[SOLVED] offlineimap + gmail and nametrans rule

As OfflineImap supports the creation of folders on the remote repository now I trying to adopt my set-up to reflect that. I got offlineimap + gmail mostly working, only problem I still have is the gmail's All Mail folder - I can't figure out how to translate its name in both directions. Here is my config:
metadata = ~/.config/offlineimap
accounts = gmail
maxsyncaccounts = 2
ui = ttyui
[Account gmail]
localrepository = gmail_local
remoterepository = gmail_remote
status_backend = sqlite
[Repository gmail_local]
type = Maildir
localfolders = ~/mail/gmail
sep = .
nametrans = lambda folder: re.sub('spam', '[Google Mail].Spam',
re.sub('drafts', '[Google Mail].Drafts',
re.sub('sent', '[Google Mail].Sent Mail',
re.sub('bin', '[Google Mail].Bin',
re.sub('archive', '[Google Mail].All Mail', folder)))))
[Repository gmail_remote]
type = Gmail
ssl = yes
remoteuser =
remotepass =
maxconnections = 5
nametrans = lambda folder: re.sub('.*Spam$', 'spam',
re.sub('.*Drafts$', 'drafts',
re.sub('.*Sent Mail$', 'sent',
re.sub('.*Bin$', 'bin',
re.sub('.*All Mail$', 'archive', folder)))))
Unfortunately, with the above config All Mail doesn't want to sync at all. Any idea how I can fix that?
Last edited by asd01 (2012-06-07 13:06:05)

asd01 ...
The documentation and config examples seems to be somewhat askew in regard to reverse-nametrans, though a "warning" is given in the docs, the example config files only provide 'remote' nametrans, with no suggestion that the 'reverse' is required. This may be an oversight, but they have been updated in other regards (such as the need to encoded '%' as '%%').
So, 'warnings' aside, I'm using 6.5.4 (self maintained ebuild, yes Gentoo, not Arch) and I only provide the 'remote' nametrans and have no problem sync'ing both ways.
The relevant sections from my config:
folderfilter = lambda foldername: foldername in ['INBOX', '[Gmail]/Drafts','[Gmail]/Sent']
nametrans = lambda foldername: foldername.replace("[Gmail]/","")
This pulls only 'INBOX, 'Drafts' and 'Sent' folders, and strips off the "[Gmail]" prefix for 'local' folders, again I sync in both directions and have yet to see anything that suggests the local and remote are not in sync.
In your case you might try using 'folderincludes =' for folder creation (on remote), and something similar to the above for the 'standard' folders you want sync'ed, ie '[Gmail].All', but only under the 'remote' section.
My gmail account is just a spam trap and so I'm not really worried if it all goes to hell, on my main mail account I've no need to translate so I can only say it works in regard to Gmail.
It might be worth querying the author in the regard, there are other sections of the documentation (like the CACert creation) which are simply wrong, so, I would say, go with what works ..
HTH in some way ...
best .. khayyam

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  • [SOLVED] Conky, Gmail, and STDOUT Question

