Some question on serial communication using J2ME

I want my Palm communicate with the other devices throught its serial port and have the following codes.
But it does not work. It always returns "No this connection" (ConnectionNotFoundException e).
Could anyone please give me some suggestions on how to correct it ?
I am sure that the baudrate is correct and there is no parity bit.
Thank you very much
if (c == connectCommand){
String URI = "comm:0;baudrate=9600;bitsperchar=8";
InputConnection inputCon = (InputConnection);
InputStream is = inputCon.openInputStream();
catch(IllegalArgumentException e)
t.setString("Argument not correct");
catch (ConnectionNotFoundException e)
t.setString("No this connection");
catch(IOException e)
t.setString("Can't not make this connection");

Hi, futurefield
What should I do with the port name I got ?
open the port with the name that I used to transmit data ?
use instead of ?
Would you please give me more hints ?
Thank you

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  • RE:Serial communication using java

    First of all, I want to make clear thatI did not double post it as previously I posted it in Networking section..But I was told that I have not posted it at appropirate place....thats wht I am posting here.
    I am a newbie in Java.I have started with Netbeans.I have designed a interface using Netbeans.It has 5 texboxes and two buttons named "Start" and "Stop".
    I want to receive data from the serial port and display the data in text boxes.I want when I press Start button, then it should start listening to the serial port .If adat is present on serial port, then it must receive it and displayin the text boxes.when I press Stop button, then it should stop receiving data as well close connection.
    can please anyone help me on this?
    I would be highly thankful for this.

    Hello All,
    I am using the javax.comm for serial communication using serial to usb converter at port COM4(I check using device manager.).Beside that I have also added the option in the programming to look into other COMs also.I have placed "comm.jar " and "" into jdk\lib\ext and "win32.dll" into jdk\bin.
    But I am getting the following output:
    Wed Dec 24 02:23:43 EST 2008: COM4 null
    Serial port List is  javax.comm.CommPortEnumerator@1a46e30
    Serial port ID  is null
    BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 0 seconds)
    The code Is as follows:
    import java.util.logging.Level;
    import java.util.logging.Logger;
    import javax.comm.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class serialport implements Runnable, SerialPortEventListener
        static CommPortIdentifier portId, portId1;
        public SerialPort serialPort;
        public OutputStream outputStream;
        public InputStream inputStream;
        Thread readThread;
        static Enumeration portList;
         static String TimeStamp;
        public static void main(String args[])     
        {try {
              portId1 = CommPortIdentifier.getPortIdentifier("COM4");
              }catch(Exception e) {
          TimeStamp = new java.util.Date().toString();
          System.out.println(TimeStamp + ": COM4 " + portId1);}
               portList = CommPortIdentifier.getPortIdentifiers();
               System.out.println("Serial port List is  "+portList+"\n");
               portId = (CommPortIdentifier) portList.nextElement();
              System.out.println("Serial port ID  is "+portId+"\n");
           while (portList.hasMoreElements()) {
              portId = (CommPortIdentifier) portList.nextElement();
              if (portId.getPortType() == CommPortIdentifier.PORT_SERIAL) {
                if (portId.getName().equals("COM3")) {
                     System.out.println("Serial port COM3 is found\n");
                serialport Port = new serialport();
                else if (portId.getName().equals("COM4")) {
                     System.out.println("Serial port COM4 is found\n");
                serialport Port = new serialport();
                else if (portId.getName().equals("COM6")) {
                     System.out.println("Serial port COM6 is found\n");
                serialport Port = new serialport();
                else if (portId.getName().equals("COM7")) {
                     System.out.println("Serial port COM7 is found\n");
                serialport Port = new serialport();
                else if (portId.getName().equals("COM5")) {
                     System.out.println("Serial port COM8 is found\n");
                serialport Port = new serialport();
      public serialport()
        try {
          serialPort = (SerialPort)"MainClassApp", 2000);
        } catch (PortInUseException e) {
                  System.out.println("Port is owned by another application \nor port cannot be opened\n");
        try {
          inputStream = serialPort.getInputStream();
        } catch (IOException e) {
             System.out.println("IOstream for port is not available\n");}
        try {
          serialPort.setSerialPortParams(9600, SerialPort.DATABITS_8, SerialPort.STOPBITS_1,SerialPort.PARITY_NONE);
        } catch (UnsupportedCommOperationException e) {
             System.out.println("Serial port is not properly configured\n");}
        try {
        } catch (TooManyListenersException e) {
        readThread = new Thread(this);
        public void run() {
           try {
               } catch (InterruptedException e) {      e.printStackTrace();}
        public void serialEvent(SerialPortEvent event) {
             Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime() ;
             Process p;
        switch (event.getEventType()) {
        case SerialPortEvent.BI:
        case SerialPortEvent.OE:
        case SerialPortEvent.FE:
        case SerialPortEvent.PE:
        case SerialPortEvent.CD:
        case SerialPortEvent.CTS:
        case SerialPortEvent.DSR:
        case SerialPortEvent.RI:
        case SerialPortEvent.OUTPUT_BUFFER_EMPTY:
        case SerialPortEvent.DATA_AVAILABLE:
          byte[] readBuffer = new byte[1];
          try {
            while (inputStream.available() > 0)
                   int numBytes =;
                   System.out.print(new String(readBuffer));
            System.out.print(new String(readBuffer));
                } catch (Exception e) {
          break;}  }  }Kindly help........I really wanna to know where is the error???
    Edited by: jass11 on Dec 23, 2008 11:39 PM
    Edited by: jass11 on Dec 23, 2008 11:51 PM

