[Solved...sort of]Changing grub and console resolution during boot

I recently purchased a new monitor that runs at 1920x1080, my older monitor was at 1920x1200, and when I boot now I end up with a boxed output, black borders on each side. This influences how my grub looks and how my terminal looks at startup. I've changed the settings so my WM looks and works properly, but I am not sure how to change, or update, the resolution for my boot-up process. I could use some assistance. Thanks!
Well I found out that I can only change my resolution in grub based on what is shown in vbeinfo when booting with grub. The strange thing is that the resolution being used is 1920x1080x32, which is the recommendedd, and max resolution of my monitor. I also noticed my BIOS splash screen is also being shown with black borders on all sides.
Well it looks like this is problem with OCD on my monitor, and my NVIDIA card. Looks like it's pretty wide spread without any real solution. I'll mark this as solved since this has nothing to do with grub or linux settings.
Last edited by barefly (2015-05-10 02:50:01)

jasonwryan wrote:Did you regenerate your grub config?
I just tried this by running grub-mkconfig without changing any settings in /etc/default/grub, and it didn't work. So I went ahead and modified /etc/default/grub on my next boot to another valid resolution and restarted. That had no effect either. The last thing I tried was manually adding the preferred resolution instead of leaving it at auto. None of the changes made any difference. It only changed the way my text was outputted, making it more or less scrunched really. I think the issue could be stemming from the monitor and bios are interacting, since my bios splash screen starts with the black border, and then grub inherits the screen properties, and then in turn linux inherits these settings before my video card finally kicks in after tty and x starts.
Last edited by barefly (2015-05-10 02:46:25)

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    * https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=122778
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    02: None 00.0: 11001 VESA Framebuffer
    [Created at bios.459]
    Unique ID: rdCR.A3Y7SCr7Y49
    Hardware Class: framebuffer
    Model: "(C) 1988-2005, ATI M92"
    Vendor: "(C) 1988-2005, ATI Technologies Inc."
    Device: "M92"
    SubVendor: "ATI ATOMBIOS"
    Revision: "01.00"
    Memory Size: 16 MB
    Memory Range: 0xd0000000-0xd0ffffff (rw)
    Mode 0x0300: 640x400 (+640), 8 bits
    Mode 0x0301: 640x480 (+640), 8 bits
    Mode 0x0303: 800x600 (+832), 8 bits
    Mode 0x0305: 1024x768 (+1024), 8 bits
    Mode 0x0310: 640x480 (+1280), 15 bits
    Mode 0x0311: 640x480 (+1280), 16 bits
    Mode 0x0313: 800x600 (+1600), 15 bits
    Mode 0x0314: 800x600 (+1600), 16 bits
    Mode 0x0316: 1024x768 (+2048), 15 bits
    Mode 0x0317: 1024x768 (+2048), 16 bits
    Mode 0x030d: 320x200 (+640), 15 bits
    Mode 0x030e: 320x200 (+640), 16 bits
    Mode 0x0320: 320x200 (+1280), 24 bits
    Mode 0x0393: 320x240 (+320), 8 bits
    Mode 0x0395: 320x240 (+640), 16 bits
    Mode 0x0396: 320x240 (+1280), 24 bits
    Mode 0x03b3: 512x384 (+512), 8 bits
    Mode 0x03b5: 512x384 (+1024), 16 bits
    Mode 0x03b6: 512x384 (+2048), 24 bits
    Mode 0x03c3: 640x350 (+640), 8 bits
    Mode 0x03c5: 640x350 (+1280), 16 bits
    Mode 0x03c6: 640x350 (+2560), 24 bits
    Mode 0x0333: 720x400 (+768), 8 bits
    Mode 0x0335: 720x400 (+1472), 16 bits
    Mode 0x0336: 720x400 (+2944), 24 bits
    Mode 0x0360: 848x480 (+896), 8 bits
    Mode 0x0361: 848x480 (+1728), 16 bits
    Mode 0x0362: 848x480 (+3456), 24 bits
    Mode 0x0321: 640x480 (+2560), 24 bits
    Mode 0x0322: 800x600 (+3200), 24 bits
    Mode 0x0323: 1024x768 (+4096), 24 bits
    Config Status: cfg=new, avail=yes, need=no, active=unknown
    No 1366x768. Taking the last approach, I added "vga=ask" to the Grub entry. Again no 1366x768. How can I get the resolution set to 1366x768 during Grub and/or early userspace booting? Or is it simply impossible?
    Last edited by xiaq (2011-03-07 09:23:10)

