[Solved] Yaourt not searching AUR

My recent upgrade seems to have broken Yaourt. It does not search for packages in AUR anymore. I have tried searching the forum, but cannot figure out what's wrong. This is what my /etc/yaourtrc looks like:
# a
# a
# ~/yaourtrc - Configuration for yaourt
# See yaourt(8) for more information
# AlwaysUpgradeDevel no
# AlwaysUpgradeAur no
# AlwaysForce no
AurVoteSupport yes
# ColorMod Normal
# ColorMod LightBackGround
# ColorMod NoColor
# ColorMod TextOnly
# DontNeedToPressEnter yes
# EditPkgbuild yes
# ExportToLocalRepository /where/you/want
# LastCommentsNumber 5
# LastCommentsOrder asc
# NoConfirm no
# PacmanBin /usr/bin/pacman-color
PkgbuildEditor gvim
SearchInAurUnsupported yes
ShowAurComment yes
# TmpDirectory /where/you/want
# UpdateTerminalTitle yes
# Define here your prefered Sourceforge mirror: (none surfnet ufpr heanet easynews umn switch belnet kent mesh optusnet jaist puzzle superb-east nchc superb-west)
# SourceforgeMirror heanet
Any ideas?
Last edited by paramthegreat (2009-05-16 21:46:08)

ok, so i seem to have solved the issue. i found a changelog for yaourt 0.9.2 that mentioned "fixing aur search". that prompted me to check the yaourt version on my machine and it was still at 0.9.0
upgrading to the latest version seems to have fixed the problem.

Similar Messages

  • [SOLVED] yaourt doesnt search aur - new mirrror list

    last night I discovered that yaourt doesnt search aur packages. I am guessing that it has something to do with last pacman upgrade and new mirror list.
    Does anybody have the same problem with yaourt and could anybody explaine, step by step , what soud I do with new mirror list? I did not understand completely all steps that should be done with new mirror list. Thanks.
    Last edited by liticovjesac (2009-01-03 17:23:33)

    It works after I update yaourt to new version.
    Here is a trade you mentioned about same problem. http://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=61664

  • [SOLVED] Yaourt: not found on AUR

    When I try to run
    yaourt -Syu --aur
    I am told that
    yaourt: not found on AUR
    This is given for all packages I've installed from the AUR.
    I am behind a http proxy, but have exported this variable in my shell. And I know that at least some of these packages are updated from when I last did an upgrade.
    I can't find an answer on the wiki or searching these forums; am I just being stupid, or can someone help me? Thanks.
    Last edited by chrispoole (2009-03-27 12:20:38)

    Try changing your http proxy in /etc/wgetrc instead.

  • Yaourt not finding AUR dependencies?

    Trying to install the Iron build of Chromium:
    ==> Making package: iron 4.0.227-2 x86_64 (Wed Dec 9 14:26:24 EST 2009)
    ==> Checking Runtime Dependencies...
    ==> Installing missing dependencies...
    lib32-dbus-glib package not found, searching for group...
    [b]error: 'lib32-dbus-glib': not found in sync db[/b]
    ==> ERROR: Pacman failed to install missing dependencies.
    Error: Makepkg was unable to build iron package.
    Note lib32-dbus-glib really is on AUR.  Also,
    $ yaourt -S lib32-dbus-glib --asdeps
    works fine (but then I need to install lib32-gconf by hand also).  On the other hand,
    $ yaourt -S lib32-gconf #another dependency for Iron
    ==> lib32-gconf dependencies:
    - lib32-orbit2 (building from AUR)
    - lib32-gtk2 (package found)
    - lib32-libxml2 (package found)
    This seems pretty inconsistent.  Why is yaourt pulling in dependencies from AUR to install lib32-gconf but not to install Iron?
    Edit: notice the build order seems to be different, because one somehow (?) gets identified as a _runtime_ dependency.
    Last edited by Fixnum (2009-12-09 19:59:05)