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  • Problems with Serial Communication using Labview 6 and Solaris 8

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    1) I made sure that the "serpdrv" file is in the same folder with the executable. I also make sure the serpdrv file is added as a support file when building the app.
    2) I changed from using traditional serial VI's to labview 6's new visa functions. With these "new" VI's when
    I try to initiliaze the visa device and wire a control to the "visa reference" input only 1 serial port shows up (ASRL2, missing ASRL1). I am not sure if this is part of same problem or whole new issue.
    3) I reinstalled both visa and labview 6.0.2 update hoping this would help with no luck
    4) I placed the following entry into the ".labviewrc" file
    labview.serialdevices: "/dev/ttya:/dev/ttyb"
    If anybody has had the same problem I would love to hear about it and if you have any solutions
    Jamie Shea

    Hi Jamie,
    1. Do you have NI-VISA driver installed on the machine on which you are running this executable?? If you are trying to run the executable on the same machine on which the development program has ran fine, then you can ignore this point.
    2. If you have done all the changes that are suggested by other discussions related to this topic, then try changing the Port input to Visa Serial Configure.Vi from a control to a constant and try it. In some case, I have seen this to do the trick. I think this point should solve your problem. If it does do tell me. :-))

  • Arduino due and Labview wirelss serial communication using Xbee

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    These communicate wirelessly by xbee.
    Now, I'd like to increase the communication speed between Arduino due and Labview.
    but, when i set the value of the "Wait(ms)" function to below 10ms  in Labview, communication has unstability.
    so please let me know how increase the communication speed.
    thank you.
    -experiment image-
    - Arduino source-
    #include <string.h>
    int PWM1 = 5;
    int DIR1 = 4; //direc
    int PWM2 = 6;
    int DIR2 = 7; //dir
    float readNumber = 0;
    float In1, In2, pwm, newtime, A;
    float newposition1 = 0;
    float newposition2 = 0;
    unsigned int Aold1 = 0;
    unsigned int Bnew1 = 0;
    unsigned int Aold2 = 0;
    unsigned int Bnew2 = 0;
    volatile long encoder1Pos = 0;
    volatile long encoder2Pos = 0;
    int encoder1PinA = 8;//Encoder A pin
    int encoder1PinB = 9;//Encoder B pin
    int encoder2PinA = 11;//Encoder A pin
    int encoder2PinB = 12;//Encoder B pin
    int Direction1, Direction2;
    float pwm1_limit=255;
    float pwm2_limit=255;
    float count_old = 0;
    float power1_old, power1_old2, power1_old3, power1_old4, power1_old5;
    void setup() {
    // put your setup code here, to run once:
    pinMode(DIR1, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(DIR2, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(encoder1PinA, INPUT);
    digitalWrite(encoder1PinA, HIGH); // turn on pullup resistor
    pinMode(encoder1PinB, INPUT);
    digitalWrite(encoder1PinB, HIGH); // turn on pullup resistor
    pinMode(encoder2PinA, INPUT);
    digitalWrite(encoder2PinA, HIGH); // turn on pullup resistor
    pinMode(encoder2PinB, INPUT);
    digitalWrite(encoder2PinB, HIGH); // turn on pullup resistor
    attachInterrupt(encoder1PinA, d1EncoderA, CHANGE);
    attachInterrupt(encoder1PinB, d1EncoderB, CHANGE);
    attachInterrupt(encoder2PinA, d2EncoderA, CHANGE);
    attachInterrupt(encoder2PinB, d2EncoderB, CHANGE);
    void loop() {
    String first = Serial2.readStringUntil('!');//랩뷰에서 받는 2개의 값을 분리하기 위한 소스("!"앞까지 끊고, "@"앞까지 끊음 ex)123!456@을 받으면 123과 456으로 나눔)
    String second = Serial2.readStringUntil('@');//
    float x = first.toFloat();//위에서 분리된 문자를 float형으로 바꿔줌
    float y = second.toFloat();
    newposition1 = -encoder1Pos; //Encoder signal
    newposition2 = encoder2Pos; //Encoder signal
    count_old = 0;
    float power1 = x;
    float power2 = y;
    if(power1 >= 0){
    Direction1 = LOW;
    Direction1 = HIGH;
    if(power2 >= 0){
    Direction2 = HIGH;
    else {
    Direction2 = LOW;
    power1 = abs(power1);
    power2 = abs(power2);
