Sony TV with Google Chrome question

I cant update my TV to play any Flash videos. The verision I have is out of date and when I try to update it I get this...
Your Google Chrome browser already includes Adobe® Flash® Player built-in. Google Chrome will automatically update when new versions of Flash Player are available.
but its out dated and wont update. Any ideas???

Please ask in the Flash Player forum.

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    HelloThank's for your helpsI hope this document is helpfulBest Regards,
    Date: Sun, 22 Jun 2014 17:10:17 -0700
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject:  when i open pdf file it open all the pages but some pages give error massage (there was error processing a page,there was a problem reading this document 110) but if i open this page which give me error with google chrome it's work ? if you can help me th
        when i open pdf file it open all the pages but some pages give error massage (there was error processing a page,there was a problem reading this document 110) but if i open this page which give me error with google chrome it's work ? if you can help m
        created by Anoop9178 in Adobe Reader - View the full discussion
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    thank's for reply and your help
    i did the step's that you told me but  i still have the same problem
                                     i have the latest v.11.0.7
    i disable the protected mode

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    Hi AbZu, 
    You need to contact Google Chromes technical support as this is only an issue with Chrome. You have indicated that the printer functions correctly everywhere else. Check out the link below for Google Chrome technical support. Let me know if you need additional assistance?
    I am an HP employee.
    Say Thanks by clicking the Kudos Star in the post that helped you.
    Please mark the post that solves your problem as "Accepted Solution"

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    [email address removed by host]

    thank's for reply and your help
    i did the step's that you told me but  i still have the same problem
                                     i have the latest v.11.0.7
    i disable the protected mode

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    The update alerts are fake, and are intended to dupe you into installing malware or disclosing private information so that your identity can be stolen.
    You might get the alerts when visiting a website that has been hacked. Don't visit the site again. If applicable, notify the site administrator of the problem, but don't send email to an unknown party.
    If you get the alerts when visiting more than one well-known website, such as Google, YouTube, or Facebook, then they're almost certainly the result of an attack on your router that has caused you to get false results from looking up the addresses of Internet servers. Requests sent to those sites are redirected to a server controlled by the attacker. It's possible, but less likely, that the DNS server used by your ISP has been attacked, but you should assume that the router is at fault until proven otherwise.
    The router's documentation should tell you how to reset it to the factory default state. Usually there's a pinhole switch somewhere in the back. It may be labeled "RESET." Insert the end of a straightened paper clip or a similar tool and press the button inside for perhaps 15 seconds, or as long as the instructions specify.
    After resetting the router, quit the web browser and relaunch it while holding down the shift key. From the Safari menu bar, select
              Safari ▹ Preferences... ▹ Privacy ▹ Remove All Website Data
    and confirm. Do the equivalent if you use another browser. Open the Downloads folder and delete anything you don't recognize.
    Then go through the router's initial setup procedure. I can't be specific, because it's different for every model. The key points are these:
    1. Don't allow the router to be administered from the WAN (Internet) port, if it has that option. Most do.
    2. Set a strong password to protect the router's settings: at least ten random upper- and lower-case letters and digits. Don't use the default password or any other that could be guessed. Save the password in your keychain. Any password that you can remember is weak.
    3. If the router is wireless, or if you have a wireless access point on the network, use "WPA 2 Personal" security and set a different strong password to protect the network. If the router or access point doesn't support WPA 2, it's obsolete and must be replaced.
    During the time the router was compromised, you were redirected to bogus websites. If you ever connected to a secure site and got a warning from your browser that the identity of the server could not be verified, and you dismissed that warning in order to log in, assume that your credentials for the site have been stolen and that the attacker has control of the account. This warning also applies to all websites on which you saw the fake update alerts.
    Check the router manufacturer's website for a firmware update.
    If you downloaded and installed what you thought was a software update, ask for instructions.

