Soundfont Bank Applicat

Does anyone know a good program for changing the default soundfont on my system? With the creative one obviously not working in Vista I am stuck with the default and it isn't getting the job done. I've googled but can't find anything, but I am sure someone uses or knows of one. It doesn't have to set the worlkd alight, just enable me to change the default and I am happy?Andy

Thanks HUGELY both you guys. In the end I followed the advice in the thread by Jon_E and it actually worked right off the main CD. I have the bank manager working fine.One more quick question: Again, coming from the SB?Li've! I had, I used to add effects (reverb for my drums) to my midi in the EAX control panel...Can either of you adi've as to what the relevant tool for this is in the new toolset?Thanks again?Andy

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    ohshi wrote:
    I'm trying to find an installation file for the Soundfont Bank Manager, but I'm not finding it anywhere. Does anybody know where I can get it's The only thing on my computer is the Creative Audio Console and I don't have access to my original CDs.
    You didn't mention, which card you have there but I suppose, proper CD can be found from (you need to install from CD if none will send you the CT-SfBM setup package).
    IIRC, there are also 3rd party SF Bank managers as freeware (just google).

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    They come with 2, 4, or 8MB GM soundfont banks, none of which are all that great. There are plenty of free larger SF banks available on the Internet.
    They all come with Creative's Soundfont Bank Manager. The Vienna Soundfont Studio Version 2.3 (for creating SF banks) is a separate download from Creative's site.

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    Well I own a SB Audigy SE, running on Windows 7/Vista in 64 bits architecture. The fact is, when I try to launch the SF Bank Manager, I do have an error message : "SoundFont bank manager initialization failure".
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    Going on what Daniel has posted here,
    I would take it to mean that the SBM only works on XP. Might be worth asking in that thread, and hopefully he can answer you better.

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    Originally Posted by FilthyMc*******
    Regarding your onboard audio, you MUST disable it in the bios. As well as completely uninstalling any and all software and drivers that go along with it.

  • Need help with SoundFont Bank Mana

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    IIRC, there is a sort of guide available if you press the ? button found in SoundFont Bank Manager window.
    Start by adjusting the amount of Cache (this needs to be sized by the soundfonts you goin' to load into manager). You get this dialog opened by pressing the MIDI Devices button found in SFB Manager.
    If you just want to add those banks into manager (i.e. not swap w/ original presets) then,
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    - select free (Empty) Bank from list (you'll probably see the basic CT bank there listed in st bank) then click the bank Stack window acti've ... and press Load -> find your accordion bank and load it...
    - loop this procedure as many times as you need (add another into empty bank) or be able to.
    If you want to replace some original preset from default bank w/ these new ones then you select the Preset (blue) button and find the preset from list you want to change... (delete the old if you don't need it anymore) load the new preset ...
    jutapaMessage Edited by jutapa on 02-2-20070:22 PM

  • Audigy 2 plat pro Soundfont Bank Mana

    Hi Everyone,
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    USB Cable? The parts list in the box only indicates the External Access Box, the Card, the power converter, a digital CD connector, the AD_LINK cable and the Game connector. No USB cable.
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    Thanks for the helpMessage Edited by mphare on 09-04-2005 07:49 AMMessage Edited by mphare on 09-04-2005 07:50 AMMessage Edited by mphare on 09-04-2005 07:5 AM

  • Working SoundFont Bank Mana

    Been lurking here a while, but didn't want to register or post 'till I had something to say hello with.
    Have a load of SoundBlaster installation CD's here that I've gathered from computers I've built over the years- been playing with them trying to get stuff working, found this gem that didn't need any modification. To my knowledge no one has posted a working SoundFont Bank Manager, and the default 2MB bank the drivers use in Vista pains me.
    This is tested with an Audigy and 2, it may work for others, I have no idea
    SoundFont Bank Manager, and the not so great Creative Default 2/4/8MB SoundFonts.
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    Anyway, rant over.

    davemilleruk wrote:
    Hi, has anyone found that after loading soundfonts that the soundfont bank manager resets the default 4MB GM set and a 2 MB cache memory? Not immediately but usually when you least need it! Maybe after a few days or weeks even. Does anyone know what criteria could cause it's Cheers,Dave.
    Hmm..maybe you have some other applications that's reseting the value.....

