[SOLVED]Installing oraclejdk8u20 64bit using yaourt

I installed oraclejdk8u20 using yaourt command.   It shows installed as shown belocw in the code.
$ yaourt oraclejdk
1 aur/oraclejdk6-32 6u45-1 (0)
Non-conflicting 32-bit Oracle JDK 6 for servers
2 aur/oraclejdk6-64 6u45-1 (0)
Non-conflicting 64-bit Oracle JDK 6 for servers
3 aur/oraclejdk7-32 7u67-1 (0)
Non-conflicting 32-bit Oracle JDK 7 for servers
4 aur/oraclejdk7-64 7u67-1 (0)
Non-conflicting 64-bit Oracle JDK 7 for servers
5 aur/oraclejdk8-32 8u20-1 (1)
Non-conflicting 32-bit Oracle JDK 8 for servers
6 aur/oraclejdk8-64 8u20-1 [installed] (1)
Non-conflicting 64-bit Oracle JDK 8 for servers
==> Enter n° of packages to be installed (ex: 1 2 3 or 1-3)
==> -------------------------------------------------------
I am unable to use java what to do??
i used the following command to install oraclejdk
yaourt -S oraclejdk8
Last edited by ashhar24 (2014-09-29 21:27:45)

mrunion wrote:When you say you are "unable to use Java", I assume you mean run java apps on your system? Have you rebooted/re-logged out/in/re-sourced environment variables on your system so the Java environment variables can be read? What error(s) are you getting that lead to being "unable to use Java"?
Yeah I restarted but there was no "java" command also I was unable to find where the package was installed, it was neither in /usr or /opt..

Similar Messages

  • Error installing a package using yaourt

    Not sure if this is the place to post this or not.  My previous experience with yaourt (before my HD died and I had to reinstall), I didn't have this issue, and I wasn't able to find any references to this in the wiki, forum, or on the yaourt page (both the usage page and the AUR listing).  I run yaourt as follows:
    $ yaourt -Syv --aur pacman-color
    and I get the following error:
    /usr/bin/pacman: unrecognized option '--aur'
    is there something I'm missing?  I tried moving the --aur to various places, like before the -Syv, or after pacman-color, but it resulted in the same error.  I'm using the current yaourt and package-query (as of tonight), and pacman 3.4.0. Thanks in advance for any help.
    [email protected]

    I've installed yaourt and '-Syu' seems to work while '-Syv' returns an error. 'pacman -Syv' works.
    [karol@black test]$ yaourt -Sy --aur
    :: Synchronizing package databases...
    core is up to date
    extra is up to date
    community is up to date
    Last edited by karol (2010-07-15 06:32:49)

  • [SOLVED] Installing arch linux using dd from anrdoid phone's sd card

    Hello everybody, I'm totally new and totally excited about arch linux.
    I'm trying to create a bootable android phone for some hours now with no success.
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    Since I'm not the patient type, I decided to do it with my Android Phone's SD card cause I noticed that I have the option to boot from it during startup.
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    I did "dd bs=4M if=/path/to/archlinux.iso of=/dev/sdc" which seemed to do the job. When I rebooted tho, I didn't see my phone as a booting option.
    That was obviously due to unrecognized file system format. How can I dd and keep the filesystem type? I believe that it's ntfs or FAT.
    I also tried to install without overwriting the stick, which was a failure, it said it wouldn't find the .cfg files when i ran the commands in the wiki.
    Can somebody help me with this?
    Thanks in advance
    Last edited by deus_deceit (2013-02-10 02:13:12)

    Yes, my phone's card works without adding software as soon as I plug it in, the problem appears to be this: when i do "dd" on the SD card the filesystem type changes which causes my phone thinking that the SD card is empty since it doesn't recognize that format and not showing as a bootable device. As soon as I format it with my phone and reboot, it's there. So what I want to do is, create a bootable SD card that keeps the filesystem format that my phone recognizes. Is that possible?
    Last edited by deus_deceit (2013-02-10 00:58:54)

