[Solved] Silent LUKS boot

[Synopsis] Create a hook as shown below to silence the kernel.
I'd like to have a truly silent boot as in the Wiki but it only seems to address the login prompt.
I would also like to get rid of the (USB) boot messages pollution of the the LUKS password prompt for my encrypted root. Is there some configuration of the initramfs required to accomplish this? If so, what exactly would that be?
I should add that I boot the STUB EFI kernel so there's no bootloader as such.
Last edited by KairiTech (2013-12-14 01:27:52)

I created the hook shown below to silence the kernel and now the LUKS prompt is clean.
# https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=1312342#p1312342
run_hook() {
# http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/44999/how-can-i-hide-messages-of-udev/45525#45525
# The four values in printk denote: console_loglevel, default_message_loglevel, minimum_console_loglevel and default_console_loglevel respectively.
# These values influence printk() behavior when printing or logging error messages. See 'man 2 syslog' for more info on the different loglevels.
# • console_loglevel: messages with a higher priority than this will be printed to the console
# • default_message_level: messages without an explicit priority will be printed with this priority
# • minimum_console_loglevel: minimum (highest) value to which console_loglevel can be set
# • default_console_loglevel: default value for console_loglevel
#define KERN_EMERG "<0>" /* system is unusable */
#define KERN_ALERT "<1>" /* action must be taken immediately */
#define KERN_CRIT "<2>" /* critical conditions */
#define KERN_ERR "<3>" /* error conditions */
#define KERN_WARNING "<4>" /* warning conditions */
#define KERN_NOTICE "<5>" /* normal but significant condition */
#define KERN_INFO "<6>" /* informational */
#define KERN_DEBUG "<7>" /* debug-level messages */
echo "3 3 3 3" > /proc/sys/kernel/printk
build() {
help() {
This hook will suppress kernel messages during the boot LUKS password prompt

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    Partition scheme:
        - /dev/sda1: /boot/efi, 512M
        - /dev/sda2: /boot, 100M
        - /dev/sda3: lvm partition (/, var, home)
    + lvm on luks.
    install from usb: dd if=archlinux-2012-08-04.iso of=/dev/sdX
    Installation steps:
    - boot from usb with noapic parameter
    - partition
    - encrypt /dev/sda3
    - partitioning on /dev/sda3 (/,var,home)
    - mkfs.vfat -F32 /dev/sda1; mkfs.ext2 /dev/sda2; mkswap /dev/arch/swap; mkfs.ext4 /dev/arch/root; mkfs.ext4 /dev/arch/home; mkfs.reiserfs /dev/arch/var
    - mount /dev/arch/root /mnt; mkdir /mnt/{boot,home,var,boot/efi}; mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/boot; mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot/efi; mount /dev/arch/home /mnt/home; mount /dev/arch/var /mnt/var
    - pacstrap /mnt base base-devel
    --- SETTING EFISTUB: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/UE … up_EFISTUB
    root=/dev/mapper/arch-root ro rootfstype=ext4 add_efi_memmap initrd=\EFI\arch\initramfs-linux.img
    - pacman -Syy; pacman -Rdd sysvinit; pacman -S systemd-vcompat; pacman -S systemd-arch-units; pacman -Rns initscripts
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    --- Booting EFISTUB: pacman -S refind-efi-x86_64
    "Boot with defaults" "root=/dev/mapper/arch-root ro rootfstype=ext4 add_efi_memmap"
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    - arch-root /mnt; ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Athens /etc/localtime; locale-gen; mkinitcpio -p linux; passwd; reboot
    +++ and result: white screen without output +++
    my english is very bad, forgive me.
    i'm wong or miss something?
    EDIT 1: /etc/mkinitcpio.conf : HOOKS=....encrypt lvm2 filesystem.....
    Last edited by angelfalls (2012-09-07 19:40:38)

    sr am wrong. i must install grub2 follow wiki, i read wiki but don't understand much

  • [Solved] Mount LUKS encrypted hard drive at boot

    This is driving me nuts. I'm getting angry to be honest.
    I encrypted my brand new WD portable hard drive with LUKS + dm-crypt and I can now normally map and mount it with the following commands:
    sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdc1 WesternDigital
    [Enter Passphrase]
    sudo mount /dev/mapper/WesternDigital /media/WesternDigital
    I would like to map and mount it at boot time (where I should be prompted for the passphrase), so I edited:
    WesternDigital /dev/sdc1 none luks
    /dev/mapper/WesternDigital /media/WesternDigital ext4 defaults,noauto,noatime 0 0
    During boot I get some errors regarding the decrypting or mapping of WesternDigital that fails but it's too fast to note down something (and, as you probably know, there's no known way to log boot messages on Arch...)
    After boot if I try to manually mount /media/WesternDigital I get a message saying /dev/mapper/WesternDigital does not exist.
    So I guess the problem is in the mapping phase and thus in the /etc/crypttab file.
    I can't find anything in the internet but maybe I'm missing something very basic (a daemon, a module?).
    Any help is indeed very appreciated, thank you.
    Last edited by rent0n (2010-09-24 15:27:16)

    Ok, it's solved. I tried many different configurations of /etc/crypttab, /etc/fstab, /etc/mkinitcpio.conf /etc/rc.conf /boot/grub/menu.lst and I finally found the right setup.
    I'm not sure of what was wrong in the first place so I'll just post my current working configs for future reference.
    Doesn't need to be edited at all (ignore the above post).
    You don't need to add any module here because the dm-crypt and dm-mod modules are loaded thanks to the encrypt hook.
    The HOOKS line should include usb, usbinput (probably) and encrypt. usb must precede encrypt that must precede filesystems:
    HOOKS="base udev autodetect pata scsi sata usb usbinput keymap encrypt filesystems resume"
    WesternDigital /dev/sdX ASK
    Do not insert 'luks', 'retry=X' or other kind of options (you can find this kind of options in many tutorials and howtos). That was one of my problems I guess.
    /dev/mapper/WesternDigital /media/WesternDigital auto defaults,noatime 0 0
    I'm not sure if this has been helpful or not... however I was able to get it to work after following the advice found here.

