Soundtrack pro or protools comparison

Soundtrack Pro or Pro tools?
What are the limitations of Soundtrack pro in comparison to protools? Specifically with regard to video production.
i.e. if you were building a studio now, would you still use protools, or just go with soundtrack?

Soundtrack Pro's main selling feature is it's integration with Final Cut Pro. So if you're building a video facility around FCP then STP is a reasonable proposition.
If however you were building a dedicated audio facility that needed to do all kinds of work, I think it would be hard to justify STP over Protools, except maybe when comparing price points.
previous expanded discussion

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    BenB wrote:
    I've worked on both Windows and OS X (Unix), with a few apps over the years. No one can possible work with every app on every hardware configuration possible on every OS available. So to make the statement you actually have is preposterous.
    That said, Logic is the most used software in project studios. Mixing engineers like ProTools better. But the two have way more market share than anything else.
    Hey Ben,
    Sorry to bump your fanboy applecart... (don't mean that as derogatory as it may sound, I liked the play on words)
    From everything that's happening here and the west coast (USA) many of the Logic users I know have switched to other software, the two Logic studios here have gone to ProTools mainly because Logic version 8 was so unstable, there are no more Logic studios here. The studio with the most business uses a Radar system, the second busiest studio is running Sonar. There is a fellow with a mobile system using a MBP and Logic but he uses version 7.
    The University here took bids 3 years ago and opted for PC/Nuendo/RME setups.
    So yes, Logic may indeed have the most project studio percentage but since every jerk can download it for free what is the quality coming out of these project studios? My point is, for professionals, Logic is becoming less and less of an option, most everyone that used it professionally has been disappointed in Apples support of the product, a long time between upgrades and except for user boards like this... literally zero professional support. You know there's problems when you call up Apple and know far more about Logic than the support staff. It seems like both of those are starting to improve but I think it's a little too late. Also... there's still the "blast of white noise" problem that hasn't been addressed, no professional studio can take that kind of chance.
    Apple is using Logic to sell hardware, smart business, absolutely. However, cutting the price in half, removing the copy protection and throwing in the kitchen sink plus seemingly not giving a d@mn that the program is pirated leaves a very bad taste in my mouth.

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    Thank You-

    I found this in the archives: sounds VERY similar- Could this be the problem??
    If so, couldn't one just cover the openings????
    See following:
    I just upgraded from Tiger to Leopard having waited for ProTools LE to be compatible with the new OS. Now that I upgraded to OS 10.5.4 and ProTools LE 7.4.2, every time I play anything through Soundtrack Pro (v2.0.2) I get clicking or popping or stuttering, whatever you want to call it, during playback. I didn't change any settings, but I'm no sound engineer, so I'm not sure what to check to see what is causing it. I can take the same file and play it through ProTools, Quicktime, iMovie, anything, and it will play fine, just not in Soundtrack Pro. I'm up to date on all software upgrades.
    Any help would be appreciated.
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    Hi Lorenzo,
    I haven't encountered this problem, however it sounds to me as though the waveform editor is sensing that the incoming signal is too hot & is automatically pulling down the gain to compensate and overcompensating to the point where the audio is barely intelligible.
    What I would suggest you try is:
    Select All Command (Apple) A then
    Shift Command L. This gives you a window that allows you to boost the level. As the signal is so low, try 100%. If the signal is still too low do the same again. The Adjust Amplitude Filters will appear in the Actions List to the left of the Waveform. This is a nondestructive process & each Adjust Amplitude can be toggled on/off by unchecking it so that you can do a before & after comparison.
    All the best

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    Message was edited by: Syrcle

    I find that Logic is not a substitute for Pro Tools as a post editor DAW. Having been a Logic user since 96' and a ProTools user since 92' , I cannot imagine trying to post something other than music using Logic. Of course, it could be done but, it is a matter of interchange ability and the simple editing found in Pro Tools that is easy for Post applications. Conversely, I would not be tempted to make music in a Pro Tools session,unless it was an all audio scenario without virtual midi plugins.
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    no comment - no responses, but i haven't tried it either. so no might work but then it might not.

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    There is no round tripping to STP. You can get to ProTools with Automatic Duck. But no way to STP short of exporting stems.

  • Sound engineer feedback on soundtrack pro

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    I love the software, nevertheless there are some features that I would love to see changed as soon as possible.
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    this way, mix precision is impossible
    it looks like a classic fader with inverted curve...
    same for metering and for track automation. that's really nasty.. please change it!!!
    Also, metering without dB indicators is pretty annoying and many times useless (same as protools, a feature that I really hate).

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    Having to switch between editors to do simple fades for example, remind me of ProTools from 12 years ago. That is simply not good enough.
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    I have been though the manual several times, after thinking, 'I must be missing something'.....

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    Then here is what you need to do... and it wont take long at all...
    Set your marker at the VERY BEGINING of the piece. THen at the end of the piece (or end of the audio for that track)...
    Then export Track 1, then Track 2, etc etc... as AIFF
    Then just drag and drop each AIFF into Protools LE, the files will be laid out properly, and if you want to, you can delete the blank space / cut it out...
    THats really the only option I can think of...

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    You should be able to use a digidesign interface with STP by utilizing the digi CoreAudio driver.

  • Soundtrack Pro Verses Wavelab ...?

    Hi again
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    I also do forensic restoration and basically buying peak will cost a lot more and I wont get Logic in the deal.
    I proberbly should have asked for a comparison between Soundtrack pro and Peak.

  • Soundtrack vs soundtrack pro

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    whats the difference betwen the 2 programs?
    Is it possible to buy soundtrack pro alone...I want to do some mastering

    I am also looking for some answers to this question. Can someone post some sort of feature list / comparison table? It would be great to compare Soundtrack, Soundtrack Pro, GarageBand and Logic if possible.
    I posted another thread and got some replies about whether Soundtrack Pro was "good" for audio recording, but I'd like to see some actual features, specs and screenshots if possible...please

  • Sending soundtrack pro to another user

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    Not sure if I am being clear enough...tried some searches but am not turning up much except that Apples "Pro" app won't support OMF, which is ridiculous if you ask me.
    So any workflow suggestions? Thank you very much.

    I'm no expert, but in my recent explorations I happened across the Media Manager in FCP. It looks like it will create a copy of your project and include copies of only the media you've used. I haven't played with it though. You might try it with a small project first and see how it works.
    Good luck!

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