  • [Solved] Error installing Flash 64bit from AUR

    I tried installing the 64bit flash from here :http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=21601, using 'yaourt -S flashplugin-alpha-64 10.0.d20.7-3'
    It will say:
    Downloading 10.0.d20.7-3 PKGBUILD from AUR
    Error: 10.0.d20.7-3 not found in AUR.
    So i tried another method by downloading this tar file from http://download.macromedia.com/pub/labs … .so.tar.gz
    Then i untarred the file and on the desktop it shows 'libflashplayer.so'
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    How am i suppose to install flash64 bit? Thanks.
    Last edited by Chance (2008-12-18 15:19:46)

    Chance wrote:
    I tried installing the 64bit flash from here :http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=21601, using 'yaourt -S flashplugin-alpha-64 10.0.d20.7-3'
    It will say:
    Downloading 10.0.d20.7-3 PKGBUILD from AUR
    Error: 10.0.d20.7-3 not found in AUR.
    should be just "yaourt -S flashplugin-alpha-64" no version needed
    the error is telling you it cant find 10.0.d20.7-3 which is not a package.  did you get another error with the first part? or did  you see it building the package?
    i like building it by hand, so i usually (in a folder on my /home) i do
    mkdir flashplugin-alpha-64
    cd flashplugin-alpha-64
    yaourt -G flashplugin-alpha-64 (to get pKGBUILD and other files)
    makepkg  (to build)
    then install with yaourt -U [full package filename]
    makes me feel like i'm in control
    Last edited by toxygen (2008-12-18 04:56:50)

  • [SOLVED] install package from aur via yaourt

    i installed yaourt and tried to install from the aur.
    it keeps asking me to continue bulding and then restart building. it just wont install any packages.
    for none-aur packages it works fine btw.
    any help?
    Last edited by alext (2011-10-11 23:13:53)

