Ten things I hate about FCP ...

I have recently trained on Final Cut Pro, and have worked on various edit suites up to date.
Firstly I actually quite like FCP, and think it is a robust editor that is real value for money. I am amazed at some of the unique features and ideas at work in FCP.
And it's amazing how much it can do out of the box!
But there a re a few things that bother me.
Can anyone suggest if I am going about things the wrong way, or if these are "features" of FCP; I am not suggesting that any of these are not fixable, or that I am not missing some small check box, please enlighten me if you know a fix.
Here is what I hate about FCP:
1) "Sync Lock" is always on:
If I edit an interview on V1A12; then decide to put some cutaways on tracks V2A34. I like what I have done, but want to ripple delete half a shot in the center of the cutaways.
So I make sure I only have V2A34 on "Auto select", I turn off "Linked selection", I mark an In and Out, and hit "ripple delete".
But it makes a hole? It doesn't ripple delete.
I constantly find myself hitting this brick wall, of clips strangely sync locking to others.
How do I turn this off?
I know I can "track lock" the tracks I don't want to touch, but it then is just too many mouse clicks every time I want to ripple delete.
It just slows my momentum and feels like something from imovie, not a "pro" app.
2) Anamorphic errors:
I work in PAL 16:9; looks good most of the time. But why does it go stretched when capturing? Or when I trim one preview is wrong, color can't even do 16:9?
That's some poor code guys.
3) Insert and Overwrite jumps to timeline:
When I select I/O points on a clip, and press "insert" or "overwrite" it goes in to the time line, but it also automatically highlights the timeline / canvas window.
"What's the problem?" I hear you ask, well say I am creating a sequence from a clip, I want to easily just play and mark I/O points and insert, then continue to play and mark more points. But in FCP it forces me to every time press "toggle windows" to get back to the viewer window, or click the mouse.
More extra clicks or presses that slows my momentum.
4) Color grading ***** in FCP:
Has no-one asked why it is so hard to create a curves based "filter" in FCP? I mean one that is free with the program. The three point grading is weak.
"Color" is nice but wastes time having to export the sequence, render, import, rebuild your graphics.... and then you have to search through the timeline to find your early test grades and mock up grades, as they will mess up your pretty 'color' grade.
If only grades were handled in FCP, and also if they were not treated as other "filters" but let you see on the timeline what was pre-graded and what wasn't.
The whole "round trip" process assumes you finish your edit, then grade.
But what if you want to pre grade, then later change edits?
Or grade as you wait for the director to get their script in shape.
I would actually argue that 'color' isn't a round trip, it is a one way street that ends with an output in FCP, impractical for many work flows that are non-linear.
(I know you can go back and forth, but that is really hard and you need to break up clips so 'color' doesn't render the whole tape, and you need to keep an eye on what has been, what is source.... 'color' is only practical as a linear workflow after you have FINISHED your edit; just like we all did in the 90s, but it is 2007 now and I work a totally non-linear edit where I online some bits as I go; easy in Avid hard in FCP)
5) Difficult 'patching':
It is a slow 'multi-click' patching experience every time I want to change where clips go to. Why do I have to drag the audio then the video source to destination, rather then just double click to jump to source, or even better, auto-patch too what ever tracks I have auto-selected! Now that would save some time.
6) Subtle highlights:
Can I change the color of the window highlight? I would love to have a really bright red or purple to tell me which window is selected. The subtle lighter highlight is too hard to miss, and I often end up adding an in or out to the viewer (source) when I want the timeline (destination), or the time line when I want the viewer (source).
So that's about it,
Only seven things, maybe I will find more as I continue to work with FCP.
I could list everything that is great about FCP, but that would take too long.
Message was edited by: Tiborius
Message was edited by: Tiborius