    I changed the PKGBUILD from
    if [[ $CARCH = x86_64 ]]; then
    depends=('lib32-alsa-lib' 'lib32-dbus-glib' 'lib32-gconf' 'lib32-nss' 'lib32-libxdamage' 'ttf-dejavu')
    optdepends=('nspluginwrapper-flash: flash support')
    depends=('alsa-lib' 'gconf' 'nss' 'ttf-dejavu')
    depends=('lib32-alsa-lib' 'lib32-dbus-glib' 'lib32-gconf' 'lib32-nss' 'lib32-libxdamage' 'ttf-dejavu')
    optdepends=('nspluginwrapper-flash: flash support')
    and suddenly it works.  So, I noticed this (installing from original PKGBUILD):
    ==> iron dependencies:
    - alsa-lib (already installed)
    - gconf (already installed)
    - nss (already installed)
    - ttf-dejavu (already installed)
    So, it seems like pacman/yaourt is initially getting dependencies for the wrong architecture and only later coming back and only later getting the correct dependencies from testing against $CARCH, but at this point it screws up for some reason, and the added dependencies like lib32-<stuff> are "not found in sync db" ...
    Edit: this issue persists in yaourt-git.
    Last edited by Fixnum (2009-12-10 20:46:58)

  • [SOLVED]Yaourt not requiring Sudo

    I just installed in yaourt through the archlinuxfr repository method, and I realized that yaourt -Syua updates both the aur and non-aur packages -- without requiring root privileges.  I think that that is potentially harmful.  Is there something that can remedy this?
    I am using termite/zsh and I did a bit of reading:
    Seems like they made a change here?   I don't have any aliases in my zshrc though.
    Thanks in advance.
    Last edited by 3xOSC (2013-07-19 23:13:43)

    Not sure but i speculate the NOPASSWD tag was used in the soduers file. Here's an extract of sudoers man page:
    By default, sudo requires that a user authenticate him or herself before running a command. This behavior can be modified via the NOPASSWD tag.
    Like a Runas_Spec, the NOPASSWD tag sets a default for the commands that follow it in the Cmnd_Spec_List. Conversely, the PASSWD tag can be used to
    reverse things. For example:
    ray rushmore = NOPASSWD: /bin/kill, /bin/ls, /usr/bin/lprm
    would allow the user ray to run /bin/kill, /bin/ls, and /usr/bin/lprm as root on the machine rushmore without authenticating himself. If we only
    want ray to be able to run /bin/kill without a password the entry would be:
    ray rushmore = NOPASSWD: /bin/kill, PASSWD: /bin/ls, /usr/bin/lprm
    Note, however, that the PASSWD tag has no effect on users who are in the group specified by the exempt_group option.
    By default, if the NOPASSWD tag is applied to any of the entries for a user on the current host, he or she will be able to run ``sudo -l'' without a
    password. Additionally, a user may only run ``sudo -v'' without a password if the NOPASSWD tag is present for all a user's entries that pertain to
    the current host. This behavior may be overridden via the verifypw and listpw options.
    Obviously, this is kinda dangerous, specially if OP had/has ALL:ALL rights....
    Anyway. OP said he didn't run "sudo yaourt" but "yaourt" alone. Does that mean yaourt has some kind of condition in its code where basically if user isn't root, it attempts to run exec commands with sudo?
    Last edited by BGK (2013-07-20 01:20:18)

  • [SOLVED] Yaourt search on AUR stopped working

    hi all :>
    yaourt's search engine was working quite nice until i booted up my computer this morning -.-
    does anyone have an idea to solve this problem!? downloading + building from aur works great with yaourt just the search thingy is kinda broken -.-
    can it be possible that it has to do something with my changes in sysctl.conf? i added several rules:
    # Disable packet forwarding
    # Disable the magic-sysrq key
    kernel.sysrq = 0
    # Enable TCP SYN Cookie Protection
    net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies = 1
    # Source Address verification
    net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter = 1
    # Block Ping
    net.ipv4.icmp_echo_ignore_all = 1
    net.ipv4.tcp_timestamps = 0
    best regards :>
    Last edited by arch0r (2008-12-29 19:37:54)