    I currently have Conky working with a script to check my gmail (gmail.pl).  It works as intended in conky, but it saves all the output from the script to STDOUT.  This isn't a problem until I log out of openbox and my screen is filled with these things:
    --2008-10-03 09:28:50-- https://<username>:*password*@mail.google.com/mail/feed/atom
    Resolving mail.google.com...,,
    Connecting to mail.google.com||:443... connected.
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 401 Unauthorized
    Connecting to mail.google.com||:443... connected.
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
    Length: unspecified [text/xml]
    Saving to: `STDOUT'
    [ <=> ] 1,005 --.-K/s in 0s
    2008-10-03 09:28:51 (244 MB/s) - `-' saved [1005]
    It's not really a problem as much as an annoyance I guess.
    What I THINK I would like to do is pipe the output to /dev/null?  Or save it to /dev/null?  I am just not sure how to do this.  I went through the script itself and couldn't figure it out.  Any ideas?  Here is the script:
    use Switch;
    use Text::Wrap;
    my $what=$ARGV[0];
    $user="<username>"; #username for gmail account
    $pass="<password>"; #password for gmail account
    $file="/tmp/gmail.html"; #temporary file to store gmail
    #wrap format for subject
    $Text::Wrap::columns=65; #Number of columns to wrap subject at
    $initial_tab=""; #Tab for first line of subject
    $subsequent_tab="\t"; #tab for wrapped lines
    $quote="\""; #put quotes around subject
    #limit the number of emails to be displayed
    $emails=4; #if -1 display all emails
    &passwd; #give password the proper url character encoding
    switch($what){ #determine what the user wants
    case "n" {&gmail; print "$new\n";} #print number of new emails
    case "s" { #print $from and $subj for new email
    if ($new>0){
    my $size=@from;
    if ($emails!=-1 && $size>$emails){$size=$emails;} #limit number of emails displayed
    for(my $i=0; $i<$size; ++$i){
    print "From: $from[$i]\n"; #print from line
    print wrap($initial_tab, $subsequent_tab, $text); #print subject with word wrap
    if ($emails!=-1 && $size >$emails){print "$emails out of $size new emails displayed\n";}
    case "e" { #print number of new emails, $from, and $subj
    if($new==0){print "You have no new emails.\n";}
    print "You have $new new email(s).\n";
    my $size=@from;
    if ($emails!=-1 && $size>$emails){$size=$emails;} #limit number of emails displayed
    for(my $i=0; $i<$size; ++$i){
    print "From: $from[$i]\n"; #print from line
    print wrap($initial_tab, $subsequent_tab, $text); #print subject with word wrap
    if ($emails!=-1 && $size >$emails){print "$emails out of $size new emails displayed\n";}
    else {
    print "Usage Error: gmail.pl <option>\n";
    print "\tn displays number of new emails\n";
    print "\ts displays from line and subject line for each new email.\n";
    print "\te displays the number of new emails and from line plus \n";
    print "\t\tsubject line for each new email.\n";
    } #didn't give proper option
    sub gmail{
    if(!(-e $file)){ #create file if it does not exists
    `touch $file`;
    #get new emails
    `wget -O - https://$user:$pass\@mail.google.com/mail/feed/atom --no-check-certificate> $file`;
    open(IN, $file); #open $file
    my $i=0; #initialize count
    $new=0; #initialize new emails to 0
    my $flag=0;
    while(<IN>){ #cycle through $file
    elsif(/<fullcount>(\d+)<\/fullcount>/){$new=$1;} #grab number of new emails
    if(/<title>.+<\/title>/){push(@subj, &msg);} #grab new email titles
    elsif(/<name>(.+)<\/name>/){push(@from, $1); $flag=0;} #grab new email from lines
    close(IN); #close $file
    sub passwd{ #change to url escape codes in password
    sub msg{
    chomp; s/<title>(.+)<\/title>/$1/; #get just the subject
    #now replace any special characters
    s/\&\#33\;/!/g; #Exclamation mark
    s/\&\#34\;/"/g; s/\&quot\;/"/g; #Quotation mark
    s/\&\#35\;/#/g; #Number sign
    s/\&\#36\;/\$/g; #Dollar sign
    s/\&\#37\;/%/g; #Percent sign
    s/\&\#38\;/&/g; s/\&amp\;/&/g; #Ampersand
    s/\&\#39\;/'/g; #Apostrophe
    s/\&\#40\;/(/g; #Left parenthesis
    s/\&\#41\;/)/g; #Right parenthesis
    s/\&\#42\;/*/g; #Asterisk
    s/\&\#43\;/+/g; #Plus sign
    s/\&\#44\;/,/g; #Comma
    s/\&\#45\;/-/g; #Hyphen
    s/\&\#46\;/./g; #Period (fullstop)
    s/\&\#47\;/\//g; #Solidus (slash)
    s/\&\#58\;/:/g; #Colon
    s/\&\#59\;/\;/g; #Semi-colon
    s/\&\#60\;/</g; s/\&lt\;/</g; #Less than
    s/\&\#61\;/=/g; #Equals sign
    s/\&\#62\;/>/g; s/\&gt\;/>/g; #Greater than
    s/\&\#63\;/\?/g; #Question mark
    s/\&\#64\;/\@/g; #Commercial at