I have to agree with Andy here... Once you spend time with the application you will learn how to flow with it...
I do understand that every application has it's own way of working, and you need to learn it's flow.
I also know a poor interface when I have worked with other systems that just work.
If I used a separate keyboard short cut to auto select 3 individual video layers, then 6 audio layers, then I need to make keyboard shortcuts to patch each 9 layers... so that is 16 mapped keys; there is a better way, look at the simple Avid patching and selecting system.
Though FCP has much more superior clip selecting, and in timeline keyframe editing!
learn keyboard short-cuts... once you master key-strokes you'll wonder what you were ever doing wasting time clicking on little icons on the screen... practice makes perfect.
Well I have tried to find where auto-patching, and an easy keyboard shortcut, less then 3 button presses rather then the three drags or clicks, but I can't find any.
I just think it is clunky in FCP, that is my just opinion.
I certainly agree that learning to use the keyboard is essential in edit systems. But I just feel that FCP is very reliant on the mouse to work.
Especially in the area of 'auto-selecting' and patching.
One thing that you might want to think about is what you are learning whilst experiencing these annoying little hurdles.
I don't mind hurdles, and I thought my post showed that I was enjoying FCP and am not planning on walking away and ignoring it.
But hiding flaws in program by saying:
If everything was easy, handed to you on a plate, you'd miss out on SO much.
Is very sad really.
Obviously I like challenges, by learning a new system.
I don't think asking if certain issues I was having were actual program faults, not my workflow, is valid. This is a forum to ask and a place to get people to answer; or hand it on a plate if you like.
Like the guy who moaned about having to make 14:9 overlays in photoshop... so what?
Ah, that was me!
And here's what, why miss out such an important thing as flexible guides to an edit system.
I know photoshop well, and CAN make a template, but I shouldn't have too. It shows how FCP is still a pro-sumer and unfinished program.
Anyway if I make my guides, import them to FCP, make a high video track, then I have to lock it so it doesn't interfere with my edit (as FCP has auto sync-lock), I can never read my programme duration as the safe title has to be very long over the top,
It's harder to turn off and on, oh but I could map some keyboard shortcuts! This is a long work around for essentially something that should just be built in.
I will just have to do it this way, as FCP is unable show anything but their idea of safe title area. I don't feel like I am mastering my craft, I feel like I am working around a program that is not Professional.
Final Cut Pro is a strong contender to take the cup in a few years time, but it would be nice to have it made a little better for version 6.
So I am still curious if anyone else has any particular gripes about what they hate about FCP?
I am sure some would be easily fixed with a blessed keyboard shortcut, or some other work around.

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    A lot of things improved from GT70 I still have at home. But THE GT72 is very loud.  I mean as soon as you play the game, the fan turns on and is very noisy
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    Why people owning GAMING notebook complaining about the fan noise ???
    There is no difference between you and this person owning a V12 Ferrari and complaining about the engine noise...!
    Pls Dont make me laugh and because of your stupid fantasies recently NaughtyVIDIA has blocked the overclocking ability only on gtx9x0 MOBILE cards then fortunately after unblocked....and we have i7 4720hq working like  because of your stupid noise fantasies again and thanks to MSI they put an option CPU C STATES enable/disable option so i can disable that  and 4720hq now working in its full potential all my stuttering has gone with fps boost and yes....now its hotter and louder but This is a GAMING notebook...yes GAMING notebook...! this is not an ordinary car but a RACING car...and I LOVE the sound when i press the power button to turn on the GT72 is like V12 engine starts and feels me better..V12 engine is GTX980M the fastest mobile GPU on the planet..! you want them to make it quiter.. You are against The Pyschical Laws with your fantasies..!
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    " disable backups (and swap)
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    set nowritebackup
    set noswapfile
    " wrap searches
    set wrapscan
    " tab and indentation
    set tabstop=4
    set noexpandtab
    set smarttab
    set shiftwidth=4
    set backspace=indent,eol,start
    set autoindent
    set smartindent
    " show commands
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    set laststatus=2
    set cmdheight=1
    " textwidth
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    au BufRead ~/.mutt/temp/mutt* set tw=72
    au BufRead ~/.mutt/temp/mutt* set spell " <-- vim 7 required
    au BufRead ~/.mutt/temp/mutt* nmap <F1> gqap
    au BufRead ~/.mutt/temp/mutt* nmap <F2> gqqj
    au BufRead ~/.mutt/temp/mutt* nmap <F3> kgqj
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    au BufRead ~/.mutt/temp/mutt* map! <F2> <ESC>gqqji
    au BufRead ~/.mutt/temp/mutt* map! <F3> <ESC>kgqji
    augroup END
    Last edited by rent0n (2010-07-31 10:45:23)

