Sony ereader  how to authorize

migrating from sony.... don't know how to authorize my sony reader so that I can download books from ADE to my ereader.  I have been able to move the library, just not read it.  I folllowed the Transfer eBook to EReader instructions, but my ereader is not listed so I get stuck @ step 4
any help... thanks.

Ask in the Digital Editions forum,
And don't forget to give full details about your problem and your setup.

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    I don't use my eReader very often and so a while back I figured out how to do this and today I had forgotten how!! So here's to help you and I and every other dummy who keeps forgetting!
        Sony eReader with Mac:
        How to put ebooks on reader when Error appears
    1. First you buy your ebook(s) and download it to your Reader Library.
    2. It goes to Status then into your Library.
    3. Now go to Finder your book should be in the recent/Today section in epub form.
    4. Open another Finder by going to File and New Finder Window.
    5. In the new Window open Reader under devices.
    6. Continue opening database/media/books.
    7. Finally take the new ebook from the first Window and put it in the second Window.
    8. DONE! And ENJOY!!

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    Hello -  the chat service for ADE helped me find an answer.  With Sony ereaders, you always need to have the Sony reader app installed on the same machine as ADE.  There are some drivers installed with the Sony reader app that are needed.  Since I did that, ADE now acknowledges my Sony PRS-350. 
    Here is a link:
    The chat line was very helpful with this; they tell me you cannot call in to get ADE support -  you can only use the chat box.

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    I don't use my eReader very often and so a while back I figured out how to do this and today I had forgotten how!! So here's to help you and I and every other dummy who keeps forgetting!
        Sony eReader with Mac:
        How to put ebooks on reader when Error appears
    1. First you buy your ebook(s) and download it to your Reader Library.
    2. It goes to Status then into your Library.
    3. Now go to Finder your book should be in the recent/Today section in epub form.
    4. Open another Finder by going to File and New Finder Window.
    5. In the new Window open Reader under devices.
    6. Continue opening database/media/books.
    7. Finally take the new ebook from the first Window and put it in the second Window.
    8. DONE! And ENJOY!!

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    Well first off, bummer man. Sounds like you are really having a hard time.
    A question; If you keep having problems with Sony products, why have you purchased 4 of them?
    My understanding is that the audio capability is primarily for Audio Books, not for using the eReader as an MP3 player. I still think it should do so, but I am not surprised in that this firmware version (1.0) cannot do it. I would suggest being patient.
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    Link your phone number and Apple ID for use with FaceTime and iMessage

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    Please authorize your devices with same credentials in order to read the book across devices.

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  • HT1420 The instructions on how to authorize a computer need links. I can't find store menu and I can't find authorize this computer.

    Hi - Does someone know how to authorize a computer so it will play the songs you've bought from iTunes? I've wasted nearly two hours trying.  It all began when I tried to remove a previously authorized computer which broke down years ago.
    Step 1 - Log in with apple ID, go into account and click the deauthorize computers button (that's what they tell you to do if you can't connect the broken computer to deauthorize it).  I managed that. 
    Result - Now it says I have no authorized computers. Fair enough.  Except I'm trying to reauthorize the one and only working computer we own so it plays the music we've previously bought, and so we can use the iTunes store credit we still have.
    Step 2 - Try and reauthorize the working computer - the one I'm typing on - it was authorized earlier today - until I had to unauthorize it to remove the defunct computer  with that deauthorize all button.
    Anyway the instructions to authorize/reauthorize a computer say, "Go to Store menu - then authorize this computer. " Sounds simple!
    It's at this point I'm stuck - the instructions are insufficient for me.There are no links to redirect you to the correct place to authorize your computer. It just says to go to store and authorize this computer. When I press store it's connecting me to store but I can't find anything that says authorize this computer - I can just see album covers etc. On the right I can see our account but I can't find store menu or an authorize this computer button in that either. If I click on our account it says that we have no authorized devices or computers. I'm logged into our account with the correct apple ID - otherwise I wouldn't be able to read that we have no authorized computers would I? And I've logged in and out several times and tried to refresh the page.
    Could someone please send me a link to the Store menu so I can click on the correct page then hopefully reauthorize our previously authorized computer. We are using Windows 7, but I don't know what version of itunes - it's a fairly recent version though.
    I wish they would make removing and authorizing computers easier - can't they just put a button on the main screen or something?

    Ozfamily wrote:
    Anyway the instructions to authorize/reauthorize a computer say, "Go to Store menu - then authorize this computer. " Sounds simple!
    It's at this point I'm stuck - ...
    If using iTunes 11... See this Discussion...

  • How to authorize ebook reader in Adobe Digital Editions?

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    Assuming your reader is supported you need to have it connected via usb and turned on prior to launching Adobe Digital Editions.  Once you launch Adobe Digital Editions it will ask to authorize your device.
    If you have additional questions please post your inquiry to the Adobe Digital Editions forum.

  • How to authorize a new PC in itunes?

    how to authorize a new PC in itunes?

    Macs:  iTunes Store- About authorization and deauthorization.
    Windows: How to Authorize or Deauthorize iTunes | PCWorld.
    In iTunes you use the Authorize This Computer or De-authorize This Computer option under the Store menu in iTunes' menubar. For Windows use the ALT-S keys to access it. Or turn on Windows 7 and 8 iTunes menus: iTunes- Turning on iTunes menus in Windows 8 and 7.
    Also see, iTunes Store- Authorize or deauthorize your Mac or PC

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    Pages 5 now uses the system-level auto-correction in System Preferences > Keyboard > Text. Unfortunately, a lot of the options available in previous versions of Pages no longer exist.
    Leave feedback for the Pages team using the link in the Pages menu. Also leave feedback for Mavericks.

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