    s/\&\#91\;/\[/g; #Left square bracket
    s/\&\#92\;/\\/g; #Reverse solidus (backslash)
    s/\&\#93\;/\]/g; #Right square bracket
    s/\&\#94\;/\^/g; #Caret
    s/\&\#95\;/_/g; #Horizontal bar (underscore)
    s/\&\#96\;/\`/g; #Acute accent
    s/\&\#123\;/\{/g; #Left curly brace
    s/\&\#124\;/|/g; #Vertical bar
    s/\&\#125\;/\}/g; #Right curly brace
    s/\&\#126\;/~/g; #Tilde
    s/\&\#161\;/¡/g; #Inverted exclamation
    s/\&\#162\;/¢/g; #Cent sign
    s/\&\#163\;/£/g; #Pound sterling
    s/\&\#164\;/¤/g; #General currency sign
    s/\&\#165\;/¥/g; #Yen sign
    s/\&\#166\;/¦/g; #Broken vertical bar
    s/\&\#167\;/§/g; #Section sign
    s/\&\#168\;/¨/g; #Umlaut (dieresis)
    s/\&\#169\;/©/g; s/\&copy\;/©/g; #Copyright
    s/\&\#170\;/ª/g; #Feminine ordinal
    s/\&\#171\;/«/g; #Left angle quote, guillemotleft
    s/\&\#172\;/¬/g; #Not sign
    s/\&\#174\;/®/g; #Registered trademark
    s/\&\#175\;/¯/g; #Macron accent
    s/\&\#176\;/°/g; #Degree sign
    s/\&\#177\;/±/g; #Plus or minus
    s/\&\#178\;/²/g; #Superscript two
    s/\&\#179\;/³/g; #Superscript three
    s/\&\#180\;/´/g; #Acute accent
    s/\&\#181\;/µ/g; #Micro sign
    s/\&\#182\;/¶/g; #Paragraph sign
    s/\&\#183\;/·/g; #Middle dot
    s/\&\#184\;/¸/g; #Cedilla
    s/\&\#185\;/¹/g; #Superscript one
    s/\&\#186\;/º/g; #Masculine ordinal
    s/\&\#187\;/»/g; #Right angle quote, guillemotright
    s/\&\#188\;/¼/g; s/\&frac14\;/¼/g; # Fraction one-fourth
    s/\&\#189\;/½/g; s/\&frac12\;/½/g; # Fraction one-half
    s/\&\#190\;/¾/g; s/\&frac34\;/¾/g; # Fraction three-fourths
    s/\&\#191\;/¿/g; #Inverted question mark
    s/\&\#192\;/À/g; #Capital A, grave accent
    s/\&\#193\;/Á/g; #Capital A, acute accent
    s/\&\#194\;/Â/g; #Capital A, circumflex accent
    s/\&\#195\;/Ã/g; #Capital A, tilde
    s/\&\#196\;/Ä/g; #Capital A, dieresis or umlaut mark
    s/\&\#197\;/Å/g; #Capital A, ring
    s/\&\#198\;/Æ/g; #Capital AE dipthong (ligature)
    s/\&\#199\;/Ç/g; #Capital C, cedilla
    s/\&\#200\;/È/g; #Capital E, grave accent
    s/\&\#201\;/É/g; #Capital E, acute accent
    s/\&\#202\;/Ê/g; #Capital E, circumflex accent
    s/\&\#203\;/Ë/g; #Capital E, dieresis or umlaut mark
    s/\&\#204\;/Ì/g; #Capital I, grave accent
    s/\&\#205\;/Í/g; #Capital I, acute accent
    s/\&\#206\;/Î/g; #Capital I, circumflex accent
    s/\&\#207\;/Ï/g; #Capital I, dieresis or umlaut mark
    s/\&\#208\;/Ð/g; #Capital Eth, Icelandic
    s/\&\#209\;/Ñ/g; #Capital N, tilde
    s/\&\#210\;/Ò/g; #Capital O, grave accent
    s/\&\#211\;/Ó/g; #Capital O, acute accent
    s/\&\#212\;/Ô/g; #Capital O, circumflex accent
    s/\&\#213\;/Õ/g; #Capital O, tilde
    s/\&\#214\;/Ö/g; #Capital O, dieresis or umlaut mark
    s/\&\#215\;/×/g; #Multiply sign
    s/\&\#216\;/Ø/g; #Capital O, slash
    s/\&\#217\;/Ù/g; #Capital U, grave accent
    s/\&\#218\;/Ú/g; #Capital U, acute accent
    s/\&\#219\;/Û/g; #Capital U, circumflex accent
    s/\&\#220\;/Ü/g; #Capital U, dieresis or umlaut mark
    s/\&\#221\;/Ý/g; #Capital Y, acute accent
    s/\&\#222\;/Þ/g; #Capital THORN, Icelandic
    s/\&\#223\;/ß/g; #Small sharp s, German (sz ligature)
    s/\&\#224\;/à/g; #Small a, grave accent
    s/\&\#225\;/á/g; #Small a, acute accent
    s/\&\#226\;/â/g; #Small a, circumflex accent
    s/\&\#227\;/ã/g; #Small a, tilde
    s/\&\#228\;/ä/g; #Small a, dieresis or umlaut mark
    s/\&\#229\;/å/g; #Small a, ring
    s/\&\#230\;/æ/g; #Small ae dipthong (ligature)
    s/\&\#231\;/ç/g; #Small c, cedilla
    s/\&\#232\;/è/g; #Small e, grave accent
    s/\&\#233\;/é/g; #Small e, acute accent
    s/\&\#234\;/ê/g; #Small e, circumflex accent
    s/\&\#235\;/ë/g; #Small e, dieresis or umlaut mark
    s/\&\#236\;/ì/g; #Small i, grave accent
    s/\&\#237\;/í/g; #Small i, acute accent
    s/\&\#238\;/î/g; #Small i, circumflex accent
    s/\&\#239\;/ï/g; #Small i, dieresis or umlaut mark
    s/\&\#240\;/ð/g; #Small eth, Icelandic
    s/\&\#241\;/ñ/g; #Small n, tilde
    s/\&\#242\;/ò/g; #Small o, grave accent
    s/\&\#243\;/ó/g; #Small o, acute accent
    s/\&\#244\;/ô/g; #Small o, circumflex accent
    s/\&\#245\;/õ/g; #Small o, tilde
    s/\&\#246\;/ö/g; #Small o, dieresis or umlaut mark
    s/\&\#247\;/÷/g; #Division sign
    s/\&\#248\;/ø/g; #Small o, slash
    s/\&\#249\;/ù/g; #Small u, grave accent
    s/\&\#250\;/ú/g; #Small u, acute accent
    s/\&\#251\;/û/g; #Small u, circumflex accent
    s/\&\#252\;/ü/g; #Small u, dieresis or umlaut mark
    s/\&\#253\;/ý/g; #Small y, acute accent
    s/\&\#254\;/þ/g; #Small thorn, Icelandic
    s/\&\#255\;/ÿ/g; #Small y, dieresis or umlaut mark
    return $_;
    Last edited by monstermudder78 (2008-10-03 20:34:04)

