Sound too quick?

I'm trying to source the sound of a wolf howl. There are plenty out there but the recurring problem is that I can play the file when I click on it in Safari. When I download it, however, there appears to be no content. The Quick Time player appears on my screen, yet when I click play there's a quick zip from start to finish and no sound. What's going on does anyone know?
ibook 12 inch   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

Try downloading using the disclosure triangle (far right) and choose "Save as Source" instead of "QuickTime Movie".

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    The damage has been done then
    Take it to Apple and pay for a replacement
    Here in the States a replacement cost $229

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    Hi Becky:
    They are photographic images - and relatively large
    dimensions - so GIF
    may not be the best option to begin with, as GIF's reduce the
    palette and are affected by image dimensions (bigger files).
    I'm not a Flash person, but inserting jpegs into a flash
    movie would
    give you better quality and I would think, more control.
    Both pages transistioned for me - although yes - incredibly
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    pages are flash movies. I do not know if any frame delay
    settigns you
    use in an animated GIF file will be directly read or
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    If you want to stick with GIFS, also check to make sure that
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    frames are selected before you input the timing. It's
    possible that you
    only applied the frame delay to one frame, rather than all of
    If a slide show is what you're looking for, have you tried
    out Alan
    Musselman's Fireworks Album Creator extension?
    Hope this helps!
    Jim Babbage
    rebasue wrote:
    > Thanks Alex....but I don't think I'm guilty of any of
    the 3 you mentioned.
    > Here is the page which is flipping too quickly in
    Firefox and Internet
    > Explorer:
    > I think I have the frame speed set to 300/100 sec
    because the help files said
    > that would display each frame for about a second?
    > and this page doesn't loop at all in Firefox or Internet
    > I have tried pasting in the HTML code from inside
    Dreamweaver using the
    > Insert....Fireworks HTML route.
    > I have tried inserting an image object and grabbing the
    swf file
    > AND I've tried inserting.....image and grabbing the
    animated gif.
    > Clearly I am missing something along the way. Which of
    the above 3 insertions
    > is correct? HTML, SWF or animated gif?
    > becky

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    What are you doing with the phones?
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    Using maps?
    Full screen brightness/working outside?
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    #!/sbin/sh -xv
    # Start method script for the xcom service
    . /lib/svc/share/
    case "$1" in
    if [ `pgrep xcomd` ]
    echo "$0: XCOM is already running..."
    if [ -x /etc/xcomd ]
    echo "Starting XCOM..."
    echo "XCOM is not installed or not executable..."
    if [ `pgrep xcomd` ]
    echo "Stopping XCOM..."
    /etc/xcomd -s
    echo "XCOM is not running..."
    exit $SMF_EXIT_OK
    And the following in /var/svc/manifest/application/xcom.xml :
    <?xml version='1.0'?>
    <!DOCTYPE service_bundle SYSTEM '/usr/share/lib/xml/dtd/service_bundle.dtd.1'>
    <service_bundle type='manifest' name='export'>
    <service name='application/xcomd' type='service' version='0'>
    <create_default_instance enabled='true'/>
    <dependency name='usr' grouping='require_all' restart_on='none' type='service'>
    <service_fmri value='/system/filesystem/minimal'/>
    <exec_method name='start' type='method' exec='/lib/svc/method/xcomd %m' timeout_seconds='60'>
    <exec_method name='stop' type='method' exec='/lib/svc/method/xcomd %m' timeout_seconds='60'>
    <stability value='Unstable'/>
    <loctext xml:lang='C'>XCOM file transfer program</loctext>
    <manpage title='xcomd' section='8'/>
    <manpage title='xcomcfg' section='8'/>
    Any ideas where this is going wrong??? I've pulled the manifest file togeher looking at other things so I'm not surprised if there's errors in there. Any help greatly appreciated.

    Change the name of the script to be anything other
    than 'xcomd' or 'svc-xcomd' and it would work. That's
    what I've done now. The start/exec and stop/exec now
    call a different script. One problem I had with this
    was even though when doing a 'listprop' it showed it
    had taken the change, and I'd exported it out to the
    manifest file, when trying to enable the resource it
    would complain that it couldn't find the old script
    [ Feb 15 18:12:53 Executing start method ("/lib/svc/method/svc-xcomd") ]
    /sbin/sh: /lib/svc/method/svc-xcomd: not found
    [ Feb 15 18:12:53 Method "start" exited with status 1]
    Is there a way of refreshing things one you make a
    change??? When I'm exiting out I'm either using 'end'
    or 'exit'.Yes, you have to run "svcadm refresh xcomd". This is
    because svc.startd uses the property values from the
    "running" snapshot of the service. svcprop does that by
    default as well. A plain listprop in svccfg, though, will only
    show you the current values of the properties. (You can use
    selectsnap to select the running snapshot and examine its
    property values with listprop.) svcadm refresh updates the
    running snapshot with the current property values, so that must
    be done after changing properties.

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    You don't mention which nano but on the 6th gen you can adjust the volume limit in the settings.

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    Hello Bergeret.
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    Message was edited by: ezvoice

    What is "20mghz"?? Probably they want some boost in the low frequencies - go to the info pane of your track (cmd-i), click the Edit tab and play with the VisualEQ. Either by selecting a preset (like "Bass Boost") or by manually editing the EQ - it's pretty straightforward.

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