Sounds like vacuum cleaner, fails to restore

so i have a super slim ps3, i turned on to play some bo2, and it was working great like usual. this is the FIRST time this ever happened., i load in  bo2 hop into a custom game to warm up my shot, then all of a sudden it LOUD like a friggen vacuum cleaner., so i freak the f*** out. so i tried to turn it off, that didn't work, so i tried the hard shut off, still nothing. so i had no choice to pull the pull out the outlet. i waited a few mins, turned it back on, now it says my file is currupt so i click yes to let it fix it., then it fails and says it needs to format (which said all saves and dlc's and all things i have will be lost), so i clicked no. and then it went to a black screen with (ps3 will not work, and i couldnt even turn it off or hard shut off.,) so i pulled the cord again. and i unplugged it from the outlet the ps3 and everything. and set it aside vertically for it to cool off, even though it wasnt even on for a couple of days. then i continued to plug everything back in, turn it on., did the restore and now its stuck on a black screen. for the past 2 hours... im freaking out right now, not knowing what in the hell went wrong...  anyone know what i should do? should i call the ps3 #? please help

You shouldn't freak out if the PS3 fan starts whirring more loudly, it's probably just heavy disk drive'll probably need to change hard drive now

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    grays you are welcome and great find on the article that includes the same SMC reset info!
    Daniel I also agree that the article needs to be updated to better include the later Intel iMac Models.
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    Unfortunately, your naivete about complex electronic devices has misled you into a common misconception that Problem A = Cause B = Painless, no-effort, Solution C.  It's all magic to you.
    Virtually any problem can have a multitude of causes, if for no other reason that you have incompletely described the total state of the phone.  More broadly, your camera problem is being caused either by corrupted code and or settings, of unknown origin, or a hardware issue.  There is no way anyone determine psychicly.  The only way to find out is the standard troubleshooting steps developted by Apple, and described In the User Guide.
    it's taking more than half a day to put a big bandage on the wound and hope it fixes it.
    Nonsense.  1-2 hours tops for 2 restores.
    This has been a problem with the phone since the day I bought it.  It can occur everyimte I use the camera app for a week then not happen as much for a couple months.  In the past year, I have restarted, reset restored, etc several times and I still have this problem
    You oddly failed to mention any of that in your initial post, and instead endowed us with whining about your frustration level...  You didn't mention doing ANY of the troubleshooting steps you now describe.  Yet another example of entitlement trumping logic.
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    Seth Teller

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    not blaming anything on the user.  to each his own.
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    Hi Chris,
    Any clue as to whether this is a real issue to be concerned about?
    I would be concerned if it were my machine, concerned enough to investigate further by opening the keyboard and/or bottom of the PB to see if I could positively confirm that the fan was rubbing, and if so, on what. And if it was rubbing, I'd fix it or have it fixed.
    Fans are there to cool off the internal components, and a rubbing fan is not going to spin as fast/cool as well, and over time is likely to burn out, at which time you may well have an overheating issue. If the fan happens to be rubbing on a wire (very possible), and eventually wears through the insulation on the wire and/or the wire itself, even more issues.
    Yes, I'd be concerned if my fan was rubbing on something.
    Also concerning fans... do they get dirty and clogged like some fans in larger computers do?
    Very much depends on the environment the PB is used in and how often it's used there. I remember one post quite some time ago talking about a nearly golf-ball sized hair/dust ball inside a PB. I still find that hard to believe, but that's what they said. Others have posted about a rather heavy layer of dust coating their fan/s which affected the spin rate; cleaning restored normal operation (to get an idea, take a look at a ceiling fan which gets used daily and hasn't been cleaned in a few years; not good).
    Is there some sort of maintenance that should be done inside. I can't imagine it's a good idea to go opening things up, but thought I should check.
    Shut down, remove batt and power adapter, open keyboard and bottom of PB, and use common sense. I'd probably use a Q-Tip slightly moistened with rubbing alcohol.
    I don't know which PB you have. This is why it's always a good idea to list it; a DVI could be a 667, 800, 867, or 1GHz. The 867 and 1GHz have two fans, while the 667 and below have only one. I don't remember off-hand about the 800.
    All TiBooks have a CPU fan centered at rear of PB. The later models also have a power supply fan at the right rear corner.
    I just reset my PRAM, turned on my Activity Monitor and ran some periodic stuff in Termin
    Also do a PMU Reset.

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    Click on the blue Internet Recovery in nbar's post. That is a link to what computers can run Internet Recovery.
    Do a backup,  preferable 2 separate ones on 2 drives. Boot to the Recovery Volume (command - R on a restart or hold down the option/alt key during a restart and select Recovery Volume). Run Disk Utility Verify/Repair and Repair Permissions until you get no errors.  Reformat the drive using Disk Utility/Erase Mac OS Extended (Journaled), then click the Option button and select GUID. Then re-install the OS.
    OS X Recovery
    OS X Recovery (2)
    When you reboot, use Setup Assistant to restore your data.

  • I had a repair done on my MacBook Pro and had to have a new hard drive installed. The Apple Auth Repair Shop then updated the OS from 10.6.8 to 10.7.5. Now my iPhoto v 9.2.3 will not open and it sounds like it will not work with this OS. Can you plea

    I had a repair done on my MacBook Pro and had to have a new hard drive installed. The Apple Auth Repair Shop then updated the OS from 10.6.8 to 10.7.5. Now my iPhoto v 9.2.3 will not open and it sounds like it will not work with this OS. Can you please advise?