    if(power1 > pwm1_limit){
    power1 = pwm1_limit;
    if(power2 > pwm2_limit){
    power2 = pwm2_limit;
    digitalWrite(DIR1, Direction1); //HIGH = back, LOW = forward
    digitalWrite(DIR2, Direction2); //HIGH = back, LOW = forward
    analogWrite(PWM1, power1);//PWM Speed Control
    analogWrite(PWM2, power2);//PWM Speed Control
    String strValue = String(newposition1);//숫자를 문자형으로 변환
    String Q = "!";
    String strValue2 = String(newposition2);
    String stringThree = strValue + Q + strValue2;//문자 합치기
    Serial2.println(stringThree);//Send encoder pulse to Labview
    else {//when Serial communication stop
    float count = count_old+1;
    if(count > 10000){
    newposition1 = 0; //Encoder initialization
    newposition2 = 0; //Encoder initialization
    encoder1Pos = 0;
    encoder2Pos = 0;
    newposition1 = newposition1; //Encoder signal
    newposition2 = newposition2; //Encoder signal
    count_old = count;
    //Encoder Read//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    void d1EncoderA()
    Bnew1^Aold1 ? encoder1Pos++ : encoder1Pos--;
    Aold1 = digitalRead(encoder1PinA);
    void d1EncoderB()
    Bnew1 = digitalRead(encoder1PinB);
    Bnew1^Aold1 ? encoder1Pos++ : encoder1Pos--;
    void d2EncoderA()
    Bnew2^Aold2 ? encoder2Pos++:encoder2Pos--;
    void d2EncoderB()
    Bnew2^Aold2 ? encoder2Pos++:encoder2Pos--;

    piZviZ wrote:
    Only data rate working is 9600  between labview and launchpad(arm cortex m4).Where all data rates work between Arduino serial port monitor and launchpad(arm cortex m4).
    Since the only thing that changed is the Launchpad, then that must be the issue.  Are you sure this device can handle more than just the 9600 baud rate?  Are you sure you are even setting the baud rate on this device?

  • I was unable to establish a serial communication using a DLL library file

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    Application: I am trying to access a third party controller, through serial communication(RS232 Cable). I am configuring the serial port using a third party DLL library file using call library function block. but i cannot get the starting reciever response.

    hi santosh,
                       i cant get u, How do i check whether the dll is activex dll or not. else i do have an activex dll. Mouse, keyboard are USB connected. no other serial communication is connected to it. I am geting 2 errors when i tried to register the file
                         1. DLL server point not found          --    sometimes
                         2. The module was not found        -- sometimes
                  One more thing is i am able to get the reciever status for the first time but was unable to connect for the consequtive bit/byte loadings. to the third party controller connected at the other end.

  • Some Questions on Import/Export using SQL*Plus

    Could somebody help me by answering the following queries? I couldn't find the answers in this forum or the User Guide.
    1. Can we create an application or page export without using the web front-end? E.g. Call some pl/sql, get a file on db server...
    2. Can we change the application id within an application/page export? It looks like it is only referenced a few times in the script (set package variable, wwv_flow_api.remove_flow, wwv_flow_audit.remove_audit_trail, wwv_flow_api.create_flow, thereafter uses package variable)
    3. Can we change the workspace within an application/page export? It looks the workspace is set with wwv_flow_api.set_security_group_id(p_security_group_id=>719307052588490). Is a 'security group' a synonym for 'workspace'?
    4. Supposing I wanted to transfer only the shared components of an application from one DB to another. Could I achieve this by first exporting every page of the target app individually, then import source app over target app, then re-import each individually exported page over target app?

    1. Yes. Search this forum for command line export. The command line export utility is on the Studio at
    2. I wouldn't do that. The application id is probably used (indirectly) to generate foreign
    keys (template ids, offsets and such).
    3. Same answer as (2).
    4. There is no way to export/import only the shared components.

