) since it was a fresh install without updates or anything else installed. And for the
    second time, it installed fine.
    I decided to make the most of my 3TB drive and try GPT partitioning. So I went into the command prompt > diskpart > ran "clean" on the disk, then "convert GPT"
    That is when I tried another install of Server 2008 and received this error message about an answer file.
    I decided to convert it back to MBR and get on with what I wanted to test in the first place. So I went into Diskpart again, ran "clean", rand "convert MBR" and started the install. But this resulted in the same error message about an
    answer file.
    I went back to Diskpart, "clean"ed the disk, ran "convert dynamic" to make sure it was dynamic, then tried the install again, with the same result.
    Now, I've tried installing on the disk as GPT, MBR basic and MBR dynamic. I've tried a different installation disc, as well. I got the same result. At this point, I'm going to switch hard drives, but I'm still open to input. Thanks for reading!

    As you swapped the hard disk, whether the same issue occurs again if you redo the same steps?
    I asked "OEM or retail" because of this known issue:
    "Windows could not parse or process the unattend answer file for pass [specialize]" error message when you perform an in-place upgrade in Windows 7 or in Windows Server 2008 R2
    An answer file may already contain in the disc which causes the issue.
    If issue still exists you can click Shift + F10 during the installation process to see the log. Check if the installation error for detailed information.
    If you have any feedback on our support, please send to [email protected]

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