    I've come up with a workaround. It's quick and probably dirty, but it enables me to search the packages and view the descriptions.
    --- yaourt.orig    2008-12-26 13:12:42.000000000 +0100
    +++ /usr/bin/yaourt    2008-12-26 13:23:45.000000000 +0100
    @@ -1253,9 +1253,9 @@
        _pkg=`echo $1 | sed 's/ AND / /'`
        title $(eval_gettext 'searching for $_pkg on AUR')
        [ "$MAJOR" = "interactivesearch" ] && i=$(($(wc -l $searchfile | awk '{print $1}')+1))
    -    wget -q "${AUR_URL}${1}" -O - | grep -A 2 "<a href='/packages.php?ID=" \
    +    wget -q "${AUR_URL}${1}" -O - | grep -A 3 "<a href='packages.php?ID=" \
        | sed -e "s/<\/span>.*$//" -e "s/^.*packages.php?ID=.*span class.*'>/aur\//" -e "s/^.*span class.*'>//" \
    -    | grep -v " " | grep -v "^--" |
    +    | grep -v " " | grep -v "^--" | grep -v "^$" |
        while read line; do
            if [ "${line%\/*}" = "aur" ]; then
                package=$(echo $line | awk '{ print $1}' | sed 's/^.*\///')

  • [SOLVED] How to make "yaourt" run with "AUR" command?

    I want to change the yaourt command so i can use something like aur or AUR.
    for example, instead of
    yaourt -S package-name-here
    I want to use
    AUR -S package-name-here
    so that it's easier to type.  "yaourt" is such an odd string to type! hehe
    I think i might use something like this:
    function AUR {
      **something like: exec /.../yaourt**
      **and some other code to pass on -S or -U conditions...etc**
    Can someone tell me what to put in this function and where to save it to?
    Also, What's better: using the yaourt call above or the following custom function (instead of yaourt):
    function AUR {
            cd $aurdir
            wget http://aur.archlinux.org/packages/$1/$1.tar.gz && tar -xzf $1.tar.gz && rm $1.tar.gz && cd $1 && makepkg -s
            pacman -U **some code goes here to output the correct filename**
    I have to think to myself "yeah our t" to type yaourt (haha) so to think "AUR" is much simpler, since that's what we're getting packages from anyways.
    Last edited by trusktr (2010-02-21 22:14:20)

    When and if one uninstalls yaourt, still gonna leave the aliases in the .bashrc... that's untidy too... Wich is more simple, "ln -s /usr/bin/yaourt /usr/bin/AUR <enter>" or "nano ~/.bashrc <enter> alias AUR='yaourt' <ctrl+x> <y> <enter>" ... It's better to use aliases in .bashrc because you can do so much more and get to learn alil bit more for future reference, but the reasons for not symlinking it's really not that bad. If you've ever used windows for example, symlink works almost the same as creating a shortcut to an application on the desktop, once unistalled the application, you manually have to delete the shortcut. Aliases is the proper way to go, i didn't know this at all.. I just symlinked to yaort but after reading this i switched to alias Btw mark topic as solved ^^

  • Search AUR when offline [Solved]

    Hey guys, is there a way to search for packages in the AUR db,
    when not connected to the net.
    As can be done by the other repositories.
    Last edited by x33a (2010-09-03 02:03:07)

    ngoonee wrote:
    itsbrad212 wrote:
    x33a wrote:
    Well, i don't need the PKGBUILDs, rather a way to search through the available packages
    So, i guess there is no other way to search aur, than to be online.
    Thanks people.
    Of course there's no way to search for packages when the AUR is offline. It's offline, not much you can do.
    You could create a cron job though. Have some sort of program or shell script parse output from an AUR helper that allows searching (aur-search, clyde, and bauerbill are nice, there are definitely more) and place that in a text file. Just set that cron job to a certain interval (depending on your needs) and then just work from there.
    Yeah, and increase the load to the server while you're at it .
    I guess I left out the whole "use an appropriate amount of time between queries" part.