    The fix was to change conky from:
    ${execi 60 perl ~/scripts/gmail.pl n}
    ${execi 60 perl ~/scripts/gmail.pl n 2>/dev/null}
    (Added 2>/dev/null, sending the error messages to /dev/null.)
    Last edited by monstermudder78 (2008-10-03 20:37:19)

  • [SOLVED] Power button and laptop lid close rules not followed (KDE)

    I'm using KDE 4.9.1, and the rules I set for the power button and lid close events in the KDE power management settings are not followed.
    Currently, I have the power button press event set to trigger hibernation, and the lid close event set to turn off the display. Instead, the power button causes the laptop to power down immediately, as if the 'poweroff' command was issued. Closing the lid causes the system to suspend to ram.
    This problem seemed to have started when I installed 'laptop-mode-tools' and 'acpid'. The problem persisted even when I uninstalled the said packages from the system. Most solutions on the internet involve adjusting the contents of files in /etc/acpi/, but that directory does not exist on my system. I also tried deleting the power management configuration files in the ~/.kde4/share/config directory, but that didn't fix the problem either.
    Hibernation works if I choose 'hibernate' from the KDE menu.
    Thanks for any help.
    Last edited by rb3 (2012-09-28 05:46:56)

    That's not a good solution.
    Changes in systemd default behaviour are reasonable. It guarantees that if your graphical enviroment has no suspend support, it will still suspend when the lid is closed.
    For example, closing the laptop lid at KDM login screen will now suspend the laptop. I remember a topic when someone nearly killed his notebook battery with overheat in that situation (the laptop did not suspend when the lid was closed at kdm screen).
    This change also brings native (non-acpid) suspend support to lighweight desktop enviroments.
    The source of the «double suspend» problem is in acynchronized update of systemd and KDE.
    Updating KDE to 4.9.2 (which will be released in several days) will fix this without editing the config file.
    Make sure you restore the original logind.conf after updating to KDE 4.9.2.
    http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/s … 06604.html

  • [SOLVED] OfflineIMAP Infinite folder creation detected

    I've upgraded offlineIMAP and got the following error message:
    ERROR: INFINITE FOLDER CREATION DETECTED! Folder '[Gmail].Sent Mail' (repository 'Severusweb-Local') would be created as folder '[Gmail]/Sent Mail' (repository 'Severusweb-Remote'). The latter becomes 'sent_mail' in return, leading to infinite folder creation cycles. SOLUTION: 1) Do set your nametrans rules on both repositories so they lead to identical names if applied back and forth. 2) Use folderfilter settings on a repository to prevent
    some folders from being created on the other side.
    My .offlineimaprc
    Last edited by pshevtsov (2011-11-26 09:31:28)

    yep, weird one. nuking my Mail dir would be a problem i believe for me due to archives (not all imap) and the huge think and not so huge brain.
    I'm gonna try some of this.
    http://francoismichonneau.net/2011/11/o … map-6-4-1/
    http://francoismichonneau.net/2011/06/e … flineimap/
    UPDATE: ahhh! i think i only need to delete the empty not needed folders in my Mail dir.
    thank you!!!
    Last edited by tweed (2011-12-08 07:46:07)

  • Offlineimap gmail ssl EOF violation

    Hello guys,
    I configured offlineimap using pbrisbin's guide.
    When i run offlineimap -o , it gives the following ssl error . I have tried a different gmail account but it throws the same error. I have also tried the -1 flag for single threaded syncing but unsuccessful.Here is the error output :
    OfflineIMAP 6.2.0
    Copyright (C) 2002 - 2009 John Goerzen <[email protected]>
    This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; see the file
    COPYING for details.  This is free software, and you are welcome
    to distribute it under the conditions laid out in COPYING.
    Account sync GMail:
       ***** Processing account GMail
    Account sync GMail:
       Copying folder structure from Gmail to Maildir
    Account sync GMail:
       Establishing connection to imap.gmail.com:993.
    Account sync GMail:
       WARNING: Error occured attempting to sync account GMail: [Errno 8] _ssl.c:480: EOF occurred in violation of protocol
    Account sync GMail:
       ***** Finished processing account GMail
    Here's is my offlineimaprc : -
    # NOTE: cronjob calls the quiet UI with -u
    ui = TTY.TTYUI
    accounts = GMail
    [Account GMail]
    localrepository = Gmail-Local
    remoterepository = Gmail-Remote
    [Repository Gmail-Local]
    type = Maildir
    localfolders = ~/Mail/GMail
    [Repository Gmail-Remote]
    type = Gmail
    remoteuser = [email protected]
    realdelete = no
    # vim: ft=cfg tw=0
    I use an https transparent proxy for connecting through my university's proxy. Can it cause problem for syncing ? I have tried  to sync to my unyi's imap servers and it works perfectly fine. The problem only occurs for Gmail. Can anyone plz give me some suggestions as to solve this problem or any other offline imap tool to read gmail from mutt ...  I dont want to use mutt's in-built imap tool .....Thanks