    bernarcher wrote:
    This will suppress breaking the lines.
    " textwidth
    set textwidth=0
    See ":help textwidth" and ":help ins-textwidth" for more.
    BTW: "nowrap" does only influence how the text will be displayed. it doesn't change the text in the buffer.
    Thanks bernarcher, 'textwidth' was the option I was looking for!
    Wrapping is another thing and I like to keep it enabled.
    @quigybo: I will look through 'formatoptions', thanks. I already use augroup for mutt and is very handy indeed!
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    [minor edit to remove potentially sensitive phrase]

    Welcome to the forum.  
    OK, as far as which version you have, it sounds like you got Gingerbread. If you go into About Phone, GB is Android version 2.3.3 and the System Version is 4.5.596....
    As far as the Keyboard issue, many have had success by turing off the word prediction, as I mentioned. Others have not. Some have had luck by first doing a Clear Caceh procedure (see below). The next step after that is a Full factory reset (which is what Verizon will likely have you do if you get them involved).  Personally, I have yet to need to do the Factory Reset - others have and even go as far as recommend it..  So I would start with Clear Cache and see if that helps. If not, do a Search for "In and Out of Factory Reset" using the search feature above. You really need to undertsand it before blindly jumping into it. Good luck.
    Wiping cache partition 
    Power off
    Power On Holding Home Key
    When Andy with Exlamation Point Shows up Press BOTH Volume keys
    Use Volume Keys to navigate to "wipe cache partition" and tap power button to select
    Wait for it to finish and select reboot system

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    Best regards,

    I use OWC (macsales.com) for purchasing blu ray burners. good company.
    Not certain on markers.
    I create blu ray disc with Compressor in FCS3 without many issues but not using Share.
    I don't advise using Share.
    Set your markers on a short clip.
    Export self contained with the markers, and then use Compressor directly

