Things I hate about MSI GT72

A lot of things improved from GT70 I still have at home. But THE GT72 is very loud.  I mean as soon as you play the game, the fan turns on and is very noisy
with GT70, the fan never turned on.... only when you pressed the top fan button
Only sometimes you could hear it a bit. THis is super annoying if you play in low volume, then the fan is louder than game
another thing is the squiized keyboard
the height of the whole keyboard is not the same as on GT70, they squeezed it together, so the keys are not as big as before this is very annoying, but the worse is the fan.....
I think I will send it back, I mean how can they make it worse than on GT70, cant they make fan quieter?

Quote from: garfiola on 02-March-15, 03:40:49
A lot of things improved from GT70 I still have at home. But THE GT72 is very loud.  I mean as soon as you play the game, the fan turns on and is very noisy
with GT70, the fan never turned on.... only when you pressed the top fan button
Only sometimes you could hear it a bit. THis is super annoying if you play in low volume, then the fan is louder than game
I think I will send it back, I mean how can they make it worse than on GT70, cant they make fan quieter?
i dont know gt70 but i know one thing for sure..
Why people owning GAMING notebook complaining about the fan noise ???
There is no difference between you and this person owning a V12 Ferrari and complaining about the engine noise...!
Pls Dont make me laugh and because of your stupid fantasies recently NaughtyVIDIA has blocked the overclocking ability only on gtx9x0 MOBILE cards then fortunately after unblocked....and we have i7 4720hq working like  because of your stupid noise fantasies again and thanks to MSI they put an option CPU C STATES enable/disable option so i can disable that  and 4720hq now working in its full potential all my stuttering has gone with fps boost and its hotter and louder but This is a GAMING notebook...yes GAMING notebook...! this is not an ordinary car but a RACING car...and I LOVE the sound when i press the power button to turn on the GT72 is like V12 engine starts and feels me better..V12 engine is GTX980M the fastest mobile GPU on the planet..! you want them to make it quiter.. You are against The Pyschical Laws with your fantasies..!
and some tips for you locked all your games to 60fps because there is no need more fps than that with a 60HZ SCREEN you cant see the frames beyond 60FPS so without lock or VSYNC OFF you pressure the GPU always under %99 load..
2nd.tip generaly when idle or u r surfing on the net if the GPU reaches 44C then GPU fan getting faster and will be around 2000RPM..if u dont want this select adaptive power management mode in nvidia control panel but be sure to select maximum performance for everygame you play..
and one more time This is a GAMING notebook consider this when you making judgement..!

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    brebs wrote:
    the one thing you hate
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    "What's the problem?" I hear you ask, well say I am creating a sequence from a clip, I want to easily just play and mark I/O points and insert, then continue to play and mark more points. But in FCP it forces me to every time press "toggle windows" to get back to the viewer window, or click the mouse.
    More extra clicks or presses that slows my momentum.
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    "Color" is nice but wastes time having to export the sequence, render, import, rebuild your graphics.... and then you have to search through the timeline to find your early test grades and mock up grades, as they will mess up your pretty 'color' grade.
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    The whole "round trip" process assumes you finish your edit, then grade.
    But what if you want to pre grade, then later change edits?
    Or grade as you wait for the director to get their script in shape.
    I would actually argue that 'color' isn't a round trip, it is a one way street that ends with an output in FCP, impractical for many work flows that are non-linear.
    (I know you can go back and forth, but that is really hard and you need to break up clips so 'color' doesn't render the whole tape, and you need to keep an eye on what has been, what is source.... 'color' is only practical as a linear workflow after you have FINISHED your edit; just like we all did in the 90s, but it is 2007 now and I work a totally non-linear edit where I online some bits as I go; easy in Avid hard in FCP)
    5) Difficult 'patching':
    It is a slow 'multi-click' patching experience every time I want to change where clips go to. Why do I have to drag the audio then the video source to destination, rather then just double click to jump to source, or even better, auto-patch too what ever tracks I have auto-selected! Now that would save some time.
    6) Subtle highlights:
    Can I change the color of the window highlight? I would love to have a really bright red or purple to tell me which window is selected. The subtle lighter highlight is too hard to miss, and I often end up adding an in or out to the viewer (source) when I want the timeline (destination), or the time line when I want the viewer (source).
    So that's about it,
    Only seven things, maybe I will find more as I continue to work with FCP.
    I could list everything that is great about FCP, but that would take too long.
    Message was edited by: Tiborius
    Message was edited by: Tiborius