  • Serial Communication using Labview with Tiva C launchpad ARM cortex M4

    I am able  to comunicate perfectly  between labview and launchpad at 9600 baudrate..When i trying to communicate with bauadrate of 115200 labview gives error "specifed state of attribute is not valid"
    I tried to communicate with serial monitor comes with arduino and its well work with it at 115200 baudrate...
    Awaiting for your replay!!!

    piZviZ wrote:
    Only data rate working is 9600  between labview and launchpad(arm cortex m4).Where all data rates work between Arduino serial port monitor and launchpad(arm cortex m4).
    Since the only thing that changed is the Launchpad, then that must be the issue.  Are you sure this device can handle more than just the 9600 baud rate?  Are you sure you are even setting the baud rate on this device?

  • Some question about communicating the usb RAW device

    I have some question about USB communication: I want to make my VI communicate
    TI-DSP by USB, now, the driver of USB on DSP have done, and  there are a test
    program writen by VC and a driver fold(with a .inf and a .sys files), when I
    install the driver and run the test program, the driver program on DSP run
    regularly. And then I want to program a VI which have the same function as the
    test program, so I unload the driver on PC firstly, then install the DSP in
    NI_VISA according to "Using NI-VISA 3_0 to Control Your USB Device - Tutorial -
    Instrument Drivers". When I sent the standard control request using the VISA test panel, the status below happened. I don't know what wrong with my step.
    Dev  Phase  Data                       Info           Time   Cmd.Phase.Ofs    
     15  CTL    80 06 03 00 - 00 00 04 00  GET DESCRIPTR  5.2sc        56.1.0       
     14  CTL    80 06 03 00 - 00 00 04 00  GET DESCRIPTR   11us        57.1.0       
     14  USTS   00 00 01 c0                canceled       2.0sc        57.2.0       
     15  USTS   00 00 01 c0                canceled         5us        56.2.0 
    PS: the software I use to capture the data is BUSHOUND
    1、Do I have to install the .sys driver file in VISA? How can I install the driver file without losing the device in MAX?
    2、Someone told me it must be done by calling .dll fies in LV, but I want to know if LV can program the function directly without calling .dll file?
    Thank for any reply~~!

    逍遥浪子 wrote:
    I have some question about USB communication: I want to make my VI communicate TI-DSP by USB, now, the driver of USB on DSP have done, and  there are a test program writen by VC and a driver fold(with a .inf and a .sys files), when I install the driver and run the test program, the driver program on DSP run regularly. And then I want to program a VI which have the same function as the test program, so I unload the driver on PC firstly, then install the DSP in NI_VISA according to "Using NI-VISA 3_0 to Control Your USB Device - Tutorial - Instrument
    Drivers". When I sent the standard control request using the VISA test
    panel, the status below happened. I don't know what wrong with my step. Dev 
    Time   Cmd.Phase.Ofs     --- 
    -----  ------------------  15 
    CTL    80 06 03 00 - 00 00 04 00  GET
    DESCRIPTR  5.2sc       
    56.1.0         14 
    CTL    80 06 03 00 - 00 00 04 00  GET
    DESCRIPTR   11us       
    57.1.0         14 
    USTS   00 00 01
    57.2.0         15 
    USTS   00 00 01
    5us        56.2.0  PS: the
    software I use to capture the data is BUSHOUND 1、Do I have to install the .sys driver file in VISA? How can I install the driver file without losing the device in MAX? 2、
    Someone told me it must be done by calling .dll fies in LV, but I want
    to know if LV can program the function directly without calling .dll
    This thread
    contains already a related answer and explains what a sys driver is.
    While you could theoretically use the Call Library Node to call all the
    necessary Win32 API kernel functions to connect to a device driver,
    this would be very cumbersome and not doable without a real good
    understanding about C programming. Writing an interface DLL instead
    won't need more C programming knowledge at all but will give you a
    clean interface to that device driver which eventually could be used in
    other programming environments as well.
    Rolf Kalbermatter
    Rolf Kalbermatter
    CIT Engineering Netherlands
    a division of Test & Measurement Solutions

  • How to send data using serial Communication

    I want to make serial communication using RXTXcomm.jar file.I was written the code.From this I got the list of serial ports avilable on pc but then after when I was tring to send command to machine which is attached to port it didn't gave any reply.
    Tell me that how to send command to port?

