Sound bug earphones iphone 5

Hi, I've had my Iphone 5 for 7 days and I have a problem with the sound.
Even when the earphones aren't plugged in, the phone works as if it was plugged in, meaning I don't sound coming out of the phone when I have a conversation or music coming out.
Somebody else has had the problem?

I have 4s It looks like apple is kiding with us. Ive had this problem since Ios 6.1 and now after 3 days I ulgraded to 6.1.2 this ****** issue has returned. Again the other part will listen me if I scream HELLOOo in the first second and then everything works fine or if I wait 1 minute but none can wait that.
Im really angry with this company always they mess up after each update

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    The same reason why you can't use it under iOS5. It's exclusive to devices since the iPhone 4S.
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    So iPhone 4S, iPad 3, iPhone 5 and iPod Touch 5.
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    If you update ur iphone 4 and lost all those features, the only way you can fix it is with itunes, plug in to ur computer and restore the IOS , before do that make sure to back up all ur info on icloud and ur computer.
    Good luck

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    First, Apple Support is NOT reading these forums. These are user to user technical help forums hosted by Apple. There are only other users here.
    You may have a hardware problem. Visit an Apple store for evaluation or contact Apple support.
    There is a chance that you have a bad Application on your iPad which is crashing the sound driver but, fron your description, this seem unlikely, however, give that possibility some consideration.
    Note: the majority of sound problems reported here are caused by the user having mute turned on and not realizing it. You don't seem to have that from your symptoms.

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    One thing I'd recommend is that you make sure the video/audio you're trying to transfer falls within the guidelines listed in the 'Video' section here:
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    Try to reset the phone by holding the sleep and home button for about 10sec, until the Apple logo comes back again. You will not lose data by resetting, but it can cure some glitches after installing new software or apps.

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    Hi thecrane1137,
    If you are having issues with the sound on your iPhone 4S, you may find the following article helpful:
    iPhone: Can't hear through the receiver or speakers
    - Brenden

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    make sure that your head phones are not attached to the phone then use the volume buttons on the side, if when using them you see a pic of headphones on the screen, then you have some lint in the headphone jack, use some compressed air and blow it out.
    If you dont see that then try to reset the phone, hold down the home and power buttons for 20 seconds or untill you see the silver apple.
    If you are still having a problem restore the phone and set up as new to see if that clears it up.

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    Normally, an iPhone will remember what you had your volume set to right before you unplugged your headphones last and set the volume back to that when you plug them in again. Do you have a habit of tuning your volume down before unplugging?

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    If you think this is silly and would like to let Apple know this, you can contact them here:

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    if you created a ringtone, it should appear in the tone menu in itunes.
    Is the ringtone 30 seconds or less?
    Also I would check the iringer support site to resolve your issue.

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