    I have to agree with Andy here... Once you spend time with the application you will learn how to flow with it...
    I do understand that every application has it's own way of working, and you need to learn it's flow.
    I also know a poor interface when I have worked with other systems that just work.
    If I used a separate keyboard short cut to auto select 3 individual video layers, then 6 audio layers, then I need to make keyboard shortcuts to patch each 9 layers... so that is 16 mapped keys; there is a better way, look at the simple Avid patching and selecting system.
    Though FCP has much more superior clip selecting, and in timeline keyframe editing!
    learn keyboard short-cuts... once you master key-strokes you'll wonder what you were ever doing wasting time clicking on little icons on the screen... practice makes perfect.
    Well I have tried to find where auto-patching, and an easy keyboard shortcut, less then 3 button presses rather then the three drags or clicks, but I can't find any.
    I just think it is clunky in FCP, that is my just opinion.
    I certainly agree that learning to use the keyboard is essential in edit systems. But I just feel that FCP is very reliant on the mouse to work.
    Especially in the area of 'auto-selecting' and patching.
    One thing that you might want to think about is what you are learning whilst experiencing these annoying little hurdles.
    I don't mind hurdles, and I thought my post showed that I was enjoying FCP and am not planning on walking away and ignoring it.
    But hiding flaws in program by saying:
    If everything was easy, handed to you on a plate, you'd miss out on SO much.
    Is very sad really.
    Obviously I like challenges, by learning a new system.
    I don't think asking if certain issues I was having were actual program faults, not my workflow, is valid. This is a forum to ask and a place to get people to answer; or hand it on a plate if you like.
    Like the guy who moaned about having to make 14:9 overlays in photoshop... so what?
    Ah, that was me!
    And here's what, why miss out such an important thing as flexible guides to an edit system.
    I know photoshop well, and CAN make a template, but I shouldn't have too. It shows how FCP is still a pro-sumer and unfinished program.
    Anyway if I make my guides, import them to FCP, make a high video track, then I have to lock it so it doesn't interfere with my edit (as FCP has auto sync-lock), I can never read my programme duration as the safe title has to be very long over the top,
    It's harder to turn off and on, oh but I could map some keyboard shortcuts! This is a long work around for essentially something that should just be built in.
    I will just have to do it this way, as FCP is unable show anything but their idea of safe title area. I don't feel like I am mastering my craft, I feel like I am working around a program that is not Professional.
    Final Cut Pro is a strong contender to take the cup in a few years time, but it would be nice to have it made a little better for version 6.
    So I am still curious if anyone else has any particular gripes about what they hate about FCP?
    I am sure some would be easily fixed with a blessed keyboard shortcut, or some other work around.

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    I'm sure other Vim users already experienced this behaviour... how can I fix it?
    Here's my .vimrc, it may be involved somehow:
    " All system-wide defaults are set in $VIMRUNTIME/archlinux.vim (usually just
    " /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/archlinux.vim) and sourced by the call to :runtime
    " you can find below. If you wish to change any of those settings, you should
    " do it in this file (/etc/vimrc), since archlinux.vim will be overwritten
    " everytime an upgrade of the vim packages is performed. It is recommended to
    " make changes after sourcing archlinux.vim since it alters the value of the
    " 'compatible' option.
    " This line should not be removed as it ensures that various options are
    " properly set to work with the Vim-related packages available in Debian.
    runtime! archlinux.vim
    " If you prefer the old-style vim functionalty, add 'runtime! vimrc_example.vim'
    " Or better yet, read /usr/share/vim/vim72/vimrc_example.vim or the vim manual
    " and configure vim to your own liking!
    " no vi compatibility
    set nocompatible
    " directory
    set directory=/home/enrico/.vim
    " disable backups (and swap)
    set nobackup
    set nowritebackup
    set noswapfile
    " wrap searches
    set wrapscan
    " tab and indentation
    set tabstop=4
    set noexpandtab
    set smarttab
    set shiftwidth=4
    set backspace=indent,eol,start
    set autoindent
    set smartindent
    " show commands
    set showcmd
    " show line and column position of cursor
    set ruler
    " status bar
    set statusline=\ \%f%m%r%h%w\ ::\ %y\ [%{&ff}]\%=\ [%p%%:\ %l/%L]\
    set laststatus=2
    set cmdheight=1
    " textwidth
    set textwidth=79
    " formatting options
    set formatoptions=c,q,r,t
    " line numbers
    set number
    " match bracklets
    "set showmatch
    " search
    set hlsearch
    set incsearch
    set ignorecase
    set smartcase
    " syntax highlighting
    filetype plugin on
    syntax on
    " background
    set background=dark
    " enable mouse
    set mouse=a
    " set colorscheme
    colorscheme miromiro
    "colorscheme dante
    "colorscheme molokai
    "allows sudo with :w!!
    cmap w!! %!sudo tee > /dev/null %
    " mutt tricks (F1 through F3 re-wraps paragraphs)
    augroup MUTT
    au BufRead ~/.mutt/temp/mutt* set tw=72
    au BufRead ~/.mutt/temp/mutt* set spell " <-- vim 7 required
    au BufRead ~/.mutt/temp/mutt* nmap <F1> gqap
    au BufRead ~/.mutt/temp/mutt* nmap <F2> gqqj
    au BufRead ~/.mutt/temp/mutt* nmap <F3> kgqj
    au BufRead ~/.mutt/temp/mutt* map! <F1> <ESC>gqapi
    au BufRead ~/.mutt/temp/mutt* map! <F2> <ESC>gqqji
    au BufRead ~/.mutt/temp/mutt* map! <F3> <ESC>kgqji
    augroup END
    Last edited by rent0n (2010-07-31 10:45:23)

    bernarcher wrote:
    This will suppress breaking the lines.
    " textwidth
    set textwidth=0
    See ":help textwidth" and ":help ins-textwidth" for more.
    BTW: "nowrap" does only influence how the text will be displayed. it doesn't change the text in the buffer.
    Thanks bernarcher, 'textwidth' was the option I was looking for!
    Wrapping is another thing and I like to keep it enabled.
    @quigybo: I will look through 'formatoptions', thanks. I already use augroup for mutt and is very handy indeed!
    Last edited by rent0n (2010-07-31 10:45:06)

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    Yes. Click the overlapping rectangle icon to the right of the close box (let me know if you need a screenshot). This segregates the debug console into its own window. To undo it click the same icon - its appearance changes to another sort of rectangle but you'll figure it out.
    For some reason Apple thought it was better to obscure the Empty Caches option in the Develop menu, which you must enable in Safari Preferences > Advanced. Keyboard shortcut ⌘ option E
    All its previous functions remain, they're just in different places.

