[Solved] XFCE 4.6 Menu Question

Does anyone know where the submenu contents "live?" The main menu references files in the /usr/share/ desktop-directories, but those files don't contain pointers to the actual applications. I'm wondering where it's reading them from so I can change them. They're not "hard coded" into these <Category> designations, are they?
Last edited by userlander (2009-03-03 22:56:18)

Well, you can't exactly "edit" them. They are filled dynamically with the program launchers (program.desktop) which match the Category parameter specified in the "/etc/xdg/menus/xfce-application.menu" In "xfce-application.menu" you will also find the submenu names in form of directories(dir.directory). You can manipulate with the Category specified in the program.desktop files and make them show up in other submenues (Directories) or not display them anywhere, by putting "NoDisplay=true" in them. The best way of doing that is to copy the "/etc/xdg/menus/xfce-application.menu" to $HOME/.config/menus/ and the .desktops files you want to change to "$HOME/.local.share/applications/" where they will override the global settings and also resist an eventual overwrite when updating the system.
It's not crystal clear, perhaps, but that's the way it is.
I hope that can be of help to you.
Edit: Too late as always ...
Last edited by thunderogg (2009-03-03 22:31:41)

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    Last edited by killercow (2008-09-03 18:12:34)

    tesjo wrote:It uses *.desktop entries of either /usr/share/applications/ or ~/.local/share applications/ just edit these file with a text editor, look at a few and you'll see how to get the group, title or icon you want in the menu.
    Ah ha!
    I had found the list of applications in /usr/share/applications and was trying to edit the entry for xmms, but whatever I did it didn't work, so I thought I was being silly and asked if there was a menu config file i had to use...
    Turns out that there was an entry in the ~/.local/share/applications that was overwriting my changes to the /usr/share... settings! How frustrating, glad to have got it sorted lol.
    Thanks for your quick advice!
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    EDIT:  Added #3
    Last edited by nixIT (2011-05-20 13:53:14)

    I was also struggling with the same problem when switching from gnome 3 to Xfce.
    The first question is the first problem I encountered and it can be solved by adding "ck-launch-session" This should have been in the FAQ.
    I am now facing the second question now. Here is some hints https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Th … tomounting
    I am still trying to figure the problem at this moment.
    Edit: After following the instruction on the wiki, automount sill not works.
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    Best Regards,
    Last edited by Agkel0s (2014-07-14 21:37:54)

    Agkel0s wrote:Currently the slider is on the minimum value, and windows of all sizes should open centered on screen.
    Shouldn't you actually have it on the maximum value?
    I believe the way this works is that the size (or ratio, the option is actually called placement_ratio IIRC and is a ratio of window size vs screen size) you specify here is the minimum to trigger "smart placement." If the window isn't (at least) of that size, then the default (i.e. center or under mouse pointer, as defined below) will be used. So if you want every window to use the default placement, you should set the minimum size for smart placement to be as large as possible. (In fact, I believe with a ratio set to 100 (i.e. slider to the max) it should always use the default placement, regardless of window size, which is want you're after if I'm not wrong.)
    If even with the slider to the max you get new windows placed using smart placement, then it sounds like a bug I'd say.
    (Also, just as FYI and though you might simply want all windows to be centered, I wasn't happy with xfwm's smart placement myself, you can see this topic for a (IMO) better alternative.)

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    Last edited by MatejLach (2012-01-06 12:51:27)