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    Thank you,
    that works! I know managed to install the SoundFont Bank Manager. Is it possible to use it in order to load SoundFonts that can be found on the web and use them with Creative Prodikeys? Presently I have two MIDI-devices, or "SoundFonth synths", the original Microsoft and the one that followed with Sound Blaster Li've! Is it possible to add SoundFonths to one of these, and how?

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    ...right: Soundfont-Bank-Manager and THX-Setup have problems when the screen resolution is set to any other value than the default valaue of 96dpi. My computer's running with a screen resolution of 20dpi and it's impossible to use both mentioned applications.
    Creative Labs, please fix that.

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    Thank you,
    that works! I know managed to install the SoundFont Bank Manager. Is it possible to use it in order to load SoundFonts that can be found on the web and use them with Creative Prodikeys? Presently I have two MIDI-devices, or "SoundFonth synths", the original Microsoft and the one that followed with Sound Blaster Li've! Is it possible to add SoundFonths to one of these, and how?

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    = I have been a LONGtime Creative Labs product user, back to the days of the SB Pro and continuing through SB Li've, and now (with my newer Vista x64 system) I just purchased a SB0570 Audigy SE card because it claimed Vista compatibility. I am a musician and desire to be able to use different SoundFonts.
    I am unable to get SoundFont Bank Manager to install. When I first installed the card, I declined to install the Creative MediaSource software (I already have an earlier version of MediaSource working on my computer which I need for my Zen MP3 player, and which does not have MP3 encoding crippled). I have searched the forum and tried various downloads, but it appears that SF Bank Manager is not going to work in Vista x64 with my Audigy SE.
    Does ANYONE have this working? If so, how? All the other threads talk about either the X-Fi cards OR Audigy 2 etc OR they say SounFont Bank Manager works in XP only.
    I did try Synthfont and it does switch soundfonts successfully so this is not a limitation of the hardware.

    A I donwloaded the latest SF Bank Manager for the X-Fi Extreme Music card from the Asia Creative site (SFBM_PCAPP_LB_3_2_00.exe), which should work in Vista x64. It does install, but won't run ("SoundFont Manager initialization failed" error). Any help on that one?Message Edited by Jsouth on 02-08-2009 2:08 [email protected]

  • Pro Sequencing Software and the Soundfont Bank Mana

    Good-day. I'm hoping some one can help me with a some-what Iratating problem.
    No matter what sequencing program that I use, I have found it impossible to arrange/compose without the use of the best multi-velocity sample format available today; Soundfonts.
    Not too long ago, only very top-end sequencing programs could load and save SF2's along with your 'project' or 'arrangment'. Today -fortunately- recent versions of most programs have been improved to include specifically dedicated Soundfont compatibility.
    With digitally automated hard dri've recorders, mixers, and effect racks, the obvious advantage of this feature is the ability to clear and reload those SF2's automatically with every song. The only flaw with this time-saving upgrade is the INability to unload the default SF2 loaded automatically with windows. It is possible to unload both A and B defaults through the frustrating 'Soundfont Bank Manager', but in order for the previously mentioned feature to be fully funtional, there must be a way to stop the loading of the default SF2's.
    If anyone knows of a way, or has already found a solution to this problem, please respond or contact me. Thanks in advance, Mike.
    Message Edited by PowerChair on 0-23-2005 02:43 AM

