Song for Dying Hard-Drive?

I heard somewhere recently that on Windows PC's that when the hard-drive is facing an imminent failure, a (certain) song will be played on the PC's speakers.
Is there a similar system on the Mac?
My wife shut down her iMac a few days ago and we heard a little jingle that we have never heard before.
I can't remember which tune is played on the Windows PC, but it might be hard-drive rather than OS related.

Hi, again, Freddie.
You wrote: "I heard somewhere recently that on Windows PC's that when the hard-drive is facing an imminent failure, a (certain) song will be played on the PC's speakers. Is there a similar system on the Mac?"I've never heard of such a thing in the Mac universe.
The way to tell if a hard drive is failing or has failed is to check the SMART Diagnostics. See Step 1 of the the procedure specified in my "Resolving Disk, Permission, and Cache Corruption" FAQ.
Good luck!
Dr. Smoke
Author: Troubleshooting Mac® OS X
Note: The information provided in the link(s) above is freely available. However, because I own The X Lab™, a commercial Web site to which some of these links point, the Apple Discussions Terms of Use require I include the following disclosure statement with this post:
I may receive some form of compensation, financial or otherwise, from my recommendation or link.

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    aespinoza2210 wrote:
    could it be in the itunes folder or does it have to be in the itunes media folder, which is within the itunes folder??
    A Espinoza,
    The iTunes Media folder is set in Preferences > Advanced, and is the key to most iTunes folder organizational activities.  So I doubt that the automatic deletion will work for files that are somewhere else within the folder structure.
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    Read this: FAQ: Why iTunes Match Can Not Be Used as a Backup. If you care about your data you'll still keep local backups of all your personal data. Cloud storage is nice and all that but Apple doesn't market iTunes Match as a backup solution and because the matching is not 100% accurate nor does the service store Apple Lossless files, it is not a viable backup solution. For cloud backups you want a company like Backblaze or Mozy or one of the others available who are backup solutions.
    sadcaper wrote:
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    <Edited by Moderator>

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    For a new hard drive try ives&Order=PRICE
    Or OWC for regular hard drives and SSDs
    Here are instructions on replacing the hard drive in a MacBook with a removable battery.
    After you put in your new hard disk put your install DVD into the optical drive (CD/DVD drive) and reboot. Be sure to either use the disc that came with your Mac, or, if you installed a later Mac OS X version from disc, use the newer disc. As soon as you hear the boot chime, hold down the "c" key on your keyboard (or the Option Key until the Install Disk shows up) until the apple shows up. That will force your MacBook to boot from the install DVD in the optical drive.
    When it does start up, you'll see a panel asking you to choose your language. Choose your language and press the Return key on your keyboard once. It will then present you with an Installation window.
    Completely ignore this window and click on Utilities in the top menu and scroll down to Disk Utility and click it. You should see your hard drive in the left hand column along with your other drives. Click on the drive and select the Erase tab. Set the format value to Mac OS Extended (Journaled) and click the Erase button. After that has finished select the Partition tab. Type in a Name for your hard drive and select how many partitions you want from the Volume Scheme. The usual setting is one partition. Click on the Options button after you've selected a partition to make sure it's set for GUID. Then click the Apply button and after the Partitioning is done quit Disk Utility.
    You can now follow the instructions on the install screen

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    michel p.

    I usually err on the sideof caution when someone says "downloaded" and take it to mean anything fro actually downloaded, to copies, to imported, to moved (frolder to folder), but even if they were "downloaded"... if the old email was hacked, and subseuqently closed out, that leaves the downloaded files "orphaned" if you will, belonging to the old ID. So, while they may be on the HD, they're inaccessible now.
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    If the songs are in iTunes and the iPod is set to sync automatically, the songs should already be on the iPod; if they aren't, follow the instructions in this article and post back with any error messages.
    If the iPod is set to sync manually, drag the songs onto the iPod in the iTunes source list.

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