  • The MSI GT72 Dominator Pro Owner's Lounge

    Hi Folks, this will be a work in progress, and will be updated as more information becomes available. This topic is also discussed at the NBR forum, HERE!
    ***The MSI GT72 Dominator Pro..... the next great SUPER POWER..... awesomely SEXY too!***
    Welcome to the MSI GT72 Dominator Pro Owner’s Lounge! Available Now..... Order Yours Today, and Prepare to Dominate!
    MSI GT72 Dominator Pro Models, Specifications, and Product Links:
    GT72 Dominator Pro-010 | MSRP: $2,599.
    GT72 Dominator Pro-007 | MSRP: $2,999.
    GT72 Dominator Pro Product Pages:
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    Where To Buy Your New MSI GT72 Dominator Pro Notebook:  
    Friendly, reputable, and highly respected resellers, who freely volunteer their support to forum members:
    1.) GenTech PC | Website | MSI 17" notebook site page | Tel#: 1-800-990-7945 | email: [email protected] | Contact: Ken Lee
    2.) PowerNotebooks | Website | MSI notebook site page | Tel#: 1-877-711-1777 | email: [email protected] | Contact: Donald Stratton
    3.) Xotic PC | Website | MSI notebook site page | Tel#: 1-877-289-9684 | email: [email protected] | Contact: Justin Nolte
    4.) RK Computers | Website | MSI notebook site page | Tel#: 1-866-760-4998 | email: [email protected] | Contact: Rob M
    Where To Buy MSI Notebooks (U.S. & Canada) | Global
    MSI Helpful Links:
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    MSI HQ User Support Forum
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    MSI Notebook Warranty Information
    MSI Notebook Product Registration | Global
    Official MSI GT72 Dominator Pro Product News:
    17 July 2014: MSI Unveils GT72 Dominator Pro, the Benchmark Breaking Desktop Replacement
    22 July 2014: Evolution of the ultimate GTX's gaming laptop MSI GT72 Dominator/Pro Gaming NB, brand new design and unique features with latest NVIDIA GTX graphics
    29 July 2014: GT72 Dominator Pro Receives Best of Computex 2014
    Official MSI GT72 Dominator Pro Downloads:
    Gaming Mouse Driver
    Other Downloads:
    NVIDIA GeForce Final Release Drivers
    NVIDIA GeForce Beta Release Drivers
    NVIDIA Control Panel User's Guide
    Latest NVFLASH for Windows & DOS
    MEMTEST86 Free Download
    MSI AfterBurner
    NVidia Inspector
    FutureMark's 3DMark & PCMark8
    Atto Disk Benchmark
    HD Tune
    Svet's Fermi / Kepler VBIOS/EC Tuner Version (2.84c) GTX-880M support soon! :D
    Treexy Driver Fusion ( .....replaces the ever popular, Phyxion 'Driver Sweeper')
    Piriform 'CCleaner'
    Magical Jelly Bean (product key finder)
    GT72 Dominator Pro Factory 'Stock' Hardware Info ***May vary and subject to change***
    CPU: The 4th Generation Intel® Core™ i7-4710HQ
    GPU: NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 880M (Kepler GK104M) | Intel® HD Graphics 4600
    Chipset: Mobile Intel® HM87 Express Chipset
    Wireless: Qualcomm Killer N1525 Wireless-AC | driver download
    Ethernet: Qualcomm Killer™ E2200 Game Networking | driver download
    Bluetooth: Qualcomm Atheros QCA61x4 Bluetooth 4.0
    Screen Panel: Innolux Corporation | Chi Mei, ID: CMN1735 | Model: N173HGE-E11, Matte | Product Specification
    HDD: Hitachi Global Storage Technologies, HTS721010A9E6300 = 1TB | Travelstar 7K1000, 7200 RPM, SATA III
    SSD: Toshiba, THNSNJ128G8NU, 128 GB M.2 | Firmware
    Optical Drive: LG Electronics, HL-DT-ST-BD-RE-BU20N
    Memory Modules: Kingston, DDR3L 1600MHz, MSI16D3LS1KFG/8G
    Webcam: Suyin Corporation, USB 2.0, 1080p
    Touchpad: Synaptics | MSI : Which touchpad is in my notebook & drivers?
    Keyboard: SteelSeries
    Speakers: Dynaudio | Dynaudio and MSI
    Card Reader: Realtek RT55249
    USB 3.0 Host Controller: Intel (HM87 Express Chipset) | USB 3.0 Specification
    Thermal Paste: MX-2
    AC Power Adapter: Delta Electronics Inc., Model: ADP-230EB T, Output: 19.5V DC, 230W Input: 100~240V AC, 50/60Hz universal
    How To's:
    Are 'start-up' screens too fast to enter bios? This is how to enter the Legacy / UEFI BIOS.
    Windows 8 Tutorials, Quick Reference Index
    Guide on how to install the NVIDIA Display Driver under Windows 7/Windows Vista
    NVIDIA Driver Rollback/Removal Instructions
    Clean install of Nvidia drivers, NVIDIA Forums> Graphics Technology> GeForce GTX & ION Drivers
    User Benchmark Test Results:
    Other GT72 Thoughts:  (please PM if you have other suggestions.)
    Suggested Backpacks or Cases:
    1.) The Everki Beacon Backpack..... a perfect fit! | At NewEgg | NewEgg Product Tour | At Amazon |
    2.) The Targus 17” XL Backpack | At NewEgg | At Amazon |
    3.) The Everki Lunar Laptop Bag | Everki Lunar Video | At NewEgg | At Amazon |
    4.) The Wenger 17" SwissGear Ibex Backpack | At NewEgg | At Amazon |
    Other Cool Tools or Helpful Additions:
    1.) The Steelseries Sensei Wireless Laser Mouse | At Newegg | At Amazon
    2.) The Steelseries H Wireless Gaming Headset | At Newegg | At Amazon
    Considerably improved over the GT70, purchased from Ken at GenTech PC, I am one of the first official GT72 owners on the planet.
    So, what improvements does the GT72 bring to the table?
     1. Improved chassis design.
     2. Larger touchpad, smooth and seamless with the palm rest.
     3. A large, cool to the touch, glass-like polymer palm rest.
     4. More USB 3.0 ports.
     5. A 230W PA.
     6. A 1080p webcam
     7. Revised Steelseries keyboard, flex-free, with brighter back-lighting.
     8. Dual fan cooling solution, with improved chassis vent design, a better fan control profile, ergo.....
     9. Better overall temps, with quieter operation.
     10. Re-designed chassis, and finally a new model designation.
     11. Gone is the problematic capacitance touch bar, replaced with positive touch switches.
     12. Gone is finicky Optimus switching, replaced with a simple dedicated GPU switch.
     13. mSATA SuperRAID 2, is replaced with M.2 SuperRAID 3, increasing speed, and the capacity of the RAID set. ( M.2 should improve significantly with the Intel 9-Series chipset)
     14. Killer Doubleshot Pro, wherein Ethernet and Wireless can be used independently, or simultaneously for improved bandwidth.
     15. And finally, due to the overall re-design, a more intuitive gaming experience.
    Who amongst you dares to Dominate with the next great 'Weapon Of Mass Destruction'? Join me! Gear Up! Git ur' battle-kit squared away, and I'll see ya on the battlefield!
    :D :D :D