    I am using Cakewalk SONAR 4, and since the Cakewalk version that came with my old SB Awe 64 Gold, it wasn?t unable to manage the bank 0.
    I suspect this have to do with a commitment made by the drivers programmers (both CL and kX drivers doesn?t let you leave the bank 0 empty -at least the kX driver i tested more than a year ago, but?I am about to test the later version). This ensures there is allways a sample to play when you send a note, even if you send it to an empty bank and/or patch. If you do so, you?ll hear the samples from the same patch in the first lower non empty bank, defaulting to the one at bank 0. I believe that by having allways something loaded at bank 0, the programmers avoided the processing overload of having to check if there is a sample to be played every time the driver receive a note, or risking addressing memory with garbage, wich, treated as a sample, could damage your audio devices (btw, I am a programmer :-).
    It seems that Cakewalk programmers (I don?t know of other software) decided to honor this commitment by forbiding you to attach or deattach a SF into bank 0 (not even taking the risk of leting you load a corrupted SF file there wich could lead the the "memory garbage problem", or could leave the driver in a unstable state).
    The most serious problem (for me) this approach comes from the SF having instruments defined both at bank 0 and bank 27 (i.e., GM/GS sets). When you load a SF in memory, then defined banks are offseted from the bank you choose to load it. As example, if the SF have instruments at bank 0, , and 4, and you load it into bank 0, then you?ll find the instruments in the banks 0, , and 4. So, when you load a SF at bank , you cannot reach the instruments that were defined into the bank 27 because it's offseted to 28 (an invalid bank number). As a result, the only way I have to use those instruments is by loading the SF at bank 0 with the Bank Manager, or editting the SF file to change the instruments into a lower bank.
    The other problem I have with SONAR is that it cannot manage the B device banks. You can choose the B device and reach the instruments, but you have to load them with the Bank Manager (btw, the kX device version I tested wasn?t able to reach the B device either, altough it seems the current version can).
    If someone knows how to deal with these problems, please drop a tip.

  • SoundFonts - small problem. Please help me because this is very important to

    Hello everyone. I have just upgraded from a SoundBlaster Audigy, to a SoundBlaster X-Fi Music edition.
    I have a collection of soundfonts which I used to use on my Audigy. They worked fine. Now that I'm using the X-Fi, they all work well, apart from one, and the one that doesn't work is my most used, most important soundfont.
    Description of problem:
    When I run my midi file, it starts playing the music using the new soundfont, but after about 0 seconds or so, the sound stops - even though the music is still playing. I then can occasionally hear a note or two, but its no longer playing properly. All my other soundfonts work perfectly, so I really dont understand why this one would cause troubles. They are all .SF2 files.
    Other Information:
    ) I am using "SoundFont Bank Manager" to load the soundfonts. They all work great apart from the main one I want to use. It worked fine on my Audigy. The Cache part says 7.3mb Used/ 229.8mb Free.
    2) I am on Windows XP Professional - Service pack 2.
    3) The rest of my computer is very powerful. Its a core2duo, 2gig of RAM, 320gig seagate barracuda hard dri've etc. Regularly defragged.
    4) I have the latest soundcard drivers (And direct X, video drivers, bios drivers, etc.).
    5) I have no other problems with the computer.
    6) My Midi program is Guitar Pro, which plays special midi files. It is set up properly, and it plays everything perfectly - using all my soundfonts, except the one I most want to use..
    Please help me get this working. It is very important to me, and I need to get it working as soon as possible. I'll keep searching this thread incase I need to give any more information.
    Thanks in advance.Message Edited by acrobat on 02-09-200705:0 AM

    Why do you have two threads dealing with the exact same issue. That makes it confusing and hard to follow your issue to help you.
    Who is your carrier, I asked in the other thread?
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  • Audigy 2 ZS Platinum - Midi, Soundfonts, Squeal of Death

