[SOLVED] Libreoffice toolbar colour scheme -- too faint

Is there any way to change the colours LibreOffice uses for toolbar backgrounds or the highlight drawn around active buttons? I'm not sure if there's something wonky on my system, but active/set buttons look almost indistinguishable from non-set ones. E.g. here's a screen shot of my toolbar:
Can *you* tell at a quick glance that the text the cursor is in is bold and left-aligned? I sure can't. I've checked this on two different monitors, so I don't think it's a colour balance issue either -- any ideas on how to change this?
I've already tried:
- poking around in Tools > Options > LibreOffice > Appearance and View -- nothing in here seems able to change the toolbar colours. Even setting the "high contrast" icon scheme (which is really ugly, btw) does not change the lack of contrast around 'active' buttons.
- OOO_FORCE_DESKTOP=gnome and OOO_FORCE_DESKTOP=kde -- these change the icon scheme LibreOffice uses, but the toolbar colours remain the same (or maybe get very slightly lighter?)
- the openoffice-dark-gtk-fix.sh script
Last edited by thetrivialstuff (2012-01-07 21:38:51)

OK, I've discovered that installing libreoffice-gnome (apparently the default is equivalent to libreoffice-kde) fixes this by making libreoffice look gnome-like:
...But that leaves a new problem, because the gnome theme's UI elements are somewhat bigger. On my netbook every bit of screen real estate counts (especially vertical), so I decided to put all the buttons I actually use onto one toolbar. (I first tried the UI scaling option in Options > LibreOffice > View, but that also scales the document fonts so that's no good.)
I could still save even more screen space by hacking the KDE-themed LibreOffice UI (the relevant files appear to be /usr/lib/libreoffice/basis3.4/program/{fps_gnome.uno.so,libvclplug_gtkli.so,ucpgio1.uno.so}), but I'm happy with what I've got for now.
Now for my next trick, I'm going to change my Opera skin so that I can see from colour alone which tab is the active one...

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    Does anyone know how to make the same prompt appear if I use any shelll? I don't know how it worked under gentoo, but the bashrc prompt seemed to be inherited by all the shells.
    Last edited by mrpringle (2009-08-07 02:29:05)

