SPA phones deregistering seemingly randomly

We have a separate network set aside for our IP phones.  The only thing beside the phones is a server to log into the phones through http.
There are potentially 60 (48 plugged in right now) phones, each of which registers via SIP to a remote server.  Most of the phones are SPA 508G but some are SPA 525G.
We have a SG500-52P-K9-NA switch, connected to a RV180-K9-NA router.  We are on a cable modem connection with 35 mbps DL speed and 5 mbps UL speed.
Right now, as we connect new phones, some of the old phones deregister.  When we then take these phones and plug them into a different network, by themselves, they re-register.  We plug them back into our network, and then a different phone deregisters.
I ran wireshark and got some 401 Unauthorized responses on SIP.   But since the phones are re-registering when plugged into a solitary network, clearly the authentication parameters are correct.
Could it be bandwidth?  Perhaps a firewall issue?  There seems to be no clear pattern as to which phones will deregister.
EDIT:  I have added the packet captures from wireshark.

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    I suspect its most likely a Java bug.
    You're best off reporting it to Sun, err I mean oracle.

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    Thank you for reading! Please help!

    This issue can be caused by an old bitmap version of the Helvetica or Geneva font or (bitmap) fonts that Firefox can't display in that size.
    Firefox can't display some old bitmap fonts in a larger size and displays gibberish instead.
    You can test that by zooming out (View > Zoom > Zoom Out, Ctrl -) to make the text smaller.
    Uninstall (remove) all variants of that not working font to make Firefox use another font or see if you can find a True type version that doesn't show the problem.
    There have also been fonts with a Chinese name reported that identify themselves as Helvetica, so check that as well.
    Use this test to see if the Helvetica font is causing it (Copy & Paste the code in the location bar and press Enter):
    Helvetica<br><font face="Helvetica" size="25">abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ</font><br>
    Helvetica Neue<br><font face="Helvetica Neue" size="25">abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ</font>
    You should reset the network.http prefs that show user set on the about:config page.<br />
    Not all websites support http pipelining and if they do not then you can have issues with images or other problems.
    See also

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    There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions
    Unofficial Forum Rules and Guidelines

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    Cheers in advance.
    Main loading class:
    Class Loader:

    I think I have the solution....
    I had the same exact (seemingly random) ClassFormatExceptions being thrown from my custom Class-Loader as well. I would get the same variety of debug prints as you (Invalid constant pool, Code segment has wrong length, etc). At times it seemed to happen randomly to different classes that I loaded, depending on small changes I made to the code.
    Here is the background and how I solved it.
    I dervied from ClassLoader to make my custom class-loader. I overrode the findClass() method, and NOT the loadClass() method. This is the Java 2 method of making class-loaders, which is simplier than implementing your own loadClass() as in the older Java 1.1way of doing things.
    My custom class-loader (called JarFileClassLoader, BTW) already had a list of JAR files that it searched when its findClass() method was called from its parent. I was using a JarFile object to examine the contents of a particular JAR file. Once it found the JarEntry that represented the class I wanted to load, it asked for the InputStream by calling:
    JarEntry desiredEntry = // assigned to the JarEntry that represents the class you want to load
    InputStream myStream = myJar.getInputStream( desiredEntry );
    Then I asked how many bytes were available for reading, I created a byte array that could hold that many bytes, and I read the bytes from the InputStream:
    int totalBytes = myStream.available();
    byte[] classBytes = new byte[totalBytes]; classBytes );
    Finally, I would define and resolve my class by:
    Class loadedClass = super.defineClass( className, classBytes, 0, classBytes.length );
    resolveClass( loadedClass );
    Sometimes, on the call to defineClass(), I would get all the weird ClassFormatExeptions.
    After the searching around these forums for a while, I found a lot of discussion about this problem, but I didn't find any concrete explanations or solutions. But I did see some cursory discussion about the InputStream class. This lead me to investigate how this class works exactly.
    As it turns out, when you call: classBytes );
    it is NOT guaranteed to read all the available bytes and completely fill the byte array you made for it. It could very easily read LESS than the total available bytes. I don't know why it would do this...maybe something to do with internal buffering of the stream. This happens more often on bigger sized class files that you are trying to read.
    The read() call will return an integer that represents the actual number of bytes read during that attempt to read. So, the solution is to check if you got all your bytes during the first call to read(), if not, then read some more.
    There is another version of the read() method that takes an 'offset' value into your array and a max bytes to read value. I used this method to modify my code to look like:
    int total = myStream.available();
    int numNeeded = total;
    int numRead = 0;
    int offset = 0;
    byte[] classBytes = new byte[total];
    numNeeded -= numRead;
    offset = numRead;
    numRead += classBytes, offset, numNeeded );
    } while( numRead < total );
    This will continue looping until all the bytes are read. Then I never got those funky ClassFormatExceptions again. Before my fix, I was getting partial class definitions from calls to read() that didn't return all the bytes. Depending on which part of the class was omitted, I got the varied error prints that you got. Now, after this fix, it seems to work just fine.
    Hope this helps!