    me too and it didnt.
    [xxx@xxx pcmanfm-mod]$ yaourt ntfs-config
    1 aur/ntfs-config 1.0.1-7 (200)
    Enable/disable NTFS write support with a simple click
    ==> Enter n° of packages to be installed (ex: 1 2 3 or 1-3)
    ==> -------------------------------------------------------
    ==> 1
    ==> Downloading ntfs-config PKGBUILD from AUR...
    x python-2.7.patch
    Comment by: loleg on Sat, 25 Jun 2011 10:07:14 +0000
    Compiles installs OK using yaourt, however does not work on my up-to-date system with the issue discussed here: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1497399.html
    Comment by: jlcordeiro on Mon, 27 Jun 2011 08:56:12 +0000
    Can you check if:
    sudo mkdir /etc/hal/fdi
    sudo touch /etc/hal/fdi/policy
    solves the problem?
    Comment by: mr430 on Tue, 04 Oct 2011 15:56:44 +0000
    jlcordeiro, same problem and making /etc/hal/fdi directory solve it, thanks
    Comment by: jlcordeiro on Sat, 08 Oct 2011 08:17:08 +0000
    Updated with the solution to the mentioned problem.
    Comment by: archdria on Tue, 11 Oct 2011 12:04:43 +0000
    Please, add perl-xml-parser as makedep :)
    Comment by: jlcordeiro on Tue, 11 Oct 2011 21:36:05 +0000
    Done. Thank you :)
    First Submitted: Fri, 19 Jan 2007 21:10:44 +0000
    ntfs-config 1.0.1-7
    ( Unsupported package: Potentially dangerous ! )
    ==> Edit PKGBUILD ? [Y/n] ("A" to abort)
    ==> ------------------------------------
    ==> n
    ==> ntfs-config dependencies:
    - python2 (already installed)
    - pygtk (already installed)
    - udev (already installed)
    - ntfs-3g (already installed)
    - perl-xml-parser (already installed)
    - warning: (building from AUR)
    - config (building from AUR)
    - file (package found)
    - /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist, (building from AUR)
    - line (building from AUR)
    - 82: (building from AUR)
    - directive (building from AUR)
    - 'Germany' (building from AUR)
    - in (building from AUR)
    - section (building from AUR)
    - 'testing' (building from AUR)
    - not (building from AUR)
    - recognized. (building from AUR)
    - warning: (building from AUR)
    - config (building from AUR)
    - file (package found)
    - /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist, (building from AUR)
    - line (building from AUR)
    - 82: (building from AUR)
    - directive (building from AUR)
    - 'Germany' (building from AUR)
    - in (building from AUR)
    - section (building from AUR)
    - 'core' (building from AUR)
    - not (building from AUR)
    - recognized. (building from AUR)
    - warning: (building from AUR)
    - config (building from AUR)
    - file (package found)
    - /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist, (building from AUR)
    - line (building from AUR)
    - 82: (building from AUR)
    - directive (building from AUR)
    - 'Germany' (building from AUR)
    - in (building from AUR)
    - section (building from AUR)
    - 'extra' (building from AUR)
    - not (building from AUR)
    - recognized. (building from AUR)
    - warning: (building from AUR)
    - config (building from AUR)
    - file (package found)
    - /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist, (building from AUR)
    - line (building from AUR)
    - 82: (building from AUR)
    - directive (building from AUR)
    - 'Germany' (building from AUR)
    - in (building from AUR)
    - section (building from AUR)
    - 'community-testing' (building from AUR)
    - not (building from AUR)
    - recognized. (building from AUR)
    - warning: (building from AUR)
    - config (building from AUR)
    - file (package found)
    - /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist, (building from AUR)
    - line (building from AUR)
    - 82: (building from AUR)
    - directive (building from AUR)
    - 'Germany' (building from AUR)
    - in (building from AUR)
    - section (building from AUR)
    - 'community' (building from AUR)
    - not (building from AUR)
    - recognized. (building from AUR)
    - warning: (building from AUR)
    - config (building from AUR)
    - file (package found)
    - /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist, (building from AUR)
    - line (building from AUR)
    - 82: (building from AUR)
    - directive (building from AUR)
    - 'Germany' (building from AUR)
    - in (building from AUR)
    - section (building from AUR)
    - 'multilib' (building from AUR)
    - not (building from AUR)
    - recognized. (building from AUR)
    ==> Continue building ntfs-config ? [Y/n]
    ==> -------------------------------------
    ==> Building and installing package
    ==> Install or build missing dependencies for ntfs-config:
    warning: config file /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist, line 82: directive 'Germany' in section 'testing' not recognized.
    warning: config file /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist, line 82: directive 'Germany' in section 'core' not recognized.
    warning: config file /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist, line 82: directive 'Germany' in section 'extra' not recognized.
