[SOLVED] BSPWM: internal paritions not visible in thunar

I have another problem with bspwm. When I use bspwm there are no internal partitions visible in thunar side bar under "devices", only File system, Places, Network.
I start bspwm using slim and I do "exec dbus-launch bspwm" in my .xinitrc. I've also tried without dbus-launch, but no luck.
In other WMs everything works fine, I can see internal partitions of my hdd in thunar.
Last edited by sejtn4u (2014-01-04 21:53:04)

Here you go:
# settings
hsetroot -fill /home/zenio/Pictures/arch-gray.jpg &
([[ -f ~/.Xresources ]] && xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources) &
synclient SingleTapTimeout=80 &
synclient MaxDoubleTapTime=200 &
synclient PalmDetect=1 &
synclient VertEdgeScroll=1 &
syndaemon -t -k -i 2 -d &
xset s off -dpms &
xset m 8 10 &
# my apps
xcompmgr &
conky -c /home/zenio/.conkyrcBS &
(sleep 2 && parcellite -n) &
sxhkd &
xsetroot -cursor_name left_ptr &
export PATH=$PATH:/home/zenio/.config/bspwm
# WM
exec dbus-launch bspwm
#exec dbus-launch herbstluftwm
#exec dbus-launch snapwm
#exec dbus-launch spectrwm
#exec dbus-launch i3
#exec dbus-launch awesome

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    I did not have this issue when I was using Reports 2.5. Any ideas on this?
    Thanks in advance,
    Message was edited by:

    together, but the anchor is not visible on theUsually it doesn't happen like this. Are frames too close to each other? Close the report builder and re-open again and see if anchor shows up.
    And also create a new dummy report (don't need to create a query). On layout, add two frames and anchored together. See if it shows up.

  • [SOLVED]Mounting usb drives "not authorized" with thunar-volman (XFCE)