    I was just poking around in my /etc/xdg/menus/xfce-applications.menu file. After some experimentation, I was able to figure out how the menu files work for the most part.
    You'll need to know the filenames of each of the .desktop files for the programs you want. [Some of them have weird names that are different from the obvious application name. You can get a list of all of them by doing "ls /usr/share/applications"]
    The menu format is pretty similar to html. Here's an example menu with two submenus:
    I'm not sure if shell-script style comments are allowed in the .menu file, they're there merely for explanation's sake, so you should take them out if you use this as a template.
    <!DOCTYPE Menu PUBLIC "-//freedesktop//DTD Menu 1.0//EN"
    # This is the top level container
    # You need these here
    # For include tags, always put <All/> under them so you can match everything and order them manually
    # This is the skeleton of your main menu
    # This is the first Submenu
    # Give it a name, and put the .directory file for it here
    # Same deal with the include tag
    # This is where you put the items for this menu, They'll be in order from top to bottom.
    # Second submenu, Same thing as the first submenu
    To define custom submenu names and icons, you need to put files for them in /usr/share/desktop-directories. There's also preset .directory files as well if you want to use those.
    One of my dummy .directory files:
    [Desktop Entry]
    If you want them in an order that is not alphabetical, you're going to have to define each menu entry separately, like in my little example above. If you want them in alphabetical order, you can edit the .desktop files of the programs you want with your preferred text editor, and put them all in the same category. Then for the <Includes> tag of that submenu, you'd put something like this:
    If you do go with this method however, make sure you leave the first <All/> alone in the top-level menu, otherwise, your submenus probably won't appear.
    To use your custom menu, you just go into the preferences for the menu plugin, select custom menu, and point it at the .menu that you created.
    If you wanted to put a submenu under one of your other submenus, you would put the <Menu>...</Menu> entry for it between </Layout> and </Menu> of the menu you want to put it under.
    With this, you can make custom menus on a per-user basis. If I'm mis-interpreting and you want it system-wide, you could just save it as "/etc/xdg/menus/xfce-applications.menu" which is the default menu file for the whole system.
    This is what the example menu file looks like like on the panel plugin: http://imgur.com/X9ysj
    Last edited by DarkSniper (2012-01-06 05:18:24)

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    Terminal.desktop gkbd-indicator-plugins-capplet.desktop nvidia-settings.desktop xfce-display-settings.desktop xfce4-logout.desktop
    Thunar-bulk-rename.desktop gksu-properties.desktop pidgin.desktop xfce-keyboard-settings.desktop xfce4-mixer.desktop
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    alacarte.desktop gnome-do.desktop ristretto.desktop xfce-settings-manager.desktop xfce4-run-program.desktop
    avahi-discover.desktop gnome-terminal.desktop services.desktop xfce-ui-settings.desktop xfce4-screenshooter.desktop
    bssh.desktop gnome-volume-properties.desktop shares.desktop xfce-wm-settings.desktop xfce4-sensors.desktop
    bvnc.desktop google-chrome.desktop thunar-settings.desktop xfce-wmtweaks-settings.desktop xfce4-settings-editor.desktop
    evince.desktop gsynaptics.desktop thunar-volman-settings.desktop xfce-workspaces-settings.desktop xfce4-taskmanager.desktop
    exo-preferred-applications.desktop gucharmap.desktop tilda.desktop xfce-xfcalendar-settings.desktop xfce4-terminal.desktop
    file-roller.desktop mimeinfo.cache time.desktop xfce4-about-xfce.desktop xfce4-web-browser.desktop
    firefox-safe.desktop mousepad.desktop totem.desktop xfce4-accessibility-settings.desktop xfprint-manager.desktop
    firefox.desktop nact.desktop users.desktop xfce4-appfinder.desktop xfprint-settings.desktop
    gconf-editor.desktop nautilus-cd-burner-open-iso.desktop vlc.desktop xfce4-clipman-plugin.desktop xfprint.desktop
    geany.desktop nautilus-cd-burner.desktop xfburn.desktop xfce4-dict.desktop
    gedit.desktop network.desktop xfcalendar.desktop xfce4-file-manager.desktop
    gimp.desktop nm-connection-editor.desktop xfce-backdrop-settings.desktop xfce4-help.desktop
    I can't seem to find anything qt related here. What should I do?
    Last edited by dcc24 (2009-11-04 21:03:46)

    I've solved it. Turns out, some menu entries are stored in ~./local/share/applications. Removing it there solved the problem.

  • [SOLVED] XFCE customize menu help: applications and directory menu

    I've been trying to make some progress with customizing XFCE menus. There are two menus I'm trying to create, listed below.
    Yes, i have read http://wiki.xfce.org/howto/customize-menu
    No, I'm not saying I understood all of it.
    1. I want to have a custom Applications menu that lists all installed applications, without categorization. Preferably alphabetical. I'm guessing it has a lot to do with adding a lot of <include> directives.
    Here's what I've tinkered with so far, which produces categories of apps.
    <!DOCTYPE Menu PUBLIC "-//freedesktop//DTD Menu 1.0//EN"
    <Merge type="all"/>
    <Merge type="all"/>
    2. I want to make a different Directory menu, possibly by implicating a custom Applications menu. If I could locate the .menu file for the Directory menu panel item, I would like to make minor adjustments to the menu, and invoke it through the Applications menu panel item.
    I should state that what I'm trying to accomplish is
    a) to remove the submenu-like options with the Directory menu (open Folder, open in Terminal) to have one-click to open the folder directory
    b) to add a label next to the panel icon (aesthetics), which would be accomplished through using the Applications menu panel item.
    Edit: clarity
    Last edited by heyitstallchris (2014-07-31 02:02:36)