  • [solved]yaourt local database save - command not found

    i tried following this link to save yaourt packages to a local folder, but i get an error
    [root@myhost yaourt]# yaourt -Syu --devel --aur
    /etc/yaourtrc: line 49: ExportToLocalRepository: command not found
    comments at this page with similar errors doesnt offer any solution.
    what am i missing here?
    Last edited by hadrons123 (2011-11-19 17:07:15)

    1.first thing i just added the line
    ExportToLocalRepository /var/cache/pacman/pkg-local
    to the bottom of the yaourtrc file as per the wiki and ended up with the error.
    /etc/yaourtrc: line 49: ExportToLocalRepository: command not found
    2.after falconindy's idea i added #
    #ExportToLocalRepository /var/cache/pacman/pkg-local
    but now i dont see the error but then package is not getting saved in the pkg-local folder.
    3.karol i tried your step,but still the packages are not saved in the pkg-local folder.
    this is yaourtrc file after the edits but still packages are not saved....
    # yaourtrc - Configuration for yaourt
    # See yaourtrc(5) for more information
    # ABS_REPO list repositories available on archlinux rsync server
    ABS_REPO=(testing core extra community-testing community gnome-unstable kde-unstable)
    # General
    #SUDONOVERIF=0 # Avoid multiple sudo checks when timestamp_timeout=0
    # AUR
    # Build
    #EXPORT=0 # Export builded package
    #EXPORTSRC=0 # Need EXPORT=1 to be used
    #EXPORTDIR="" # If empty, use makepkg's connfiguration (see makepkg.conf)
    #EXPORT=0 # Export to 1: EXPORTDIR or PKGDEST
    # 2: pacman cache (as root)
    #EXPORTSRC=0 # Need EXPORT>0 to be used
    #EXPORTDIR="" # If empty, use makepkg's connfiguration (see makepkg.conf)
    # Prompt
    #UP_NOCONFIRM=0 # No prompt while build upgrades (including -Sbu)
    #BUILD_NOCONFIRM=0 # Only prompt for editing files
    # Output
    # Command
    #ExportToLocalRepository /var/cache/pacman/pkg-local
    thanks for the replies though!

  • Pbfetch - Please not another AUR frontend

    pbfetch is an AUR frontend and optionally a Pacman wrapper.
    Background and Motivation
    I originally intended to keep pbfetch private, as there are already so many AUR frontends but, after using it for a bit I've decided to let others use, change, belittle, mock, praise and/or look at it.
    pbfetch(PKGBUILD fetch) started as merely a script to download a PKGBUILD from the AUR. I usually like to edit and run makepkg myself for AUR packages, however, there are times where I like a simple
    automated approach. With all due respect to the developers, I found yaourt to be slow(especially on my old laptop). After seeing how complicated yaourt has become I decided to extend pbfetch to encompass most if not all
    my Arch package managment needs.
    - Can optionally wrap pacman functionality so one can use pbfetch for most pacman commands(eg. pbfetch -Sy, pbfetch -Qs, pbfetch -Rd)
    - Search AUR
    - Download and extract AUR tar.gz to build directory
    - Option to edit PKGBUILD after download
    - Option to make the package with or without installing
    - Dependecy checking(mostly complete, though removes versioning for dependencies not found in official repos)
    - Check for and install AUR updates
    - Option to choose which AUR updates to install
    - Optional color output
    - By default uses sudo where needed
    - Refactoring for readabilty and speed(already much faster than yaourt)
    - Further ABS support(currently only copies local abs pkg directory to build directory)
    - Better commandline option parsing(possibly getopts)
    - Add edit PKGBUILD option to pacman fallback commands(currently auto-edit only with AUR specific commands)
    - Prettier text output
    - Willing to consider any requests
    I had two types of users in mind as I made/make pbfetch.
    1.) Those who prefer to have 1 tool to manage AUR and official repositories
    2.) Those who prefer to keep their AUR frontend separate from Pacman
    As such there are two sets of command line options: those that are AUR specific, and optionally, commands that call the pacman binary and extend for AUR functions.
    I have chosen to call pacman directly where ever possible rather than reimpliment pacman's functions.
    The following is a copy of pbfetch's usage prompt:
    Usage: pbfetch [opiton] [package1] [package2] ....
    -d Download from aur and extract to build directory
    -de Download from aur, extract and edit PKGBUILD
    -m Download from aur, extract, and make the package(s)
    -me Download from aur, extract, edit PKGBUILD and
    make the package(s)
    -i Download from aur, extract, make and install package(s)
    -ie Download from aur, extract, edit PKGBUILD, make and
    install package(s)
    -s Search aur for any package given
    (Searches name and description)
    -sa Search repo and aur for any package given
    -u Check aur for package updates
    -ue Check aur for package updates and
    edit PKGBUILD before install
    -ua Check aur and official repos for updates
    -abs Copy from local abs folder to build directory
    -v Display version information
    Pacman Fallback(On by default)
    -S Attempt install with Pacman if package not found
    in repo then install from AUR
    -Ss Search Pacman repos and AUR
    -Sy Refresh database then install from repo or
    AUR if not found in repository
    -Syu --aur Refresh database and upgrade from repo and
    Example: pbfetch -S xorg
    pbfetch -d nvidia-beta nvidia-utils-beta
    pbfetch will also pass any pacman related options to the
    pacman binary specifed in the script, eg. pbfetch -Qs
    The config file is stored in /etc/pbfetch.conf
    There you can set whether to enable color output, pacman fallback, various working directories etc.
    The pacman binary can be specified as well.(Tested with pacman and pacman-color)
    Default build directory is ~/build/
    - pbfetch can be called just like pacman and it will pass the command line options untouch if you prefer. Or it can extend pacman's sync to include AUR processing. This is set in the configuration.
    - When checking for AUR updates (eg. pbfetch -u, or pbfetch -Syu --aur) you will be prompted to either accept the updates or you may opt to only choose certain updates. To choose, type the number as seen next
      to the corresponding update. Separate each respective package number by a space.
    [Known or potential caveats]
    - All verbose options such as "--needed" are passed to pacman untouched. However some of the short hand versions have not been implemented when using sync (eg. pbfetch -Sg xorg) in combination with the fallback option set.
    - I've written the script with sudo in mind. The script inserts sudo where needed.
    - Color output assumes dark terminal background. Color can either be turned off or individual colors and be changed in the config file
    - pbfetch was made in my limited free time over the last month so testing of features has been limited to say the least.
    - I have put pbfetch up on github @ http://github.com/dalingrin/pbfetch
    - Please feel free contribute or make requests
    Make no mistake, I have no dreams of pbfetch becoming the next popular AUR frontend like yaourt. I have had fun writing it so far (first bash script) and thought a few like minded individual(s) may enjoy using it as well.
    Package can be found @ http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=33256
    Last edited by dalingrin (2010-09-13 21:58:27)