    ak-89 wrote:
    I don't use remote repository type Gmail, I did'nt even know that's possible.
    [Repository remote]
    type = IMAP
    remotehost = imap.gmail.com
    ssl = yes
    remoteuser = <username>
    I have this in my offlineimap config and it works.
    I don't use any proxy, so the problem may be that proxy. If it works when you specify IMAP as type, it might be bug in offlineimap or something...
    gud suggestion .. I tried this config also but it gives the same ssl eof violation error The ssl error seems to be from python. Can you plz tell me your python version and other dependencies that it uses ??

  • Is it possible to have bookmarks that will auto-login to two different gmail and facebook accounts?

    Right now I have separate user accounts for my wife and I, merely for the reason of keeping our bookmarks separate.  Its forced us to come up with the usual workarounds for sharing iTunes, iPhoto, etc, and multi-users for us is only useful for keeping separate safari bookmarks.
    Certainly, I could just have my wife use firefox instead, but then bookmarks don't sync with the iPhone and iPad.  I wish that safari supported profiles like firefox, but it doesn't.
    As another option, we can separate stuff into different folders and what not, but what I can't figure out is how to make it so that we could each have bookmarks for gmail and facebook that would log us in automatically.  Its kinda stupid, i know, but being able to just click facebook and have it go straight to our account is really nice, and having to manually login each time is a nuisance.
    anyone know of an easy fix for this?

    Thanks, tst.  I wasn't holding my breath on this one.
    Hmm...  I hadn't thought of XControls!  I'd rather not go that route, though, in the interest of keeping the error handler code as light as possible.  (In the daemon itself I don't mind more complexity)  If I did that, the cure might be more expensive than the problem it solves.
    tst wrote:
    Load and unload it explicitly at the start and end of the app. Great if you have a structured app, but not so much if you want something more free form.
    Unload it as soon as it's done doing its work (or after a timeout from the last action it took).
    Sadly, this app is rather "free form".  It has a lot of multi-threaded, asynchronous operations since I'm performing parallel TCP communication to several hosts. Each dynamically called VI calls the error handler.
    Option 2 might be a decent idea, though.  If I went with that, I'd just have to tweak the architecture accordingly.  It may well be the most feasible solution.
    Thanks for the quick reply!

  • Error in Asset Accounting Specify Intervals and Postings Rules

    I am configuring for Asset Accounting and when I go to this part:
    Asset Accounting > Integration with the General Ledger > Post Depreciation to the General Ledger > Specify Intervals and Postings Rules
    I get the error "Company code XXXX is not defined" (message no. AC519).
    The company code specified in the error was deleted in the system before. I am thinking that there is a table where this company code is not yet deleted. How can I solve this? Thanks a lot.