    I'm new to Arch (even though I must be approximately at my 15th try at installing it properly) and I have a problem with thunar-volman.
    Whenever I log in as user, and try to mount a usb drive with thunar, let's say I want to plug a drive labeled Ext3_8Go, I get the same message in a pop-up window : "Failed to mount Ext3_8Go (or anything close, not in English in the text), not authorized (that part is in English)"
    My install is :
    - net install
    - partitions : 9Go for /, no swap, no separate /home
    - packages : base and base-devel. The only modifications in the package list is that I remove ppp, pcmciautils, and xfsprogs.
    - config : at the install stage I only modify rc.conf to change LOCALE and HOSTNAME, and pacman's mirrorlist to allow all French mirrors in addition to the one at the top.
    When the usb installation is over, I run this script :
    "installation_xfce.sh"  (there may be some errors left, I modify this script as I learn) :
    # expected environment : freshly installed archlinux, login : root.
    echo "Are you connected to internet ? If not, please Ctrl+C and reload this script when connected"
    echo "Otherwise, press ENTER to continue installation"
    read var_dummy
    echo "Creation of the user : please type in your user name :"
    read var_username
    useradd -u 1000 -g users -G audio,lp,storage,optical,video,wheel,games,power,network -d /home/$var_username/ -s /bin/bash -m $var_username
    echo "You will now be asked to create the password for this user:"
    passwd $var_username
    # Add servers for pacman to find packages
    cat >> /etc/pacman.conf << EOF
    Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
    Server = http://repo.archlinux.fr/\$arch
    Server = http://catalyst.apocalypsus.net/repo/catalyst/\$arch
    # Install packages
    pacman -Syyu
    pacman -S acpi acpid alsa-oss alsa-plugins alsa-utils catalyst catalyst-utils cpufrequtils cups dbus gstreamer0.10-base-plugins iptables laptop-mode-tools mesa net-tools netcfg ntp pm-utils rfkill rsync sudo ttf-dejavu vim wireless_tools xf86-input-evdev xorg-server xorg-utils xorg-xinit xorg-xinput yaourt conky gamin gnome-icon-theme gnome-keyring gvfs-afc network-manager-applet networkmanager slim slim-themes archlinux-themes-slim hicolor-icon-theme xfce4 xfce4-goodies
    # If pacman failed, better stop the script here, and wait for a network connection
    if [[ $?!=0 ]]
    echo : failed to install packages - check your network connection, or review script
    exit 1
    # Fix sound issue
    cat > /home/$var_username/.asoundrc << EOF
    type hw
    card 1
    device 0
    type hw
    card 1
    device 0
    chown $var_username:users /home/$var_username/.asoundrc
    # Configure video settings for X to use Catalyst
    if [[ ! -e /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d ]]
    mkdir /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d
    cat > /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-fglrx.conf << EOF
    Section "Monitor"
    Identifier "aticonfig-Monitor[0]-0"
    Option "VendorName" "ATI Proprietary Driver"
    Option "ModelName" "Generic Autodetecting Monitor"
    Option "DPMS" "true"
    Section "Device"
    Identifier "aticonfig-Device[0]-0"
    Driver "fglrx"
    sed -e 's/top_left/bottom_right/' -e '/alignment/i\double_buffer yes' -e '/CPU Usage/a\${color lightgrey}Temperatures:' -e '/CPU Usage/a\ CPU:$color ${hwmon 0 temp 1}°C' </etc/conky/conky.conf >/home/$var_username/.conkyrc
    chown $var_username:users /home/$var_username/.conkyrc
    # Install clickpad support
    yaourt -S xf86-input-synaptics-clickpad
    # Add french keyboard to X
    sed '/MatchIsKeyboard/a\\tOption "XkbLayout" "fr"' </etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-evdev.conf >/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-evdev.conf.new
    mv -f /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-evdev.conf.new /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-evdev.conf
    # Add new daemons, remove old ones, disable hwclock and remove netfs since I don't use it. add it if you need it
    sed '/DAEMONS=/c\DAEMONS=(!hwclock dbus syslog-ng networkmanager laptop-mode acpid @alsa @cupsd @cpufrequtils ntpd crond)' </etc/rc.conf >/etc/rc.conf.new
    mv -f /etc/rc.conf.new /etc/rc.conf
    # Slim login manager ; change theme
    mv /usr/share/slim/themes/archlinux-darch-grey /tmp/
    mv /usr/share/slim/themes/default /tmp/
    rm -r /usr/share/slim/themes/*
    mv /tmp/archlinux-darch-grey /usr/share/slim/themes
    mv /tmp/default /usr/share/slim/themes
    sed '/^current_theme/c\current_theme archlinux-darch-grey' </etc/slim.conf >/etc/slim.conf
    # XFCE login, and thunar launched as a daemon
    sed '/^# exec/c\' </etc/skel/.xinitrc >/tmp/.xinitrc
    sed '/^# .../c\' </tmp/.xinitrc >/home/$var_username/.xinitrc
    cat >> /home/$var_username/.xinitrc << EOF
    exec ck-launch-session startxfce4
    thunar --daemon &
    chown $var_username:users /home/$var_username/.xinitrc
    # Boot to runlevel 5 now, and run slim then
    sed -e 's/id:3/#id:3/' -e 's/#id:5/id:5/' -e 's|x:5:respawn:/usr/bin/xdm|#x:5:respawn:/usr/bin/xdm|' -e 's|#x:5:respawn:/usr/bin/slim|x:5:respawn:/usr/bin/slim|' </etc/inittab >/etc/inittab.new
    mv -f /etc/inittab.new /etc/inittab
    # Add colored prompt to user and root
    sed '/^PS1/c\' </etc/skel/.bashrc >/root/.bashrc
    cat >> /root/.bashrc << EOF
    PS1='\[\e[0;32m\]\u@\h\[\e[m\] \[\e[0;35m\]\w\[\e[m\] \[\e[m\] \[\e[0;32m\]\t -\[\e[m\] \[\e[1;31m\]\$ \[\e[m\] '
    cp /root/.bashrc /home/$var_username/.bashrc
    chown $var_username:users /home/$var_username/.bashrc
    # How does one do that automatically ?
    # Manually add user to sudoers
    EDITOR="vim" visudo
    # Reboot, because it's quick and I'm too lazy to learn how to start all the daemons and others.
    I can mount as a user, no password asked, with :
    udisks --mount /dev/sdb2
    but the GUI method tells me "not authorized".
    "groups user" outputs :
    lp wheel games network video audio optical storage power users
    the command "ck-list-sessions" outputs :
    unix-user = '1000'
    realname = ''
    seat = 'Seat1'
    session-type = ''
    active = TRUE
    x11-display = ':0.0'
    x11-display-device = '/dev/tty7'
    display-device = ''
    remote-host-name = ''
    is-local = TRUE
    on-since = '2011-08-15T08:56:03.716103Z'
    login-session-id = '1'
    unix-user = '1000'
    realname = ''
    seat = 'Seat2'
    session-type = ''
    active = FALSE
    x11-display = ':0.0'
    x11-display-device = ''
    display-device = ''
    remote-host-name = ''
    is-local = TRUE
    on-since = '2011-08-15T08:56:03.573029Z'
    login-session-id = '1'
    For those who don't have time to read the installation script, DBUS is in the DAEMONS list of rc.conf, and .xinitrc launches : exec ck-launch-session startxfce4
    Any idea ?
    Last edited by choubbi (2011-08-15 15:05:04)

