Sorting Sheets within a Spreadsheet

Does Numbers offer a way to sort my sheets, or tabs, within a file, either numerically or alphabetically?  something other than dragging them into their order.

Hi Jeff,
Numbers doesn't, no. There may be those on this forum that cold craft an Applescript to do the job. It is beyond me at this point.

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    You can insert a new table on the View Responses Tab with
    Insert > Table
    You can also insert a new sheet with a new table with
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    You can drag and drop the table if it does overlap with another table. Just select the table you want to move and drag the top-left corner of the table to move it.
    Hope this helps

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    Hi Ryan,
    You wrote:
    "The problem is that my "Distance" is a row of automatically generated values resulting from ((Row1/60)*Row 6). Changing the format of Row 1 to minutes causes row two to be expressed as a duration, which obviously it shouldn't because it is a distance. The spreadsheet has to be designed so that all I have to manually input on each entry are Row 1 Values (Time) and Row 6 Values (Average Pace). The rest of the cells must be automatically poulated as a result of formulas."
    I'm assuming that where you say "Row 1" in this you mean "Row 2", which is labeled "Time" in the example in the OP.
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    Y6: =Y2/Y3
    In this post, you are saying that Y6 contains entered data: "...all I have to manually input on each entry are Row 1 Values (Time) and Row 6 Values (Average Pace).
    Which is correct?

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    After creating a new sheet with a default table but before pasting the data, press Command-A and hit Delete. You now have a completely blank sheet. Now press Command-V to paste the new table.
    Alternatively, after pasting the new table it will be at the front. Select (say) cell A1, and then click on the Table Select icon (nine dots at the top-left). At this point you have the new table selected. Then click on the Arrange tab and click on Back to send the new table behind the default table. Now reselect cell A1 and then the Table Select icon again. Now you have the default table selected and can press Delete.

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    Events are organisation for those who can't really be bothered. They are automatic - based entirely on Date and Time the camera records the photos as taken.
    You can move photos between Events, you can Merge Events, you can Rename them and sort them in various ways except one: You cannot manually sort in an Event as Events are all automated.
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    Only albums can be sorted manually. Events can only be sorted automatically according to one of the predefined settings "Date, Keywords, Title, Rating".
    If you need a manual sort order, selectaall photos in the event and create an album: File > New Album

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    Did you read the answer?
    Events are a very limited form of organising. They are sorted on date and time only. If you want more flexibility then you need to use Albums, where there a virtually no limitations.
    That is the answer! You can not sort photos within events.
    Message was edited by: LarryHN

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    :-) Sarah.

    If the Excel file resides on the web, you can use:
    The default action in Excel is to open with the last active cell. So the a1 at the end positions the view to the top left. You can also open to named sections.
    Also, keep the filename.xls and sheet names without spaces. However, for a sheet name with a space, enclose it in single quote marks like 'Sheet Name'
    Take care, Mike

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    [email protected]:
    Welcome to the Apple Discussions. You can't sort manually within a roll. You can within Albums or in the entire library with Rolls tuned off.
    NOTE: It's not wise to use your email address either as your alias or placed in any post. Spammers sweep thru forums like this to harvest any email addresses to use. Since you only have a couple of posts I suggest you create a new account with a different alias and let this one die on the vine. You cannot change the alias of an account. The software isn't setup for it.
    Do you Twango?
    TIP: For insurance against the iPhoto database corruption that many users have experienced I recommend making a backup copy of the Library6.iPhoto database file and keep it current. If problems crop up where iPhoto suddenly can't see any photos or thinks there are no photos in the library, replacing the working Library6.iPhoto file with the backup will often get the library back. By keeping it current I mean backup after each import and/or any serious editing or work on books, slideshows, calendars, cards, etc. That insures that if a problem pops up and you do need to replace the database file, you'll retain all those efforts. It doesn't take long to make the backup and it's good insurance.

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    New features means new high version num.
    Version 1 for instance was updated as version 1.0.2 then 1.0.3
    At this time we just got the upgrade to version 2
    Some day we will get an update to version 2.0.2 with oddities corrections.
    Maybe later we will get an update to version 2.0.3 with other corrections.
    For new features we will have to wait for the upgrade to version 3 included in what I named NiWork '10.
    Prepare your bucks
    Yvan KOENIG (from FRANCE jeudi 5 février 2009 18:21:58)

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