    Create the company again, make your changes and delete the company again

  • E51 Gmail and Yahoo mail box access

    Dear All
    I was trying to configure the gmail and yahoo mail accounts in the new E51 which I have bought. I have correctly configured the mail setup with the correct username and password. But I am getting an error "Invalid Mail for exchange credentials. Check credential settings". The pop up is coming repeatedly on the phone even if am not using the same.
    Please help me out for the same.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Guys!
    I'm sure by now your problems are solved. Nevertheless, let me simplify this for you. I have both my Gmail and my Yahoo mail setup on my E51 and they work beautifully. One thing you should be aware of is that while Gmail offers mobile & POP access free, you need to upgrade to a business account in yahoo to avail the same. That being said, here are the settings for each:
    For Gmail:
    Connection Settings > Incoming E-Mail
    User name: Enter your complete Gmail e-mail address including '@gmail.com'
    Password: Enter your Password
    Incoming Mail Server: imap.gmail.com
    Access Point in Use: Select the active data connection
    Mailbox Name: Whatever you like
    Mailbox Type: IMAP4
    Security (ports): SSL/TLS
    Port: Default
    Connection Settings > Outgoing E-Mail
    My e-mail address: Enter your complete Gmail e-mail address including '@gmail.com'
    User name: Again enter your complete Gmail e-mail address including '@gmail.com'
    Password: Enter your password
    Outgoing Mail Server: smtp.gmail.com
    Access Point in Use: Select the active data connection
    Security (ports): StartTLS
    Port: 587
    User Settings:
    My Name: Whatever name you'd like to appear in your sent emails
    Send Message: Choose 'Immediately' if you would like your phone to connect to the internet and send the message everytime you send an e-mail. Otherwise choose 'during next connection'
    Send copy to self: Choose yes if you would like a copy of all mails that you send using your mobile, to be sent to your inbox too.Otherwise choose No.
    Include Signature: Your choice. If you choose yes, enter the signature text
    New E-Mail alerts: On
    Reply to: If you would like people to reply to a different e-mail id then the current one, enter that.Else choose Off.
    Delete E-mails From: Select Phone or Server. If you select phone, th emails get deleted only from the phone, although the header still remains till the next time you refresh. What this means is that mails deleted from you phone will continue to remain on your server and will be accessible the next time you access your mail using a PC.
    Retrieval Settings:
    E-Mail to retrieve: No choice here. Gmail only allows you to retrieve headers first. If you feel a mail is important you can select it and download the entire message later.
    Retrieval Amount: Set how many e-mails you would like downloaded
    IMAP4 folder path: This is set to 'Unix path' by default. Let it be
    Folder Subscriptions: No changes required here
    Automatic Retrieval: Select E-mail retrieval and set it to 'Enabled'.
    Retrieval Days: All Days
    Retrieval Hours: All Hours
    Retrieval Intervalet it to 5 mins if you would like e-mails to get downloaded to your phone almost as soon as they arrive (Like Push E-Mail). Else select a time interval as desired.
    Yahoo: (Provided you are subscribed to premium business mail)
    Connection Settings > Incoming E-Mail
    User name: Enter your yahoo user name only (without '@yahoo.com)
    Password: Enter your Password
    Incoming Mail Server: pop.mail.yahoo.com
    Access Point in Use: Select the active data connection
    Mailbox Name: Whatever you like
    Mailbox Type: POP3
    Security (ports): SSL/TLS
    Port: Default
    APOP secure login: Off
    Connection Settings > Outgoing E-Mail
    My e-mail address: Enter your complete yahoo e-mail address including '@yahoo.com'
    User name: Enter your yahoo user name only (without '@yahoo.com)
    Password: Enter your password
    Outgoing Mail Server: smtp.mail.yahoo.com
    Access Point in Use: Select the active data connection
    Security (ports): SSL/TLS
    Port: Default
    User Settings:
    My Name: Whatever name you'd like to appear in your sent emails
    Send Message: Choose 'Immediately' if you would like your phone to connect to the internet and send the message everytime you send an e-mail. Otherwise choose 'during next connection'
    Send copy to self: Choose yes if you would like a copy of all mails that you send using your mobile, to be sent to your inbox too.Otherwise choose No.
    Include Signature: Your choice. If you choose yes, enter the signature text
    New E-Mail alerts: On
    Reply to: If you would like people to reply to a different e-mail id then the current one, enter that.Else choose Off.
    Delete E-mails From: Select Phone or Server. If you select phone, th emails get deleted only from the phone, although the header still remains till the next time you refresh. What this means is that mails deleted from you phone will continue to remain on your server and will be accessible the next time you access your mail using a PC.
    Retrieval Settings:
    E-Mail to retrieve: Select 'Headers' only to retrieve headers first. If you feel a mail is important you can select it and download the entire message later. Select 'Size Limit' to set a limit to the size of e-mails that can be downloaded. Select 'Msgs. & Attchs' if you want everything to be downloaded.
    Retrieval Amount: All
    Automatic Retrieval: Select E-mail retrieval and set it to 'Enabled'.
    Retrieval Days: All Days
    Retrieval Hours: All Hours
    Retrieval Interval: Select a time interval as desired.
    With this done you should have no poblems accessing both, your yahoo mail and gmail on your E51 over a Wi-Fi connection or a data plan from your service provider.

  • I have tried the steps suggestedf including deleting cookies.squilte (which is not present on my computer after a search) to keep signed in to e-mail accounts at yahoo and gmail and they haven't worked? Suggestions for this novice + user, anyone??