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    There is a history of problems with Google Chrome, Lion and to some degree, trackpads.   You should ask your self how much you need Google Chrome which at best absorbs memory at a rate of knots.   Look at 'More like this" to your right >>>
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  • Empty camera names in Flash Player with Google Chrome

    So, it seems we got another problem with devices (cameras and microphones) in Flash Player integrated with Google Chrome (PPAPI). Many Flash developers can remember clickjacking problem and ugly fix for this issue implemented in Google Chrome. For now, if you have some application that uses camera or microphone, Google Chrome users must allow access to their devices twice: for Flash Player (small window centered in Flash-object) and for Google Chrome (gray panel with buttons under address bar).
    Until recently the whole process of granting camera access looked like this:
    Application want to attach camera to Video object or NetStream.
    Even without permission you can get camera names and populate some UI components with them.
    Flash Player show security panel with "Allow" and "Deny" buttons.
    Google Chrome show it's own security panel, so both security panels are visible at the same time.
    Users press "Allow" button in Flash Player security panel.
    Now you have false for camera.muted property, but camera show zero FPS, because access is still denied in browser.
    Users press "Allow" button in browser security panel.
    Win! You have access granted everywhere.
    Of course, that second security panel of Google Chrome is a real pain. Users just don't notice it. Flash developers handled this issue with hints inside application and FAQ pages. But now we have another big problem.
    Recently the process of granting camera access changed to this:
    Application want to attach camera to Video object or NetStream.
    You can't get camera names until access granted in browser. There will be just spaces (" ", symbol with code 32) in property.
    Flash Player show security panel with "Allow" and "Deny" buttons.
    Google Chrome will not show it's security panel until access granted in Flash Player.
    Users press "Allow" button in Flash Player security panel.
    Now you have false for camera.muted property, but camera show zero FPS and have no name, because access is still denied in browser.
    Google Chrome show it's own security panel.
    Users press "Allow" button in browser security panel (this panel shown twice for some reason).
    Now you have access granted everywhere, but devices still have just spaces instead of real names.
    Unfortunately, AS3 will not update camera names after access granted in browser. Camera names are empty event in Flash Player settings window before browser access granting. So it's impossible now to get camera names in Flash application running in Google Chrome without reloading. User need to grant access in browser first, than reload application and only after that we can get camera names in AS3. I have tried to use to refresh camera names, but it seems it's not working.
    Also I have created a small example and posted it online. You can test it by yourself in Google Chrome. Just don't forget to clear your choice each time. You need to remove "" entry from list on chrome://settings/contentExceptions#media-stream to clear your prevoius choice.
    Also I got similar complaints from Opera users.
    Here is my code:
        import flash.display.Sprite;
        import flash.display.StageAlign;
        import flash.display.StageScaleMode;
        import flash.text.TextField;
        import flash.utils.Timer;
        public class BrowserPermissionTest extends Sprite
            private var output:TextField;
            private var timer:Timer;
            public function BrowserPermissionTest()
                addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, addedToStageHandler);
            private function addedToStageHandler(event:Event):void
                removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, addedToStageHandler);
                stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
                stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
                output = new TextField();
                output.border = true;
                output.multiline = true;
                output.wordWrap = true;
                output.x = output.y = 10;
                stage.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, stage_resizeHandler);
                var i:int;
                var numCameras:int = 0;
                var numMicrophones:int = 0;
                if (Camera.isSupported)
                    var cameraNames:Array = Camera.names;
                    numCameras = cameraNames ? cameraNames.length : 0;
                    if (numCameras > 0)
                        for (i = 0; i < numCameras; i++)
                            var cameraName:String = cameraNames[i];
                            log((i + 1) + ". \"" + cameraName + "\"");