  • [SOLVED] systemd 207, lvm2 and luks booting issue

    i'm using an encrypted lvm (luks) on my notebook.
    /boot on /dev/sda1
    lvm on    /dev/sda2
    since the systemd 207 upgrade i am unable to boot my system.
    this error appears at startup:
    A start job is running for dev-mapper-main\x2droot.device
    so i'm guessing that systemd is unable to use the encrypted lvm2, since this error is aknowledged on the
    after checking some threads i tried:
    mkinitcpio -p linux
    but there was no effect.
    HOOKS="base systemd autodetect block keymap encrypt lvm2 filesystems fsck vbox
    some people tried suggesting downgrading to systemd 204 but i dont have any pkg file and building with abs leads to the following error
    while makepkg -s:
    ==> Starting prepare()...
    patching file src/core/swap.c
    Hunk #1 FAILED at 220.
    1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file src/core/swap.c.rej
    ==> ERROR: A failure occured in prepare().
    am i supposed to remove the patches from the build? i'm not really sure and more of a beginner in this area.
    Can anyone help me solve either the build or the boot issue ?
    i should mention that i am only able to access my system by using chroot from an arch boot stick.
    Thank you so much.
    Kind Regards
    Last edited by ziv667 (2013-10-01 11:27:06)

    https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Mk … mmon_hooks
    systemd: This will install a basic systemd setup in your initramfs, and is meant to replace the 'base', 'usr', 'udev' and 'timestamp' hooks. Other hooks (like encryption) would need to be ported, and may not work as intended. As of systemd 207, this hook does not work as intended when combined with lvm2 and may break your boot. You also may wish to still include the 'base' hook (before this hook) to ensure that a rescue shell exists on your initramfs.
    Have you tried keeping udev instead of replacing it with systemd hook?
    Have you tried https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Ar … ck_Machine ? It has systemd 204.
    Last edited by karol (2013-10-01 11:16:57)

  • [SOLVED] Can't boot from LUKS - No key available with this passphrase

    The problem
    Latest kbd package responsible for your keyboard layout may break some LUKS installs depending on the password used, as there are some keymaps which are broken, resulting in the user not being able to enter the password correctly.
    Relevant bug report: https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/36689
    The fix
    Find an old live image with the old kbd package (I had success with 2012.11.01)
    Boot the image
    Change to your preferred keymap using
    Open your encrypted device with
    cryptsetup luksOpen /path/to/device devicename
    Mount the device and any other relevant mount points (such as /boot) and perform a chroot with
    Revert the kbd package. The latest working version is 1.15.5-4. If you didn't clean your cache, you should have a working version under
    If not, either try finding the package manually, or build it using ABS.
    Once the package is installed, confirm the keymap works by running loadkeys again and entering any keys that may have been problematic.
    While still under chroot, rebuild the initramfs with
    mkinitcpio -p linux
    If this goes without any problems, you should be able to reboot to a working system.
    Ever since I updated my system about a week ago, I cannot boot it anymore.
    The root filesystem encrypted and since the update, I can't unlock it on boot anymore. Typing in my passphrase, I get the error No key available with this passphrase.
    One thing that comes to mind is that the passphrase contains non-standard characters (Š for example), and I'm not sure if that's what might be causing problems?
    Any ideas or tips on how can I debug this?
    Another thing I've noticed is that if I drop into a recovery shell, the special characters on my keyboard aren't properly mapped. Š will print out C and it's hexdump seems invalid.
    Just noticed this thread: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=148562
    Will try to unlock it from a live distro. It doesn't seem to want to unlock with Arch live as the keymap seems wrong there as well.
    Last edited by Mr. Pjer (2013-09-07 00:19:27)