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    Thanks much!
    G5Quad 2.5 GB 8GB Ram   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    I know a few people at the DR Group, but not Adam. You should talk to TJ, their Post Production Specialist.
    I had no problems with frame accuracy at 720p24. I captured all my footage via firewire and the timecodes matched perfectly. The interesting thing is that because the 24 frames are extracted from a 60 frame tape, the code jumps around a bit...skips numbers and goes up to 59 frames. But those frames you are working with are extracted frames and are fine.
    Onto mastering. Why would you go back to DVCPRO HD for your master? I mean, you CAN if your client requires it, and you can via firewire, but there are a few tricky steps you need to do. You can via HD SDI with very little (unnoticable) quality loss. But what gets me is the outputting to D5 and then recapturing. WHY? As you most likely read, we output the 720p DVCPRO HD sequence to 1080p HDCAM. Now their will be SLIGHT softening of the image of course, you are taking a lower 720p resolution and outputting it to a larger format, 1080p. But that is not only unnoticable unless you display it on a HUGE screen, but really unavoidable. No matter what you do with that 720p image, you will be blowing it up and their will be SLIGHT softening. Will the viewer notice it and be distracted? I highly doubt it. Will you notice it? Only if you look REALLY HARD.
    My maps and titles and graphics all upconverted fine. Yes, if you want them to look their absolute best, you'll want them to be the same format as your final delivery. So if you are delivering 1080, you can choose to do them at 1080. His idea of outputting to HDCAM at 1080, then capturing it again and adding the graphics is one way of doing it. But then you are adding compression to your footage not once, but a couple of times. Output...compression...input...compression...output again...compression. If you want your graphics to be the best they can be at 1080, simply take your 720p timeline and drop it into a 1080p timeline, rescale it and then render. This will take a while, but then it is full size...no further loss of quality. Will it be fuzzy? Again, yes, but so slight I doubt you'd see it. This is the workflow I was going to use when the Kona 2 was the only option. But the output, recapture, adding titles and graphics then output again was another option we looked into, but then discarded due to the complexity of it and time needed. I like simplicity.
    The G-Raids are fine for editing DVCPRO HD footage, but for uncompressed you will need a SATA Raid or Fibrechannel RAID. This is the reason I built my Popsicle Stick RAID, because I was going to upconvert to 8-bit uncompressed HD and render it. I needed to store the rendered cut on the RAID so that I could playback the footage.
    It isn't necessary to get an HD monitor if you aren't color correcting. If you have two monitors you can choose to use one to display your image via Digital Cinema Preview. Or you can get an HD LCD and view on that, but you will need a capture card capable of feeding it an image.
    Again, the workflow Adam laid out is a valid one, just one I wouldn't choose. My graphics and maps all upconverted fine, and the online editor who did some minor fixes for us (using the HUGE Sony CRT HD Monitor) commented that they looked really cool. If he didn't catch it, would Joe Public at home on his big widescreen tv being fed a COMPRESSED HD signal via the airwaves? Not likely.
    Talk to TJ...see what he thinks. He and I are good friends and we did the workflow I laid out in my blog.

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    Mac 101:  Get Started Using A Mac
    is running on Lion, besides upgrading my ram what can I do to keep my laptop running quick and smoothly.
    Ask in the Lion forum area - Mac OS X v10.7 Lion

  • Question about FCP feature. (Not sure what they call it)

    Hello everyone,
    I have a question. A few times before I have done this thing on FCP where I get 2 clips and run them at the sametime and as they are playing I would click on the angle that I would like at that moment and so on. FCP would automaticly put it in the timeline with transitions once the clips where done. But for the life of me I can't remeber how I did it now. Can anyone refresh my memory? thanks. I do remeber when the previous FCS came out, they had a quicktime video of how it was done on apple.com.

    Your best bet is to set an inpoint on each clip where they should line up. Then select them all in the browser and right-click for Multicam. Take the option for sync at inpoint.
    Then look in the manual... somewhere in II-250ish
    I always get confused after that point.

  • Question about FCP Quicktime

    If I have a time line with one picture and 10 audio tracks, when I generate a Quicktime of that timeline, will that new file ever contain 10 audio tracks or does QT always condense it down to two tracks?
    I am getting information from a post house that I can master to 10 tracks of audio from a Quicktime of my time line and this does not sound correct to me. I would love to get a conformation of this.
    Thanks in advance.

    Tony Randel1 wrote:
    I am getting information from a post house that I can master to 10 tracks of audio from a Quicktime of my time line and this does not sound correct to me. I would love to get a conformation of this.
    I believe this functionality is limited to FCP 6 or later, but provided your timeline is setup correctly - 10 audio outputs (5 dual mono pairs, for instance) - you can indeed export an QT file with that many audio tracks.
    The key to this, just to be completely clear, is to alter your settings for Audio Outputs in your Sequence Settings. So, with your Timeline open and active, press Command-0 (that's Zero) and go to the tab all the way at the right and select 10 for the number of audio outputs. It will default to 5 stereo pairs though, so make sure to break them into dual mono tracks (and adjust the downmix accordingly) if that's how you need things to be.
    Again, this might be possible with versions earlier than FCP 6, but I'm not sure.

  • Does anyone know about FCP Multiclipping problems???

