[SOLVED]desktop e-svn updates via pacman, laptop won't update:

I don't understand this. Back in Sept I did an "pacman -Syu" on my desktop. This included updating E17. I know because I made a note of it due to a problem with my preferred themes being incompatable with the new edje format... (I wasn't happy with the themes I could make work, because they didn't make it easy for a keyboard oriented user to see which if any button would be activated by pressing enter. And so I decided to forgo updating my laptop until I had a solution. Recently I discovered the existence of the command "edje_convert" which salvaged my preferred themes. And so I just recently did an "pacman -Syu" on the laptop. But while my desktop is currently at Version: 57289-1 (built Feb 25 2011) I can't seem to get my laptop to update past Version: 50356-1 (built Jul 19 2010)
Both use the x86_64 architecture, So I'm at a loss to explain why "pacman -S e-svn" says it's up to date and reinstalling only wants 13.79MB. Tried it anyway but still at 50356-1...
Suggestions anyone?
Last edited by jtwdyp (2011-03-10 13:57:57)

skunktrader wrote:Are they both using the same mirror?
Well I guess I should say:
" ahhh DuH! Which way did my brain go?"
You may just have hit on the crux of the problem. A quick peek says that the laptops mirror list was last generated in June of 2010... The desktops was generated in Dec... Will try updating my laptops mirror list. Then I'll post the results.
As to why I didn't think of that, I plead an overabundance of mental flatulence.

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    Hey BingHuo,
    Thanks for the question. If I understand correctly, the iPod will sync but not charge while connected. I would recommend that you read this article, it may be able to help the issue.
    iPod's battery doesn't charge
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    Have a good one,

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    Last edited by kanim (2009-08-18 09:08:19)

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