[Solved]nano regression?

I admit that I wasn't paying attention enough to know when this happened, or it might be an issue with my config, but....
When I paste indented code into nano, it doesn't keep its format anymore.
It used to look like this;
Now it looks like this;
Last edited by Sjoden (2009-01-06 04:22:33)

How are you pasting it? ( Shift+Ins / middle click ) or does your terminal let you right click > paste?
Perhaps try the other method of pasting?
Either way, I've tried with multiple terminals and both methods. I don't have that problem
Last edited by Square (2009-01-05 00:11:30)

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    Last edited by Jatra (2014-01-15 18:47:31)

    β ™ wrote:Why are you using sudo when editing user files?
    Yes, that's stupid. Maybe that's because I don't exactly know, which files I'm able to edit without sudo. Everything in folder /home?
    Why are you editing anything in openbox directory if you are running LXDE?
    I know that LXDE uses Openbox as a windowmanager, so that's why. Is that files in the Openbox directory are only for pure Openbox-session, and then other Openbox directories for LXDE-Openbox-session?
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  • Solved: New iPod nano 8g not seen in My Computer/iTunes after Apple Support

    I received this iPod as a Christmas gift and it has taken months to get it working but I am happy to say I finally did. I wanted to post what I did to solve the problem in case anyone else is having the same issue.
    Background Information:
    - Windows XP operating system (I had to upgrade to SP 2 just for this iPod)
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    - Uninstall and reinstall iTunes and Quicktime
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    - Restarted computer several times and tried creating a new user in Windows XP
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    - Tried stopping and restarting the iPod service in "Services"
    - Tried restarting iPod, resetting it, all those 5 R's and other Apple support docs online
    - Tried finding answers in forums
    - Finally today I spent a few hours on the phone with Apple Support, and after repeating everything in their self-help documents online, and it still didn't work, they said "Call Microsoft and tell them you have a driver issue" and that my new iPod needed some additional driver (which is why old iPod works but not new)
    So that's where I left off this afternoon. I think I've seen people who haven't had much luck getting Microsoft support to help with iPod issues, so I continued searching online. I tried updating my Video driver from the Gateway.com website and that didn't work.
    On the microsoft.com website, the best I could find was a registry change which told me to delete registry keys for UpperFilters and LowerFilters, which I didn't even have so I couldn't try.
    Finally, here is the solution to what worked:
    I searched for iPod - specific drivers, and on some random help forum - http://www.computing.net/hardware/wwwboard/forum/43267.html
    You'll see they mention "usbstor.inf" which needs to be in c:\winnt\inf (or c:\windows\inf). I checked my computer and it was missing. Luckily, it was there on my work laptop which was also recently upgraded to Windows XP so I e-mailed it to myself (glad I didn't have to trust some one online).
    I also followed his directions to add "usbstor.sys" from c:\winnt\servicepack files\i386\ to c:\winnt\system32\drivers.
    Lastly, I saw some other usb*.inf and usb*.pnf files on my laptop so I decided what-the-heck, I'll grab them all since I only had usbvideo.inf, and thus I extracted the following into my c:\winnt\inf directory: usb.inf, usb.pnf, usbport.inf, usbport.pnf, usbprint.pnf, usbprint.inf, usbstor.pnf, usbtor.inf.
    I restarted my computer and right away my iPod magically appeared in MyComputer and when I opened iTunes, it was also successfully there. Funny thing is, Windows Install Hardware Wizard popped up and I pointed it to that directory -- guess what, it didn't work. Apparently that doesn't matter. Every time I plug in my iPod now, I will just skip the "Install New Hardware Wizard" and go straight to iTunes.
    I know this was lengthy but I thought I could save some one else hours of checking around--- just go look in your "inf" directory and make sure you have the usbstor.inf file!
    Good luck!!!!

    Take a look at this link, http://support.apple.com/kb/TS1410

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    00:00:36.036 OHCI: USB Operational
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    Last edited by fourreux (2011-01-14 10:15:25)

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    Hi Min! I'm having exactly the same issue - have been putting up with it now for months but have finally had enough! Every single time i eject either my iphone, ipad or ipod nano, itunes freezes up, the computer becomes unresponsive. Usually i can use the mouse to highlight icons but the system doesn't respond, the keyboard doesn't work and I have to do a hard reset.
    Arrrrrggggggh!!!!!!! lol
    Someone please help!!!