    I posted this about two weeks ago, to find a few views but no responses. I know that there is a FCP guru out there who HAS to know something about this problem:
    The new FCP 6.0.1 doesn't let you collapse multiclips properly when preparing the project for the onlining process. Is there an update coming to fix this? Is there a new way to collapse the multiclips? Is the only way to do it by match framing the clip and manually putting it in the space??? This is super time consuming during crunch times, where as before it was just a right click away!
    Please Help ASAP, for this is a pressing matter affecting all of my co-workers and I.

    Look at the box to the right titled More Like This ----------------------------------------------------->

  • Things you like about Novell's Knowledgebase

    We're excited with the success you have searching our Knowledgebase. We put tremendous focus into it to help you find answers to your questions.
    Let's use this thread to call out positive things you're seeing with our Support Knowledgebase. We'd like to pat ourselves on the back here... :)
    Kind Regards,
    Todd Abney
    Technical Support Director

    Don't like:
    - Too many windows, too many menus. Yes, there's a lot of power, but it's scattered all over the place.
    - soloing a track doesn't work quite right - solo a track, and reverb sends from other tracks don't get muted.
    - (peeve) CoreAudio issues: can't select separate input and output devices, unnecessary warning and dialog when you change buffer size
    - everything about how it handles ReWire
    - most of the Environment with regard to audio
    - doesn't make the most of a Quad (yes, there's the Logic Node workaround, but it's still not right)
    (oops, exceeded 5 - but I haven't run out yet)
    - Freeze
    - EXS24 Grand Piano, and a few of the other samples
    - B3, Calvinet and Electric Piano
    - Sculpture
    - Distributed Audio - a good idea, but I don't use it.
    Quad G5 2.5Ghz 4.5GB 2x250G, PB 15" 1.5Ghz,80G,1.5G   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

  • What a long time, loyal customer hates about Verizon.

    I've had Verizon since the early 2000s, and don't plan on changing that any time soon. But only for one reason: coverage.
    Everything else? Phones, customer service, etc? Abyssmal, and always has been. Not to mention their ditching of decent data plans, yet they offer loads of free cloud storage. Really?
    I have a Note 3. Its awesome. But every phone I've ever had has always been last on the update block, even if it's brand new. They always load crap onto them, lock them up, dump features they don't like, and make it impossible to really experience your phone how it was advertised.
    I will never go into a contract with them again either. I have my unlimited data still, and the day they try and take it, I'm gone, as that and coverage are the only things keeping me.
    Don't get me wrong. When I say customer service I don't mean the people. Most of their employees are great. What I mean is what they offer customers and how they milk us for money, yet we don't get the quality of a decent phone experience as payment.
    The phone is, and should be, the absolute priority. The market revolves around it. It is the reason for the market.
    So this is my question: Why can Verizon not just give us phones with removable bloatware and decent update schedules? Not to mention unlocked bootloaders.
    It doesn't make sense to me from a business perspective. Their competitors can only compete in the phone quality ring. Verizon already won the coverage fight.
    So, why can't Verizon JUST LIBERATE OUR PHONES? Their competition would be nailed by it, people would flock to Verizon, and old customers would return. Heck, they could probably still get away with their data cost robbery.
    Look. I love Verizon for their coverage. Their phones are great, but when Verizon gets their hands on them, kills updates, locks development, and dumps bloatware that nobody wants onto them?
    Verizon works for the customer. If their phones reflected that, they would be king.
    So. Why not? Please tell me.
    -Partially satisfied, loyal, extremely critical customer.

    Abosultely Crazy. You know what is funny is currently I work for Verizon but I have my S4 through T-Mobile. I seriously dislike the service that I get but I need unlimited data due to me averaging 12GB per month. I have been at a crossroad for quite some time now because I want to get the Galaxy S5 but through T-mobile I will need to pay Full Retail Price and get poor coverage. Granted, I live in Metro-Detroit and I have amazing LTE service at my home and everywhere I go which would be work and back. Ha. If I leave the big city I immediately lose coverage. I got 4.4 about 1-2 weeks ago. I can't remember the exact date, it is pretty nice. Not a whole lot changed really. Built in Emojis are enjoyable.

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