    warning: config file /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist, line 82: directive 'Germany' in section 'community-testing' not recognized.
    warning: config file /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist, line 82: directive 'Germany' in section 'community' not recognized.
    warning: config file /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist, line 82: directive 'Germany' in section 'multilib' not recognized.
    error: target not found: recognized.
    ==> Restart building ntfs-config ? [y/N]
    ==> ------------------------------------
    ==> Edit PKGBUILD ? [Y/n] ("A" to abort)
    ==> ------------------------------------
    ==> n
    ==> ntfs-config dependencies:
    - python2 (already installed)
    - pygtk (already installed)
    - udev (already installed)
    - ntfs-3g (already installed)
    - perl-xml-parser (already installed)
    - warning: (building from AUR)
    - config (building from AUR)
    - file (package found)
    - /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist, (building from AUR)
    - line (building from AUR)
    - 82: (building from AUR)
    - directive (building from AUR)
    - 'Germany' (building from AUR)
    - in (building from AUR)
    - section (building from AUR)
    - 'testing' (building from AUR)
    - not (building from AUR)
    - recognized. (building from AUR)
    - warning: (building from AUR)
    - config (building from AUR)
    - file (package found)
    - /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist, (building from AUR)
    - line (building from AUR)
    - 82: (building from AUR)
    - directive (building from AUR)
    - 'Germany' (building from AUR)
    - in (building from AUR)
    - section (building from AUR)
    - 'core' (building from AUR)
    - not (building from AUR)
    - recognized. (building from AUR)
    - warning: (building from AUR)
    - config (building from AUR)
    - file (package found)
    - /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist, (building from AUR)
    - line (building from AUR)
    - 82: (building from AUR)
    - directive (building from AUR)
    - 'Germany' (building from AUR)
    - in (building from AUR)
    - section (building from AUR)
    - 'extra' (building from AUR)
    - not (building from AUR)
    - recognized. (building from AUR)
    - warning: (building from AUR)
    - config (building from AUR)
    - file (package found)
    - /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist, (building from AUR)
    - line (building from AUR)
    - 82: (building from AUR)
    - directive (building from AUR)
    - 'Germany' (building from AUR)
    - in (building from AUR)
    - section (building from AUR)
    - 'community-testing' (building from AUR)
    - not (building from AUR)
    - recognized. (building from AUR)
    - warning: (building from AUR)
    - config (building from AUR)
    - file (package found)
    - /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist, (building from AUR)
    - line (building from AUR)
    - 82: (building from AUR)
    - directive (building from AUR)
    - 'Germany' (building from AUR)
    - in (building from AUR)
    - section (building from AUR)
    - 'community' (building from AUR)
    - not (building from AUR)
    - recognized. (building from AUR)
    - warning: (building from AUR)
    - config (building from AUR)
    - file (package found)
    - /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist, (building from AUR)
    - line (building from AUR)
    - 82: (building from AUR)
    - directive (building from AUR)
    - 'Germany' (building from AUR)
    - in (building from AUR)
    - section (building from AUR)
    - 'multilib' (building from AUR)
    - not (building from AUR)
    - recognized. (building from AUR)
    ==> Continue building ntfs-config ? [Y/n]
    ==> -------------------------------------
    ==> Building and installing package
    ==> Install or build missing dependencies for ntfs-config:
    warning: config file /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist, line 82: directive 'Germany' in section 'testing' not recognized.
    warning: config file /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist, line 82: directive 'Germany' in section 'core' not recognized.
    warning: config file /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist, line 82: directive 'Germany' in section 'extra' not recognized.
    warning: config file /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist, line 82: directive 'Germany' in section 'community-testing' not recognized.
    warning: config file /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist, line 82: directive 'Germany' in section 'community' not recognized.
    warning: config file /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist, line 82: directive 'Germany' in section 'multilib' not recognized.
    error: target not found: recognized.
    ==> Restart building ntfs-config ? [y/N]
    ==> ------------------------------------
    ==> WARNING: Following packages have not been installed:
    Edit: now ive just seen that i forgot about the warnings. i am not sure about what they mean and how to fix it.
    Last edited by alext (2011-10-11 22:16:58)

