SPA3102 - No Line Voltage

I'm having a problem with getting my SPA3102 to ring on my PSTN. I plugged it from the line jack into my wall jack. Then i plugged a phone in another wall jack. There's no dial tone for the phone and the info page is showing I don't have any line voltage.
Does anyone have any ideas how to fix this? Here's what the info page says below...
Hook State: On
Line Voltage: 0 (V)
Loop Current: 0.0 (mA)
Registration State: Registered
Also, i can call my phone ok if i hook it directly to the 3102 phone jack and setup Line 1.
Thanks in advance.

The "Line" jack on the SPA3102 is an "FXO" interface. The "Phone" jack on the SPA3102 is an "FXS" interface. They are not the same. The "FXO" interface is to attach the SPA3102 to a working pstn line that is also attached to your phone company. The "FXS" interface is to attach the SPA3102 to station equipment such as a phone handset.
If you have no pstn phone service you should not be using the "FXO" or line interface. If you wish to ring additional telephones in the house from an incoming voip call to the SPA3102 they should be attached to the "FXS" or phone interface, however the phones should not also be attached to a working pstn phone line.

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    Sorry, wrong forum
    Posting in the right one

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    Good morning.
    I've done the implementation provided here
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    Thanks now for any ideas you give .

    The audio sound problem is more than likely also associated with the overall addressing problem initially encountered.  As you may know, using the sip protocol the sip signalling exchanges ip addresses to be used for both the sip signalling and the exchange of rtp sound packets.  In addition there is an exchange of port numbers to be used for the exchange of rtp sound packets.  The sound is exchanged by two separate streams of packets, one stream in each direction.  The result is an ip address and port number for the rtp packets flowing from the SPA3102 to the softphone and a different ip address and port number for the rtp packets flowing from the softphone to the SPA3102.
    In your previous posting you mentioned that you "set the minimum  EXTernal rtp port at the sip tab".  Changing the "EXT RTP Port Min:" is an unusual change to make and in my opinion would only be made in special circumstances. Actually, I ran some tests and I'm not sure exactly what that setting does.  In my tests it didn't appear to affect the rtp port number used in a predictable manner.
    The common changes to make for audio problems typically would be to setup a STUN server.  A STUN server is an external server that echos back to the initial sender the external ip address and port number that the STUN server received with the message received by the server.  This allows the sender (SPA3102 or softphone) to determine its external ip address and external port numbers for both the sip signalling and rtp packets.
    A STUN server is commonly recommended to be setup with the following settings in the SPA3102:
    PSTN Line Tab:
    NAT Mapping Enable: Yes
    Sip Tab:
    Handle VIA received: yes
    Handle VIA rport: yes
    Insert VIA received: yes
    Insert VIA rport: yes
    Substitute VIA Addr: yes
    Send Resp To Src Port: yes
    STUN Enable: yes
    STUN Server:
    The following web page has a list of "Public STUN Servers"
    You are using CounterPath's XLite softphone.  is a STUN server on the list.
    I see XLite also has a setting to use a STUN server on the "Topology" tab.

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    Oh, by way of background information, the PSTN line voltage on the status screen shows typically 49V on hook, 7V off hook and -49V when PSTN is ringing (UK BT line).
    Any comment most welcome - Cheers from Mike

    I believe this is a normal behavior according to the admin guide:
    If Line 1 is busy (fxs port is off-hook) when the PSTN line rings, the SPA will not attempt to ring through, even if Line 1 later becomes idle (putting fxs port on-hook) while the PSTN is still ringing.

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    Thanks in advance!

    On the SPA3102 with the PSTN Line voltage of 28v this voltage is below the default SPA3102 "Line In Use Voltage" setting of 30v.  For the SPA3102 to take the FXO (PSTN Line) port off hook to dial a call on the analog connection you would need to reduce the "Line In Use Voltage" setting to a lower value, probably about 18v. 
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    The problem lies on the voltage.  Go to Voice/Info and check at PSTN Line Status the Line Voltage on hook, then off hook.  (In my case with a 308 it was -26 and -6) and then put the number between those (in my case, -16) in Voice/PSTN Line at International Control, Line-In-Use Voltage
    Best regards,

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    Please advise ASAP.

    It's a regular analog phone line. I've tested it with other phone lines. No difference. I have another all-in-one printer which works fine (goes to sleep mode) when plugged into the same phone line.
    The 6830 works ok in other aspects. The only problem is the sleep mode. Any 6830 with the firmware I mentioned should replicate the same result, regardless of anything else. The previous firmware to PNP1CN1521AR also created this problem according to the original report of this problem by another user.
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    Max. continuous power: 160W.
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    iMac G3 flat screen Mac OS X (10.3.9)
    iMac G3 flat screen   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