                        log("Camera not found.");
                    log("Camera is not supported.");
                if (Microphone.isSupported)
                    var microphoneNames:Array = Microphone.names;
                    numMicrophones = microphoneNames ? microphoneNames.length : 0;
                    if (numMicrophones > 0)
                        for (i = 0; i < numMicrophones; i++)
                            var microphoneName:String = microphoneNames[i];
                            log((i + 1) + ". \"" + microphoneName + "\"");
                        log("Microphone not found.");
                    log("Microphone is not supported.");
                if (numCameras > 0 || numMicrophones > 0)
                    if (numCameras > 0)
                        var defaultCamera:Camera = Camera.getCamera();
                        var video:Video = new Video(1, 1);
                        defaultCamera.muted ? devicesMutedInFlashPlayer() : devicesUnmutedInFlashPlayer();
                    else if (numMicrophones > 0)
                        var defaultMicrophone:Microphone = Microphone.getMicrophone();
                        defaultMicrophone.muted ? devicesMutedInFlashPlayer() : devicesUnmutedInFlashPlayer();
                        log("No devices found for test.");
            private function devicesMutedInFlashPlayer():void
                log("Devices are muted in Flash Player.");
                log("Starting permission check timer...");
                timer = new Timer(100);
                timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, flashPlayerPermissionTimer_timerHandler);
            private function flashPlayerPermissionTimer_timerHandler(event:TimerEvent):void
                var defaultCamera:Camera = Camera.getCamera();
                if (!isDevicesMutedInFlashPlayer())
                    timer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, flashPlayerPermissionTimer_timerHandler);
                    timer = null;
            private function devicesUnmutedInFlashPlayer():void
                log("Devices are unmuted in Flash Player.");
                isDevicesMutedInBrowser() ? devicesMutedInBrowser() : devicesUnmutedInBrowser();
            private function devicesMutedInBrowser():void
                log("Devices are muted in browser.");
                log("Starting permission check timer...");
                timer = new Timer(100);
                timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, browserPermissionTimer_timerHandler);
            private function browserPermissionTimer_timerHandler(event:TimerEvent):void
                if (!isDevicesMutedInBrowser())
                    timer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, browserPermissionTimer_timerHandler);
                    timer = null;
            private function devicesUnmutedInBrowser():void
                log("Devices are unmuted in browser.");
            private function isDevicesMutedInFlashPlayer():Boolean
                var cameraNames:Array = Camera.names;
                var numCameras:int = cameraNames ? cameraNames.length : 0;
                if (numCameras > 0)
                    var defaultCamera:Camera = Camera.getCamera();
                    return defaultCamera.muted;
                    var microphoneNames:Array = Camera.names;
                    var numMicrophones:int = microphoneNames ? microphoneNames.length : 0;
                    if (numMicrophones > 0)
                        var defaultMicrophone:Microphone = Microphone.getMicrophone();
                        return defaultMicrophone.muted;
                return true;
            private function isDevicesMutedInBrowser():Boolean
                var cameraNames:Array = Camera.names;
                var numCameras:int = cameraNames.length;
                for (var i:int = 0; i < numCameras; i++)
                    var cameraName:String = cameraNames[i];
                    if (cameraName != " ")
                        return false;
                var microphoneNames:Array = Microphone.names;
                var numMicrophones:int = microphoneNames.length;
                for (i = 0; i < numMicrophones; i++)
                    var microphoneName:String = microphoneNames[i];
                    if (microphoneName != " ")
                        return false;
                return true;
            private function log(text:String):void
                output.appendText(text + "\n");
            private function updateView():void
                output.width = stage.stageWidth - 2 * output.x;
                output.height = stage.stageHeight - 2 * output.y;
            private function stage_resizeHandler(event:Event):void
    So, I wonder if it's a bug or some kind of new security feature implemented by Google Chrome team? Maybe someone already faced this problem and can share more info about it.
    For now it looks like modern browsers killing Flash with all that features and ugly solutions.
    PS: You can find some silly mistakes in my message. Sorry for my English.
    Updated code to check microphones also.

