Sound not activating for all 5 speake

I followed the directions in this thread:
but when I'm doing the "test speakers" on the Creative Sound Mixer, I'm only hearing "front left" and "front right". I see the other speakers highlight during the test, but no results.
I have the Sound Blaster Li've LS card, and Creative Labs 5. 560 speaker system.

Never mind. I think it fixed when I unchecked the box that referred to the controll panel, or it was just the act of rebooting. It's all good.

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    Kind Regards
    Mark Summerbell

    Hi Mark,
    The message is triggering from std SAP program RLLT0R00 and is defaulted to Error message.We cannot change that to warning message in that program.Pls try to search suitable OSS notes for the  same.It looks like Extent WM is active for your plant so the message is issued.
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    Martin Pluntke

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    thank you for your help. I've just realized that the former project team made a modification to object LIKP, method SAVEREPLICA in transaction BDBG and set it to "Data filtering allowed".
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    Edited by: Martin Pluntke on Feb 8, 2008 4:37 PM

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              to the 'classes' dir.
              Modify the web.xml file located in the mydomain/applications/
              WEB-INF/ directory
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              defined in the web.xml file.
              prakash wrote:
              > Hi everybody ,I have this web app on weblogic 7 .The application
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              > 404 not found for all the servlets ,although weblogic is serving
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    Thanks in advance.

    As i think, you are creating Goods receipt With Excise option "Only Part1" in MIGO, then system will update only J_1ipart1 table with qty and without internal document number, after J1IEX only system will Update J_1IEXCDTL  table with all value and qty and internal document number.
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    Hi Ben,
    Don't worry, time is not an issue... I'm posting an example of a VI with the problem I described. I noticed that the problem occurs only with "dialog buttons".
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    Thanks for your time !
    Attachments: ‏22 KB

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    I'm having the same problem, it just started today (11/13/2012). 
    Settings > Sounds> Text Tone = Tri-tone
    Lock Sounds = On
    Keyboard Clicks = Off
    The mute button is also in the correct place (ring, not mute).

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    function ShowPartAttachment() {
        if (document.getElementById("part1") == null || typeof document.getElementById("part1") == "undefined") {
        (document.getElementById("part1")).style.display = "none";
        (document.getElementById("partAttachment")).style.display = "block"; //problem here

    Am also facing the similar problem....any iputs are highly appriciated.
    1) Defined the attachment type in IMG.
    2) Added the attachment type "SFREEATTM" by selecting other attributes---> Attachment Types.
    3) Attached the excel file in the design.
    See the screen shot below:
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    Please see the screen shot below:
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    For example, if my component tree looks like this (this is a representation of the tree; not an example of a .jsp page):
    <node id = "/">
       <node id = "page">
          <node id = "carStoreForm">
             <node id = "ba0">
                 <node id = "ba1">
                     <node id = "ba3"/>
                     <node id = "br4"/>
             <node id = "bold1"/>
             <node id = "more1"/>
    </node>A preorder traversal of these nodes should visit nodes:
    However, when I write test code that calls TreeNavigatorImpl.getNextStart() directly, only the following nodes are returned:
    It looks to me like the method loses track of the state of the traversal, and prematurely returns null before all the nodes are visited. (It is failing to return the "bold1" and "more1" nodes.)
    This is all extremely speculative. Without jsf source or doc for any of the tree classes, it is difficult to know what is supposed to be going on. And, of course, I may just have a bug in my code.