  • This iphone can not be used because the required software is not installed. Run the itunes installer to remove itunes, then install the 64bit version of itunes

    This iphone can not be used because the required software is not installed. Run the itunes installer to remove itunes, then install the 64bit version of itunes
    I keep getting the above error everytime I plug in my iphone.
    I am not daft, I do have the 64bit version of iTunes installed already. When I installed itunes 10.5 and more recently 10.5.1 I got an error message that rolls back a section of the installation (The updater I think) before finishing off installing iTunes.
    After the installation iTunes will work normally apart from when I try to connect a device. At which point I get the title error message and I can not sync my phone.
    It's probably down to Itunes not installing properly however no matter what I try I can not sort the problem out. I've tried uninstalling all apple programmes followed by a registry clean, then reinstall. I've tried the same again but in a specific order. I've tried repairing iTunes, repairing the updater etc etc. Nothing seems to work. I'm out of ideas.
    Has anybody had this problem? Please can somebody tell me how to fix it!
    Getting an iPad this Christmas and if I can't sync that up to my PC I may just have to go over to ANDROID!!!

    Is there a way to install this on its own?
    Yeah, let's try a standalone Apple Mobile Device Support install. It still might not install, but fingers crossed any error messages will give us a better idea of the underlying cause of why it's not installing under normal conditions.
    Download and save a copy of the iTunes64Setup.exe installer file to your hard drive:
    Download and install the free trial version of WinRAR:
    Right-click the iTunes64Setup.exe, and select "Extract to iTunes64Setup". WinRAR will expand the contents of the file into a folder called "iTunes64Setup".
    Go into the folder and doubleclick the AppleMobileDeviceSupport64.msi to do a standalone AMDS install.
    (If it offers you the choice to remove or repair, choose "Remove", and if the uninstall goes through successfully, see if you can reinstall by doubleclicking the AppleMobileDeviceSupport64.msi again.)
    Does it install (or uninstall and then reinstall) properly for you? If so, does an iTunes install go through properly now?
    If instead you get an error message during the install (or uninstall), let us know what it says. (Precise text, please.)

  • Error message is showing while connecting to itunes - "This iphone cannot be used because the required software not installed. Run the itunes installer to remove the itunes, then install the 64bit  version of itunes - Pls Help

    I tried to install in my Sony Vaio Laptop - Model Name SVF15218SGW Serial No 54****************954. After installation of itunes, when i am trying to connect error message is showing as follows -
    "This iphone cannot be used because the required software not installed. Run the itunes installer to remove the itunes, then install the 64bit  version of itunes".
    i already installed 64bit version. but not connecting my iphone with itunes
    PLEASE HELP.!!!!
    <Personal Information Edited by Host>

    Hello Negaz
    When you uninstalled iTunes, did you uninstall it by using the article below or just uninstalled iTunes? The best practice is to remove not only iTunes, but also other associating software in the order that the first article give. If that does not work, then check out the second article for more troubleshooting options for connecting your iPhone to your computer.
    Removing and reinstalling iTunes and other software components for Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8
    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows
    -Norm G.

  • [SOLVED] Updating a package with renamed dependency using yaourt

    I am trying to update  aur/python2-epd-oss using yaourt. The problem is that the installed version depends on biopython and the new one depends on python2-biopython. When yaourt tries to replace  biopython with python2-biopython I get this:
    :: python2-biopython and biopython are in conflict. Remove biopython? [y/N] y
    error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
    :: python2-epd-oss: requires biopython>=1.57
    and I never reach te point where aur/python2-epd-oss gets updated.
    How should I update  aur/python2-epd-oss? Is this a case to force the update?
    Last edited by asafparis (2012-12-24 16:59:10)

    pacman -R python2-epd-oss
    yaourt -Syua # and answer yes
    yaourt -S python2-epd-oss
    This isn't really yaourt specific, you'd need to do something like this whenever AUR dependencies change names.
    Yaourt advertises that it manages dependencies ... but it doesn't really.
    Last edited by Trilby (2012-12-24 16:11:09)

  • Problem installing android-sdk from AUR using yaourt

    Hi all,
    I use yaourt to install packages from the AUR but I'm having an issue with android-sdk.
    Whenever I run 'yaourt -S android-sdk' it seems to detect that the 'java-runtime' is not installed.
    However, I do have sun's jre and jdk installed (I was having applet issues with openjdk) and it detects this when it actually starts installing it.
    But it just reinstalls the package and quits without installing the android sdk. If I run yaourt again, the same thing happens.
    Does anyone have an idea of what the problem might be?
    I could download the tar.gz from google but I'd rather keep everything handled by arch package management.