    Here's the list. The update was done on 31/8.
    [2013-08-31 18:14] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -Syu'
    [2013-08-31 18:14] [PACMAN] synchronizing package lists
    [2013-08-31 18:14] [PACMAN] starting full system upgrade
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [PACMAN] removed python2-distribute (0.6.45-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [PACMAN] removed python-distribute (0.6.45-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> Appending keys from archlinux.gpg...
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] gpg: 3 marginal(s) needed, 1 complete(s) needed, PGP trust model
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] gpg: depth: 0 valid: 1 signed: 5 trust: 0-, 0q, 0n, 0m, 0f, 1u
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] gpg: depth: 1 valid: 5 signed: 65 trust: 0-, 0q, 0n, 5m, 0f, 0u
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] gpg: depth: 2 valid: 65 signed: 3 trust: 65-, 0q, 0n, 0m, 0f, 0u
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] gpg: next trustdb check due at 2014-01-22
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> Locally signing trusted keys in keyring...
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Locally signing key 0E8B644079F599DFC1DDC3973348882F6AC6A4C2...
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Locally signing key 684148BB25B49E986A4944C55184252D824B18E8...
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Locally signing key 44D4A033AC140143927397D47EFD567D4C7EA887...
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Locally signing key 27FFC4769E19F096D41D9265A04F9397CDFD6BB0...
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Locally signing key AB19265E5D7D20687D303246BA1DFB64FFF979E7...
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> Importing owner trust values...
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> Disabling revoked keys in keyring...
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Disabling key BC1FBE4D2826A0B51E47ED62E2539214C6C11350...
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> Updating trust database...
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] gpg: next trustdb check due at 2014-01-22
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [PACMAN] upgraded archlinux-keyring (20130525-2 -> 20130818-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET]
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] NOTE for argyllcms:
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ----
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> The documentaion is only available as html!
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> You will find it in /usr/share/argyllcms/doc
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> Color charts located in /usr/share/argyllcms/ref
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> Since release 1.5.0 ColorHug support is enabled by default. The environment variable "ENABLE_COLORHUG" is not longer needed!
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> Please add your argyllcms user to plugdev group! <==
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [PACMAN] upgraded argyllcms (1.5.1-2 -> 1.6.0-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [PACMAN] upgraded linux-api-headers (3.8.4-1 -> 3.10.6-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] Generating locales...
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] en_US.UTF-8... done
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] hr_HR.UTF-8... done
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] Generation complete.
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [PACMAN] upgraded glibc (2.17-6 -> 2.18-3)
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [PACMAN] upgraded bash (4.2.045-4 -> 4.2.045-5)
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [PACMAN] upgraded binutils (2.23.2-2 -> 2.23.2-3)
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [PACMAN] upgraded boost-libs (1.54.0-2 -> 1.54.0-3)
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [PACMAN] upgraded ca-certificates-java (20121112+nmu2-2 -> 20130815-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [PACMAN] upgraded glib2 (2.36.3-3 -> 2.36.4-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [PACMAN] upgraded wayland (1.2.0-1 -> 1.2.1-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [PACMAN] upgraded gcc-libs (4.8.1-2 -> 4.8.1-3)
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [PACMAN] installed elfutils (0.155-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [PACMAN] installed llvm-libs (3.3-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [PACMAN] upgraded mesa (9.1.6-1 -> 9.2.0-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [PACMAN] upgraded mesa-libgl (9.1.6-1 -> 9.2.0-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [PACMAN] upgraded cairo (1.12.14-4 -> 1.12.16-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [PACMAN] upgraded ttf-dejavu (2.33-4 -> 2.34-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [PACMAN] upgraded chromium (28.0.1500.95-1 -> 29.0.1547.62-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [PACMAN] upgraded curl (7.31.0-1 -> 7.32.0-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [PACMAN] upgraded libarchive (3.1.2-1 -> 3.1.2-2)
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [PACMAN] upgraded cmake ( ->
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [PACMAN] upgraded cpupower (3.10-1 -> 3.10-2)
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [PACMAN] upgraded device-mapper (2.02.98-4 -> 2.02.100-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [PACMAN] upgraded cryptsetup (1.6.1-2 -> 1.6.2-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [PACMAN] upgraded poppler (0.24.0-1 -> 0.24.1-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [PACMAN] upgraded cups-filters (1.0.35-4 -> 1.0.37-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [PACMAN] installed python2-setuptools (1.0-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [PACMAN] upgraded deluge (1.3.6-1 -> 1.3.6-3)
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [PACMAN] upgraded dhcpcd (6.0.4-1 -> 6.0.5-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [PACMAN] upgraded python2-numpy (1.7.1-1 -> 1.7.1-2)
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [PACMAN] upgraded dispcalgui ( ->
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [PACMAN] upgraded ffmpeg (1:2.0-2 -> 1:2.0.1-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [PACMAN] upgraded gtk3 (3.8.2-1 -> 3.8.4-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [PACMAN] upgraded file-roller (3.8.3-1 -> 3.8.4-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [PACMAN] upgraded gcc (4.8.1-2 -> 4.8.1-3)
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [PACMAN] upgraded gettext (0.18.3-1 ->
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [PACMAN] upgraded libtiff (4.0.3-2 -> 4.0.3-3)
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [PACMAN] upgraded ghostscript (9.07-2 -> 9.09-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [PACMAN] upgraded librsvg (2.37.0-2 -> 1:2.37.0-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [PACMAN] upgraded libmng (1.0.10-4 -> 2.0.2-2)
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [PACMAN] upgraded gimp (2.8.6-1 -> 2.8.6-2)
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [PACMAN] upgraded perl (5.18.0-1 -> 5.18.1-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [PACMAN] upgraded perl-error (0.17020-1 -> 0.17021-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [PACMAN] upgraded git ( -> 1.8.4-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [PACMAN] upgraded glew (1.10.0-1 -> 1.10.0-2)
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [PACMAN] upgraded glfw (3.0.1-2 -> 3.0.2-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [PACMAN] upgraded glm ( ->
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [PACMAN] upgraded gnupg (2.0.20-2 -> 2.0.21-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:34] [PACMAN] upgraded gpgme (1.4.2-2 -> 1.4.3-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:35] [PACMAN] upgraded grails (2.2.3-1 -> 2.2.4-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:35] [PACMAN] upgraded groff (1.22.2-3 -> 1.22.2-5)
    [2013-08-31 18:35] [PACMAN] upgraded gstreamer (1.0.9-1 -> 1.0.10-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:35] [PACMAN] upgraded gst-plugins-base-libs (1.0.9-1 -> 1.0.10-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:35] [PACMAN] upgraded imagemagick ( ->
    [2013-08-31 18:35] [PACMAN] upgraded intel-dri (9.1.6-1 -> 9.2.0-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:35] [PACMAN] upgraded iputils (20121221-2 -> 20121221-3)
    [2013-08-31 18:35] [PACMAN] upgraded isl (0.12-1 -> 0.12.1-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:35] [PACMAN] upgraded kbd (1.15.5-4 -> 2.0.0-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:35] [PACMAN] upgraded kdelibs (4.10.5-2 -> 4.11.0-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:35] [PACMAN] upgraded kmod (14-1 -> 15-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:35] [PACMAN] upgraded lib32-glibc (2.17-5 -> 2.18-3)
    [2013-08-31 18:35] [PACMAN] upgraded lib32-gcc-libs (4.8.1-2 -> 4.8.1-3)
    [2013-08-31 18:35] [PACMAN] upgraded libbsd (0.5.2-2 -> 0.6.0-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:35] [PACMAN] upgraded libfm (1.1.1-1 -> 1.1.2-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:35] [PACMAN] upgraded libgdiplus (2.10.9-1 -> 2.10.9-2)