    Initial thoughts......
    Well, here it is..... the MSI GT72-2PE Dominator Pro-007US, and the photos below do not do it justice. It's Bold, it's Bad, it's Fast, it's Powerful, and honestly, there is not much, not to like about this notebook. If there is one thing I feel could have been better, it would be the display. The Chi Mei CMN1735 has good brightness, color, and contrast, but lacks decent viewing angles.
    Anyhow, I have already spent a lot of time with tweaking, photos, benchmarks, etc., so I am going to cut-to-the-chase, and try to make this as short as possible.
    As to performance, the benchmarks below attest to the GT72's awesomeness, so what about noise, and the redesigned dual-fan cooling solution? Simply put, it is quieter than the GT70, has a better fan profile, and temps are well managed. Given the hardware, of course you will hear the fans spin up when the system is stressed, but it is not at all disturbing..... and when doing common task, the fans are only noticed if you get close and cozy with the system. Ambient room temperature was 78F, and the system's idle temps were CPU@38C, and GPU@36C. Without the use of Cooler Booster ('stock' fan profile only), during benchmarks the CPU reached 78C, and the GPU averaged 80C, peaking to 82C during the 3DMark Sky Diver benchmark. The palm rest remains cool to the touch, it's polymer is smooth as glass, and it's surface is seamless across the touchpad. Only a mild warmth rises from the keyboard.
    The Steelseries keyboard is indeed flex-free, keys are very positive and responsive, and the back-lighting is brighter..... which I attribute to the keyboard's re-design. Looks awesome!
    So what about SuperRAID 3, is it fast? Oh YEAH! Performance exceeds SuperRAID 2, as expected, and the system boots to desktop in as little as 6 to 7 seconds. HD Tune Pro reports an average read time for the Toshiba M.2 SSD's, as 1535MB/s..... while the previous SuperRAID 2 Sandisk X100 mSATA SSD's was an average of 1411MB/s. On the other hand, SuperRAID 3 really shines in the Crystal Disk Mark scores. To best evaluate the 'Real-World' performance of SuperRAID 3, I used the PCMark 8 Storage Test. For those unfamiliar with this benchmark, the performance score of 5014 is very respectible. The duration of this grueling benchmark is generally 1 to 3 hours, and the GT72 sped through in just 1 hour and 8 minutes. All in all, I applaud MSI's use of the new M.2 SSD's, but I think performance will most improve with future 9-Series Intel chipsets.
    With all the attributes I've mentioned above, it is when gaming, that you understand the mastery of it's intuitive design. The re-designed flex-free keyboard, the large smooth & heat-free palm rest, the spatial Dynaudio speakers, and vivid display, all lend to an immersive gaming experience. So much so, I found myself playing my test game, far longer than originally intended.
    To run the GT72 through it's paces, I chose the recently released, AMD optimized title, Sniper Elite III, by Rebellion. With settings max'ed to 'Ultra', the GTX-880M smoothly sliced through the frames like a hot knife to butter, with frame-rates from 54 to 82Fps, averaging at 65Fps. Game play was extremely smooth and fluid, and never a hic-cup or artifact.
    To represent the 'Out-of-the-Box' experience, I played with the stock fan profile, and Cooler Booster was never used. Like with my benchmark testing, the fan noise was not disturbing, and game audio though the Dynaudio speakers easily comes to the forefront. Fan noise was never a distraction. Temps of the GPU peaked to 82C, but averaged 64C, and the CPU peaked at 68C, averaging 54C. Again, with hardware like this, and without the use of Cooler Booster, these temps are outstanding.... and the new dual fan design is a success!
    Initially I intended my game session to be an hour..... in no time it became 3+ hours, and playing on this notebook is simply FUN!
    The look and feel is very stylish, and smooth finish is actually somewhat fingerprint resistant. Overall, with these great looks, it's fully loaded system specs, and stellar performance scores, the MSI GT72 Dominator Pro not only entitles bragging rights..... it DEMANDS them!
    All of this has me VERY excited for the upcoming next-gen 9-Series, Maxwell, X-treme Edition GT72! Can't wait!