    This is how I do it:// open port, get ownership
    SerialPort serialPort= (SerialPort), timeout);
    // no framing and no threshold
    // communication speed, parity, stopbits and databits
    serialPort.setSerialPortParams(BAUDRATE, SerialPort.DATABITS_8,
         SerialPort.STOPBITS_1, SerialPort.PARITY_NONE);
    // no handshaking or other flow control
    // timer on any read of the serial port
    // open streams for reading and writing
    InputStream is= serialPort.getInputStream();
    OutputStream os= serialPort.getOutputStream();... then you use the 'os' stream for writing and the 'is' stream for reading.
    kind regards,

  • Emulator support serial communication?

    Hi all
    I'm trying to implement some serial communication using mobile to write to usb. But I'm surprised that is it possible to do with using emulator?
    Here the problem is
    String ports = System.getProperty("microedition.commports");this thing always return null when run it on my mobile. I used k510i to test this and finally got to know that jp6 (k510i) does not support serial communication.
    But when this run on emulator it gives output string as COM1, COM2.
    So my question is can we use emulator to do this, hence emulator does not have usb cable and does any one has an idea to convert emulator to make enable this?
    If can please tell me how?

    Sorry to say you that you can not touch your PC hardware from the emulator. Because the emulator runs KVM
    as its runtime over the JVM. Thus if you want to touch the hardware of your PC then you have to request your
    JVM from the KVM to communicate with the hardware and return you the response. Which is not at all possible.
    But if you still want to use the COM1 and COM2 then run two different instances of the emulator and start a serial
    communication between two emulators like a chat application.

  • Asynchronous communication using HSDIO

    I am trying to create an application for asynchronous serial communication using a PXI-6541 HSDIO card.  I have one RX and one TX line to/from the device I'm trying to communicate with. The device uses 25-bit words with the first 3 bits representing "labels" or commands.  There are only 7 labels that can be transmitted to the device and 2 that the it uses in response.  I currently have a sniffer set up so I can monitor the 2-way communication.  I am oversampling the data in WDT for viewing purposes but I am having a hard time extracting the data into something useable.  Has anyone used HSDIO for asynchronous communicaton and if so, can you send me some examples on how you triggered the data?  
    The serial bus is similar to Arinc429 if that helps.  Any suggestions are appreciated.  
    Thank you!

    I was wondering, have you taken a look at the built-in examples under LabVIEW»Help»Find Examples»Browse»Hardware Input and Output»Modular Instruments»NI-HSDIO (High-Speed Digital I/O)? Under the Demo folder, there's one example called Dynamic Acquisition Hardware Start It has a pattern match start trigger option. 
    Just a thought...
    Nathan S.
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

  • How to make Serial Communication in windows

    Hello, I want to do serial communication using windows platform.Sun provides javax.comm package for solaris & unix but there is no any provision for windows platform.Can I use it in Windows Platform.?

  • I use LabVIEW 7.1 but I have some problem when, I use LabVEW to read the data from serial communication

    I use LabVIEW 7.1 but I have some problem when, I use LabVEW to read the data from serial communication.
    I use LabVIEW to read the data from serial communication then, i open the example (.vi) from Serial Communication - Advanced Serial Write and Read  from LabVIEW Example. BUT it have some error message that : Error - 1073807202 occured  at property node in visa configure serial port (instr).vi -> advance serial write and read .vi
    this error code is undefined. no one has provide a description for this code, or you might have wired a number that is not an error code to the error code input.
    I don't know why? please help me. thank you.

    When I copy that code into "Explain Error" I get: "VISA:  (Hex 0xBFFF009E) A code library required by VISA could not be located or loaded."
    You may have a bad install of VISA or the wrong version of VISA loaded. Try re-installing VISA. You can get the latest version from the NI support site:
    Also ensure that you are not pointing the example towards a serial port that does not exist.
    Please let us know what you find and what gets this working for you.

  • Does anyone use a LaCie external hard drive with their Mac using imovie '09?  I have some questions.

    Does anyone use a LaCie external hard drive with their Mac using imovie '09?  I have some questions.

    Are you actually having a problem with the new Lacie drive, or are you just asking is the Lacie drive somehow different from your old G-Drive?
    From a connection standpoint, most Lacie desktop drives have both USB and FireWire connections, just like the G-Drives do.  You would connect and use it the same as a G-Drive.
    Regarding capturing to the external HD, if you are using a camcorder that has FireWire (iLink) connection, it is not advisable to have an external FireWire HD connected to your Mac at the same time as your camcorder; there are often communication conflicts between the camcorder and the hard drive if they are connected at the same time.  The conflicts usually appear as either dropped frames or a complete freeze.   This is more common with Canon miniDV camcorders but I have also seen this behavior with Sony miniDV camcorders.  (The problem is the camcorder's FW implementation, not the hard drive.)  The workaround is to capture to your Mac's internal HD and later copy the captured video to your external HD.

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