    [2013-08-31 18:35] [PACMAN] upgraded libreoffice-en-GB (4.0.4-1 -> 4.0.5-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:35] [PACMAN] upgraded libreoffice-common (4.0.4-2 -> 4.0.5-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:35] [PACMAN] upgraded libreoffice-base (4.0.4-2 -> 4.0.5-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:35] [PACMAN] upgraded libreoffice-calc (4.0.4-2 -> 4.0.5-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:35] [PACMAN] upgraded libreoffice-draw (4.0.4-2 -> 4.0.5-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:35] [PACMAN] upgraded libreoffice-gnome (4.0.4-2 -> 4.0.5-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:35] [PACMAN] upgraded libreoffice-impress (4.0.4-2 -> 4.0.5-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:35] [PACMAN] upgraded libreoffice-kde4 (4.0.4-2 -> 4.0.5-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:35] [PACMAN] upgraded libreoffice-math (4.0.4-2 -> 4.0.5-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:35] [PACMAN] upgraded libreoffice-postgresql-connector (4.0.4-2 -> 4.0.5-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:35] [PACMAN] upgraded libreoffice-sdk (4.0.4-2 -> 4.0.5-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:35] [PACMAN] upgraded libreoffice-sdk-doc (4.0.4-2 -> 4.0.5-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:35] [PACMAN] upgraded libwpd (0.9.6-1 -> 0.9.9-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:35] [PACMAN] upgraded libreoffice-writer (4.0.4-2 -> 4.0.5-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:35] [PACMAN] upgraded libsamplerate (0.1.8-1 -> 0.1.8-2)
    [2013-08-31 18:35] [PACMAN] upgraded libwbclient (4.0.8-1 -> 4.0.9-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:35] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] >>> Updating module dependencies. Please wait ...
    [2013-08-31 18:35] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] >>> Generating initial ramdisk, using mkinitcpio. Please wait...
    [2013-08-31 18:35] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> Building image from preset: /etc/mkinitcpio.d/linux.preset: 'default'
    [2013-08-31 18:35] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> -k /boot/vmlinuz-linux -c /etc/mkinitcpio.conf -g /boot/initramfs-linux.img
    [2013-08-31 18:35] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> Starting build: 3.10.10-1-ARCH
    [2013-08-31 18:35] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [base]
    [2013-08-31 18:35] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [udev]
    [2013-08-31 18:35] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [autodetect]
    [2013-08-31 18:35] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [modconf]
    [2013-08-31 18:35] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [block]
    [2013-08-31 18:35] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [keymap]
    [2013-08-31 18:35] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [encrypt]
    [2013-08-31 18:35] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [filesystems]
    [2013-08-31 18:35] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [keyboard]
    [2013-08-31 18:35] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> Generating module dependencies
    [2013-08-31 18:35] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> Creating gzip initcpio image: /boot/initramfs-linux.img
    [2013-08-31 18:35] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> Image generation successful
    [2013-08-31 18:35] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> Building image from preset: /etc/mkinitcpio.d/linux.preset: 'fallback'
    [2013-08-31 18:35] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> -k /boot/vmlinuz-linux -c /etc/mkinitcpio.conf -g /boot/initramfs-linux-fallback.img -S autodetect
    [2013-08-31 18:35] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> Starting build: 3.10.10-1-ARCH
    [2013-08-31 18:35] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [base]
    [2013-08-31 18:35] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [udev]
    [2013-08-31 18:35] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [modconf]
    [2013-08-31 18:35] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [block]
    [2013-08-31 18:35] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: aic94xx
    [2013-08-31 18:35] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: bfa
    [2013-08-31 18:35] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: smsmdtv
    [2013-08-31 18:35] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [keymap]
    [2013-08-31 18:35] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [encrypt]
    [2013-08-31 18:35] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [filesystems]
    [2013-08-31 18:35] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [keyboard]
    [2013-08-31 18:35] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> Generating module dependencies
    [2013-08-31 18:35] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> Creating gzip initcpio image: /boot/initramfs-linux-fallback.img
    [2013-08-31 18:35] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> Image generation successful
    [2013-08-31 18:35] [PACMAN] upgraded linux (3.10.5-1 -> 3.10.10-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:35] [PACMAN] upgraded linux-headers (3.10.5-1 -> 3.10.10-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:35] [PACMAN] upgraded logrotate (3.8.5-1 -> 3.8.6-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:35] [ALPM] warning: /etc/lvm/lvm.conf installed as /etc/lvm/lvm.conf.pacnew
    [2013-08-31 18:35] [PACMAN] upgraded lvm2 (2.02.98-4 -> 2.02.100-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:35] [PACMAN] upgraded maven (3.0.5-1 -> 3.1.0-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:35] [PACMAN] upgraded net-snmp (5.7.2-7 -> 5.7.2-8)
    [2013-08-31 18:36] [PACMAN] upgraded nodejs (0.10.15-1 -> 0.10.17-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:36] [PACMAN] upgraded obex-data-server (0.4.6-7 -> 0.4.6-8)
    [2013-08-31 18:36] [PACMAN] upgraded openresolv (3.5.5-1 -> 3.5.6-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:36] [ALPM] warning: /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist installed as /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist.pacnew
    [2013-08-31 18:36] [PACMAN] upgraded pacman-mirrorlist (20130626-1 -> 20130830-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:36] [PACMAN] upgraded pcmanfm (1.1.1-1 -> 1.1.2-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:36] [ALPM] warning: /etc/php/php.ini installed as /etc/php/php.ini.pacnew
    [2013-08-31 18:36] [PACMAN] upgraded php (5.4.17-1 -> 5.5.3-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:36] [PACMAN] upgraded php-pear (5.4.17-1 -> 5.5.3-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:36] [PACMAN] upgraded poppler-glib (0.24.0-1 -> 0.24.1-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:36] [PACMAN] installed python-setuptools (1.0-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:36] [PACMAN] upgraded python-pip (1.4-1 -> 1.4.1-2)
    [2013-08-31 18:36] [PACMAN] upgraded python2-markupsafe (0.18-1 -> 0.18-2)
    [2013-08-31 18:36] [PACMAN] upgraded python2-mako (0.8.1-1 -> 0.8.1-2)
    [2013-08-31 18:36] [PACMAN] upgraded python2-pip (1.4-1 -> 1.4.1-2)
    [2013-08-31 18:36] [PACMAN] upgraded python2-zope-interface (4.0.5-1 -> 4.0.5-2)
    [2013-08-31 18:36] [PACMAN] upgraded sqlite (3.7.17-1 ->
    [2013-08-31 18:36] [PACMAN] upgraded qt4 (4.8.5-1 -> 4.8.5-2)
    [2013-08-31 18:36] [PACMAN] upgraded redshift (1.7-6 -> 1.7-7)
    [2013-08-31 18:36] [PACMAN] upgraded reiserfsprogs (3.6.23-1 -> 3.6.24-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:36] [PACMAN] upgraded run-parts (4.3.4-1 -> 4.4-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:36] [PACMAN] upgraded smbclient (4.0.8-1 -> 4.0.9-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:36] [PACMAN] upgraded samba (4.0.8-1 -> 4.0.9-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:36] [PACMAN] upgraded serf (1.2.1-1 -> 1.3.0-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:36] [PACMAN] upgraded smartmontools (6.1-3 -> 6.2-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:36] [PACMAN] upgraded subversion (1.8.1-1 -> 1.8.1-2)
    [2013-08-31 18:36] [PACMAN] upgraded vim-runtime (7.3.1287-1 -> 7.4.0-2)
    [2013-08-31 18:36] [PACMAN] upgraded vim (7.3.1287-1 -> 7.4.0-2)
    [2013-08-31 18:36] [PACMAN] upgraded wicd ( ->
    [2013-08-31 18:36] [PACMAN] upgraded wicd-gtk ( ->
    [2013-08-31 18:36] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] >>> This driver now uses SNA as the default acceleration method. You can
    [2013-08-31 18:36] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] still fall back to UXA if you run into trouble. To do so, save a file
    [2013-08-31 18:36] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] with the following content as /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-intel.conf :
    [2013-08-31 18:36] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] Section "Device"
    [2013-08-31 18:36] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] Identifier "Intel Graphics"
    [2013-08-31 18:36] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] Driver "intel"
    [2013-08-31 18:36] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] Option "AccelMethod" "uxa"
    [2013-08-31 18:36] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] EndSection
    [2013-08-31 18:36] [PACMAN] upgraded xf86-video-intel (2.21.14-1 -> 2.21.15-1)
    [2013-08-31 18:36] [PACMAN] upgraded xorg-xset (1.2.2-2 -> 1.2.3-1)
    I've just tried rebuilding the initramfs. It goes through without errors, but still won't accept my password on boot.