    I have disabled sudo, still I get the following error:
    pbfetch -me qhandbrake-git
    ==> qhandbrake-git [Downloaded]
    ==> qhandbrake-git [Extracted]
    -> qhandbrake-git [Edit complete]
    Checking package for AUR dependencies...
    ==> ERROR: Cannot find the sudo binary! Is sudo installed?
    Missing dependencies cannot be installed or removed as a normal user
    without sudo; install and configure sudo to auto-resolve dependencies.
    cat /etc/pbfetch.conf
    ################## !WARNING! ####################
    # This file must contain only valid bash syntax #
    #### Pacman sync fallback to AUR ####
    #### Clean up after package building ####
    # if false then package along with source
    # will be left in the build directory
    #### Colorize output ####
    # default colors
    color1="\e[1;37m" # white
    color2="\e[1;34m" # blue
    color3="\e[1;31m" # red
    color4="\e[1;32m" # green
    color5="\e[1;33m" # yellow
    color6="\e[1;35m" # magenta
    #### Pacman binary ####
    #pacmanBin="pacman-color" # Recommend if using color output
    #### Automatically use sudo when needed ####
    #### PKGBUILD editor ####
    #### BUILD DIRECTORY ####
    #### LOCAL abs DIRECTORY ####
    #### aur URL ####

  • [Solved]Yaourt sync issue

    I installed yaourt according to the instruction here http://archlinux.fr/yaourt-en
    But when I run yaourt -Syu --devel --aur , I get an error: problem setting dbpath '//usr/local/var/lib/pacman/' (could not find or read directory)
    The directory doesn't exist and pacman -v shows nothing related to that directory. What should I do?[]
    Last edited by codetrick (2011-03-04 14:28:03)