    Thanks a lot !
    That worked !
    I stumbled across this part of the wiki several times before, but didn't really understand so I had not tried.
    If anyone's interested in the script, here's the corrected version :
    # expected environment : freshly installed archlinux, login : root.
    echo "Are you connected to internet ? If not, please Ctrl+C and reload this script when connected"
    echo "Otherwise, press ENTER to continue installation"
    read var_dummy
    echo "Creation of the user : please type in your user name :"
    read var_username
    useradd -u 1000 -g users -G audio,lp,storage,optical,video,wheel,games,power,network -d /home/$var_username/ -s /bin/bash -m $var_username
    echo "You will now be asked to create the password for this user:"
    passwd $var_username
    # Add servers for pacman to find packages
    cat >> /etc/pacman.conf << EOF
    Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
    Server = http://repo.archlinux.fr/\$arch
    Server = http://catalyst.apocalypsus.net/repo/catalyst/\$arch
    # Install packages
    pacman -Syyu
    pacman -S acpi acpid alsa-oss alsa-plugins alsa-utils catalyst catalyst-utils cpufrequtils cups dbus gstreamer0.10-base-plugins iptables laptop-mode-tools mesa net-tools netcfg ntp pm-utils rfkill rsync sudo ttf-dejavu vim wireless_tools xf86-input-evdev xorg-server xorg-utils xorg-xinit xorg-xinput yaourt conky gamin gnome-icon-theme gnome-keyring gvfs-afc network-manager-applet networkmanager slim slim-themes archlinux-themes-slim hicolor-icon-theme xfce4 xfce4-goodies
    # If pacman failed, better stop the script here, and wait for a network connection
    if [[ $?!=0 ]]
    echo : failed to install packages - check your network connection, or review script
    exit 1
    # Fix sound issue
    cat > /home/$var_username/.asoundrc << EOF
    type hw
    card 1
    device 0
    type hw
    card 1
    device 0
    chown $var_username:users /home/$var_username/.asoundrc
    # Configure video settings for X to use Catalyst
    if [[ ! -e /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d ]]
    mkdir /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d
    cat > /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-fglrx.conf << EOF
    Section "Monitor"
    Identifier "aticonfig-Monitor[0]-0"
    Option "VendorName" "ATI Proprietary Driver"
    Option "ModelName" "Generic Autodetecting Monitor"
    Option "DPMS" "true"
    Section "Device"
    Identifier "aticonfig-Device[0]-0"
    Driver "fglrx"
    sed -e 's/top_left/bottom_right/' -e '/alignment/i\double_buffer yes' -e '/CPU Usage/a\${color lightgrey}Temperatures:' -e '/CPU Usage/a\ CPU:$color ${hwmon 0 temp 1}°C' </etc/conky/conky.conf >/home/$var_username/.conkyrc
    chown $var_username:users /home/$var_username/.conkyrc
    # Install clickpad support
    yaourt -S xf86-input-synaptics-clickpad
    # Add french keyboard to X
    sed '/MatchIsKeyboard/a\\tOption "XkbLayout" "fr"' </etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-evdev.conf >/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-evdev.conf.new
    mv -f /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-evdev.conf.new /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-evdev.conf
    # Add new daemons, remove old ones, disable hwclock and remove netfs since I don't use it. add it if you need it
    sed '/DAEMONS=/c\DAEMONS=(!hwclock dbus syslog-ng networkmanager laptop-mode acpid @alsa @cupsd @cpufrequtils ntpd crond)' </etc/rc.conf >/etc/rc.conf.new
    mv -f /etc/rc.conf.new /etc/rc.conf
    # Slim login manager ; change theme
    mv /usr/share/slim/themes/archlinux-darch-grey /tmp/
    mv /usr/share/slim/themes/default /tmp/
    rm -r /usr/share/slim/themes/*
    mv /tmp/archlinux-darch-grey /usr/share/slim/themes
    mv /tmp/default /usr/share/slim/themes
    sed '/^current_theme/c\current_theme archlinux-darch-grey' </etc/slim.conf >/etc/slim.conf
    # XFCE login, and thunar launched as a daemon (note that the part with 'if [ -d /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d ]" is not present, to avoid mounting problems when logged as regular user)
    cat > /home/$var_username/.xinitrc << EOF
    # ~/.xinitrc
    # Executed by startx (run your window manager from here)
    exec ck-launch-session startxfce4
    thunar --daemon &
    chown $var_username:users /home/$var_username/.xinitrc
    # Boot to runlevel 5 now, and run slim then
    sed -e 's/id:3/#id:3/' -e 's/#id:5/id:5/' -e 's|x:5:respawn:/usr/bin/xdm|#x:5:respawn:/usr/bin/xdm|' -e 's|#x:5:respawn:/usr/bin/slim|x:5:respawn:/usr/bin/slim|' </etc/inittab >/etc/inittab.new
    mv -f /etc/inittab.new /etc/inittab
    # Add colored prompt to user and root
    sed '/^PS1/c\' </etc/skel/.bashrc >/root/.bashrc
    cat >> /root/.bashrc << EOF
    PS1='\[\e[0;32m\]\u@\h\[\e[m\] \[\e[0;35m\]\w\[\e[m\] \[\e[m\] \[\e[0;32m\]\t -\[\e[m\] \[\e[1;31m\]\$ \[\e[m\] '
    cp /root/.bashrc /home/$var_username/.bashrc
    chown $var_username:users /home/$var_username/.bashrc
    # How does one do that automatically ?
    # Manually add user to sudoers
    EDITOR="vim" visudo
    # Reboot, because it's quick and I'm too lazy to learn how to start all the daemons and others.
    The important part of the script to solve the problem is :
    cat > /home/$var_username/.xinitrc << EOF
    # ~/.xinitrc
    # Executed by startx (run your window manager from here)
    exec ck-launch-session startxfce4
    thunar --daemon &
    chown $var_username:users /home/$var_username/.xinitrc