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    You can not merge accounts.
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  • [SOLVED] ipod nano 5G 'Failed to generate sqlite database' error

    If you have been experiencing this, it is due to a missing file in the iPod_Control/Device folder of the ipod. Got the solution from this post here Ipod Nano 5G with linux
    I'll just list the steps here
    1. Get the firewire serial id, look for a sixteen digit number in the output.
    sudo lsusb -v | grep -i Serial
    2. Add/Change the line 'FirewireGuid: ...' to 'FirewireGuid: 0x<firewire serial id obtained above>'
    3. Get a HashInfo file from here by entering the firewire serial id (without the 0x) in the box and the click generate. Move the HashInfo file to you iPod_Control/Device folder
    The error should go away afterwards

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    Reset the AMDS >  How to restart the Apple Mobile Device Service (AMDS) on Windows

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    Thanks for your suggestions!

    Hi VeerleD,
    If your iPod touch unexpectedly powers off, you may want to use the steps in this article to troubleshoot -
    iPhone: Hardware troubleshooting (The steps apply for the iPod touch) -
    Specifically -
    Will not turn on, will not turn on unless connected to power, or unexpected power off
    Verify that the Sleep/Wake button functions. If it does not function, inspect it for signs of damage. If the button is damaged or is not functioning when pressed, seek service.
    Check if a Liquid Contact Indicator (LCI) is activated or there are signs of corrosion. Learn about LCIsand corrosion.
    Connect the iPhone to the iPhone's USB power adapter and let it charge for at least ten minutes.
    After at least 30 minutes, if:
    The home screen appears: The iPhone should be working. Update to the latest version of iOS if necessary. Continue charging it until it is completely charged and you see this battery icon in the upper-right corner of the screen . Then unplug the phone from power. If it immediately turns off, seek service.
    The low-battery image appears, even after the phone has charged for at least 20 minutes: See "iPhone displays the low-battery image and is unresponsive" symptom in this article.
    Something other than the Home screen or Low Battery image appears, continue with this article for further troubleshooting steps.
    If the iPhone did not turn on, reset it while connected to the iPhone USB power adapter.
    If the display turns on, go to step 4.
    If the display remains black, go to next step.
    Connect the iPhone to a computer and open iTunes. If iTunes recognizes the iPhone and indicates that it is in recovery mode, attempt to restore the iPhone. If the iPhone doesn't appear in iTunes or if you have difficulties in restoring the iPhone, see this article for further assistance.
    If restoring the iPhone resolved the issue, go to step 4. If restoring the iPhone did not solve the issue, seek service.
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    Brett L 

  • Nano skipping problem solved? (songs skipping while playing)

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    True, the nano is solid-state storage, and will not skip due to the same root causes that hard drive models might skip.
    HOWEVER, that does not mean that the nano does not skip due to other reasons.
    People on this forum, as well as members of iLounge have reported skipping problems. Concensus is that it is the nano's incompatibility with LAME encoded MP3s (some say that it's only VBR, yet some say it is also with CBR tracks).
    The symptoms are tracks that skip on the nano, but play perfectly fine in iTunes (or any other player for that matter). I've heard that the mini also has this problem, but I cannot confirm... I can confirm that it happens often on my nano...
    I have a very large collection of LAME encoded MP3s, so re-encoding is not a reasonable option...
    If you are experiencing these issues, please report them to Apple... We need a firmware fix for this...
    Question: Does anyone know if Apple is already aware of this issue, and plans to fix it in the next firmware update?

    If it's skipping in iTunes and your iPod, then it is likely you have a bad file...
    While there is probably a way of knowing what encoder was used to encode a file, I don't know that off hand...
    I know my files are all LAME encoded because I ripped them using LAME...

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    My ipod nano, when it enters standby mode, pause the reproduction of music, how do I solve this problem?

    This is usually an indication that your headphones are not plugged ALL the way in.  The white part of the headset should be flush with the body of the Nano and no silver from the headphone plug should still be seen.