    Can't !. Say signed in to email websites for yahoo and gmail, and i've upgraded to firefox 3.6 to try to solve problem and the options for selecting answers are not available to me (for instance did search for "cookies.squilte" and either that or profile folder search brought up anything like the forum answers indicated were successful. 3. tried select "remember PW" in options answers but no cookies show up to except/remove so that is not an option. HELP FOR THIS LIMITED NOVICE + KNOWLEDGE USER APPRECIATED

    Copy and Paste this code in the Code field in the ''"Tools > Error Console"'' and click the ''Evaluate'' button to see the location of the profile folder.
    <code>alert(Components.classes["@mozilla.org/file/directory_service;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIProperties).get("ProfD", Components.interfaces.nsIFile).path);</code>
    See http://kb.mozillazine.org/Profile_folder_-_Firefox
    "Application Data" in XP/Win2K and "AppData" in Vista/Windows 7 are hidden folders, use %APPDATA% in the File name field.
    See also http://kb.mozillazine.org/Show_hidden_files_and_folders
    Go to: Control Panel > Folder Options > "View" tab > under "Hidden files and folders", select "Show hidden files and folders".
    You may want to un-check the box "Hide extensions for known file types" to see the file extensions of all files.
    XP: C:\Documents and Settings\&lt;user&gt;\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\&lt;profile&gt;\
    Vista/Windows 7: C:\Users\&lt;user&gt;\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\&lt;profile&gt;\

  • Problem while changing data for STO Assign Delivery type and checking rule

    Hi All,
    In Set up STO..... executing Assign delivery type and checking rule.
    I am trying to add values to Rule for Adoption of ATP Results in Purchasing(REVFE),Delivery Type for Stock Transfers Within a Company Code(LFART1) and another two more fields..After entering the data When i clik Save button... it shows "Data was Saved".But its not showing when i went back and come
    I have checked in debugg mode and table T161V table ..waht ever i entered its not saved in Database table.
    We have checked in another system its working fine..
    Can anyone please help me  on this?

    Solved by posting in OSS.
    The below include has to be uncommented.
    While doing upgrade this include  L0ME6F00 has commented INCLUDE L0ME6F99 has uncommented
         view related include-files   (never change, please)        *
    *{   REPLACE        CB2K900006                                        2
      INCLUDE L0ME6F00.      " subprograms

  • After reading a gmail and deleting, the message reappears on my screen, i now show 400 plus min my inbox.

    As I read my gmail and delete, the entry disappears on my screen.. However, It reappears on my screen the next time i open gmail with the inbox. I now show over 400 messages in inbox some going back to deletions in november.

    A possible cause is security software (firewall,anti-virus) that blocks or restricts Firefox or the plugin-container process without informing you, possibly after detecting changes (update) to the Firefox program.
    Remove all rules for Firefox and the plugin-container from the permissions list in the firewall and let your firewall ask again for permission to get full unrestricted access to internet for Firefox and the plugin-container process and the updater process.
    Clear the cache and the cookies from sites that cause problems.
    "Clear the Cache":
    *Tools > Options > Advanced > Network > Cached Web Content: "Clear Now"
    "Remove Cookies" from sites causing problems:
    *Tools > Options > Privacy > Cookies: "Show Cookies"
    Start Firefox in <u>[[Safe Mode|Safe Mode]]</u> to check if one of the extensions (Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Extensions) or if hardware acceleration is causing the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Appearance).
    *Do not click the Reset button on the Safe mode start window or otherwise make changes.

  • After uninstalling some useless pgms and updating others my gmail and facebook screens lost their icons, formatting, and entries.

    I run firefox on a window7 machine. I uninstalled couponamazing, verizon, and a few other programs. Then I updated flash and google chrome. I never used google chrome before. Upon going into firefox my gmail and facebook pages were not formatted correctly (all b+W with open boxes, no icons). I then uninstalled google chrome. I read some help questions and cleared my cash, removed history, and reset firefox. Still have the same problems with gmail and FB.