    Hi, I bought the Audigy 2 ZS Platinum to get professional Soundfont playback triggered by an external midi keyboard, Soundfont creation using Vienna, and ideally Cubasis with ASIO.
    I'm having major problems: When I try and play Soundfonts from either the SoundFont Bank Manager or Vienna, after a couple of minutes I get a high-pitched tone and the computer locks up. I've heard this is the infamous "squeal of death," but am unsure of the fix on my particular machine:
    Gateway V800CSE computer
    Windows 98 SE
    Intel Celeron 800 MHz processor
    Intel Santorini motherboard
    Intel 810e chipset
    BIOS update to P05
    192 MB ram
    Intel Ultra ATA Storage Driver 620
    DirectX 9.0c
    2 PCI slots
    Power Supply: Astec ATX90-3405 (90 watts)
    The computer is generally rock-steady - I can spend hours using applications like Firefox, Wordpad, Acrobat Reader, etc. with no crashes. Audio CDs seem to play fine for hours through the Audigy 2.
    I've done the equivalent of a clean sweep: wiped the drive and restored from backup to a pre-Creative state, then reinstalled the Creative stuff. No help.
    The squeal/lockup happens whether I use the on-screen keyboard or an external midi keyboard, and regardless of what banks are loaded - even small banks like the default 4MB GM presets. It seems to happen at some random point during Soundfont usage, anywhere from one minute to 30 minutes into a session - but it always happens.
    I'm not playing difficult passages with a lot of polyphony. In fact the squeal of death sometimes happens when playing just a simple melodic line. I tried allocating more ram in Soundfont Bank Manager, but this didn't seem to help. Creative Diagnostics shows no problems.
    I've heard that turning off ACPI sometimes eliminates lockups with Creative cards. However, Windows 98SE installs ACPI by default, and my BIOS doesn't let me turn it off. I understand that by installing from a command line and using a setup switch I can install Win98SE without ACPI. But although I'm handy with computers and good at following instructions, I don't know command line syntax.
    Could someone please walk me through the steps? Let's say I boot from a floppy, activate CD-ROM support, get the A-prompt, and put the Windows 98 SE CD in the drive. (Are those the initial steps?) Now what are the exact command lines I would use to run the setup switch, which is something like setup/pi ?
    Please help. The card is of no use to me if I can't get professional Soundfont operation. I will have to return it.
    I've tried uninstalling the WDM drivers and installing the VXD drivers using Creative's CTZAPXX. That seemed to stop the squeal of death, but greatly limits midi functionality. For example, the WDM drivers recognized that my Audigy 2 ZS Platinum has two sets of midi inputs/outputs: one on the gameport, and one on the platinum drive. It's the platinum ones you can use out of the box, because the adapters are included. Under the WDM drivers, I could choose the second midi port and my external keyboard would trigger the Soundfonts. But under the VXD drivers only one midi port appears in Control Panel or midi apps, and I guess it's the gameport, because all notes from my external keyboard hooked up to the platinum drive's midi input are now ignored. I reinstalled the VXD drivers, but same result. The platinum drive is definitely hooked up; the audio inputs and outputs are working, and my external midi keyboard is definitely sending midi notes.
    Could Creative or anyone please confirm that the VXD drivers don't see the platinum drive's midi port? Is there a workaround? If the WDM drivers are unstable, and Win98SE users have to fall back to the VXD drivers to get reliable operation, then could Creative please include a gameport-to-midi adapter in the box, so platinum customers can still use midi?
    Are there any other reports of the squeal of death with the 810e chipset?
    I'm using DirectX 9.0c. Is this appropriate, or should I be using an earlier version?
    The power supply on my machine may be a bit wimpy. Could that be a problem? The published specs are:
    Wattage 90 watt
    Input 90 - 135 V, normal 115 V
    180 - 265 V, normal 230 V
    # Output + 3.3 V (0 A min, 6.0 A max)
    # + 5 V (1.0 A min, 10 A max)
    # + 12 V (.02 A min, 1.5 A max)
    # -12 V (0 A min, 0.2 A max)
    # + 5 VSB (0 A min, 1.4 A max)
    Finally, how often is the squeal of death solved by simply exchanging the card? (It's only a week old.)
    Thank you in advance for any help you can give me. Best regards.