    I have the same problem. I get it when try to install 'package-query' and 'yaourt' from AUR, but i install it manually.
    In INSTALL file of package-query I found interesting thing:
    By default, `make install' installs the package's commands under
    `/usr/local/bin', include files under `/usr/local/include', etc. You
    can specify an installation prefix other than `/usr/local' by giving
    `configure' the option `--prefix=PREFIX', where PREFIX must be an
    absolute file name.
    I uninstall yaourt and package-query using pacman and delete /usr/local directory (the system is fresh and this directory is not important)
    Then i do
    ./configure --prefix=''
    sudo make install
    With yaourt i have more problems... Iven if you delete "/usr/local" from Makefile you don't solve the problem.
    I find all "/usr/local" substrings in files from yaourt.x.x.x.tar.gz with commands:
    tar -xzvf yaourt.x.x.x.tar.gz
    cd yaourt.x.x.x
    grep -RiHn 'usr/local/' *
    and manually delete them.
    Then i make and install my yaourt. It worked.
    Oh, i know that it is unnormal, but i can't find anything in internet and write it to others.
    P.S. I may install yaourt with this instruction^ http://archlinux.fr/yaourt-en  (with pacman)
    Last edited by Grandma (2011-12-18 00:06:52)

  • [SOLVED] cannot install from AUR

    as I was updating a kernel from AUR, I lost power during the build and now aurget, packer, and yaourt doesn't seem to work...
    these are the errors with an example of each:
    $ aurget -S calf-git
    searching AUR...
    Targets (1): calf-git-20100827-1
    Proceed with installation? [Y/n]
    :: Retrieving source tarball from AUR...
    --2010-11-22 18:20:36--  http://aur.archlinux.org/packages/calf- … git.tar.gz
    Resolving aur.archlinux.org... failed: Name or service not known.
    wget: unable to resolve host address "aur.archlinux.org"
    error: failed to retrieve aur sources
    packer -S kernel26-lqx
    Aur Targets    (1): kernel26-lqx
    Proceed with installation? [Y/n]
    tar: This does not look like a tar archive
    gzip: stdin: unexpected end of file
    tar: Child returned status 1
    tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
    /usr/bin/packer: line 273: cd: kernel26-lqx: No such file or directory
    No PKGBUILD found in directory.
    $ yaourt -S traverso
    curl error: Couldn't resolve host name
    only yaourt gave the curl error... I think that curl was updated around that time... any idea?
    Last edited by funkmuscle (2010-11-25 02:47:06)

    web browsing is fine.. pacman works so don't know what else I can do..
    when I ping AUR, I get:
    ping aur.archlinux.org
    PING aur.archlinux.org ( 56(84) bytes of data.
    64 bytes from sigurd.archlinux.org ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=57 time=243 ms
    64 bytes from sigurd.archlinux.org ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=57 time=33.2 ms
    64 bytes from sigurd.archlinux.org ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=57 time=32.7 ms
    64 bytes from sigurd.archlinux.org ( icmp_seq=4 ttl=57 time=47.4 ms
    funny, packer updates the main repos:
    packer -Syyu
    :: Synchronizing package databases...
    core                       35.8K  195.1K/s 00:00:00 [###########################] 100%
    extra                     449.0K  438.6K/s 00:00:01 [###########################] 100%
    community                 405.7K  378.7K/s 00:00:01 [###########################] 100%
    multilib                   21.8K  165.3K/s 00:00:00 [###########################] 100%
    :: Synchronizing aur database...
    aur                                        98  98 [#############################] 100%
    :: Starting full aur upgrade...
    it installed one package but not all that was available for update.
    Last edited by funkmuscle (2010-11-24 03:49:20)

  • [SOLVED] Yaourt Symbolic link error, any ideas?

