[SOLVED] how to detect archlinux from bash ?

Is there any simple way ho to detect from bash it is currently running on Arch? I frequntly usde both arch and debian and want top set up my .bashrc & .nash_profile to be the same on both systems so I need some way how to make some part conditional for arch or debian only.
Last edited by stabele (2009-10-16 12:50:18)

You could look in /etc/. Debian has some specific files /etc/debian-version, /etc/apt/source.list. Archlinux has /etc/arch-release. Unless you keep the same /etc for both of your distrib, that should do the trick. I am not aware of another way to check which distrib the shell is running on.

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    export TERM=xterm
    setterm -dump 1 -file /var/log/boot
    exit 0
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    Last edited by 99Percent (2011-06-29 20:21:52)

    fyi this is how I finally set up my simple 2 drive raid 0:
    1. Create a bootable USB ArchLinux with UNetBootin
    2. Boot with the USB
    3. # /arch/setup
    3. Select source: internet (highly recommended because i found out UNetBootin sources are not 100% reliable though not necessarily so, IOW just to be sure)
    3. partition the two drives with 100mb for /boot and 100mb for swap (setup requires it - I have 8GB memory, I decided I don't need much swap space) and the rest of both sda and sdb which will make your raid 0.
    4. ALT F2 to another terminal and create the the raid like this:
    # modprobe raid0 (not sure if this is actually necessary)
    # mdadm --create /dev/md0 --level=0 --raid-devices=2 /dev/sda2 /dev/sdb2
    5. go back to the setup screen with CTRL-ALT-F1
    6. go to Prepare Hard Drives>Manually configure block devices, filesystems and mountpoints. Add the /boot (ext2) for sda1 swap for sdb1 and desired filesystem for md0 (I chose reiserfs). Ignore the rest of the devices.
    7. Select packages. Add the base-devel just in case, but nothing else and install packages
    8. ALT F2 again to the  terminal and run:
    # mdamd --examine --scan > /mnt/etc/mdadm.conf
    (this will configure the mdadm.conf to use your raid as created)
    9. go back to the setup screen again with CTRL-ALT-F1
    10. Select configure system
    11. Edit /etc/rc.conf adding: raid0 to MODULES= like this:
    again not sure if necessary but it works for me
    12. Edit /etc/mkinitcpio.conf adding dm_mod to the MODULES= like this:
    13. also add to /etc/mkinitcpio.conf HOOKS= mdadm but before filesystems in my case it went like this:
    HOOKS="base udev autodetect pata scsi sata mdadm filesystems"
    14. I went ahead and uncommented a few mirrors in the mirrorlist file so I wouldn't have to deal with that later (and maybe it helps on the way).
    15. Also set a root password. Not sure if it is even necessary but maybe some components require it.
    16, Go to configure bootloader and select Grub
    17. When asked "Do you have your system installed on software raid? answer Yes
    18. When asked to edit the menu.lst file don't edit anything, just exit
    19. When asked "Do you want to install grub to the MBR of each harddisk from your boot array? answer Yes
    20. You will get "Error: Missing/Invalid root device:" and "GRUB was NOT successfully installed." Ignore those messages.
    21. Exit the install
    22. remove the USB stick and:
    # reboot
    23. the boot will fail and you will get a grub> prompt type the following commands:
    grub> root (hd0,0)
    grub> setup (hd0)
    grub> reboot
    Thats it!
    Last edited by 99Percent (2011-06-28 18:51:59)

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    [...] and so on
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    pacman -S `cat kdefiles.txt`
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    Last edited by dcrabs (2009-05-31 10:47:57)

    skottish wrote:
    dcrabs wrote:Btw. The same options (-Qs ) with pacman search only locally installed packages.
    Any ideas?
    pacman -Ss searches on-line.
    Thanks, but then I don't have the packages that are installed. It is of course much faster and without color but doesn't solve my problem.
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    Last edited by zenten (2012-06-13 17:42:45)

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    urxvt -e "rtorrent -o http_capath=/etc/ssl/certs" &
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    Last edited by tawan (2010-04-03 23:33:12)

    It works if you remove the quotes;
    urxvt -e rtorrent -o http_capath=/etc/ssl/certs &
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    Thank you
    Last edited by glenn69 (2012-04-26 17:49:01)

    glenn69 wrote:I am using SLIM to login to Fluxbox.  I should be able to type halt as username from within SLIM to shutdown.  Typing halt as username does not shutdown.  I have set sudo to allow my user to shutdown, but that doesn't help.
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    Hello there!
    Edit: It seems that the plan works! apparently it worked for alleyoopster also on a mounted fs.
    As the title says, I want to convert my fs on / from ext2 to ext3. After some research I think I know what
    to do, but want to make sure that I don't mess anything up....
    So here is the plan:
    boot with an install disc and leave the root partition unmounted (I know that in theory the conversion should
    work on a mounted fs, but it feels awkward to me and I want to avoid it....).
    Then use the
    tune2fs -j /dev/xxx
    command (the defaults for the forced checks are ok with me). Then reboot with the CD still in place, but use
    this time root=/dev/xxx. Then I can change my /etc/fstab (ext3 should have been able to be mounted as ext2 at
    the moment). Finally I have to rebuild my initrd image with
    mkinitcpio -p kernel26
    Then I should be able to boot into my system. And now the question: Can anyone verify that this is a valid approach
    and will work? Or knows a better way to do it?
    I'm grateful for any input
    Last edited by alafanky (2007-11-26 15:41:35)

    Have a look at the man for tune2fs and mkinitcpio
    man tune2fs
    man mkinitcpio
    I am looking at doing the same and as far as I can figure out it goes like this, BUT this is not a proven method just what I am thinking of doing, Maybe someone else can correct or add to this or confirm that it will work.
    1. Add journal parameter like this:
    tune2fs -j /dev/sda1
    2. Change the partition type from ext2 to ext3 in /etc/fstab
    3. For a standard  kernel re-create ramdisk with preset parameters (no good for custom kernel)
    mkinitcpio -p kernel26
    As the system is mounted it will create the journal inode in the top level, don't delete this, it will get hidden into the filesystem on reboot.
    Let me know if you make some progress. I may get brave and try it later.
    So in answer, yes pretty much the same but I think you can do it with the fs mounted.
    Last edited by alleyoopster (2007-11-26 12:44:29)

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    zen_guerrilla wrote:
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    URxvt*perl-ext: default,mark-urls
    URxvt*urlLauncher: firefox
    and source it with xrdb ~/.Xdefaults. Then double-click on the url on urxvt, press Ctrl and right click the url. Select 'run firefox' and you're good to go.
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