  • [UNBOXING] MSI GT72 Dominator Pro

    Well, I love photography, I love eSports, I love gaming, I love travel, and I using a desktop as my workstation.
    But the more country I travel to, I realize a desktop gaming/work station doesn't fit me anymore.
    After a tons of research, I decided to give a try on MSI latest, and the most powerful laptop: MSI GT72 2QE Dominator Pro
    So here are the unboxing.
    Just for your information, this isn't a PROFESSIONAL REVIEW but a UNBOXING ARTICLE!
    ↑ I was wondering what was inside the big huge box besides the laptop itself.
    ↑ There’re another box and looks like a bag pack beside it.
    ↑ Yes, it’s the 3 layers multi-functional backpack for you to carry a 17” inches powerful and "portable" GT72 Dominator Pro safely, as well as keyboard, gaming mice, external portable hardisk and others!
    ↑ The soft padded shoulder straps gives you the comfort to carry it.
    ↑ As you can see the best three things to own a GT72, it come with Killer Network, famous 2.1 Dynaudio sound system and the SteelSeries Engine 3.
    ↑ The specification:
    • CPU: The 4th generation Intel® Core™ i7 Processor
    • OS: Windows 8.1
    • Chipset: Intel HM87
    • Memory: 32GB DDR3L, 1600 MHz, 8GB x 4
    • LCD Size: 17" Full HD (1920X1080) , Anti-glare
    • Graphics: GeForce GTX 980M
    • Graphics VRAM: GDDR5 8GB/4GB
    • SSD (GB): 512GB Super RAID 3 SSD
    • HDD (GB): 1TB HDD 7200rpm
    • Optical Drive: BD Writer / BD Combo / DVD Super Multi
    • Audio: Sound by Dynaudio 2.1 channel with 1 Woofer
     - Support 7.1 channel SPDIF output
     - Exclusive Audio Boost 2 technology
     - Creative Sound Blaster Cinema 2
    • Webcam: Full HD type (30fps@1080p)
    • Card Reader: SD (XC/HC)
    • LAN: Killer DoubleShot Pro Gb LAN
    • Wireless LAN: Killer DoubleShot Pro 11ac
    • Bluetooth: Bluetooth v4.0
    • HDMI: 1(v1.4)
    • Mini-DisplayPort: 2(v1.2)
    • USB 2.0 port: None
    • USB 3.0 port: 6
    • Mic-in/Headphone-out: 1/1
    • Line-in: 1(line in)/1(line out)
    • Keyboard: Full-color backlight SteelSeries keyboard
    • AC Adapter: 230W
    • Battery: 9-Cell Lithium Ion (83wHr)
    • Dimension: 428(W) x 294(D) x 48(H)mm
    • Weight (KG): 3.78Kg (w/ Battery)
    ↑ Pretty much safe packaging design.
    ↑ So here comes the GT72 Dominator PRO! One of the most powerful and “portable” mobile gaming rig in the market. The 17.3-Inche 3.8kg laptop with the latest mobile GPU from Nvidia – GeForce GTX980M.
    ↑ Looks closer, it's actually very thin, slim and sexy.
    ↑ The GT72 design inspired by matte black racing cars.
    ↑ The full silver and glowing MSI Dragon Army logo emblem at the back matte black aluminum lid is incredibly sexy.
    ↑ The four side of it
    - A total six of USB 3.0
    - A SD card reader (which pretty useful for myself as a photographer that carry laptop around)
    - One Ethernal connection
    ↑ And the Matrix Display setup: a HDMI v1.4 output, two mini display port, which gives you four active displays gaming experience at once including the laptop itself, with up to 4K resolutions   .
    ↑ You will able to experience a personal home cinema kind of experience with the true 2.1 Dynaudio speaker system, that you will never heard in any other notebook.
    ↑ And the six major features which exclusively on MSI Gaming Series. Besides the laptop comes with a year international + one year local warranty.
    ↑ There are five express button at the left of the keyboard, which provide the fastest way to switch on/off some hardware/software features (From the top):
    - Power button
    - GPU (When not using it you may switch it off to get a longer battery life. It requires a system restart.)
    - Fans (Same as GPU, sometimes isn't really need it such as having web browsing)
    - XSplit GameCaster quick launch
    - Quick SteelSeries profile switching. (Between backlit setting, key customization and others)
    ↑ Exclusive keyboard positioning and golden triangle layout offers a better gaming experience.
    ↑ We can change the keyboard backlit into any color with the SteelSeries engine, especially on LAN party, I must say it's pretty eyes catching!
    ↑ It provide a few effects as well, such as WAVE, SOUNDS (It growing with the beats of a song) and more.
    ↑ On top of the 17.3 inches screen, it’s a Full HD (Up to 30fps in 1080p) webcam, which pretty useful for broadcasters who do streaming on Twitch, with the simple, easy to use XSplit Gamecaster feature.