  • [solved] Unlocking luks partitions fails at boot, no prompt.

    I have just installed Arch and I really like it so far - I'm a convert from Ubuntu. I did face a couple of problems that I have not been able to solve and have not been able to find any solutions for anywhere. The most important one at the moment is that with my two encrypted partitions.
    Here's my fstab:
    # /etc/fstab: static file system information
    # <file system>        <dir>         <type>    <options>          <dump> <pass>
    none                   /dev/pts      devpts    defaults            0      0
    none                   /dev/shm      tmpfs     defaults            0      0
    #/dev/cdrom             /media/cd   auto    ro,user,noauto,unhide   0      0
    #/dev/dvd               /media/dvd  auto    ro,user,noauto,unhide   0      0
    #/dev/fd0               /media/fl   auto    user,noauto             0      0
    /dev/scd0 /media/dvd   udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec,utf8 0 0
    /dev/sda3 / ext3 defaults 0 1
    /dev/sdb1 swap swap defaults 0 0
    /dev/sdb2 /home reiserfs user,owner,auto 0 0
    /dev/sda6 /home/nerd/E   reiserfs defaults 0 0
    /dev/mapper/croot /home/nerd/F ext3 defaults 0 0
    /dev/mapper/crypt /home/nerd/D ext3 defaults 0 0
    and here's my crypttab:
    crypt /dev/sda5 none
    croot /dev/sda7 none
    I have cryptsetup installed, enabled the dm-crypt and aes-i586 kernel modules, and even edited mkinitcpio and added the encrypt hook. At boot, my computer does see both of the drives, but it just doesn't prompt for passwords, what it prints out is:
    Password:!unlocking encrypted volume crypt
    command failed: No key available with this passphrase.
    I am able to mount the drives manually using cryptsetup, and the data is there. Is there any way for me to fix that? Thanks!
    Last edited by DavidR (2009-09-19 10:32:57)