    M_Harrisson wrote:
    - No, my BIOS doesn't have "PCI Config 32 Clock Retry."
    I took some time to look back in my archives. The canonical SOD problem was seen on WinXP on certain Dell systems using Intel motherboards incorporating certain new (at the time) Intel chipsets. I have the i815 chipset referenced in my archives, though not the i810. Dell systems, such as the 8100, did not have access to said BIOS setting, and needed a BIOS update enabling the bit to resolve the SOD problem.
    The main variant of the problem did not occur with the VxD drivers at the time, because those drivers were able to enable BIOS settings. WDM drivers were not permitted to change BIOS settings, so the problem did surface with them on susceptible chipsets. Unless there has been a change in this area to the VxD drivers, your reporting hangs with them implies implies a different problem.
    - My other PCI slot was occupied by a Rockwell 56K modem, but I've done a clean reinstall (WDM) without the modem card. I haven't done enough testing to fully report on results. I did get the squeal of death after an hour, but it could be related to a public domain soundfont that was not well-behaved. (Or maybe the Audigy 2 ZS is not well-behaved!)
    I really don't think there's a way a soundfont can cause the PCI bus to seize up. I think it would be a good idea to try moving the soundcard to the slot the modem was in, if you haven't already.
    In mentioning my computer's power supply, I was relating this to the squeal of death, not the midi port on the platinum drive failing to appear under the VXD drivers.
    So was I, although I was keying on your use of an external keyboard, probably incorrectly. You are describing your system as very stable unless the soundcard is used a specific way, and I didn't get the sense that there would be much difference in power requirements involved in that.
    I'm thinking that PCI systems are designed to function within certain tolerances. A 56K modem card might make lighter demands on PCI resources than an Audigy 2 card. The modem's handshaking protocols might make it oblivious to momentary timing errors, while the Audigy 2 card might be less forgiving of a wimpy power supply or a PCI subsystem that's not quite up to par. Just a theory. Anyway, I may try the card in another machine and see if it fares better. Wish it weren't so finicky!
    That's not bad thinking, and trying it in another machine is a great idea, though one often not very practical for customers who may only have one machine available.
    Last night I was noticing that with my external keyboard driving the platinum drive's midi input, there are random delays. The notes will be tight for a few seconds, but then a couple of notes that were played cleanly on the keyboard will spill over each other like dwarves tumbling out of a silly car. Is this a known issue with the platinum drive's midi port when playing soundfonts, or could this be a symptom of an underlying timing issue with my PCI subsystem? (I know there may not be an easy answer to questions like this.)
    Has anyone compared the "tightness" of gameport midi vs. platinum drive midi? Is gameport midi any tighter? (I'm on a budget, and don't want to shell out for a gameport-to-midi adapter only to get more of the same.)
    I've not heard of this particular complaint before and I have listened a lot. PCI-level problems tend to be of the nature of snap-crackle-pop symptoms (or hangs). What you describe sounds more like a problem with something like interrupt lockout. Without knowing Windows internals very well, a driver coping with lots of recoverable errors might cause that, or if a device causing lots of interrupts is sharing an IRQ with the soundcard, or sometimes multiprocessing support has weaknesses which lead to interrupt latency issues.
    When loading and unloading different soundfonts, is memory fragmentation much of an issue? (either PC memory or the Audigy 2's internal memory?).
    It can be an issue with being able to load very large soundfonts, but not really much otherwise. The A2 doesn't really have internal memory.
    With the Audigy series you're no longer limited to 32 MB soundfont banks. You can load much larger banks into PC memory, but the PC has to send chunks of sound data to the Audigy as needed. I'm wondering if this has impacted stability. Maybe it requires some intensive bursts of data to be sent from PC memory over the PCI bus to the Audigy 2 card.
    That part is done on demand, and is driven by what you are playing at the moment rather than everything in the soundfont. If the system is sufficiently memory-tight, allocating more system memory to soundfont storage might lead to excessive paging activity (which could also be behind erratic sluggishness in the system's response to MIDI keyboard events). (In fact, 192MB of system RAM doesn't sound like a lot, even for Win98, when you need to dedicate MB's of it to soundfont storage.)
    Does anybody know if there are things you can do during a long session to defragment memory so that no holes develop?
    Problems in that area are far more likely to be expressed as dropped notes that to be behind system hangs.
    Vienna reports that the Audigy 2 ZS has 12 MB DRAM in Synth A and 12 MB DRAM in Synth B. Does that mean it has a total of 24 MB onboard RAM?
    It probably means that 12MB of PC system memory has been allocated to shared use by the two virtual synths. If you have set soundfont memory larger than that and Vienna still says 12 MB, it's probably simply a bit confused in its assumptions. The soundcard doesn't have onboard RAM, although the soundcards Vienna was written for do.
    [email protected]

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