    ↑ This “potable” power machines comes with a Delta Electronics 230W power brick. For your information the others MSI gaming laptop power supply physically doesn’t fit on GT72, as it require a little more power supply than usual to give it a full strength.
    ↑ Besides the GT72, there’re some goodies/freebie/useful stuff tag along:
    - A Keyboard cover protection
    - A SteelSeries Kinzu V2 Gaming Mice MSI Edition
    - A SteelSeries Siberia V2 Gaming headset MSI Limited Edition
    - A soft mousemat.
    ↑ There are MSI logos printed on the packaging
    ↑ As you can see there's none extra button to click like all the typical gaming mice out there on the SteelSeires Kinzu V2 Gaming Mice. Basically it's a very clean and basic gaming mice.
    ↑ Unfortunately it isn't the gold plated USB, but free gift, you know. It'll take it still!
    ↑ And not to forget it fit MAC as well.
    ↑ A sexy dragon printed on it, just love how they design the mouse mat!
    ↑ It’s easier to carry around, by putting it between the keyboard and the screen. Don’t worry, the thickness will definitely not an issue.
    ↑ A list of the drivers, instruction book, a set of collectable MSI dog tags and so-on.
    ↑ The Siberia V2 from SteelSeries
    ↑ The difference between Siberia MSI Limited Edition and a normal Siberia you seen in the market are the MSI Limited Edition comes with a nice and bright red surface done, and many cool logos on it.
    Let’s talk about performance and benchmark:
    A bunch of performance test on CPU-Z:
    ↑ From CPU-Z we can tell that GT72 Dominator Pro using a Intek Core i7-4710HQ 2.50GHz with four cores.
    ↑ GT72 using their own motherboard, which from MSI.
    ↑ The only different between a MYR9,999 and a MYR11,999 GT72 Dominator Pro is the capacity of the RAM: 16GB and 32GB.
    ↑ It getting 604 in CPUmark.
    ↑ GT72 equips with Super RAID 3 512GB SSD, which provide a 5 seconds start up time(From button to desktop). Average getting a 1,586 MB/s READING speed, and 1,325 MB/s WRITING speed on ATTO Disk Bench Mark.
    ↑ And the HDD getting an average 133 MB/s READING speed and an average 131 MB/s WRITING speed.
    ↑ Tested it with another software, and got a result of 1422 MB/s READING speed and 1081 MB/s WRITING speed on SSD, isn't that much differences from the test above.
    ↑ A 125 MB/s READING speed and 105 MB/s WRITING speed on HDD.
    ↑ Take a look on GTX980MB
    Benchmark by using 3DMark Professional Edition:
    3D Mark 11 Advanced Edition:
    ↑ On ENTRY level
    ↑ On PERFORMANCE level
    ↑ On XTREAME level
    Besides on gaming performance, it's very important to make sure it support casual works as well.
    ↑ On PCmark 8 HOME for some common home computing test: 4653
    ↑ On PCmark 8 CREATIVE for experts and proffesionals: 5445
    ↑ On PCmark 8 WORK for some simple office productivity test: 4401
    ↑ On PCmark 8 STORAGE to test SSD & HDD: 5017, and getting a average 330 MB/s Storage bandwidth.
    At last, we'll be doing CPU heat test:
    ↑ Before we run the test, the cores temperature is around 40 degrees, and 33 degrees on hard disk.
    ↑ After we had run for a 30 minutes maxed performance test, with full fans on, we're getting 75 - 80 degrees on CPU cores and unbelievable still 33 degrees on hard disk.
    To be honest, after tried on GT72 Dominator PRO, I just can't live without it anymore.
    The BattleField 4 running smoothly with photoshop on background, I can finally play some video games while taking a break on my photo editing and graphic design works, in the coffee shop of course.
    Although it looks pretty heavy, but it's actually much portable than I thought, in facts it's phenomenal thin for such a powerful performance beast.
    Carry around with the backpack it provided isn't a difficult task at all.
    Besides, one last thing to show:
    ↑ Sexiest design that let the heats never became an issue anymore.

    yeah.... with so much different angle and good quality, they are truly good photo shooting pieces!
    Quote from: jassebomb on 03-April-15, 13:51:37
    Nice photos 

  • MSI GT72 2QE BIOS Unlock and vBios GTX980m unlock

    Hey guys,
    searching for an MSI GT72 2QE unlocked BIOS with all possible voltages, like in XTU (see: )
    Offset voltage, processor cache voltage, digital IO voltage
    Oh and Graphics voltage for the integrated HD 4600 is very important for me (also integrated in XTU)
    For the GTX 980M a vbios, but its not mandatory because of prema mod
    Donations no problem (if the amount is "ok", sorry im astudent and always a little bit short  )
    Thank you, have a nice day!