    afaik, you should have 'ASK' instead of 'none' in crypttab
    edit: argh. too late again
    Last edited by bender02 (2009-09-18 19:35:37)

  • [SOLVED]Silent boot remove autologin message.

    I tried booting directly to X with silent boot, autologin and startx at login, everything was fine but the only thing that appears on screen before getting into X is "Arch linux version and autologin message" and then startx is executed automatically and its output is redirected to /dev/null so no woories about startx output.
    So I want to remove displaying arch linux version (tty1), autologin message.
    Last edited by druuu (2015-06-02 06:08:15)

    For autologin, you had to modify agetty's command line. Reading its man page is a good start. It tells you how to stop it from displaying the contents of the /etc/issue file (that's the first line you see) and it tells you that it invokes /bin/login, but then the "login:" part is also a good hint. So, check login's man page; there's some stuff about hushlogin that seems like a good bet. See how quiet you can get it with that.

  • [SOLVED] Silent Boot - Systemd not shutting up

    I have followed all the instructions over here: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Silent_boot
    I have done everything. But Systemd still won't fully shut up. There is a line on every boot: "Starting version 218" (I believe it is stating systemd's version)
    I don't think I get this message on my previous arch installation about 2 years ago.
    The Arch installation is fresh and fully updated.
    I am using rEFInd as my boot loader. Here is the menu entry that I use
    menuentry "Arch Linux" {
    icon /EFI/refind/icons/os_arch.png
    volume Boot
    loader /vmlinuz-linux
    initrd /initramfs-linux.img
    graphics on
    options "root=UUID=4b3977bd-a39f-46ab-980f-648c695a0554 rootfstype=ext4 rw add_efi_memmap quiet loglevel=3 vga=current rcutree.rcu_idle_gp_delay=1 "
    Anybody know how to get rid of this?
    At the very least anybody know who is spewing this line? systemd? rEFInd?
    Last edited by efronberlian (2015-01-11 18:16:10)

    jakschu wrote:add rd.udev.log-priority=3 to your kernel command line.
    https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php … 1#p1488281

  • Linux-3.10.10 fails silently when booting with UEFI

    This problem has occured for me on several occasions in the past (with 3.10.2 and 3.10.8) but that has been with kernels in [testing]. With 3.10.10 dropping to [core], this is the first time this has happened for me with an official release.
    Though the linked-to thread is marked as "Solved", the only solution found was downgrading and waiting for a new kernel to be released that did not have the issue (3.10.3 and 3.10.9). I am using UEFI with gummiboot, but I have no idea why this is happening (and since the boot fails silently it's rather difficult for me to provide helpful logs). Is anyone else experiencing this issue? Have you found any workable solution that isn't just waiting? Can anyone else guide me in some troubleshooting?
    All the best,

    srs5694 wrote:
    Booting directly from the firmware and via gummiboot are basically the same, in the sense that they both rely on the EFI stub loader. The problem under discussion in the thread to which I linked appears to be a bug in the EFI stub loader that interacts with the firmware version -- it affects many Lenovo computers, but few others. It appears when using the EFI stub loader directly, from rEFInd, or from gummiboot; but it's a highly inconsistent bug. It can go away by switching from gummiboot to rEFInd, from rEFInd to gummiboot, from one version of rEFInd to another, from either of these to a direct boot from the firmware, etc. It also comes and goes with the exact kernel version, with different people reporting problems with different kernels.
    As I said, there's no real fix. The precise cause hasn't been nailed down; if it had been, chances are there'd be a fix by now.
    Fascinating. I wonder what's going wrong with it.
    If SYSLINUX is getting you further into the boot process, then I recommend you try to debug what's happening with SYSLINUX. Try posting details of any error messages you see.
    Fair enough. Then, here's my plan. Given that this thread appears to be a duplicate of the thread srs5694 linked to, it should probably either be merged in or closed (I don't necessarily have any preference, and since there has been no new discovery made in it, it doesn't seem as though there is any inherent advantage one way or another). And, I will shortly open a new thread on troubleshooting syslinux.
    Thank you for your guidance srs! You've been a huge help.
    All the best,