    For anyone interested I did some digging and came up with a solution.
    I had a look (on my gentoo box)  at a file named csh.cshrc and found it had some code which seemed to produce the colourful custom prompt.  I extracted the parts of code which created the prompt and placed it in my ~/.tcshrc file. I could have overwritten Arch Linux's csh.cshrc file, but then if I ever upgraded tcsh it would be lost.
    As a side note the tcsh.tcshrc file that came with Arch Linux has no custom prompt or colourisation, however it claims to be taken from the gentoo distribution :-)
    I then had a couple of issues. The csh.cshrc file referenced /usr/bin/dircolors, which is in the /bin directory under Arch. It also referenced a DIR_COLORS file which modifies the colour coding for different extensions when 'ls' is run. This didn't exist on my Arch PC, so I copied it across from my gentoo PC.
    Here is the .tcshrc file and DIR_COLORS file if anyone uses tcsh or csh and wants a colourful prompt.
    Save as ~/.tcshrc
    # Set some variables for interactive shells
    if ( $?prompt ) then
    if ( -r /etc/DIR_COLORS ) then
    if ( $?TERM ) then
    set colour = `/bin/egrep "^TERM ${TERM}"'$' /etc/DIR_COLORS`
    # Set a Gentoo-ish prompt and setup colourful stuff if we have colour
    set promptchars = "%#"
    if ( $?colour ) then
    if ( "$uid" == "0" ) then
    set prompt = "%{\033[0;1;34m%}(%{\033[0;1;31m%}%m%{\033[0m%}:%{\033[0;1;34m%}%c3%{\033[0;1;34m%}) %{\033[0;1;31m%}%#%{\033[0m%} "
    set prompt = "%{\033[0;1;34m%}(%{\033[0;1;32m%}%m%{\033[0m%}:%{\033[0;1;34m%}%c3%{\033[0;1;34m%}) %{\033[0;1;32m%}%n%{\033[0;1;32m%}%#%{\033[0m%} "
    # Enable colours for ls, etc. Prefer ~/.dir_colors
    if ( -f "${HOME}"/.dir_colors ) then
    eval `/bin/dircolors -c "${HOME}"/.dir_colors`
    else if ( -f /etc/DIR_COLORS ) then
    eval `/bin/dircolors -c /etc/DIR_COLORS`
    alias ls 'ls --color=auto'
    alias grep 'grep --color=auto'
    if ( "$uid" == "0" ) then
    set prompt = "(%m:%c3) %# "
    set prompt = "(%m:%c3) %n%# "
    unset colour
    Save as /etc/DIR_COLORS
    # Configuration file for dircolors, a utility to help you set the
    # LS_COLORS environment variable used by GNU ls with the --color option.
    # Copyright (C) 1996, 1999-2008
    # Free Software Foundation, Inc.
    # Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification,
    # are permitted provided the copyright notice and this notice are preserved.
    # The keywords COLOR, OPTIONS, and EIGHTBIT (honored by the
    # slackware version of dircolors) are recognized but ignored.
    # You can copy this file to .dir_colors in your $HOME directory to override
    # the system defaults.
    # Below, there should be one TERM entry for each termtype that is colorizable
    TERM Eterm
    TERM ansi
    TERM color-xterm
    TERM con132x25
    TERM con132x30
    TERM con132x43
    TERM con132x60
    TERM con80x25
    TERM con80x28
    TERM con80x30
    TERM con80x43
    TERM con80x50
    TERM con80x60
    TERM cons25
    TERM console
    TERM cygwin
    TERM dtterm
    TERM eterm-color
    TERM gnome
    TERM gnome-256color
    TERM jfbterm
    TERM konsole
    TERM kterm
    TERM linux
    TERM linux-c
    TERM mach-color
    TERM mlterm
    TERM putty
    TERM rxvt
    TERM rxvt-cygwin
    TERM rxvt-cygwin-native
    TERM rxvt-unicode
    TERM screen
    TERM screen-256color
    TERM screen-bce
    TERM screen-w
    TERM screen.linux
    TERM vt100
    TERM xterm
    TERM xterm-16color
    TERM xterm-256color
    TERM xterm-88color
    TERM xterm-color
    TERM xterm-debian