    When I try to install glusterfs via yaourt, I always run into this error:
    libtool: install: warning: remember to run `libtool --finish /usr/lib/glusterfs/3.2.4/xlator/system'
    Making install in glusterfsd
    Making install in src
    ln: failed to create symbolic link `/home/chojin/tmp/yaourt-tmp-chojin/aur-glusterfs/pkg/usr/sbin/glusterfs': No such file or directory
    make[3]: *** [install-data-local] Error 1
    make[3]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
      /bin/sh ../../libtool --mode=install /bin/install -c 'glusterfsd' '/home/chojin/tmp/yaourt-tmp-chojin/aur-glusterfs/pkg/usr/sbin/glusterfsd'
    /bin/install -c .libs/glusterfsd /home/chojin/tmp/yaourt-tmp-chojin/aur-glusterfs/pkg/usr/sbin/glusterfsd
    make[2]: *** [install-am] Error 2
    make[1]: *** [install-recursive] Error 1
    make: *** [install-recursive] Error 1
    ==> ERROR: A failure occurred in build().
    ==> ERROR: Makepkg was unable to build glusterfs.
    ==> Restart building glusterfs ? [y/N]
    ==> ----------------------------------
    This happens regardless of running yaourt as root or not, and it makes no difference if I specify a different tmp directory.
    It's a really weird issue, since I was able to install it successfully on my 64bit Desktop running arch, but not on my servers. But now my desktop also fails, even though the package version hasn't changed.
    Has anyone experienced this error? Perhaps with a different package, but maybe the same solution or work around would apply.
    Weird, this time it worked.
    I commented out the MAKEFLAGS in makepkg.conf and I ran makepkg directly as a user with the following flags: makepkg -L -m -s --check
    I wonder what did the magic? Strange.
    seems the MAKEFLAGS was the culprit. I had it set to 48 since my server has 48 cores, but I guess some packages don't like that.
    Solved, I guess.
    Last edited by ChojinDSL (2011-10-17 12:41:01)

    Yes! You are right. Now, this sounds so familiar. I vaguely remember doing this when I originally installed Arch on this laptop, but I must have done it as part of the "beginners guide" procedure. I guess this explains it:
    https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php?ti … did=168068
    Now, I take it from this that I safely remove ALL the symlinks from my rc.local?
    ln -s /dev/sr0 /dev/cdrom
    ln -s /dev/sr0 /dev/cdrw
    ln -s /dev/sr0 /dev/dvd
    ln -s /dev/sr0 /dev/dvdrw

  • [SOLVED]yaourt, package removed for security reasons?

    if i use yaout for searching new software, teamspeak for example it will output this:
    yaourt -Ss teamspeak
    aur/mumble 1.1.3-1
    A voice chat applikation similar to TeamSpeak
    aur/oss2jack 0.25-7
    Routes /dev/dsp to Jack enabling TeamSpeak and other OSS-only mmap apps to work.
    aur/teamspeak2 rc2_2032-3
    TeamSpeak is software for quality voice communication via the Internet
    Ok, teamspeak2 is in aur...now i want to build it:
    [progger@myhost music]$ yaourt -S teamspeak2
    ==> Downloading teamspeak2 PKGBUILD from AUR...
    ==> WARNING: It seems like teamspeak2 was removed from AUR probably for security reason. Please Abort
    teamspeak2 rc2_2032-3 (NOT SAFE): TeamSpeak is software for quality voice communication via the Internet
    ==> teamspeak2 dependencies:
    - libxext (already installed)
    - libjpeg (already installed)
    - libsm (already installed)
    Now yaourt tells me that the package was removed for security reasons but i can still build it?
    How can someone build something that was removed?
    Last edited by metalfan (2008-03-25 15:08:02)

    Another example but I don't see the same issue with the pkgver
    $ yaourt -S sword
    ==> Downloading sword PKGBUILD from AUR...
    ==> WARNING: It seems like sword was removed from AUR probably for security reason. Please Abort
    sword 1.5.10-2 (NOT SAFE): SWORD libraries for Bible programs

  • I installed Elements 12 because my version of Photoshop (CS5.1) is not compatible with Yosemite. Now the Adobe Application Manager will not search for updates for any of the programs in CS5.5 that I have. How do I fix this?

    I installed Elements 12 because my version of Photoshop (CS5.1) is not compatible with Yosemite. Now the Adobe Application Manager will not search for updates for any of the programs in CS5.5 that I have. How do I fix this?

    '''Except 8.0.x version also supported version is 3.6.24 '''you can find it here:
    check the system requirements:
    see also:
    [https://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Installing%20a%20previous%20version%20of%20Firefox Installing a previous version of Firefox]
    thank you
    Please mark "Solved" the answer that really solve the problem, to help others with a similar problem.

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