    Is that a show stopper for yaourt?  I use aurbuild and did that install the other night.  It tripped over the java runtime and pitched a warning, but the build worked and it installed. 
    I could download the tar.gz from google but I'd rather keep everything handled by arch package management.
    Even if you hand build the AUR in a directory of your choice, the resultant package is still integrated into your Arch system using the -U option of pacman.  Regadrless of the front end (Yaourt, aurbuild, or roll-your-own), pacman tracks the package as 'Foreign'.  FYI.

  • [Solved] Missing digest_pw_auth after installation using yaourt

    I have installed Squid using yaourt but after installation and setting it up using
    I realized that /usr/lib/squid/digest_pw_auth is missing. How can I get it?
    # ls
    basic_db_auth basic_ncsa_auth basic_smb_auth digest_ldap_auth ext_session_acl negotiate_kerberos_auth_test url_fake_rewrite.sh
    basic_fake_auth basic_nis_auth basic_smb_auth.sh diskd ext_unix_group_acl negotiate_wrapper_auth
    basic_getpwnam_auth basic_pam_auth cachemgr.cgi ext_edirectory_userip_acl ext_wbinfo_group_acl ntlm_fake_auth
    basic_ldap_auth basic_pop3_auth cert_tool ext_file_userip_acl helper-mux.pl ntlm_smb_lm_auth
    basic_msnt_auth basic_radius_auth digest_edirectory_auth ext_kerberos_ldap_group_acl log_file_daemon unlinkd
    basic_msnt_multi_domain_auth basic_sasl_auth digest_file_auth ext_ldap_group_acl negotiate_kerberos_auth url_fake_rewrite
    Last edited by Dukecz (2012-11-09 16:50:48)

    projectdelphai wrote:digest_pw_auth was renamed to digest_file_auth on 4/30/10.
    http://web.archiveorange.com/archive/v/ … ySEyuBXy4x

  • [solved, I suppose] weird colors when using yaourt-git with screen

    This happens only when using yaourt-git in screen: http://loka.pl/outgoing/yaourt_colors.png
    Is it just me? I tried changing all the color settings in yaourtrc but I can only "fix" it by disabling color entirely.
    Last edited by fwojciec (2008-08-22 19:22:55)

    It looks like it's impossible to get italics working in screen.  I made a patch for yaourt-git to get rid of the problem, though this is really a pretty crude hack that simply disables italics when yaourt is used inside screen:
    --- yaourt/src/lib/color.sh.orig 2008-08-22 14:07:28.000000000 -0400
    +++ yaourt/src/lib/color.sh 2008-08-22 14:08:08.000000000 -0400
    @@ -24,7 +24,11 @@
    +if [ "$(echo $TERM | grep -o screen)" == "screen" ]; then
    + COL_ITALIQUE="\033[0m"
    + COL_ITALIQUE="\033[3m"
    # Color list
    This is an altered PKGBUILD for yaourt-git (you can use the yaourt-git tarball from aur and just add the patch line and update md5sums).
    # Contributor: Manuel "ekerazha" C. (www.ekerazha.com)
    # Author: Julien MISCHKOWITZ <[email protected]>
    pkgdesc="yaourt test release"
    arch=('i686' 'x86_64' 'ppc')
    depends=('wget' 'diffutils' 'pacman>=3.1.0')
    source=('yaourtrc-0.9-1' 'yaourtrc-0.9.1-1' 'yaourt_screen.patch')
    build() {
    cd $startdir/src
    msg "Connecting to GIT server...."
    if [ -d $startdir/src/$_gitname ] ; then
    cd $_gitname && git-pull origin
    msg "The local files are updated."
    git clone $_gitroot
    msg "GIT checkout done or server timeout"
    msg "Starting make..."
    cp -r $startdir/src/$_gitname $startdir/src/$_gitname-build
    cd $startdir/src/$_gitname-build/src
    patch -Np2 -i $startdir/src/yaourt_screen.patch || return 1
    make install DESTDIR=$pkgdir || return 1
    # preinstall original backup files for yaourtrc
    install -D -m 766 $startdir/src/yaourtrc-0.9-1 $pkgdir/var/lib/yaourt/backupfiles/yaourt/yaourt-0.9-1/yaourtrc
    install -D -m 766 $startdir/src/yaourtrc-0.9.1-1 $pkgdir/var/lib/yaourt/backupfiles/yaourt/yaourt-0.9.1-1/yaourtrc