  • Internal Harddrive not visible or bootable????

    System Profile info, Model - iMac7,1, 2.8GHz Intel Core 2 Dou, 4GB DDR2, 800Mhz Bus, OSX 10.6.5
    Last week my iMac started taking a long time to boot up. I reinstalled a backup from bootcamp. It work for a couple of days then starting hanging up after the start up chime. When I turned it on the apple logo would come up with the spinning pin wheel along with a progress indicator bar (this was new) showing the progress for the start up. So I installed OS on one of my external HD with the intent to copy clone it to the internal. While building the external HD, both internal and external drives were visible in the finder. Now that I have the external up and running, the internal HD does not show up in Finder or System Profile/ Hardware. I used other software to show invisible files, and Disk Utility. Neither could detect the internal HD. I have owned this iMac for 3 yrs and one month.
    This is the information from System Profiler / Hardware/Serial-ATA
    Intel ICH8-M AHCI:
    Vendor: Intel
    Product: ICH8-M AHCI
    Link Speed: 3 Gigabit
    Description: AHCI Version 1.10 Supported

    Hi P-T
    Sounds to me like the Hard Drive has died and needs to be replaced.
    To have the Hard Drive replaced, simple call your locate an Apple Authorized Service Provider.
    in North America, see > http://www.apple.com/buy/locator/service/
    or for World Wide service, see > http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1434
    If your technically inclined and would like to replace the Hard Drive yourself, google around there are plenty of good Video's and DIY's out.
    I would like to also suggest using a WD Caviar Blue as a replacement Drive instead of a WD Caviar Black or a Seagate, it is my experience that they run cooler, quieter and are better suited for the all-in-one desktop systems.