    After couple of tests I have found strange behavior of PPAPI Flash.
    The test was made with two SWFs working simultaneously on the same page. The first one was asking for device access like some regular application (by calling video.attachCamera). The second SWF was created/removed in cycle by JavaScript to avoid this thing:
    Scanning the hardware for cameras takes time. When the runtime finds at least one camera, the hardware is not scanned again for the lifetime of the player instance.
    I have made both SWFs to get all devices names and post them to screen. So I was able to see all changes regarding devices in first SWF (before and after permission granted) and in refreshable second SWF (each second). Also I have used scanHardware in both SWfs.
    I have found that second (refreshable) SWF got correct list of devices, but first one got only microphones. Camera names was empty.
    So it looks like we have another bug of PPAPI Flash here. I don't have another explanation for this. I mean, why do they need to update only microphones, but not cameras?

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    Recently, when opening some websites, I can't view the page and now must open them with google chrome or internet explorer in order to view them

    Hi headshot, <br /> Sorry you are having problems.
    Are you seeing any error message or notification ? <br />If so what ?
    If the page fails to load try clearing Reloading with the Ctrl F5 shortcut to force loading without the old new cached files. If that does not help try cache and clearing cookies for that site.
    * Also see [[Websites don't load - troubleshoot and fix error messages]]
    * [[Delete cookies to remove the information websites have stored on your computer#w_delete-cookies-for-a-single-site]]_delete-cookies-for-a-single-site
    Reload the webpage while bypassing the cache using '''one''' of the following steps:
    *Hold down the ''Shift'' key and click the ''Reload'' button with a left click.
    *Press ''Ctrl'' + ''F5'' or ''Ctrl'' + ''Shift'' + ''R'' (Windows and Linux)
    *Press ''Command'' + ''Shift'' + ''R'' (Mac)
    Let us know if this solves the issues you are having.
    Many site issues can be caused by corrupt cookies or cache. In order to try to fix these problems, the first step is to clear both cookies and the cache.
    Note: ''This will temporarily log you out of all sites you're logged in to.''
    To clear cache and cookies do the following:
    #Go to Firefox > History > Clear recent history or (if no Firefox button is shown) go to Tools > Clear recent history.
    #Under "Time range to clear", select "Everything".
    #Now, click the arrow next to Details to toggle the Details list active.
    #From the details list, check ''Cache'' and ''Cookies'' and uncheck everything else.
    #Now click the ''Clear now'' button.
    Further information can be found in the [[Clear your cache, history and other personal information in Firefox]] article.

  • Fingerprint does not work in connection with Google Chrome - solution?

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    Any workarounds?

    What fingerprint software do you use? Is it from AuthenTec?
    Here the page from Authentec:
    It seems that the last version supports the Internet Explorer, Firefox and Chrome

  • Flash player lags bad with Firefox but not with google chrome,what is the problem ?

    Every time i try to play any game using flash player with Firefox i have a lot of lag time. I have to stop playing and wait for things to catch up to play to play any more,I do not have this problem with google chrome playing the same games.I have updated all add ons and plugins.
    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened
    == about a month ago

    Everyone can blame flash player if they want, but the truth is for me I went from an earlier version that had plugin container which created lag for me. I disabled the plugin container in about:config settings, and firefox worked fine. Plugin container screwed up any videos i tried to watch on the internet by freezing, lagging, and crashing firefox. I was fine after I disabled plugin container, but then eventually some time later down the road I received a warning that i would soon be forced to update my mozilla so I eventually/reluctantly gave in and complied. At this point the same problems started again!!! I disabled plugin container again and it did help a bit right away. But this version 12.0 even with plugin container disabled with just a few tabs open I receive choppy video (like a snapshot of the video at 3 seconds in, and then another snap at 6 seconds in) I'm only seeing snapshots of the video like every 3 seconds while the audio continues on fine. That"s how bad the lag is. This is horrible performance for a browser. If I try to load a video while one is already playing, just that little bit of stress (2 youtube videos open at once) is all it takes to crash this poor performing version of firefox. I mean I can't even close the tabs after these situations and the audio sometime runs after closing for me as well. These problems did not start until the version changes of firefox and the addition of plugin container, not flash player. I have been a loyal mozilla fan, but my patients is wearing so so thin with the performance of this browser at the moment. Unfortunately I just realized for the first time ever I actually have to (against my will) install another browser just to watch videos. How sad is that? Considering watching videos is one of the main uses of a browser, I consider this version a failure. How could I not??? I guess I have no choice but to Chrome it up. I hope a fix for this problem can be found soon for I miss the great performing days of this previously top performing browser. Fingers Crossed!!!

  • I'm using XP with Google Chrome, what is "getPlusPlus for Adobe 162103?

    I'm using XP with Google Chrome, my Adobe Flash Player is 11,7,700,225. Do I need to keep a plug-in called  "getPlusPlus for Adobe 162103 or should I delete it?

    It's a download manager; you can safely delete it.

  • Choppy sound and game play with Google Chrome.

    I'm getting choppy audio and game play with Bejeweled Blitz with google chrome.  I tried all the solutions offered on the "Flash player games, video, audio don't work" site.  None of which helped.
    Any other ideas?
    running flash player version -
    Chrome version - 24.0.1312.57

    Do you notice any difference if you use the system version of Flash Player instead of the built in version included in Chrome?
    Enable system Flash Player in Google Chrome | Windows | Mac
    If this continues to be a problem, please go ahead and submit a bug report so we can investigate further.  This FAQ details what we'll need and how to submit the report.
    How do I report a bug against Flash Player for Google Chrome?

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