  • [SOLVED] Encrypted root, /boot on USB, cryptkey issue

    Well to the topic. Followed this guide.
    Usb flash drive with GRUB and a keyfile on it. Encrypted root.
    linux /vmlinuz-linux root=UUID=<uuid> ro cryptdevice=/dev/disk/by-id/<id>:luks cryptkey=/dev/disk/by-uuid/<uuid>:ext2:/key ipv6.disable=1 quiet
    echo 'Loading initial ramdisk ...'
    initrd /initramfs-linux.img
    MODULES="ata_generic ata_piix nls_cp437 ext2 i915"
    HOOKS="base udev autodetect modconf block encrypt filesystems keyboard fsck consolefont"
    Result: "Meh can't read a keyfile. Please input a passphrase om nom nom."
    1. Quadruple-checked UUID's, used /dev/sdX instead of them.
    2. Using different modules, like nls_utf8, removing ata_* stuff.
    3. Playing with <path> and <keyfile> strings, slashes, e t c.
    4. A barrel roll.
    Is it actually possible to make that filesystem key reading work? If not, how can I get physical offset of keyfile in a filesystem?
    Trouble in device detection speed. Any other usb media get's recognized instantly, while the one I booted from is slow like hell.
    Last edited by wfoojjaec (2013-08-14 14:37:11)

    Marked as solved.
    It seems that origin of a bug was somewhere in a kernel. After a recent update, done today of a 'linux' package a /boot usb device is properly recognized after about 5 seconds passed from poweron (instead of a full initialization at ~270 sec and hanging udev before).
    A hack with fstab & noauto is not required now. <_<

  • [SOLVED] Error while booting, related to nilfs2

    I've just installed my fresh Arch and used nilfs2 inside vlm2 as my home partition. While booting, I'm getting these errors:
    fsck: fsck.nilfs2: not found
    fsck: error 2 while executing fsck.nilfs2 for /dev/mapper/TheVG-HomeLV
    Other logical volumes are getting "clean" output while checked so it's not vlm-related; they are all ext4.
    Partition is mounted and seems to work but I'm scared of just ignoring it and creating my user. ;-)
    I have nilfs-utils installed. Is there any hook or module I need to add somewhere in order to use nilfs2 properly (like reiserfs hook)? There is nothing in the Wiki about this file system...
    Edit: well, it appears that nilfs doesn't not come with check utility so I'm marking this as solved; sorry for garbage post...
    Last edited by smsware (2013-03-16 22:07:55)

    As there is no fsck utility and as it actually is planned to be created (I read that it's needed because the fs can easily crash on power loss; still, it can be recreated, as you stated)  - there is a warning while building the kernel. I deleted fsck hook to not see it as my /var and root are sub-volumes of btrfs partition which doesn't need fsck as well. I made a service to umount, fsck and mount back the /boot (ext4) and uefi partitions... just to let you know what you can expect. But it's great anyway, snapshots are really easy to mount and use. I thought it has no wiki page because it's not popular (and probably for a reason) but now I believe it's because there is nothing to write about... it just works. ;-)
    Last edited by smsware (2013-05-29 15:58:26)

  • [SOLVED] Unable to Boot Windows 7 from GRUB

    I recently reinstalled Arch onto my laptop (Lenovo Thinkpad t520) and have been having problems with Grub. For the last week I've been having trouble getting it to run grub at boot at all, only being able to run windows 7 by flagging it as the bootable drive. The other day I finally got it to boot into grub, and from grub I can boot into Arch. However, I can not boot into windows 7 through grub. When I attempt to, it throws an error:
    Invalid EFI file path
    I'm somewhat new to arch, and especially new to efi bootloading and such. Right now the only way I can get into windows is either booting from the arch install disk > boot other os and specifying partition 2 (where I have windows installed) or by pressing f12 at boot. When I do this (not sure what the term is, if anyone knows please tell me), it brings up a menu asking where I want to boot with "arch_efi" "cd drive" "Hard drive" etc. I choose hard drive and it will then boot to windows by default. Booting normally takes me to grub where I can boot into arch but not windows. If there's any more info you need please let me know and I'll try to provide it. Thanks in advance.
    Also, here is my current partition setup
    /dev/sda1 /boot/efi
    /dev/sda2 Windows7
    /dev/sda3 Extended partition containing sda 5,6, & 7
    /dev/sda4 swap
    /dev/sda5 /boot
    /dev/sda6 /
    /dev/sda7 /home
    Terminator seems to be right (still on a roll!), so I wiped the partition I had grub on, removed grub, and installed syslinux. Now I have another problem that I'm hoping can be solved in the same thread to avoid another. It boots to syslinux no problem, and I can boot to windows from there all good, but when I select arch I get:
    Root device mounted successfully but /sbin/init does not exist
    I haven't been able to look for solutions too much on my own, but any help would be appreciated, thank you.
    Last edited by IamFuzzles (2012-08-22 04:20:56)

    Terminator wrote:If I understand it correctly, what you are trying is impossible: you are trying to boot windows using UEFI on a disk with MBR partitioning. Windows 7 only supports UEFI on discs with GPT partitioning but AFAIK, extended partitions only exist in MBR partitioning.
    i also saw this in the arch wiki, but i have a brand new lenovo ideapad y570 running windows 7 64-bit that i'm in the process of setting up for someone, and it has what i think is an efi system partition but the disk uses mbr partitioning.  does anyone know why this might be, or is there a way i can verify that the system is actually being booted via bios-mbr?
    Last edited by e_tank (2012-08-21 11:56:15)