  • Internal Drive not visible

    A day after installation of Leopard, my second internal drive (bought from Apple) has disappeared from Finder and from my desktop. Applications that know that it is there (e.g., iPhoto) can open files on the drive correctly, Disk Utility can see it and says it is mounted and OK, and a second Mac running Leopard on my network can see the second hard drive. However, I cannot save any new files to it, since Finder (or the "Save" dialog boxes) do not show it. Also, it is visible, but greyed out on a Mac on my network that is running Tiger.
    I called Apple and they suggested that if I reformat it it might reappear, but this seems a bit extreme. Any other suggestions?

    Thanks for the reply. However, I didn't get a chance to try that, as I finally found another posting that addressed the issue a few minutes after I gave up searching and posted my own question. That posting was:
    I used the suggested script to change the "visibility" attribute of the drive that had disappeared and it worked great.

  • Mac Volume/Parition not visible in Windows XP

    I'm getting a weird issue and apparently no one else have got this before (have been gone through all the forum).
    The issue is that I don't see the Mac OS-X HFS+ volume/partition in Windows XP Professional (using the Bootcamp). I first installed the Bootcamp 3.0 drivers for Windows, and after not seeing the HFS+ partition, even upgraded to Bootcamp 3.1, but still can't see that drive. My understanding is that it should be visible in the Explorer with other drives, right?
    BTW, I tried using the HSF Explorer utility and I can see the Mac Partition using that, but I don't like it much as have to extract the files to actually use them. But it confirms the partition is there and is accessible too.
    I can even see the HFS driver files in my windows folder "WINDOWS\system32\drivers" (AppleHFS.sys, AppleMNT.sys, etc).
    Any body can help me how to use these drivers to manually mount that drive or how to automate that?
    Thanks in advance.
    Regards, Akbar

    Information on Boot Camp build
    - <BuildInfo BuildNumber="5640" ProductName="Boot Camp"> 
    - <MsiInfo> 
    <ProductManufacturer>Apple Inc.</ProductManufacturer>  
    - <Component Name="AppleOSSMgr.exe" GUID="*" SharedDLL="yes"> 
    - <File Name="AppleOSSMgr.exe"> 
    And I have checked HFS+ drivers too, its there in Driver folder.

  • [SOLVED] BSPWM dzen2 panel not displaying workspaces.

    I've been trying for a while to get the bar/dzen2 panel working in bspwm and everything works except for the desktop indicator. I've tried using the example configs along with a lot of other people's amazing configs. Nothing works. I got it working with the same configuration files on my laptop, but nothing will budge on my pc.
    my .xinitrc
    sxhkd &
    [ -e "$PANEL_FIFO" ] && rm "$PANEL_FIFO"
    mkfifo "$PANEL_FIFO"
    exec bspwm -s "$PANEL_FIFO" -p W
    I have all the necessary exports such as $PANEL_FIFO, $BSPWM_SOCKET, and $XDG_CONFIG_HOME in my .bashrc.
    Piping anything to $PANEL_FIFO works except for the panel_bar which displays the desktop indicator.
    Last edited by hibajugala (2013-12-12 16:08:23)

    Could it be you're using the non-git package? try bspwm-git. I had the issue too at first and that fixed it for me.

  • Internal hard disk is not visible in disk utility in Macbook Pro

    Hi All,
    I am trying to repair my mac. But in disk utility, the hard disk is not visible to proceed. Its showing disk0 -> volume with only 1.79GB. and all the options are disabled. The capacity of my mac book pro was 500GB.
    Please help me in solving this issue
    Thanks in advance....

