Sound Frequency Spectrum Limited When Exported

I've been trying to export the sound from my Final Cut Pro project for my friend to master in a sound program on his computer. He requested my sound in the wav format, so I used QuickTime Conversion to do so. When he looked at the spectrum, he saw that the sound frequencies were cut off above 16,000 hz. We've tried to export in other formats, such as AIFF and AU, but with the same results. Is the sound being limited during conversion or could Final Cut Pro somwhow be doing it before the conversion? Some of the sound tracks I'm exporting have been previously mastered and definitely did have sound above 16,000 hz. Most importantly, how can I export the tracks with their full frequency range intact?

I am having the exact problem, it's a real show stopper.
I have tested hardware, software, media as below.
Tested on
1 Intel 17inch iMac
2 G4 AGP 450 + 1.2Ghz Model
Each have a fresh install of iLife 06 on
Each have been tested with different project files.
Differnet music files
The issue seems to be with apples iLife software to me.
I am on the phone to apple right now, they only surgest I create a new user as it generates new prefs, but the above test has already rulled out preference files!
Also rebuilding and reinstalling, but again the above test has rulled that out as the 3 machines were freshly built.
I have already upgraded my graphics card in my machine at home to sort out preview problems with iMovie, hopefully it's not going to be an expensive audio card aswell.
If any 1 can throw any light on this please do as apple support can't.

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    Hi again,
    This link below solved it, just about a bug on imovie 9 if you put slow motion or accelerate on different points than the ones suggested (100%, 200%, 400% etc), if you are not on it it bugs…
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    There is a fix coming out soon for this. In the mean time go to settings and put the date forward one year. then try. once you have access then put the date back.
    hope it helps

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    Is it realistic to think Apple will fix the bug soon?
    We're not supposed to speculate here - no-one but Apple would know anyway! Hopefully, the next version upgrade (? iMovie '10) might address it.
    One option for you would be to use the free program JES Deinterlacer to do your speed changes. My understanding is that it does a better job of slow and fast motion than iMovie. You would need to import your clips into JES, process them, export from JES, then re-import to iMovie - all a bit messy! But you would get the desired result.
    If you leave the clips in iMovie with their current speed settings, you will almost certainly experience the audio glitches on export. So, you either need to change the speed to the presets, or use a 3rd party product such as JES Deinterlacer to set the speed for you. Bear in mind I haven't tested this (with JES) but believe it should work.
    The product can be downloaded from this site:
    A link to an 18 MB video (by David Lute) showing a comparison of JES Deinterlacer slow-motion vs. iMovie slow-motion can be found about one third the way down the page. Unfortunately, there is no mention of the iMovie version used for the test.

  • Sound drop out when exporting to Quicktime movie.

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    Try to make an "audio-mixdown" of your final sequence
    in timeline.
    Michel Boissonneault
    Thanks for the info. I managed to overcome the problem initially by copying onto miniDV then re-capturing and exporting the result., but Mix Down is much nicer.
    However, prior to upgrading to FCE-HD, I am fairly certain I have made more complex projects with no problems. Now quite frequently I get a message suggesting I reduce the number of RT tracks, or increase the speed of my computer. Is there something in FCE HD that requires these modifications, or have I a rogue project.
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    You can't "save" streaming media.
    Therefore you can't "export" the file.

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    Later on tape the interruptions also influences the sound.
    Has anyone encountered this?
    I would be very grateful for help.
    iMac G4   Mac OS X (10.3.9)   I use iMovie 4.0.1.

    a) in your system prefs, there's a tool "File
    vault".. that has to be OFF, editing video
    b) is your project on internal drive, or on an
    external..? is the ext. hd usb(2) connected? should
    be firewire...
    c) your internal drive should be "crowded" ~80% of
    max. single-click on hd's icon, hit apple-i, have a
    Hi Karsten,
    Vault is off and the project is on the internal drive. The internal drive was crowded; 93% used. But even after moving 30% and get 63% free space on the internal drive the symptom is still there.
    The frequence is every 60 seconds. The magnitude of the interruption is varying.
    Should I do something more after emptying the trash after copying/moving?
    iMac G4   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

  • Distortion in audio when exporting HDV to tape

    I'm having trouble sending a native HDV project back to tape. The picture looks fine on the export, but the audio is severely distorted. It's not overmodulation. I have a -10 limiter on the audio master track, and the VUs on my deck don't show anything like any clipping. But the sound it's making is similar to clipping. Any ideas? Thanks,
    system specs:
    Dell Precision PWS390
    Intel Core2 6400
    2.13GHz, 2GB RAM
    NVIDIA Quadro FX 3450/4000
    Sony HV-U15 deck

    Thanks for the reply. It's hard to describe the actually reminds me of the sound a 16mm projector makes when it loses its loop, sort of a strobing distortion. As for constancy, no it's definitely not constant in the sense that, say, ground loop hum is constant. It's "attached" to the sounds as the play back, so that when the timeline is very quiet it's hardly audible, but when you get any sound at all, it comes up. I know that might sound like clipping, but I don't see how it could possibly be for a few reasons:
    1. There's a -9 limiter on the audio master track.
    2. It sounds perfectly fine both in timeline playback and when exported to Encore.
    3. The VUs in the original source clips, the timeline, and the deck on output all show clean levels with no clipping.
    I'm wondering if it's related to my deck, but I haven't had a chance to check that yet. I'll try outputting to the camera when I get back in to work on Monday, but if you have any other ideas as to what the cause might be, I'd be happy to hear them. Thanks.

  • Poor sound quality in timeline and export; fine in Source?

    Hello all.
    Newbie to Pr but experienced pro in digital audio. I'm stumped and know I'm just missing something somewhere.
    I've made a music video for one of my songs. The graphics are all done (in AE), imported to Pr and eveything looks great. I import the final mix of the audio and it sounds very low quality when played from the timeline and in the final output, regardless of format (I've tried several presets and custom settings as well). I played around and noticed that the audio sounds fine when played from the Source window inside Premier.
    The Pr session is comrised of 18 video tracks (not all playing at once, of course) and one stereo audio track.
    I've tried re-exporting the audio from Logic at different bit depths, sample rates and file formats (mp3, wav, AAC, etc) but the results are the same every time: Source (Pr)sounds fine, Logic output sounds fine, rendered / timeline playback sounds like very low quality mp3 and final product sounds just as bad.
    I've tried everything I can think of. I hope one of you can show me what I'm missing.
    Premier Pro CC
    Processor  2 x 2.8 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon
    Memory  8 GB 800 MHz DDR2 FB-DIMM
    Graphics  ATI Radeon HD 2600 XT 256 MB
    Software  OS X 10.9.1 (13B42)

    Thank you for the reply!
    I was experiencing the same results no matter what export settings I used. Plus the poor sound quality was present in the timeline itself, without even exporting the project.
    I finally threw my hands up, started a completely new project, drug the same audio file in... sounded fine. Copied / Pasted the video clips from the original, broken project and boom, eveything is fixed. Yeah, corrupted Pr file it turns out. All I had to do was start a new project and import all the old components.
    I've had to do this in Logic a lot (increasingly, these days). I just wish I'd tried it 10 hours earlier! Ha.
    Anyway, problem solved, and thanks very much!

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