  • [SOLVED]Unable to boot in UEFI mode from CD

    Hello gents!
    Here's the problem:
    According to the beginner's guide I followed the instruction to test if I am in UEFI mode:
    In case you have a UEFI motherboard, the CD/USB will launch UEFI Shell and display a message that
    script will be launched. Allow the shell to launch it. Then, to check whether you have booted into UEFI mode, load the efivars kernel module (before chrooting) and then check whether there are files in
    # modprobe efivars # before chrooting
    # ls -1 /sys/firmware/efi/vars/
    Well, the thing is that when I boot the CD no UEFI Shell is launched as well as no
    When I try to load the efivars I don't receive any message, so, I assume, the module is loaded; but the, when I invoke ls the message I receive is:
    #ls: cannot access /sys/firmware/efi/vars/: No such file or directory
    To me it looks that for some reason I am unable to access the UEFI mode when starting the CD iso.
    Thank you guys for your courteous attention.
    Have a wonderful day!!!
    P.S. I've searched already in the following posts:
    https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php … 84#p148184
    https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php … 55#p148155
    My mobo is an ASUS Maximus V Gene with i3770K on it.
    Ok guys! Thanks to all of you, but everything was brought about by my scarce knowledge of the mobo. Logging into the BIOS, in the boot section, you have to choose between normal DVD and UEFI DVD. When selecting the last, everything, I mean, the startup phase at least, went well.
    Enjoy everybody
    Any idea how to close/"solved" this forum tread?
    Last edited by guidone (2012-09-11 20:34:21)

    guidone wrote:Any idea how to close/"solved" this forum tread?
    README: Forum Rules
    Simply edit the original post by clicking on the 'edit' button at the lower right corner of it and prepend [SOLVED] to the title.

  • [SOLVED] Unable to boot after update

    After full system upgrade my arch is unable to boot kernel:
    ERROR: device 'UUID=xxx...' not found, skipping fsck.
    ERROR: unable to find root device 'UUID=xxx...'
    You're being dropped to a recovery shell
    I'm pretty sure UUID of /dev/sda2 is correct (double checked with Ubuntu live cd).
    Last edited by soroush (2012-09-06 12:20:15)

    Then you need to provide more information. Bootloader? Kernel? Tried fallback initramfs?
    Edit: OK, you solved it. pacman does regenerate the initramfs if the kernel is updated. It just didn't work for you this time.
    Last edited by progandy (2012-09-06 12:21:55)

  • [SOLVED]Unable to boot from SATA, but it works from USB

    I have strange problem. I made an Arch installation in VMware virtual computer and then I copied the virtual disk to new SSD. When I install the disk into the real hardware (Intel Canoe Creek D2500CC board), i get the "ERROR: Unable to find root device '/dev/sda1'." error.
    The strange thing is, that the computer can boot correctly, when I connect the SSD using SATA->USB bridge.
    In the recovery shell there are no disk devices (/dev/sd*) so I think it is not a problem of changed device name (f.e. /dev/sdb1 instead of /dev/sda1), to me it looks like udev is not running.
    What can be the problem, that the system boots normally when SSD is connected via USB and can not boot when connected directly to SATA port?
    My mkinitcpio.conf:
    # vim:set ft=sh
    # The following modules are loaded before any boot hooks are
    # run.  Advanced users may wish to specify all system modules
    # in this array.  For instance:
    #     MODULES="piix ide_disk reiserfs"
    # This setting includes any additional binaries a given user may
    # wish into the CPIO image.  This is run last, so it may be used to
    # override the actual binaries included by a given hook
    # BINARIES are dependency parsed, so you may safely ignore libraries
    # FILES
    # This setting is similar to BINARIES above, however, files are added
    # as-is and are not parsed in any way.  This is useful for config files.
    # HOOKS
    # This is the most important setting in this file.  The HOOKS control the
    # modules and scripts added to the image, and what happens at boot time.
    # Order is important, and it is recommended that you do not change the
    # order in which HOOKS are added.  Run 'mkinitcpio -H <hook name>' for
    # help on a given hook.
    # 'base' is _required_ unless you know precisely what you are doing.
    # 'udev' is _required_ in order to automatically load modules
    # 'filesystems' is _required_ unless you specify your fs modules in MODULES
    # Examples:
    ##   This setup specifies all modules in the MODULES setting above.
    ##   No raid, lvm2, or encrypted root is needed.
    #    HOOKS="base"
    ##   This setup will autodetect all modules for your system and should
    ##   work as a sane default
    #    HOOKS="base udev autodetect block filesystems"
    ##   This setup will generate a 'full' image which supports most systems.
    ##   No autodetection is done.
    #    HOOKS="base udev block filesystems"
    ##   This setup assembles a pata mdadm array with an encrypted root FS.
    ##   Note: See 'mkinitcpio -H mdadm' for more information on raid devices.
    #    HOOKS="base udev block mdadm encrypt filesystems"
    ##   This setup loads an lvm2 volume group on a usb device.
    #    HOOKS="base udev block lvm2 filesystems"
    ##   NOTE: If you have /usr on a separate partition, you MUST include the
    #    usr, fsck and shutdown hooks.
    HOOKS="base udev autodetect modconf block filesystems keyboard fsck"
    # Use this to compress the initramfs image. By default, gzip compression
    # is used. Use 'cat' to create an uncompressed image.
    # Additional options for the compressor
    Last edited by MaVac (2014-08-15 05:55:18)

    MaVac wrote:Problem solved! :-) I made update with pacman -Su and then everything is working perfectly. :-)
    Then please mark the thread as solved as well.

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