    You may need many other updates to retain compatibility with Lion. I suggest you reinstall Snow Leopard. Unfortunately, you will need to erase the drive first. Be sure to backup your data if you haven't done so already.
    Clean Install of Snow Leopard
    Be sure to make a backup first because the following procedure will erase
    the drive and everything on it.
         1. Boot the computer using the Snow Leopard Installer Disc or the Disc 1 that came
             with your computer.  Insert the disc into the optical drive and restart the computer.
             After the chime press and hold down the  "C" key.  Release the key when you see
             a small spinning gear appear below the dark gray Apple logo.
         2. After the installer loads select your language and click on the Continue
             button. When the menu bar appears select Disk Utility from the Utilities menu.
             After DU loads select the hard drive entry from the left side list (mfgr.'s ID and drive
             size.)  Click on the Partition tab in the DU main window.  Set the number of
             partitions to one (1) from the Partitions drop down menu, click on Options button
             and select GUID, click on OK, then set the format type to MacOS Extended
             (Journaled, if supported), then click on the Apply button.
         3. When the formatting has completed quit DU and return to the installer.  Proceed
             with the OS X installation and follow the directions included with the installer.
         4. When the installation has completed your computer will Restart into the Setup
             Assistant. After you finish Setup Assistant will complete the installation after which
             you will be running a fresh install of OS X.  You can now begin the update process
             by opening Software Update and installing all recommended updates to bring your
             installation current.
    Download and install Mac OS X 10.6.8 Update Combo v1.1.

  • Firefox 12 failed to restore my previous session!

    Hi there!
    Well, last night I shut down my computer from the Start menu in Vista. I believe I had closed Firefox manually before I proceeded with the shut down. I don't think it has anything to do with the way you exit Firefox, but I'm just saying it.
    I usually have several tabs open in Firefox, this time I had about 50 of them and every time I close Firefox it prompts me if I want to save the tabs. I don't think this is a default setting, I think I set this up myself. So I just click the option which saves my tabs so that the next time I start Firefox I can continue where I left off.
    I believe I clicked the save button last night as well. But today I started up Firefox and the tabs were gone.
    I did follow the procedure for restoring the last session as described here:
    But the thing is I don't have the option to restore last session when I go to Firefox button and History.
    Also, I have started and closed Firefox since that several times. So this restore option might only just restore the last tab I closed anyway. As described...
    ''If you close each window or tab, only the final window or tab that you closed will be available when you restart Firefox.''
    Why did Firefox forget to restore my tabs?...
    This happened to me once before but I don't remember how I restored the tabs.
    And also, it happened once that Firefox failed to prompt me if I want to save my tabs, and instead prompted me with a whole different dialog, the one where it warns me that I'm about to close all open tabs and asks me to confirm.
    There was no way around it so I intentionally ''crashed'' the computer, knowing that once I log on to Windows and start Firefox again it will restore my tabs automatically whether it wants to or not. And, of course, this proved to be true, all my tabs were back.
    But did I really have to ''crash'' my comptuer for this? Maybe I could have crashed only the Firefox by terminating it's process... but it works either way. One time it asks, one time it doesn't ask to save tabs. Completely disregarding the settings! There is something seriously wrong here!
    After that first incident I was again able to save my tabs on exit, it always asked me to save them from that point on, as I would expect it to. Until now...
    Now it asks me if I ''want to'' save my tabs, and I say ''yes please'', just to find out the next morning it didn't restore them, as if they never were saved. Haha! LOL! Ridiculous! Haha, that Firefox 12! :) What a clown!
    As mutch as this is a call for help in restoring those tabs, it is also a reminder to Firefox developers that something really stinks here! You need to work out the session save and restore mechanism in Firefox 12. Unluckily for me I had not installed the Session Manager extension. That's one tool that does better what Firefox should do by standard.

    Yeah, if the tabs were not restored then unfortunately sessionstore.bak was overwritten. But you're taking it surprisingly well. :) Most people are pissed beyond belief, which is expected. :P
    Also let me clear up the confusion between sessionstore.js & sessionstore.bak. Sessionstore.bak is the backup file that Firefox makes after every shutdown of Firefox. Sessionstore.js is the main file that stores all the data about tabs, app tabs and recently closed tabs & windows.
    You can backup either one of these files but, like you did, it's best to check the modified timestamp on both files and most importantly their sizes. It will let you know how old that file is and the bigger the size of the file, the better. A 2kb file likely has 1 or 2 tabs, where a 500kb one has around 20 tabs or more.
    But to keep it simple, just backup sessionstore.js.
    And yes, great idea about Shadow Copy. I've used it on Windows 7 and it really is a life saver. I found it had around 20 or 30 backups for the places.sqlite which I was trying to recover. You could try to implement it on Vista with 3rd party software, I'd just read some reviews first.
    Or you could install the [ Session Manager addon] we both discussed earlier. Unless you think adding that add-on is overkill or you don't want to weigh down Firefox with another addon? But in this case, I think it does do what you want, which is backup your sessionstore.js everyday or every few days. I think the setting is customizable.
    I'm praying for the day they create a "sessionstorebackups" folder like they have for the '''bookmarkbackups''' folder. That way we can have a better chance to recover the tabs.
    '''Edit:''' You replied while I typed this. But great work! I didn't know Shadow Copy kept backups of files on Vista even though the service wasn't running. Anyway that's great news. And I see you'll be using Session Manager from now on. :D
    And thanks for clearing up the part about Firefox prompting you to save your tabs at closing. I haven't seen Firefox do that in a while (the last version that showed that prompt was maybe 3.5?) so I was wondering what was going on there. :) Take care and have a good one!

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