    Mr.Elendig wrote:The only way to really do it is to use kms and the free driver for X.
    So...  I should follow https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/AT … _KMS_start, since I have an ATI card and I've decided to stick with the free driver(at least for now).
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    grub> set root=(hd0,msdos1)
    grub> linux /boot/vmlinuz-linux
    grub> initrd /boot/initramfs-linux.img
    grub> boot
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    ERROR: device '' not found. Skipping fsck.
    ERROR: Unable to find root device ''.
    One last thing: I have an old Ubuntu 10.10 partition on the same drive. I can get to that partition through GRUB's menu just fine. This is strictly an issue with Arch. Perhaps the hard reboot caused something to change related to UUIDs? What should I do?
    Last edited by MeisBarry (2013-08-13 22:16:51)

    Well this is embarrassing.
    While getting grub.cfg, I noticed that when I had done grub-mkconfig, ...I saved it as grub.conf by accident. I fixed it and my system works again!
    So I'll mark it Solved. Any idea why a reboot would corrupt grub's configuration?

  • Console resolution and X on dual screen

    I'm using a laptop with an external display.
    The laptop max resolution is 1024x600 and the external's is 1680x1050.
    I've got xorg running this script on login:
    # If an external monitor is connected, place it with xrandr
    # External output may be "VGA" or "VGA-0" or "DVI-0" or "TMDS-1"
    xrandr |grep $EXTERNAL_OUTPUT | grep " connected "
    if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
    xrandr --output $INTERNAL_OUTPUT --off --output $EXTERNAL_OUTPUT --auto
    xrandr --output $INTERNAL_OUTPUT --auto --output $EXTERNAL_OUTPUT --off
    Then when I close my window manager, this script runs:
    xrandr --output VGA --off --output LVDS --auto
    fluxbox-remote "Exit"
    The only time the console resolution is correct is after i've closed my window manager and this script has run.
    I'm using hal and don't have an xorg.conf. Is this the issue? I also have VGA=790 in my grub config. I guess my question is, what am I missing, and would there be a better way to do this?
    Edit: if it helps, im using an intel gma945 in an msi wind
    Last edited by keegan (2009-05-22 00:43:39)

    Okay, I got the console to work from bootup using vga=normal. Now the only time my console is unusable is after leaving xorg when I had been using the external screen and didn't run my script at logout. So when i reboot/shutdown, kill x, crash x or switch to a vt (ctrl-alt-Fx) the screen is jacked up. If I never startx, or make sure to use my script to close x, everything is okay.

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    I changed everything and i signed out then i sign in again but
    still my. apple id is disabled plz solve this problem!!!!!????

    Hello jek28,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    If you're getting the message that your Apple ID has been disabled for security reasons, then please follow the directions in the article below to resolve the issue.
    If your Apple ID has been locked - Apple Support
    Have a good one,
    Alex H.

  • Change fps and resolution in a Thorlabs DCC1645C camera

    Im working with a DCC1645C camera with Labview. I need to programatically change the fps and the resolution, but if I try to do that with a property node: FrameRate, Width and heigh are only Readable attributes. Also, the video modes of the camera that are displayed in MAX are only a few modes and all of them has 1280x1024 and 10 fps.
    When using the manufacturer software of the camera I am able to change both, resolution and fps. Also, Thorlabs gives some VIs to work with the camera, where the fps can be set, but I dont know how to use this VI in my program, where Im using IMAQdx to acquire the images.
    Thank you.

    There is a function called IMAQ Resample where you can set the resolution of your image, there is no function to change the FPS settings, but you can set both attributes (FPS and resolution) using the property nodes that you found, they are read attributes but you can change them  to write,  just right click the property node and click on the "change to write" option on the drop down menu.
    Hope to help you.
    Thiago Matos
    Engenharia de Aplicações
    National Instruments Brasil

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    2) on a specific monitor (in a multiple monitor setup; we have two) 
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    I see examples for C#.Net but can't find any for VBA. Maybe it's not possible. Your comments are appreciated. Thanks.
    Edit: ANY MS Office application can be used as long as it can be used via a shortcut on the desktop and run automatically. "One click and done" is the idea.

    Hello Doug,
    I believe you can use Windows API functions to get the job done.
    Anyway, the current forum is for Office Apps. I'd recommend asking VBA questions on the
    General Office Development  forum instead.

Maybe you are looking for