  • HT4085 I has a problem and I am not able to solve that when I use sound effect it is showed only headphone even I did not installing the headphone I has a problem and I am not able to solve that I am. Not able to hear the sound without headphone please he

    I has a problem and I am not able to solve that when I use sound effect it is showed only headphone even I did not installing the headphone I has a problem and I am not able to solve that I am. Not able to hear the sound without headphone please help guys

    Sounds to me like a hardware issue or maybe something is stuck in the headphone jack. When you plug in headphones, the jack in the iPad is switched to play only through the headphones and not the iPad's speakers. Sounds like either the jack is faulty or there is something stuck in the headphone jack. Get a flashlight & look inside the jack for anything that looks like it doesn't belong in there.
    Regardless, I'd take it in to an Apple Store if you have one nearby to have it checked.
    EDIT: "Ocean20" had an excellent suggestion above. While doing that, you may also want to rotate/twist the plug in the jack back & forth a few times as well. Dirty contacts can often times be cleared by doing this.

  • D20 Blue Screen loading Windows 7-64bit using Intel controller and Marvell enabled

    Hi, Help,
    D20, 4158, Four 500GB Seagate SATA drives configured as a RAID10 1TB virtual disk (partitioned into five logical drives).
    Recover or repair a degraded RAID array.
    I want to be able to launch Windows 7-64bit using the Intel controller and have it access the virtual disk of the degraded RAID array attached to the Marvell controller.  Subsequently, I want to use the Marvell MRU utility to repair/recover the situation.
    Things ran well for two years and two months until yesterday.  Now, when booting I see:
    1962: No operating system found. Press F1 to repeat boot sequence.
    If I use the Windows 7 installation CD and load the Marvell driver, the attempt to recover the operating system reports that the MBR is corrupt and cannot be repaired.
    If I boot with the Marvell controller disabled in the D20 BIOS, using a Windows 7 installation (with Marvell drivers) attached to the Intel controller, everything works except (of course) I cannot access the RAID drives.
    If I reboot with the Marvell controller enabled, using the same Windows 7 installation via Intel controller, I see a "Starting Windows" announcement followed by a flash of the blue screen of death.
    The BSOD message is unspecific, no error code, just...
    "A problem has been detected and Windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer.
    If this is the first time you've seen this Stop error screen,
    restart your computer..."
    Additional information:
    If I access the Marvell BIOS (ctrl-M) and look at Devices, one of the four Seagate drives has status FREE instead of status ASSIGNED.  If I run the Marvell BIOS verify disk utility diagnosic on that FREE status disk, I get a fault error after about 30 minutes of scanning.  So, one Seagate disk is sour and somehow the MBR was corrupted at the same time.
    Two years ago, during the intial configuration, I could access the Marvell RAID disks from this Intel-controller-booted Windows 7 installation, but my fuzzy memory is that I had to change something in the D20 BIOS, such as the AHCI setting or similar.
    Today, using the Intel controller to boot Windows 7 with the Marvell controller enabled is just BSOD.  What am I missing or failing to do or set?
    Thank you in advance for any help and ideas.
    Go to Solution.