    So you've booted into your Recovery partition and you don't see any drives in Disk Utility to select in Recovery mode?
    If the drive cannot be repaired, it's likely dead and you'll need to purchase a new internal drive.
    Good luck,
    MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), OS Mavericks 10.9.4, 16GB Crucial RAM, Crucial M500 960GB SSD, 27” Apple Thunderbolt Display

  • E-Recruiting - Internal Candidates not displayed in candidate search, job postings not visible for internal candidates in job search

    Hi Friends,
    We are on EREC standalone model. Initial data transfer between HR to EREC master data using PFAL is done.
    All employees have got NA, CP, US, BP in HRP 1001 in EREC system.
    Change pointers are also activated in HCM system, now current master data changes are also in reflecting in EREC system thro IDOC posting.
    But when recruiter logs into portal and does a candidate search, no internal candidates are appearing ?
    1) What needs to be done for internal candidates to visible during candidate search ?
    2) Also while logged as internal candidate, released requisitions are not visible for internal candidates while they try to search for internal job postings ?
    Kindly provide your inputs.

    In SLG1, getting the below error messages for multiple times.
    "Error while calling content extraction class CL_HRRCF_CEC_QUALI_WITH_PROFCY 
    The error occurred in program CL_HRRCF_SES_BUSOBJ_FROM_SPTYPCM001 line 96  
    Qualification 52000001 does not exist
    The incorrect HR object has the key 01NA60000029 "
    "The error occurred in program CL_HRRCF_ALE_EE_INBOUND"
    Also please state how to differentiate internal and external candidate search pages.

  • Time Capsule internal hard drive not visible

    I have one of the older 500GB TC. It worked fine for a year then I decided to wipe the hard drive to erase the contents. I stopped the process in the middle of clearing the hard drive because it was going on about 8 hours. Every since then the TC works fine as a wireless router, but the internal hard drive is not visible. It won't do any back ups and it's not visible in the Airport program.
    Any suggestions?

    See Pondini's TM FAQs.
    iMac refurb (27-inch Mid 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), SL & ML, G4 450 MP w/Leopard, 9.2.2

  • My ipod shuffle(2nd gen) is not visible on  itunes, i have downloaded latest version of itunes on my pc, how do i solve the problem ?

    My ipod shuffle(2nd gen) is not visible on  itunes, i have downloaded latest version of itunes on my pc, how do i solve the problem ?

    Hope the below link may help you to fix your issue:

  • 2nd Internal Hard Disk Not visible on desktop

    Last night I was trying to rename some files and my G5 was acting very slowly. I relaunched the finder and it seemed to fix the problem. I resumed renaming files and it kept locking up. After the fourth time this happened, the system locked up and I pushed the front power button until the system shut down. When I turned the computer back on, my second internal hard drive was not visible. I looked in disk utility and did not see it, and it is also not visible in about this mac. Help!!!

    I have a similar problem that the second drive does not always appear on starting up from cold but usualy appears on a hot restart
    second drive is a Hitachi HDS725050KLA360 primary drive: HDS725050KLA360 (465.76 GB)
    (Telephone support was useless)
    It has been operating since March Photoshop and Aperture applications I do power down every night.
    And back up to external just in case I loose it but would prefer to have more confidence in its reliability
    Has anyone else had similar experience ? and any idea what might be the cause?

  • Internal Hard Drive is not visible in Finder or Desktop or anywhere

    The problem first and then the details.
    I cannot see my systems hard drive, No icon shows up on the desktop, and it is not visible in the Finder.
    It does however show up in Disk Utility.
    I have repaired permissions and repaired the disk, both from within the OS and also from the install disc during a reboot.
    Not here are some details. This is both a fresh install of the OS AND a brand new drive. I just had it installed today and then reinstalled the OS.
    While going thru the process of reinstalling all my software, something froze for no good reason, and I eventually had to force quit the finder and when the system wouldn't shut down, I had to physically power it off.
    Upon rebooting, my systems HD is no longer visible.
    I suppose I can try and reinstall again, but I feel like there has to be a smarter way to deal with this.
    Any suggestions?