    Quote from: erenyo on 25-February-15, 23:18:45
    Oh, forgot,
    confirmation code is 5MH13992C2515283D
    received it, will work on it and send it back to you when its done after 3-4 hours
    btw this code is no need, its for your info [not mine, on mine side the code is different]
    - Oh and a manual for doing all this would be nice! 
    for flashing yes will be included when its done later
    I donated, I know that you do alot of hard work so I hope this is okay for you?? Please let me know     
    yes it its ok
    Like you said, simply please unlock whats possible, and the GTX 980M over 135Mhz 
    oki, but extra info and query is need
    Thank you again, please let me know if you need anything!
    check PM for queries and further required info and stuffs to prepare until wait

  • White screen in msi gt72

    Hi i live in the philippines, i just got my msi gt72 which i bought it from it from xotic pc.
    In the first night i installed apps because its new then in the morning i tried using it and the screen just became white. I tried using the battery reset hole, i pulled out the adapter, pressed the battery reset hole using paper clip then putting the adapter again then pressed on. But still the screen displays white screen
    The steelseries keyboard only illuminates white color when you push the steelseries button. please help  i only got it for one day haha. i tried it connecting it to the tv using hdmi, it still works but the laptop still shows white screen. I tried calling some msi store here and the technician said that there are defects in the model. please help thanks

    Quote from: daniel_medalla26 on 17-December-14, 22:35:17
    Hi i live in the philippines, i just got my msi gt72 which i bought it from it from xotic pc.
    In the first night i installed apps because its new then in the morning i tried using it and the screen just became white. I tried using the battery reset hole, i pulled out the adapter, pressed the battery reset hole using paper clip then putting the adapter again then pressed on. But still the screen displays white screen
    The steelseries keyboard only illuminates white color when you push the steelseries button. please help  i only got it for one day haha. i tried it connecting it to the tv using hdmi, it still works but the laptop still shows white screen. I tried calling some msi store here and the technician said that there are defects in the model. please help thanks
    if your getting desktop display on tv then this sounds like more as an display cable is glitched out of port causing it to show white display so do this angle display forward and backwards a bit and see if display flickers from white to normal then back to white if that appears then the display cable isnt connect propertly which MSI Service can quickly fix

  • MSI GT72 keyboard flexing

    Hi guys,
    I've got MSI GT72 with GTX880 and noticed that keyboard flexes when pressing E, R, D, F, X, C and V keys. I.e. when I press D all other mentioned keys move slightly as well. I don't even have to press, just touch one of these keys. It doesn't feel when you don't look, but when I see this it bugs me:)
    It looks like there is some empty space under that area of keys. Anybody had this problem?

    Hhhmmmm im having a similar problem. My most common key (w,s,d,a)flex a little too and squeek a bit when moved around.
    Would anyone know where i can get replacement keys?

  • Mod EC FW for msi gt72 2QD

    Hello svet,
    Can you make me a mod EC FW for my MSI GT72 2QD to disable CPU throttling ?
    Thank you in advance

    OK thank you

  • MSI GT72 2QE screen and ram

    I bought a MSI GT72 2QE-476NL. Some sites say its a IPS screen and some say its a TN..
    Is there a way to check what screen i have?
    Also i want to add a extra 8GB ram, but i cant find what type i have now, the 1 slot that is in use is not visible from the back..

    the RAM is DDR3L 1.35v or less
    other than that is just DDR3L the L means low voltage
    the screens in almost every 17in MSI are TN based you do see some IPS at 15 and smaller
     but not as much as other mfgs
    i need to know how much ram you have then i can tell you how much you can add
    the GT72 2QD base has 4 sodimm DDR3L slots ratted for 1600mhz
    the 12GB models have 4GB+8GB in the slots under the keyboard leaving both bottom slots open
    the 16GB models have 8GB+8GB under the keyboard still leaving the slots under the keyboard open
    the 24GB models have 4GB+8GB under the keyboard and 4GB+8GB in the bottom meaning all slots full
    the 32GB models are full 8GB X 4 and this is max ram supported
    as far as i know they are all running at 1600mhz effective DDR3 my 12GB model 2QD 406 has 9-9-9-20 timings at 1600mhz 1.35v without your full model number or the first 8 char and number from the Serial number i can't say much more