    I replaced the 500GB Seagate disk with a new 500GB Seagate.  I ran the Marvell BIOS verify disk utility on the new disk drive and it passed with no errors.  Following the steps given in the Marvell MRU online help, I rebuilt the virtual disk.  Upon completion (which took a little more than an hour to complete), I rebooted.  Before the Seagate disk went south yesterday, the Marvell virtual disk contained one primary partition (C, and four NTFS drives (D:, E:, F:, and Z.  Now it contains three primary NTFS drives (C:, F:, and Z.  An extended partition contains D: (an unformatted volume of size 199.30MB) and an unused space of 199.30GB.
    Event log:
    Looking at the event log, Windows reports that the disk in question raised a warning yesterday.  Three messages share the same timestamp (all from mv64xx (a Marvell process):
    "Physical disk 16 is plugged out."
    "Virtual disk 0 is degraded."
    "Physical disk 16 is plugged in."
    Eight seconds later, UserPnp logs:
    "Driver Management has concluded the process to add Service disk for Device Instance ID SCSI\DISK&VEN_SEAGATE&PROD_ST3500418AS&REV_CC38\5&248BBE23&0&000100 with the following status: 0"
    One second later, UserPnp logs:
    "Driver Management concluded the process to install driver FileRepository\disk.inf_amd64_neutral_10ce25bbc5a9cc43\disk.inf for Device Instance ID SCSI\DISK&VEN_SEAGATE&PROD_ST3500418AS&REV_CC38\5&248BBE23&0&000100 with the following status: 0x0."
    Is it possible that UserPnp corrupted the Marvell virtual disk after an intermittent physical disk unplugged/plugged-in event that happened when the Seagate hardware went failed.  It looks to me like my D: and E: are toast despite RAID 10.
    Any ideas?  Is there anyway to recover the Marvell virtual disk configuration to the state prior to the hardware failure?  If not, what good is RAID 10?
    My apologies for the long posting, but I am an old software guy who does not understand the intricacies of RAID and disk management.
    Thank you in advance for any leads toward a solution,

  • HT3986 Hi, i have a macbook pro version 10.6.8 with boot camp version 3.0.4. I managed to install windows 7 professional x64, however when i insert my OS CD to install the drivers using the boot camp method, it says unsupported to this computer model

    Hi, i have a macbook pro version 10.6.8 with boot camp version 3.0.4. I managed to install windows 7 professional x64 bits but however when i tried to install the drivers using the OSX MAC CD using boot camp, it prompt me boot camp x 64 is unsupported with this computer model. Then i tried the method by right click the bootcamp x64 and managed to install the drivers. However, i still couldnt manage access the internet and it prompts me no networking hardware detected...Any idea how can i solve it?
    P.S i tried updating my bootcamp version 3.0.4 in mac os with bootcamp x64 version 3.1 exe but it shows me weird wording..
    my bootcamp version in windows 7 is 2.1..

    Uninstall 2.x totally
    Use CCleaner Registry tool
    Do whatever you need to to nuke the existing Apple programs and folders hidden here and there also.
    BC 2.2 was XP and Vista only

  • I have the 64bit version of itunes. When I connect my iphone5 it says that I don't have the correct software and that I need to install itunes 64bit! And I can go no further! Help!

    I have the 64bit version of itunes on windows 7. When I connect my iphone5 it says that I don't have the correct software and that I need to install itunes 64bit! And I can go no further! I've uninstalled and reinstalled but it makes no difference. I have no access to other computers so at the moment I don't have a backup for my iphone should anything go wrong.
    Please Help!

    Hello ekbowers,
    It sounds like you have installed the 64 bit version of iTunes, but you continue to the get an error message that suggests to download the 64 bit version any time you connect your iPhone 5.  I understand that you have already uninstalled and reinstalled iTunes, but sometimes you may need to uninstall additional components related to iTunes to completely remove it from your system. 
    I recommend following the steps in this article to completely uninstall iTunes:
    Removing and reinstalling iTunes, QuickTime, and other software components for Windows Vista or Windows 7
    Once you have completely uninstalled iTunes, you can download the 65 bit version of iTunes for Windows here:
    iTunes 11.0.4 for Windows 64
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    Sheila M.

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