[SOLVED] Is there an list-type app launcher for dwm/xmonad?

What is a program that can act as a "launcher" for my most commonly used apps (without having to type out the app name?) 
I am currently using MODKEY+F[#] hotkeys, but i'd really like a display with all my common apps and a way to choose one of them.
Last edited by corruptz0r (2010-08-12 17:42:47)

For xmonad, and a shorter list of 'often used' programs or some such, if you don't want to go the dmenu route (for your most used programs), there is GridSelect.
import Xmonad.Actions.GridSelect
and an example, in the keybindings section:
, ((mod4Mask, xK_s), spawnSelected defaultGSConfig [myTerminal,"firefox&","skype&","twinkle&","psi&","sylpheed&","ossxmix&","xcompmgr&","trayer2&"])
Last edited by Ogion (2010-08-13 08:31:16)

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    You even gave me a star for my sarcastic answer. Now I suppose I should earn it for real
    I would not consider any list of applications known "not supported by Lion" to be valid. I did a quick check of the Roaring apps survey and found identical applications listed as both compatible and incompatible. Which is it? None of my applications are listed, including the one I haven't touched since 2006 and that works just fine in Lion.
    Any application developer, including Intuit, is free to release an upgrade that will enable their software to work in Lion or even make use of Lion's new features. For an application to not function in Lion, it must be either:
    1) Highly specialized, well-made, and very dependent on a specific version of the underlying operating system. Parallels is a good example.
    2) Poorly written. I won't give any examples for this category, but you know who they are. Any application that doesn't employ low-level operating system interfaces and breaks in Lion means that its developers do not care about the product or its customers. They are using interfaces that have been declared obsolete by Apple years ago. They have made a caculated decision to not update the software until something actually breaks. Furthermore, they have made no effort to test their software against beta versions of Lion. Or maybe they did and the software is so poorly written that they couldn't port it from 10.6 to 10.7 in six months.
    3) Completely abandonned. Quicken is the primary example. It was last updated in 2007 and those updates completely ignored the changes to the Intel processor in 2006.
    You are unlikely to encounter anything from category 1 above. Those developers worked with Apple to get their software ready before Lion was ready. There are a large number of applications in category 2 and 3. Some are very expensive, prompting people to hang on to them for years. Any developer that sells software more expensive than the computer it runs on considers their software to be the priority. In those cases, the computer and operating system are merely vehicles for you to use their product. Updates to either are not allowed or supported. You know who I'm talking about here. You are free to fork over another $1200 for the latest version that will work on Lion. Just don't expect it to work on 10.8 - because it surely won't.

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    thanks - dave
    What we did for the last 6 months -
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    hi dave,
    >>Cloud Services are not Sql Server (obviously) but that led to the question - Is there a list of best practices for Azure Cloud Services? If so, what are they?
    For this issue, I have collected some blogs and document about best practices for azure cloud service, you can view them, but I am not sure they are your need.
    >>The cloud service will set between an IMAP client & server, pretending to be the mail client to the server, and the server to the client. Mostly it will pass all requests & responses across from one to the other.
    For your scenarioes, If you'd like to communicate with each instances, I recommend you refer to this document (
    http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/hh180158.aspx ). And generally, if we want connect the client to server on Azure, the service bus is a good choice (http://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/cloud-services-dotnet-multi-tier-app-using-service-bus-queues/
    If I misunderstood, please let me know.
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

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    I was talking with a Sql Server expert today and learned that Azure Sql Server can take up to a minute to respond to a query that normally takes a fraction of a second. This is one of those things where it's really valuable to learn it when architecting as
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    What we did for the last 6 months -
    Made the world's coolest reporting & docgen system even more amazing

    sorry I was not sure if you were using a web server or what?
    One other idea out of the slow cooker is to use a dedicated web server with SQL server running beside IIS
    If you are using the standard web sites, then the SQL option is about as slow as FTP uploads, very slow
    I have considered time of day too, and it seems Azure is less loaded early in the AM
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    thanks - dave
    What we did for the last 6 months -
    Made the world's coolest reporting & docgen system even more amazing

    Here are some documentation on Azure SQL Database to get you started.

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    You can definitely do that with aliases :-)
    I think it should be possible, according to these examples: https://gitorious.org/fehlstart/pages/Configuration

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    Do you want the disk to play in a DVD player on a TV set?  If so you will have to use iDVD to create and burn the disk.  Export the slideshow to the Movie folder at the large size.
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    Microsoft Windows Vista & Win 7 Operating Systems
    Message was edited by: Al Adams

    Nope, I doubt it.  As I said:
    I disabled Aero theme, checked font scaling was 100% and rebooted Windows in between all of the steps to no avail.
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    - Apps that offer third-party keyboards
    - Apps written in Swift
    - Apps optimized for Retina HD displays
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    The first thing to try is resetting your iPad. HOld down the sleep and home keys for about 20 seconds. When you see the silver apple, let go and let it reboot and then try again.
    Then you can try to force close the apps, forcing them to reboot and maybe fixing the issue. Double tap the home button. Flick the preview for all the apps up and off the screen until all you have left is the home page preview. Tap on that then try to reopen your apps again.
    The last thing to do is a restore. You back up your device, then erase all content and settings, then restore from the backup you just made.  If you've backed everything up you won't lose any data but you give both the apps and the iOS a clean slate.

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    Chip_b4er wrote:
    Good idea, but the iPad games are not able to change the touchscreen controls to the buttons of a USB gamepad, the games need to be compatible with it.
    That's the part I wasn't aware of. Thanks for the good info.
    Chip_b4er wrote:
    But maybe this can help you (not a real controller but many games are compatible):
    I've seen those before (but I think another company invented them, not Logitech). I'm reluctant to buy one because it relies on suction cups. I bought something called the Joystick-It by ThinkGeek, and while the idea is novel, getting the suction cup to stay in one place on the gamescreen is 99% impossible. I've cleaned, polished, buffed the screen every way possible and no matter how smooth its surface may be, I can't keep that suction cup stationary.

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    Thanks for the response. Yes, everything is working fine. I am an engineer and a techie so have checked all I could. Just need to know whether overnight downloads as I describe are possible for other people, and what setting etc possibly could affect it?

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    Fixed the typo.
    Last edited by lucke (2010-04-25 16:33:35)

    liticovjesac wrote:I have the same problem with eina-audio-player.
    Since you got it from aur, you have to rebuild it yourself.

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    Thanks in advance for every tip!

    Buy a pair of sport headphones, they are designed to stay in place during rigorous activities.
    https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=spo rt+headphones&tbm=shop

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    I have some bad news for you. Of the very few drawing (including even photo retouching apps like iPhoto) apps that do support TV out are either iPad 2+ only (iPhoto) or while supporting wired external monitor connections, don't support the same over AirPlay.
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