    Firstly, I'll tackle menu 1.
    No need to create an include line for every .desktop file. Do the following:
    $ mkdir ~/.config/menus
    $ cd ~/.config/menus
    $ touch custom-apps.menu
    Edit the file we have just created and populate it with the following:
    <!DOCTYPE Menu PUBLIC "-//freedesktop//DTD Menu 1.0//EN"
    <Merge type="all"/>
    Now just create an application menu panel item and point it to the custom menu file we just created.
    This will display every application installed on your system, and any custom .desktop entries you may create (as long as they are set in one of the categories in the menu file). Add or remove categories as you need.
    If you want to have the "Run Program" and other "Action" items that are in the default Xfce menu, add a category line for "X-Xfce-Toplevel"
    Alternatively, you can forego all the <Category></Category> lines and simply use <All/>
    [EDIT] and since this is using garcon (Xfce's menu library), the apps will be in alphabetical order [/EDIT]
    Last edited by Padfoot (2014-07-17 09:42:16)

  • Xfce problems - some menu icons gone [solved]

    Hello all,
    I normally use XFCE, but briefly installed the Gnome packages just to try it out again, but ran into some troubles in XFCE after I decided to uninstall Gnome...
    It seems some menu icons and icons in the "Settings" window were lost...no big deal but it's ugly. How do I rebuild these again? I tried reinstalling XFCE but with no results.
    Last edited by new2arch (2009-08-29 19:50:54)

    Found the solution:

  • [SOLVED]Xfce menu items missing

    Some of my applications that should be in the menu are not there. There are some that I have forgotten about, but one I have missing is flightgear. Sometimes gl-117 shows up in the menu, but sometimes not and never in the games section. Wine does not show up either. Could someone please tell me how to get all the items up. Thanks.
    Last edited by Tux the penguin (2010-09-16 01:13:54)

    Compintuit wrote: You're using the xfce panel menu applet?
    I guess so. I am using the menu that was there by default. I will go through the .desktop
    files and look for OnlyShowIn=GNOME and add ;XFCE. The desktop files are in /usr/share/applications, right?
    Thanks for the reply.

  • [SOLVED] Re-arange XFce quick access menu

    Ok, so I have my nice XFce App Menu;
    Now, there are 4 slots for quick access to common apps, I have them arranged as follows;
    1. Terminal Emulator
    2. File Manager
    3. Mail Reader
    4. Web Browser
    I would like to re-arange them like;
    1. Web Browser
    2. Mail Reader
    3. Terminal Emulator
    4. File Manager
    I am fairly new to XFce and I am not sure how to do that,
    Any ideas?
    Last edited by MatejLach (2011-10-23 18:42:48)

    FrozenFox wrote:
    MatejLach wrote:Works great, Thanks, but do I need 'xfce-applications.menu' in my user home folder?
    What about, if I will edit '/etc/xdg/menus/xfce-applications.menu'?
    I am assuming it will work exactly the same way, just system-wide - or not?
    Editing /etc/xdg/menus/xfce-applications.menu should do the same thing system-wide, yes. It would not be advisable in my opinion though, because any update to the garcon package would overwrite that file and you would lose your settings and require manually fixing it again. There is a way to block specific files from being overwritten in /etc/pacman.conf I think, but I do not know how off the top of my head, and I am not 100% certain. Ultimately, you're probably better off just doing it per user via ~/.config/menus/xfce-applications.menu .
    Ah, yes - I can see your point.
    P.S. I know that you can specify the IgnorePkg option in pacman.conf, but I am not sure about specific files either and I am willing to keep my system as up-to-date as possible, so user-wide config is probably the best option - yes.