    # Below are the color init strings for the basic file types. A color init
    # string consists of one or more of the following numeric codes:
    # Attribute codes:
    # 00=none 01=bold 04=underscore 05=blink 07=reverse 08=concealed
    # Text color codes:
    # 30=black 31=red 32=green 33=yellow 34=blue 35=magenta 36=cyan 37=white
    # Background color codes:
    # 40=black 41=red 42=green 43=yellow 44=blue 45=magenta 46=cyan 47=white
    #NORMAL 00 # no color code at all
    #FILE 00 # regular file: use no color at all
    RESET 0 # reset to "normal" color
    DIR 01;34 # directory
    LINK 01;36 # symbolic link. (If you set this to 'target' instead of a
    # numerical value, the color is as for the file pointed to.)
    HARDLINK 44;37 # regular file with more than one link
    FIFO 40;33 # pipe
    SOCK 01;35 # socket
    DOOR 01;35 # door
    BLK 40;33;01 # block device driver
    CHR 40;33;01 # character device driver
    ORPHAN 01;05;37;41 # orphaned syminks
    MISSING 01;05;37;41 # ... and the files they point to
    SETUID 37;41 # file that is setuid (u+s)
    SETGID 30;43 # file that is setgid (g+s)
    CAPABILITY 30;41 # file with capability
    STICKY_OTHER_WRITABLE 30;42 # dir that is sticky and other-writable (+t,o+w)
    OTHER_WRITABLE 34;42 # dir that is other-writable (o+w) and not sticky
    STICKY 37;44 # dir with the sticky bit set (+t) and not other-writable
    # This is for files with execute permission:
    EXEC 01;32
    # List any file extensions like '.gz' or '.tar' that you would like ls
    # to colorize below. Put the extension, a space, and the color init string.
    # (and any comments you want to add after a '#')
    # If you use DOS-style suffixes, you may want to uncomment the following:
    #.cmd 01;32 # executables (bright green)
    #.exe 01;32
    #.com 01;32
    #.btm 01;32
    #.bat 01;32
    # Or if you want to colorize scripts even if they do not have the
    # executable bit actually set.
    #.sh 01;32
    #.csh 01;32
    # archives or compressed (bright red)
    .tar 01;31
    .tgz 01;31
    .arj 01;31
    .taz 01;31
    .lzh 01;31
    .lzma 01;31
    .zip 01;31
    .z 01;31
    .Z 01;31
    .dz 01;31
    .gz 01;31
    .bz2 01;31
    .bz 01;31
    .tbz2 01;31
    .tz 01;31
    .deb 01;31
    .rpm 01;31
    .jar 01;31
    .rar 01;31
    .ace 01;31
    .zoo 01;31
    .cpio 01;31
    .7z 01;31
    .rz 01;31
    # image formats
    .jpg 01;35
    .jpeg 01;35
    .gif 01;35
    .bmp 01;35
    .pbm 01;35
    .pgm 01;35
    .ppm 01;35
    .tga 01;35
    .xbm 01;35
    .xpm 01;35
    .tif 01;35
    .tiff 01;35
    .png 01;35
    .svg 01;35
    .svgz 01;35
    .mng 01;35
    .pcx 01;35
    .mov 01;35
    .mpg 01;35
    .mpeg 01;35
    .m2v 01;35
    .mkv 01;35
    .ogm 01;35
    .mp4 01;35
    .m4v 01;35
    .mp4v 01;35
    .vob 01;35
    .qt 01;35
    .nuv 01;35
    .wmv 01;35
    .asf 01;35
    .rm 01;35
    .rmvb 01;35
    .flc 01;35
    .avi 01;35
    .fli 01;35
    .flv 01;35
    .gl 01;35
    .dl 01;35
    .xcf 01;35
    .xwd 01;35
    .yuv 01;35
    # http://wiki.xiph.org/index.php/MIME_Types_and_File_Extensions
    .axv 01;35
    .anx 01;35
    .ogv 01;35
    .ogx 01;35
    # Document files
    .pdf 00;32
    .ps 00;32
    .txt 00;32
    .patch 00;32
    .diff 00;32
    .log 00;32
    .tex 00;32
    .doc 00;32
    # audio formats
    .aac 00;36
    .au 00;36
    .flac 00;36
    .mid 00;36
    .midi 00;36
    .mka 00;36
    .mp3 00;36
    .mpc 00;36
    .ogg 00;36
    .ra 00;36
    .wav 00;36
    # http://wiki.xiph.org/index.php/MIME_Types_and_File_Extensions
    .axa 00;36
    .oga 00;36
    .spx 00;36
    .xspf 00;36
    Last edited by mrpringle (2009-08-05 11:45:53)