    Okay, rather than wait for Max to respond, I decompiled the TreeNavigatorImpl class myself and studied the source code. The
    problem arises in the getNextStart() method. If the method returns
    a null value, then presumably the class has successfully traversed
    the entire tree in preorder. Unfortunately, there was a slight
    logic error that would halt traversal after you got to the last node
    of the last subtree at the beginning of your travels.
    The following code should correct this situation (let me know if I've
    introduced any new problems into the mix...). I tested this out using the simple example that Max describes above. The test code appears at the end of my revised method:
    public UIComponent getNextStart() {
    UIComponent cur = null;
    if (startTraversalDone) {
    return cur;
    if (startStack.empty()) {
    cur = root;
    Iterator iter = cur.getChildren();
    if (iter.hasNext()) {
    else {
    while (!startStack.empty()) {
         Iterator iter = (Iterator) startStack.peek();
         if (iter != null && iter.hasNext()) {
         cur = (UIComponent);
         Iterator childIter = cur.getChildren();
         if (childIter != null && childIter.hasNext()) {
         else {
         if (!iter.hasNext()) {
    else {
    if (startStack.empty()) {
    startTraversalDone = true;
    if (cur != null) {
    return cur;
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              MyComp root = new MyComp("root");
              // build tree....
              MyComp page = new MyComp("page");
              MyComp csf = new MyComp("csf");
              MyComp ba0 = new MyComp("ba0");
              csf.addChild(new MyComp("bold1"));
              csf.addChild(new MyComp("more1"));
              MyComp ba1 = new MyComp("ba1");
              ba1.addChild(new MyComp("ba3"));
              ba1.addChild(new MyComp("ba4"));
              MyTreeNavigator nav = new MyTreeNavigator(root);
              MyComp comp = null;
              while ((comp = (MyComp) nav.getNextStart()) != null) {
    public class MyComp extends UIComponentBase {
         public MyComp(String id) {
         public String getComponentType() {
              return "MyComp";

  • AFS material-/mrp-status not active for plant.

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    I am facing an issue while executing the sales order
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    Hi Rajneesh,
    Tht prb might be the material master.
    Goto Material master, select AFS MRP View and activate/ press the AFS MRP status button and save.
    Reward with points if it is helpful

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    Hi Experts,
    I am on ERP2004 SP17 EP6.0 SP20. I am trying to implemet Time Statement application. I am getting the error
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    Where can I activate the relevant form on R/3 side? I appreciate your help.

    Hi Barin,
    Thanks for replying to me. I activated the form SAP_TIM_99_0001 in hrforms.
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    But I do not see this form in hrforms? where can i find this form?

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    Hi baltimorecameraclub
    Please refer :

  • Hp pavilion dv6 6165tx sound not working at all???

    i have  strange problem with my dv6 6165tx.that its sound is not working at all.sound is showing in speaker setting & equilizers but not coming in speakers & headphones also..pls help me..........

    Try the following.
    Download the IDT Audio installer on the link below and save it to your Downloads folder.
    When done, open windows Control Panel, open Device Manager and open up Sound, Video and Game Controllers.  Right click the IDT device and select Uninstall - you should also get a prompt to remove the current driver, tick the box to allow this and then proceed with the uninstall.
    When complete, restart the notebook and let Windows fully load.  Open your Downloads folder, right click on the IDT installer and select 'Run as Administrator' to start the installation.  When this has completed, right click the speaker icon in the Taskbar and select Playback Devices.  Left click 'Speakers and Headphones' once to highlight it and then click the Set Default button - check if you now have audio.
    If you still have no audio, open windows Control Panel, open Administrative Tools and open Services.  Check that the following services are all showing as Status= Started and Start-up Type= Automatic
    Audio Service
    Multimedia Class Scheduler
    Windows Audio
    Windows Audio Endpoint Builder
    If you need to make a change to any of the above, just right click the service and select Properties, then in the dropdown box next to 'Start-up type',  select Automatic and click Apply to save the change.  Then click the Start button.
    ****Click the White thumb to say thanks****
    ****Please mark Accept As Solution if it solves your problem****
    ****I don't work for HP****
    Microsoft MVP - Windows Experience

  • Sound not working for apps

    The sound is not working for game apps, and possibly other apps. Sound effects work. Side switch is not on mute. Nothing, I repeat NOTHING, is muted. YouTube videos work. System sounds work. Games that are supposed to have sounds no longer have sounds.
    I also cannot update the iOS system. It says that there is no internet connection but the internet works fine for everything else. I am posting this from the device. Resetting and restarting have not worked. Also, the keyboard seems to be having minor problems as well, such as capitalizing, autocorrect, etc, which used to work but now doesn't.
    I have not used the iPad in over a year because of forgotten passcode, and now it has a bajillion problems!
    btw, how do I change the Apple ID username and email information?

    You said that you "reset" and that means different things to different people so we could use some clarification on that.
    For now, I would start with this. If you have already done this, please remember that is where the clarification is so important. Go to Settings>General>Reset>Reset all settings. The iPad will start up on its own when you do this. No data is lost. It all settings have to be entered again.
    IF you changed your Apple ID, go to settings>ITunes & App Store>Apple ID. Sign out in there and sign in with the new ID. This is worthwhile reading and should help.
    What to do after you change your Apple ID email address or password - Apple Support

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