Sounds like a broken record

My computer won't recognize my shuffle either. My USB port recognizes everything else, but not the shuffle. When I first connected my shuffle, I was able to download a few songs, and then when I tried to do it again, the shuffle disappeared. I tried everything on the support page, but nothing worked. I even tried the solution that worked for someone, but unfortunately it didn't work for me. Hope someone comes up with something soon!

I have the same problem. I can fix it by rebooting the phone....but i don't like having to do that every time i want to listen to music. I guess Linux has finally come close to being Windows. v2.2 must have big changes in the audio subsystem....reminds me of the early PulseAudio issues on Ubuntu. Sucks to be a Droid'er these days.

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    It does, under certain circumstances. If you are playing music and lock the phone or it locks on its own, when you wake it up, the album art will show. It also shows as the background if you are in the music app. If this is not exactly what you are looking for, you can submit feedback to Apple about this feature at

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    late 08 MBP are infamously noisy.
    we need more information to help you.
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    > So reducing any resonant frequency will have to alter the sound of the original stimulus - it's completely unavoidable.
    Correct. EQ will affect whatever is in the recording. That means it affects the original stimulus plus resonant effects of the room. The fact that EQ affects the original stimulus in the recording is a drawback; but it does not mean the technique never will work.
    > And by and large it has been found that altering the EQ like this makes things worse, not better.
    This depends on the recording: the nature of the resonance, the decay time, etc. If resonance in the recording described in message #1 is the most distracting problem, then reducing resonance through EQ may yield an improvement.
    You repeatedly emphasize that EQ will affect the original stimulus. Clearly you are very focused on this aspect of using EQ. Yes. It will affect the original stimulus. We already comprehend this. No one suggested otherwise. Got it. Agreed. :).
    Moving on: the fact that EQ affects the original stimulus in the recording is a drawback to using EQ. Yet that may still be preferable to leaving the resonance in the recording. As you state, EQ will alter the desired sound (original speaker's voice) along with the sound one attempts to attenuate. So it is safe to conclude that the outcome will not be perfect.
    Nevertheless, given an imperfect world in which a recording that was made has the unfortunate quality of sounding like it was made in a bathroom (as the original poster described it), using EQ to reduce resonant frequencies may indeed yield an improvement.
    > you clearly haven't the faintest idea of what you are talking about, and obviously haven't tried this.
    More overstatements. I suggest a modicum of nuance.
    Back to the FAQ you cited: it does contain a reasonable suggestion regarding EQ. ozpeter recommended trying a parametric EQ. This is a reasonable thing to try because it may yield an improvement. Mind you, not a guaranteed improvement, but nevertheless it is worth a try.

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    I've had a good success with recording a Rockabilly band wanting to make it sound authentic, but using just one mic (AKG C12VR) set to OMNI in front of the lead singer, with the band and amplifiers positioned around the studio behind him. And nothing else. Just light eq, compression, plate reverb and slap delay.
    Surprisingly enough it gives exactly the right kind of sound, the double bass sounded distant and slappy, the drums sounded thin and roomy, the vocals sounded hugely above the mix. It all sounded like it was band playing in a room together in mono with loads of echo. Just the way they like it! Compared to the cd's they brought in to reference to, old 50's rock n roll and rockabilly it sounded just right! Of course you need more confidence in what you're doing to take this route. You need to know from the get go, that it's the right way to go. But when you see the band smile from ear to ear and say "FINALLY THE SOUND!" you know it's the right move and putting up more mics would be a mistake.
    If it's your band then you have enough room to experiment to try something like this and it not matter too much if it doesn't come out right the first time around.
    Personally if I wanted to make something that sounded like authentic ska, I'd look for a good condition 4-8 channel tape machine and use that, throw up 6 mics, ribbons where possible (as mentioned before), mix it quite roughly, the bounce it back and forth a bit, while doing some over dubs and it'll become nicely saturated and compressed. It'll cost about £300 for a decent tape machine and a load of tape, not much compared to your Ensemble!!!

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    Click on the blue Internet Recovery in nbar's post. That is a link to what computers can run Internet Recovery.
    Do a backup,  preferable 2 separate ones on 2 drives. Boot to the Recovery Volume (command - R on a restart or hold down the option/alt key during a restart and select Recovery Volume). Run Disk Utility Verify/Repair and Repair Permissions until you get no errors.  Reformat the drive using Disk Utility/Erase Mac OS Extended (Journaled), then click the Option button and select GUID. Then re-install the OS.
    OS X Recovery
    OS X Recovery (2)
    When you reboot, use Setup Assistant to restore your data.

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    By far the most natural way to achieve this is for the singer to perform multiple takes - even if you've only one singer. At it's simplest, you could just double track the vocal part, although I prefer 3 parts - panned centre, left & right. Then repeat this process for each harmony, & mix accordingly.
    Melodyne & some of the above methods do work on am single voice, but phase cancellation can be an issue if your not careful with each part's timing & panning. If you can only get a couple of decent takes from the singer, far better to perform any harmony/pitching techniques on the second take to avoid any phase issues. It's not uncommon for a singer to perform each vocal part 5-10 times, then comp (edit) the best takes so that you end up with 3 decent takes.
    If you've only only one voice to work with Antares Harmony EFX is a useful alternative.

  • My recorded signal is not sounding like the signal I am monitoring.

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    Would it be the same to monitor a signal directly out of the sound card and to monitor "through" Logic?
    My sound card is a Presouns Firepod.

    Mastergod wrote:
    My recorded guitar is not sounding like the signal I am monitoring. It sounds very good when recording, but lacks energy and detail when it is played back. If I am using input/direct monitoring am I also bypassing the Analog to Digital converters? Could this explain the difference in sound quality?
    Would it be the same to monitor a signal directly out of the sound card and to monitor "through" Logic?
    My sound card is a Presouns Firepod.
    Consult the manual of that device, to see if you can learn from where in the signal chain it gets your direct monitoring from --- PRE conversion or POST conversion... My bet is that it is pre conversion.

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    The optimum choice is to format it ExFAT, but do so on the PC, not the Mac. Alternatively, you can make two partitions - one for the Mac; one for the PC. Partition the drive using GUID when you make the two partitions. Format one using Mac OS Extended, Journaled. Format the other on your PC using NTFS if you won't need to write to it from the OS X side or use ExFAT if you do.
    Drive Partition and Format
    1. Open Disk Utility in your Utilities folder.
    2. After DU loads select your hard drive (this is the entry with the mfgr.'s ID and size) from the left side list. Click on the Partition tab in the DU main window.
    3. Under the Volume Scheme heading set the number of partitions from the drop down menu to two. Click on the Options button, set the partition scheme to GUID then click on the OK button. Set the format type to Mac OS Extended (Journaled.) Click on the Apply button and wait until the process has completed.
    4. Select the volume you just created (this is the sub-entry under the drive entry) you will use for Windows from the left side list. Click on the Erase tab in the DU main window.
    5. Set the format type to MSDOS.
    6. Click on the Erase button.
    When you connect the drive to your PC reformat the PC volume to either NTFS or ExFAT.

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