    Have you confirmed that in Finder > Finder menu > Preferences > General and Sidebar tabs that the boxes to show hard disks are checked?
    Assuming they are checked, you may a victim of the 'invisible drive' problem. See Francine's helpful tutorial for the fix:

  • [Solved]Web Service Data Control operation not visible in Data Controls

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    These are the files where Data Control is written to:
      <AdapterDataControl id="MyDataControl" FactoryClass="oracle.adf.model.adapter.DataControlFactoryImpl"
                          ImplDef="oracle.adfinternal.model.adapter.webservice.WSDefinition" SupportsTransactions="false"
                          SupportsSortCollection="false" SupportsResetState="false" SupportsRangesize="false"
                          SupportsFindMode="false" SupportsUpdates="false" Definition="MyDataControl"
                          BeanClass="MyDataControl" xmlns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/adfm/datacontrol">
          <definition xmlns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/adfm/adapter/webservice" name="MyDataControl" version="1.0"
            <service name="MyService" namespace="urn:eu.emsa.ssn" connection="MyDataControl">
              <port name="MyServicePort">
                <operation name="initiateMyService">
                  <dataformat format="XML"/>
      </AdapterDataControl>and MyDataControl.xml:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <JavaBean xmlns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/adfm/beanmodel" version="" id="MyDataControl"
              BeanClass="MyDataControl" isJavaBased="false">
      <MethodAccessor id="initiateMyService">
        <ParameterInfo id="ReplyTo_Address" Type="java.lang.String" isStructured="false"/>
        <ParameterInfo id="ReplyTo_PortType" Type="java.lang.String" isStructured="false"/>
        <ParameterInfo id="ReplyTo_ServiceName_PortName" Type="java.lang.Object" isStructured="false"/>
        <ParameterInfo id="ReplyTo_ServiceName" Type="java.lang.String" isStructured="false"/>
        <ParameterInfo id="MessageID" Type="java.lang.String" isStructured="false"/>
        <ParameterInfo id="payload" Type="java.lang.String" isStructured="false"/>
    </JavaBean>A couple of days ago I've created a Data Control for another BPEL process the same way and everything was OK.
    Any ideas why this is not working?
    Message was edited by:

    Found out the reason. The problem was in ...MyApp\.adf\META-INF\connections.xml file which had write protection.

  • [Solved]WS Data Control operation not visible in Data Controls in JDev

    I've created Web Service Data Control (named MyDataControl ) in my DataModel project for my web application (ADF BC I've finished the wizard successfully (added initiate operation to the right side in step 2: Data Control Operations) but when the wizard finishes the initiate operation is not visible in the Data Controls (MyDataControl is visible without the operation). I tried on JDev forum but had no success.
      <AdapterDataControl id="MyDataControl" FactoryClass="oracle.adf.model.adapter.DataControlFactoryImpl"
                          ImplDef="oracle.adfinternal.model.adapter.webservice.WSDefinition" SupportsTransactions="false"
                          SupportsSortCollection="false" SupportsResetState="false" SupportsRangesize="false"
                          SupportsFindMode="false" SupportsUpdates="false" Definition="MyDataControl"
                          BeanClass="MyDataControl" xmlns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/adfm/datacontrol">
          <definition xmlns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/adfm/adapter/webservice" name="MyDataControl" version="1.0"
            <service name="MyService" namespace="urn:eu.emsa.ssn" connection="MyDataControl">
              <port name="MyServicePort">
                <operation name="initiateMyService">
                  <dataformat format="XML"/>
      </AdapterDataControl>and MyDataControl.xml:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <JavaBean xmlns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/adfm/beanmodel" version="" id="MyDataControl"
              BeanClass="MyDataControl" isJavaBased="false">
      <MethodAccessor id="initiateMyService">
        <ParameterInfo id="ReplyTo_Address" Type="java.lang.String" isStructured="false"/>
        <ParameterInfo id="ReplyTo_PortType" Type="java.lang.String" isStructured="false"/>
        <ParameterInfo id="ReplyTo_ServiceName_PortName" Type="java.lang.Object" isStructured="false"/>
        <ParameterInfo id="ReplyTo_ServiceName" Type="java.lang.String" isStructured="false"/>
        <ParameterInfo id="MessageID" Type="java.lang.String" isStructured="false"/>
        <ParameterInfo id="payload" Type="java.lang.String" isStructured="false"/>
    </JavaBean>A couple of days ago I've created a Data Control for another BPEL process the same way and everything was OK.
    Any ideas why this is not working?
    Message was edited by:

    Found out the reason. The problem was in ...MyApp\.adf\META-INF\connections.xml file which had write protection.

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