  • GTK applications do not use KDE's colour scheme while using oxygen-gtk

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    However on My system:
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    Anyone know what the problem is? Could it be faulty permissions?
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    I had to delete ~/.kde4/share/config/gtkrc-2.0 as well as ~/.kde4/share/config/gtkrc

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    So, when you said: "The green colour scheme for icons etc is vile, just looking at it makes me queasy", you considered the 3 green icons out of 26 iOS icons to constitute the icon color scheme?? 
    When you said "green color scheme for icons" it implied that you saw  all icons as containing green.  Hence, the ophthalmologic recommendation.  That said, I agree with you about the psychedelic quality of the green and red icons - poor choice on Apple's part, but hardly nauseating. 
    Did you try the Bold Text and Increase Contrast settings I mentioned?
    The folder icons and dock are translucent in that they take on the coloring of the background.  Changing the wallpaper will change their cast.  If you use one of the "dynamic" wallpapers, the folders and dock change hue as the background changes.

  • Archlinux Colour Scheme

    Hey guys and gals.
    First, let me say something quick and in bold, pretty letters:
    This thread is a simple straw poll.  It does not indicate any intent by the dev team to change the Archlinux colour scheme.  This is all because I'm just curious.  In fact, I haven't even brought this up on the dev discussion list.  Kapiche?
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    Would you choose purples?
    Would you be daring, and go for a rugged plaid look?
    Would you keep things just as they are?
    http://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php? … 87#p290287  <-- this post here got me thinking about color-schemey stuff, and I became curious as to what you all thought.
    Maybe this will keep all you artsy people busy until I can get some logo contest news out the door. 
    Last edited by Cerebral (2007-12-20 18:35:24)

    Misfit138 wrote:Exactly like I suggested! Red, white, black and a splash of yellow!
    ..And you're propably wearing them too tight ripped black jeans also with DK patch stitched on your back pocket.. so, it's a +1 for Misfit138
    No, for real I've kind of gotten over the blue scene atleast. Every default layout seems to be blue and they're even trying to sell a blue christmas nowadays? Actually I'm sort of getting sick of blue more minute by minute.. Oh and another thing I just can't stand is this new kind of cool "I was just playing with vector graphics and I found this cool gardiet tool, or whatever it was called, but it's cool anyway" sort of thinking. Dont get me wrong. please There are good looking logos and icons etc. done with basic vector stuff and they look nice and fancy, almost glamourish, but they're just not something I'd use. What they lack in my mind is "soul". I like it rugged and sort of raw like the Gant icons are. No clean colors, no clean lines, no glares, nothing fancy about them , but working like a train's toilet!
    Hobla.. Kind of went off topic, those quarks' colors look good... buuut... no blue. Add something "dirty" from the orange/brown sector of the color palette next to thet green and I'll let you pass
    Last edited by sm4tik (2007-12-21 19:21:49)

  • I'm trying to get a style switcher going for my site(for the colour scheme)

    I'd like to give my users the choice of changing the colour
    scheme of my site (
    http://chaoscoalition.net) at
    will, through css style changing buttons such as the ones on the
    forum's theme(
    I've read many articles and tutorials on how to set up
    alternate stylesheets for a webpage, but I can't quite get it
    right. Every time I seem to have gotten it right, it either opens
    the php file that sets the cookie, or it opens the stylesheet as
    text. I want to end up with something like the forum's theme
    changing module, but for the homepage.
    I have 5 different versions of the page made, all as
    different pages(php format), but I don't understand how to link the
    buttons at the top to trigger the stylesheet change, and I don't
    even knwo if it's possible to rely on a css file to change the
    whole colour scheme of the page(which is image based).
    It'd be great if someone could walk me through this, or offer
    some tutorial that explains how to do this from scratch.
    Thank you.

    First, never use Fireworks or any graphics app to build HTML and CSS for you.  The resulting code is rigid, fragile and only good for quick comps or prototypes to show a client.  Use DW to generate actual site code.
    Secondly, external stylesheets must not contain JavaScripts or X/HTML code as your green.css does.  Only CSS rules and comments are allowed inside external stylesheets - like so:
    /**Green CSS**/
    body {
         margin:0 auto;/**this centers page**/
         width: 900px;
         font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;
         color: white;
         background: green; /**this is green**/
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists

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    05:54 PM
    soooo1077 wrote:
    but how do i open it and add it to my phone? I am new to this and am getting confused!!! Thanks
    I take it that you installed a theme,
    to install the theme go
    Select the theme and select apply

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    Xcelisus Thems cannot be used in professional dashboards.If you are doing any dashboard's for your internal team ,It would be ok..
    But the best pratice is to create ur own colors,all along the dashboard..