  • NANO TROUBLE half solved

    hi.. I posted a problem I had.. and I half-solved it, I couldn't restore my Nano after it told me to "use itunes to restore" so I installed the new itunes..and now this one recognizes my ipod, it told me to restore it.. so I did.. then it says, it's been restored and everything and that the the ipod is going to restart and then it will appear on the list of sources.. but.. that never happened.. after it turns of.. and on again.. is the same.. and i have to repeat the hole process again.. can anyone help me? =)

    try this
    hoope this helps

  • Obscure Nano and Mini XP USB Driver Problem Finally Solved

    I had a rather obscure USB driver registry problem that few others would probably have, but this might be helpful.
    I was unable to get Windows XP SP2 Media Center Edition to properly recognize either my iPod Mini or Nano 3rd generation. The iPods would be seen by XP in Device Manager (would show Apple iPod USB Driver) when connected, but would immediately disconnect. The Apple iPod USB Driver properties would then show “This device cannot start (Code 10).”
    I first tried all the Apple-recommended fixes: the five Rs; reinstalling the Apple iPod USB driver; disconnecting all other USB devices; switching USB plug-in points; putting the iPod into Drive Mode; and all the other things shown in the troubleshooting guide “iPod shows up in Windows but not in iTunes,” http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=93716
    None of the above worked. And on occasion after uninstalling and reinstalling the iPod USB driver, I would get a blue screen with the error message “driverirql_not_less_orequal,” sometimes followed by stop codes and something called “USBPORT.SYS.”
    Apple phone support was unable to help, claiming that XP Media Center Edition was not supported, though the problem appeared to have no relation to MCE versus Home or Pro.
    Then I finally stumbled onto the solution. I previously had installed a USB drive encryption program (NTINinja) on my computer. Although I had uninstalled the program months earlier, it had left a registry entry which was interfering with the iPods. When I deleted the registry entry, the problem was solved.
    Those of you having similar recognition problems as described above might check Control Panel, System, Hardware, Device Manager, Universal Serial Bus Controllers, USB Root Hub, Properties, Details, then select Class Lower Filters in the drop-down box. If there is an entry, that might be the problem.
    To get rid of the entry, first write down what it is. Then go to Start, Run, Regedit. Backup the registry (File, Export). Then go to Edit, Find, and type in the suspect entry. It should find the registry key containing the entry in HKEYLOCALMACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\.
    Right click on the LowerFilters key and select Modify. Then delete the suspect entry. Close the registry editor. You might have to reboot – can’t remember.
    I can’t guarantee the above is completely accurate, but it may help someone.

    OK now! Dag, I was going crazy. I had two brand new Raptors and was trying to hook them up in a RAID 0 config. I am no dummy. It would hang at detecting arrays. I could not figure it out for the life of me. I will not talk about all of the combos that I tried. My buddy told me to try datalifeguard from WD. I did. Well, one HD showed no serial number in the extended test. An error message popped up. Said the drive was not working. So, Newegg sends me a dead drive and wastes days and days out of my life. I hooked up the one good drive just now. What do I see? For the first time in my life, I am seeing the raid bios! This almost cost me a divorce. Seriously though, the wife would come in and rub my shoulders like a fighter after a few hours of getting my azz whipped by this new rig. I am now going to make the floppy with the newer drivers like was done here. Just incase. I am in Raid bios now in the other room. Time to go set up XP on one drive for now. I refuse to wait for the RMA'ed second Raptor.

  • [SOLVED] Lilyterm and nano

    I've just searched for a nice alternative to gnome-terminal and found Lilyterm. I really like it, but there is one problem: When I open a file in nano and want to close it, I do that with ctrl+x - but under Lilyterm, nothing happens.
    I searched google for this, but either it's a problem on my side or noone has noticed, I don't know; I guess this is happening because Lilyterm uses some ctrl commands as well and is therefore not responding to ctrl commands executed by nano.
    Any ideas how I could solve this?
    Last edited by splidttercrist (2011-10-28 22:53:17)

    Just to add to wynneth's post (which helped me solve my headache), I also ran into some annoyances with the standard key-bindings in lilyterm.
    I usually use the key combo Ctrl-[ (or "\C-[") instead of Esc to enter vicmd mode in zsh / readline and I couldn't figure out why it wasn't working in lily term (literally banging my head all day looking for the solution in all the wrong places : shell docs, inputrc).  Then I took a second look at the default config to find:
    # Move current page forward.
    # Left it blank to disable this function key.
    move_tab_forward = Ctrl bracketleft
    # Move current page backward.
    # Left it blank to disable this function key.
    move_tab_backward = Ctrl bracketright
    So...lily was punking my key combos.  I added a +Shift to each of these in the config and now all is well.
    Hopefully this helps someone else avoid the same issue.

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