  • Spa phone searching for spaM:A:C semicolons! in its filename

    Provisioning a new set of spa504G phones. I've always used 
    for spa504G.cfg, the phone finds it. I've always used:
    The new set of phones weren't provisioning, so I ran a tcpdump on the tftpserver. Sure enough, for the first time ever, the phones are looking for:
    spae8:ed:f3:6b:48:b2.xml instead of spae8edf36b48b2.xml. I copied the xml to use colons and sure enough the phone provisioned and connected to my pbx.
    So... how do I make it stop doing this? This is a tragedy, you have no idea how difficult it will be to get more spa phones at this point.
    A bit more info:
    I also tried <Profile_Rule>tftp://ipaddress/xml/spa$MAC.xml</Profile_Rule> in the initial config file.
    The phones came with firmware 7.5.2 and I always upgrade to 7.5.3 using:
    <Upgrade_Rule ua="na">($SWVER ne 7.5.3)? tftp://ipaddress/sw/spa50x-30x-7-5-3.bin</Upgrade_Rule>
    however, this time it's not upgrading, either.
    Any ideas? Anyone else seen this before? How can I make it stop, using special characters in the filename is not going to work for me.

    the phones are looking for:
    spae8:ed:f3:6b:48:b2.xml instead of spae8edf36b48b2.xml
    Well, the $MA macro should expand to MAC with no colons. And it work this way on all firmware versions I meet. So unless it's a bug specific to 7.5.2 version, it should work. I can't test this particular case as I have no phone with 7.5.2 firmware.
    The phones came with firmware 7.5.2 and I always upgrade to 7.5.3 using:
    <Upgrade_Rule ua="na">($SWVER ne 7.5.3)? tftp://ipaddress/sw/spa50x-30x-7-5-3.bin</Upgrade_Rule>
    Wrong. It's not possible to upgrade pre-7.5.2b version to post-7.5.2b version directly. You should upgrade to 7.5.2b first. Read release notes. Also, you should consider upgrade to latest (7.5.6) version rather than to somewhat ancient 7.5.3.
    Mark thread as answered if it answered your questions. It will help others to found solutions.

  • HT1414 my i phone 3g seems to of crashed when i tried to reset it. it jus shows an apple i con in middle of screen and it wont turn off but it flicks off itself but returns to same apple icon. anyone know whats up with it or how to restor it please?

    my i phone 3gs seems to of crashed when i tried to restart it. the screen jus displays an apple i con in the middle of the screen and wont turn on or off. anyone know whats wrong with it or how to restore it?

    - iOS: Not responding or does not turn on
    - Also try DFU mode after try recovery mode
    How to put iPod touch / iPhone into DFU mode « Karthik's scribblings
    - If not successful and you can't fully turn the iOS device fully off, let the battery fully drain. After charging for an least an hour try the above again.
    - Try on another computer
    - If still not successful that usually indicates a hardware problem and an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store is in order.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar       

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    Connect your iphone to your computer
    Hold down the home button and the power button until the screen goes blank
    Turn back on your phone.
    Your phone has seemed to enter recovery mode, but its ok! The steps above should bring it out

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    Under Settings->Mail, Contacts, Calendars, What do you have set for the Default Calendar? Personal?
    If you don't have it set to a Cloud Calendar it will only create the entry locally.   You would need to select the iCloud Calendar specifically when creating the Calendar entry to have it sync.
    Otherwise set your default calendar to be the iCloud Calendar so all entries are created there by default. And as such get synced to other devices.

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    sometimes it happens, a hard reset will sometimes solve the issue.
    If the issue starts happening more often, I would consider restoring the device to factory settings to install clean software. If the issue still persists after that, the device might need a hardware repair.
    More info on backing up and restoring the software:
    Good luck

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    If you are not new to browsers, you would probably prefer the single "X" at the far right of the tabs bar to close the active tab, but in any case your choices are described for the configuration option of '''browser.tabs.closeButtons''', see
    * Tabbed Browsing in Firefox<br>
    * Tabs configuration, extracted from About:config entries - MozillaZine Knowledge Base<br>
    '''More information on configuration variables''' if you are not already familiar with '''about:config''' is available in
    [ about:config entries] and for users not familiar with the process there is [ about:config] (How to change).

  • SPA phones are not registering

    hi people
    i have UC 540 and i ahve one SPA504G and SPA 525G phones, when i turn on phone it gives message on screen "Downloading XML efault.cnf files" and it stays in this order until i reboot the phone and on 525G its getting main screen but not registering , just a clean front screen showing.
    also same phones are registering on my other UC 540 device
    kindly help me out
    i have CME 8.6 installed
    thanks in advance

    Hello Khurram,
    Jeffrey makes a valid point, either you have faulty handsets or their operating system has become corrupt.
    You can either try and reset the units back to factory defaults and then plug them back into the phone system (Best to do this off a power pack with the SPA phones) and then have the phones attempt to reinitialize themselves again.
    Or you can just contact SBSC and have them guide you over the phone, and if the issue still remains they can assist you with the RMA process over the phone.
    David Trad.
    **When you rate a persons post, you are indicating a thank you or that it helped, but at the same time you are also helping to maintain the community spirit - You don't have to rate posts and you wont be looked down upon **

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