  • Question about MSI 865 PE NEO3-v

     could you help me , please
    I ask about msi 865 PE neo3-v mainboard
    does it support cpu type :Pentium D 820 (2.8GHz ,95w) (dual core)
    and can I get the full performance of this cpu (dual core) on this mainboard without problems?
    Because your site tell us that this mainboard is support cpu Pentium D 820 (2.8GHz ,95w) on this link
    pleas help me before I buy the cpu
    1.Product Type: msi 865 pe neo 3- v
    2.BIOS version: 1.xx (PCB 1.0)
    3.External VGA Type: Nvidia GF fx 5500 128 AGP
    4.CPU Type:Pentium D 820 (2.8GHz ,95w)
    5.Memory Type:512 mb twinmos DDR1 PC 400
    6.Power Supply Type:P4 lga 400 watt
    7.Operating System:winxp pro sp2
    8.Problem Description: does this mainboard support cpu type Pentium D 820 (2.8GHz ,95w) (dual core)
    and can I get the full performance of this cpu (dual core) on this mainboard without problems?
    thank you for helping

    Look at this:
    Pentium D (65nm, Presler, Dual Core, FSB800, L2 Cache 2x2MB)(B1 version)
    Pentium D 920 (2.8GHz ,95w) 800 14 OK
    Pentium D 930 (3.0GHz ,95w) 800 15 OK
    Pentium D 940 (3.2GHz ,130w) 800 16 OK
    Pentium D 950 (3.4GHz ,130w) 800 17 OK
    Pentium D (64-bit, Smithfield, Dual Core, FSB800, L2 Cache 2x1MB)
    Pentium D 820 (2.8GHz ,95w) 800 14 OK
    Pentium D 830 (3.0GHz ,130w) 800 15 NO
    Pentium D 840 (3.2GHz ,130w) 800 16 NO
    Pentium D (64-bit, Smithfield, Dual Core, FSB533, L2 Cache 2x1MB)
    Pentium D 805 (2.66GHz ,95w) 533 20 Under testing

  • MSI GT72 2QE wins Editor's Choice Award (PC Comparatif, France)

    PC Comparatif, a media from France where lies the capital of fashion and lives users who are picky and have high quality standards, after comparing the G751 with MSI GT72, gave MSI GT72 2QE the Editor's Choice with a full score rating.
    Quate in English (translated)
    "Throughout the whole reviewing process, we had been asking ourselves whether we could find enough reasons, after our thorough examinations, to give this model a maximum score. The suspense lasted until the very end. We finally confirmed that it was indeed the latest model we had tested recently that had such a privilege to win this compliment. If the G751 makes us exciting (especially its silence and the aggressive price), GT72 possesses all those features and there is no denying that GT72 surpasses the G751, not necessarily in terms of power since both have equal components, but in terms of features/functionalities. MSI did not fail to make this model an ideal alternative for the desktop gaming environment...All those elements have already made GT72 a great choice. But in the end, the decisive variable is the product upgradability: MSI GT72 supports completely change of the GPU, the core component for gaming machine, so that you can keep your configurations the most update ones. Given the investment one has to make in a portable gaming machine, this option shouldn't be just a dream. "
    Quate in original language (in French)
    "Durant tout le temps de ce comparatif, nous nous sommes demande si un produit allait finalement trouver suffisamment grace a nos yeux pour que nous lui accordions la note ultime. Le suspense aura dure jusqu'au bout, puisqu'il s'est avere que c'est le dernier modele qui est passe entre nos mains qui a eu ce privilege.
    Et si le G751 reste notre petit coup de coeur, eu egard a toutes ses qualites (son silence, notamment) et au tarif tres agressif qu'il arbore, on ne peut nier que le GT72 le surpasse, pas necessairement en termes de puissance, puisqu'a composants egaux, tous les modeles se valent, mais plutot sur le plan des fonctionnalites, MSI n'ayant veritablement rien omis pour faire de son poulain une alternative ideale a un environnement destop gaming...Autant d'elements qui font deha du GT72 une reference. Mais finalement, l'argument decisif aura ete l'evolutivite du produit : MSI supporte, en effet, pleinement sur les GT72 le changement du GPU, composant central s'agissant d'une machine gaming, en commercialisant des kits de mise a jour pour ce dernier. Compte tenu de l'investissement que represente un portable gaming, cette possibilite devrait en faire rever plus d'un"

    Quote from: feiwang on 16-April-15, 15:09:37
    Quate in English (translated)
    "Throughout the whole reviewing process, we had been asking ourselves whether we could find enough reasons, after our thorough examinations, to give this model a maximum score. The suspense lasted until the very end. We finally confirmed that it was indeed the latest model we had tested recently that had such a privilege to win this compliment. If the G751 makes us exciting (especially its silence and the aggressive price), GT72 possesses all those features and there is no denying that GT72 surpasses the G751, not necessarily in terms of power since both have equal components, but in terms of features/functionalities. MSI did not fail to make this model an ideal alternative for the desktop gaming environment...All those elements have already made GT72 a great choice. But in the end, the decisive variable is the product upgradability: MSI GT72 supports completely change of the GPU, the core component for gaming machine, so that you can keep your configurations the most update ones. Given the investment one has to make in a portable gaming machine, this option shouldn't be just a dream. "
    I found one video teaching users how to do the GPU upgrade on their own. Enjoy!

  • (The Witcher 3 offer) & (980M Upgrade Kit for MSI GT72)

    I want to know if I bought 980M Upgrade Kit for MSI GT72
    will I be eligible for The Witcher 3 offer?

     It's not really an offer from MSI, it's from NVIDIA so you would need to check with the store you purchase it from.

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