    The auto-switching information is covered lightly, and accurately enough,
    in most of the Apple technical and even some retail documentation. A
    manual-switch is what the older Macs had years ago; and some people
    forgot to switch them one way or another. That was a switch directly on
    the unit's internal power supply. I prefer auto-switching. I had a nice
    classic '50s Grundig AG console stereo with a switchable transformer; it
    was OK except for someone before me had forgotten to set it after returning
    from a duty station in Germany; and toasted the huge specialty transformer.
    The UK or europe kinds of Apple equipment power cords should be available
    as replacement parts from any Apple reseller or repair service in the EU.
    Online, the UK AppleStore had a link to the cord. I checked on this for a
    different user's inquiry here in the past year. That's all you'd need; except
    for maybe a backup power supply with automatic voltage correction;
    those are generally regional, so get one where you end up. They also
    weigh alot, with that lead-acid battery inside, and probably are best not
    shipped on an airline. The internal battery can be disconnected before
    it is shipped; and has to be connected before first use and charge up.
    Of course a travel store at an airport should have the basic single-cord
    plug adapter for whatever country/region you would be going to; at a
    lower cost than some kits. Before you leave the destination airport, ask.
    PS: Packing the iMac G4 solidly so it won't be damaged in
    transit as either a carry on, or if they insist on you checking
    it as baggage at some pont, should be considered. By itself
    the unit is fragile and the arm can be damaged, so can the
    display where the arm attaches to it. This is a cautionary note.

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    I would like to have a go at this.
    I am presently in Hong Kong. Just prior to this trip, I purchased an iP5. I have taken my iP4S to many countries and charged the phone by either using the USB connection to my laptop or by using Apple's World Travel Adaptor Kit.
    Only after getting to HKG did I try to hook up my iP5 to the Apple travel adaptors and of course they do not fot and I do not have an adaptor that goes from 30 pin to the lightning cable.
    So is it actually safe to take the original iP5 cable and charger and simply add an international plug adaptor that I am also using with my laptop? If so does that in fact mean that the iP5 can take 220 without converting the voltage that I thought was done by the Apple Travel Adaptor Kit?

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    Will iPad charge safely in UK without a voltage converter.  Understood I will need a plug converter for their system.  Same question for Macbook.

    Yes. It senses the line voltage automatically.

  • Acquiring AC voltage signal using NI 9206 9205 and cRIO

    Hello.  I am having difficulty accurately acquiring an AC voltage signal using a NI 9206 and cRIO.  I'm attempting to acquire voltage signals from two types of Magnelab Current Transformers: split core and rope.  In Labview, I first populate an array of size 2,500 with the sensor signal (DIFF mode), then compute the RMS of the array.  For the split core CTs, I am able to accurately acquire the correct voltage reading (verified by measuring the corresponding amp on the line using a Fluke 434 Power Analyzer.  For the rope CT, however, using the same array/RMS method, I am unable to accurately acquire the correct voltage reading.  Measuring the amp on the line using the Fluke 434 PA, the correct voltage from the rope CT should be 0.05v.  Using the 9206 (DIFF mode), the RMS from the array gives a voltage reading of 0.071.  Now the interesting part is when I measure the line voltage using two different True RMS DMMs, I get two different readings.  One multi-meter, a Klein CL2000, reads the correct voltage at 0.05v.  Another multi-meter, a Fluke 189, reads incorrectly at 0.071, the same as I get using LabView and the NI 9206.  I suppose the question is how is the Klein interpreting the signal differently than the Fluke 189 and the NI 9206 via LabView.  One difference between the split-core and rope CTs is that the rope CTs require an external power supply 12-30v AC or DC.  I am providing them with 12v DC.  I have tried multiple voltages in both AC and DC and still get the same incorrect reading.  I'm quite certain it is not a power supply issue, although perhaps the integrator in the rope is creating a unique signal.  Any ideas?  I appreciate any input.
    Go to Solution.

    Update - solution found
    While the Butterworth low-pass filter sort of worked, it was NOT the solution.  I spent some time analyzing the rope CT signals by sampling at a very high rate.  The AC signal coming off the rope CTs is triangular NOT sinusoidal.  The RMS function in LabView assumes a sinusoidal waveform and essentially calculates the RMS as the average of voltage peaks (for each cycle) / sq.rt (2).  Since the AC voltage single emanating from a regular split-core CT is basically sinusoidal, the LabView RMS of the signal gives an accurate reading of the voltage signal.  Unable to find a RMS function in LabView for a triangular AC voltage signal, I ended up developing my own custom triangular RMS function in LabView.  My function analyzes the signal by finding the peak of every cycle within the signal, takes the average of these peaks, then divides this average peak by sq.rt (3).  see this link for formulas:
    Using the triangular method, I am able to accurately acquire the signal off the rope CTs. 
    Thanks for your help!

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    Go to Solution.​.pdf
    Also lutron makes wall plates and shows divider plates. This PDF also references the National electrical code restrictions regarding this practice. But I think it is best not to do this. If done you need to use divider plates and run the low voltage in on side of the box and high voltage in the other. Not good to run communications wires and line voltage together.​t.aspx?id=19725

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