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    Toolbar font is too small how do you adjust it to make it readable

    There are some add-ons that can be used to change the zoom level on all sites, for example:
    * NoSquint - https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/nosquint
    * Default FullZoom Level - https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/default-fullzoom-level

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    The Acid 3 test is still not correct, it is in Safari.
    The Toolbar looks very like Safari!

    Look at Incredible Bookmarks: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/50722

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    Don't bother trying to upload. Seems like the upload feature broke down today.
    Just saving you some grief.

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    05:54 PM
    soooo1077 wrote:
    but how do i open it and add it to my phone? I am new to this and am getting confused!!! Thanks
    I take it that you installed a theme,
    to install the theme go
    Select the theme and select apply

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    There are no setting to change that right now. You may try to increase the contrast of your display while working with iCal
         System Preferences -> Universal Access -> Seeing
    in the Display section adjust the "Contrast" slider.

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    How can I reduce their size ?
    Last edited by moljac024 (2008-05-16 00:57:37)

    Try Pressing and holding down the keyboard key Ctrl and then pressing 0 <br> the Control key is on the bottom left (& right) <br> 0 is the number Zero
    Using Ctrl + 0 should reset the zoom, note it is set for each individual site.
    * see [[how do i use zoom?]]
    To get your toolbar back try pressing the keyboard Alt Key (that is probably next to the spacebar) and may temporarily cause the menu toolbar to display, pressing V then T should give you the options to set the toolbars you wish to display such as the bookmarks toolbar. Note your sone may well have been making use of the firefox button, that also give similar access to features
    * see [[how do i get the firefox button?]] <-- clickable links (blue)
    You may be in full screen viewing mode,that also causes the menu bars to disappear,try pressing keyboard key F11 (wait a few seconds for screen to redraw) that should toggle you in and out of full screen mode.
    One thing you may considering in future is setting up on your Vista Operating System separate '''accounts''' for your self and your son, that way each can to some extent make changes the way they like without unduly affecting the other.
    When setup like that each user has their own firefox [[profile|profiles]] and again changes can be made separately.
    There could be other reasons for your problems, but I am presuming your son just forgot to return the setting to the ones you had been using.


    I SEE THAT THERE ARE A FEW COMMENTS ASKING THAT WE CAN CHANGE THE COLOUR SCHEME'S ON SKYPE AND IT HAS BEEN IGNORED TIME AFTER TIME. Please help YOUR customers make Skype a better experience by changing the colour scheme. It can not be that hard to make YOUR CUSTOMERS TO BE ABLE TO USE SKPE WITHOUT HAVING TO GO TO EXTREMES .  I can hardley see the writting and have to darken the whole screen each time i use skpe, at one point i stopped using it.  I have been asked to put it on all the Business computers now. I have told the directors that the 4 employees who have eye disabillitys would not be able to use it, also we have 2 who suffer epolepsy and they find the bright screen a hazzard. PLEASE ALLOW US THE CHANCE TO CHANGE THE SETTINGS, THIS WILL ONLY IMPROVE THE WHOLE SKPE EXPERIENCE AND MAKE YOUR CUSTOMERS EVEN MORE HAPPY WITH THE WAY SKYPE IS MANAGED.  thank you very much and i hope we get a reply from customer care.My name is: Peter Pankhurst

    Hi Peter and welcome to the Skype Community,
    Are you already using the latest Skype 7.7 for Windows desktop in your office? Since the initial release of the new chat styling we have adjusted the colors based on the feedback to improve contrast. Can you share which parts of the user interface are hard to use for you currently?
    We currently see more customer demand for features other than adjustable chat colors which is why we are currently not looking in any short term changes in this area.

Maybe you are looking for

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