  • [SOLVED] fbpanel Menu Question

    I have openbox/fbpanel installed.
    I would like to change some of the category names in the main system menu (the one shown when I click on the fbpanel logo icon in the panel), but I can't find where this information is stored.
    Can anyone tell me where fbpanel stores this information?
    Thanks in advance.
    Last edited by myrlin (2012-01-20 15:46:07)

    You'll have to hack the source code. The file fbpanel-6.1/plugins/menu/system_menu.c to be exact, you'll find the names at
    static cat_info main_cats[] = {

  • [solved] xfce 4.8 questions

    How do i change alt+click from moving windows to super+click?
    also there doesn't seem to be anything in my windows manager and windows tweaks manager settings.
    Last edited by chaostheory29 (2011-03-22 22:57:35)

    lives2evil wrote:
    OK, Włóczymy's question is a bit tricky so it's fine to ask.
    But chaostheory29's question about changing alt-click to super-click is easy. You should try and figure it out by your self instead of complaining.
    However I'll try and answer both question:
    Easy first:
    - Open Settings Manager > Window Manager Tweaks > Accessibility. Change Alt to Super. (Just mouse clicks worked so it's easy)
    If you use the default settings for xfce4-panel run these command:
    xfconf-query -c xfce4-panel -p /panels/panel-1/position
    output should be something like this: p=12;x=754;y=747
    OK, here change p=12 or whatever to p=0
    then run
    xfconf-query -c xfce4-panel -p /panels/panel-1/position -s "p=0;x=754;y=747"
    It should work like you wish now.
    It didn't... you see, now the window is maximized but the panel is under it. I want to see panel all the time and I want it to be above all the windows but in the same time I want the panel not to block windows from maximization. I hope you can help!

  • [SOLVED]XFCE 4.8 remove WINE generated apps from the menu

    I want to remove the following entries from the menu.
    MOD EDIT -- Follow image posting rules -- Inxsible
    The only methods I found were to edit .desktop files (I couldn't find any) or to permanently remove "Others" category.
    Last edited by sbfreak (2011-04-05 19:59:44)

    skunktrader wrote:
    sbfreak wrote:The only methods I found were to edit .desktop files (I couldn't find any)
    The desktop files should be located in ~/.local/share/applications
    Thank You. Didn't think they were actually in my home folder.

  • [SOLVED] xfce does not start after SLiM login :S

    hello, i have been following the wiki's to setup X, and xfce (which works when i start it from CLI (startxfce4)), and i have installed SLiM which works too!
    Anyway, i have setup SLiM to startup via /etc/inittab, (Runlevel 5).  I use ~/.xinitrc to run my xfce WM:
    #the only uncommented line is:
    exec startxfce4
    The problem is that once SLiM loads, and i login, X seems to crash (i see the CLI login) before SLiM respawns, and i am required to login again.  I think it must be a simple issue of xfce not actually being started?
    i have tried changing startxfce4 to xfce-session, neither work. The login code for SLiM is (/etc/slim.conf):
    login_cmd         exec /bin/bash -login ~/.xinitrc %session
    and from the same file, my available sessions are:
    sessions          xfce4,icewm,wmaker,blackbox
    So, ive heard of some other people who seemed to experience this same issue, but i cant seem to resolve it like they did   anyway, i think i must be missing something and would like some help? thanks.
    Last edited by Deuterium (2009-12-14 11:36:06)

    Many thanks Deuterium. You saved my day! I posted a new thread and finally found your answer. The arch community is great. Now the question is how this file got permission changed?
    After few tests I noticed that while X is working automount is broken again and no possibilty to go to standby either. This was in the past solved by going to the latest version of consolekit. The problem is that I'm already running consolekit 0.4.1-2.
    Here is the message I get when inserting a USB drive:
    Rejected send message, 1 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.38" (uid=1000 pid=3437 comm="exo-mount) interface="org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume" member="Mount" error name="(unset)" requested_reply=0 destination="org.freedesktop.Hal" (uid=0 pid=2806 comm="/usr/sbin/hald)).
    The above error came from the fact that when I got stuck with no WM I modifed the .xinitrc to only have 'exec startxfce4' rather than my original '
    exec ck-launch-session startxfce4'. Then after fixing the WM issue I forgot to modify .xinitirc back.
    Last edited by alphazo (2009-12-25 10:07:58)

Maybe you are looking for