    Reset Firefox to its default state
    If you're having major problems which you can't resolve, start fresh with only your essential information.
    Troubleshooting Information
    This page contains technical information that might be useful when you're trying to solve a problem. If you are looking for answers to common questions about Firefox, check out our support website.
    Application Basics
    Name Firefox
    Version 33.0
    Update History
    User Agent Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:33.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/33.0
    Profile Folder
    Enabled Plugins about:plugins
    Build Configuration about:buildconfig
    Memory Use about:memory
    Multiprocess Windows 0/1
    Crash Reports for the Last 3 Days
    Report ID Submitted
    All Crash Reports
    Name Version Enabled ID
    avast! Online Security 9.0.2021.112 true [email protected]
    HP Smart Web Printing 4.5 false [email protected]
    Adapter Description Intel(R) HD Graphics Family
    Adapter Drivers igdumd64 igd10umd64 igd10umd64 igdumdx32 igd10umd32 igd10umd32
    Adapter RAM Unknown
    Device ID 0x0126
    DirectWrite Enabled false (6.2.9200.16571)
    Driver Date 5-23-2011
    Driver Version
    GPU #2 Active false
    GPU Accelerated Windows 0/1 Basic (OMTC)
    Vendor ID 0x8086
    WebGL Renderer Google Inc. -- ANGLE (Intel(R) HD Graphics Family Direct3D9Ex vs_3_0 ps_3_0)
    windowLayerManagerRemote true
    AzureCanvasBackend skia
    AzureContentBackend cairo
    AzureFallbackCanvasBackend cairo
    AzureSkiaAccelerated 0
    Important Modified Preferences
    Name Value accessibility.blockautorefresh true
    browser.cache.disk.capacity 358400
    browser.cache.disk.smart_size.first_run false
    browser.cache.disk.smart_size.use_old_max false
    browser.cache.frecency_experiment 4
    browser.display.use_system_colors true
    browser.places.smartBookmarksVersion 7
    browser.sessionstore.upgradeBackup.latestBuildID 20141011015303
    browser.startup.homepage https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?pc=en-ha-na-us-bk&shva=1#inbox|https://www.google.com/calendar/render#g%7Cmonth-3+2284
    browser.startup.homepage_override.buildID 20141011015303
    browser.startup.homepage_override.mstone 33.0
    browser.tabs.drawInTitlebar false
    browser.tabs.loadInBackground false
    browser.tabs.warnOnClose false
    dom.mozApps.used true
    extensions.lastAppVersion 33.0
    font.size.variable.x-western 15
    general.autoScroll false
    gfx.direct2d.disabled true
    gfx.direct3d.last_used_feature_level_idx 0
    layers.acceleration.disabled true
    media.gmp-gmpopenh264.lastUpdate 1413902998
    media.gmp-gmpopenh264.version 1.1
    media.gmp-manager.lastCheck 1413902998
    network.cookie.prefsMigrated true
    places.database.lastMaintenance 1413904352
    places.history.expiration.transient_current_max_pages 104858
    plugin.disable_full_page_plugin_for_types application/pdf
    plugin.importedState true
    plugin.state.java 2
    plugin.state.npdeployjava 0
    plugin.state.npgeplugin 2
    plugin.state.npgoogleupdate 2
    plugin.state.nppdf 2
    plugin.state.npwlpg 2
    privacy.cpd.cookies false
    privacy.cpd.sessions false
    privacy.sanitize.migrateFx3Prefs true
    privacy.sanitize.timeSpan 0
    security.disable_button.openCertManager false
    security.disable_button.openDeviceManager false
    storage.vacuum.last.index 0
    storage.vacuum.last.places.sqlite 1413904350
    Important Locked Preferences
    Name Value
    Incremental GC true
    Activated false
    Prevent Accessibility 0
    Library Versions
    Expected minimum version Version in use
    NSPR 4.10.7 4.10.7
    NSS 3.17.1 Basic ECC 3.17.1 Basic ECC
    NSSSMIME 3.17.1 Basic ECC 3.17.1 Basic ECC
    NSSSSL 3.17.1 Basic ECC 3.17.1 Basic ECC
    NSSUTIL 3.17.1 3.17.1
    Experimental Features
    Name ID Description Active End Date Homepage

  • Separate Folders Required for GMAIL and Yahoo, E63...

    Hi Group
    I have lately acquired a Nokia E63. I have configured Nokia Email for accessing gmail and yaho mail. Once set up, I see a single 'Inbox' which has mails in both GMAIL as well as Yahoo. I need the mails in separate folders. I have used Nokia E65 before this, and it was working perfectly.
    Any leads, appreciated.
    Go to Solution.

    What version of Nokia Messaging is installed on your device?  You can find this out by opening up the Nokia Messaging client (Email) and selecting Options --> About.  Also,  what firmware is installed on your device?  You can find this out by pressing: *#0000# on your device.

  • Mac Mail drafts don't appear in Gmail and vice-versa. HELP??

    When I start writing a message in Mountain Lion's Mac Mail and save it as a draft, it appears locally, but not on Gmail or iOS Mail. It does however appear in imap/[draft] on Gmail and I cannot edit it. Messages that are drafted in Gmail or iOS Mail appear in each other's drafts but not in Mac Mail's. AOL mail on the other hand does not have this issue. Messages drafted on any device show up on the other device. See attached schematic for clarification.
    I have tried things such as "Mailbox" > "Use this Mailbox For" in Mac Mail, but that seemed to make matters worse. Copies of drafts remained after sending emails, nothing was properly syncing, etc. It basically became a giant mess. I've searched long and hard and can't find anything that solves my issue. Does anyone have any advice on how to remedy the problem? Is it even fixable?

    Verify that the user names and passwords are entered correctly.
    Restoring from backup does not seem to always restore the password for email accounts.

  • I accidentally clicked "Block" while hovering over a link in Gmail and now I can't click the link. How do I unblock the link I accidentally blocked?

    I was trying to click a link in Gmail, but the "Block" bubble popped up and I accidentally clicked the "Block" bubble instead of the link. Now I can't click the "Attach File" link in Gmail and I can't figure out how to unblock the link.
    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened
    == I clicked the small, yellow "Block" bubble.

    That sounds like an AdBlock Plus blockable element tab, right?
    Try removing the ad blocking rule from Tools -> AdBlock Plus Preferences.
    Find the rule that looks like Gmail ("My Ad Blocking Rules" should be at the top), select it and press the Del key or right click and choose Delete.

Maybe you are looking for