Speaker not working on face time

When someone calls me on FaceTime I can hear then but they can not hear me. Also when I play back a video I recorded I get no sounds. All sounds buttons are on full blast. Please help

This is the iPhone, not iPad forum.  I'm requesting that the post be moved.
What troubleshooting steps have you taken?

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    Hope info from this article is helpful.
    Reset SMC.     http://support.apple.com/kb/HT3964
    Choose the method for:
    "Resetting SMC on portables with a battery you should not remove on your own".
    If this does not help, contact Apple.

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    It sounds like you restored from an old back-up.  Did you back-up just before your software update?  It will use your last one and if your last back-up was a ywear old then it will use that one.
    In general, if you are getting these messages on your iPhones select logout (when you get that Apple Id request) and then log back in with your newer ID.
    Sorry for your losses.

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    Please turn off your all caps.
    iOS: Troubleshooting FaceTime - Apple Support

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    Hello sir
           I agree what u replied for the above question, but because of the UAE request, you cannot deactivate the facetime completely from this iphone, they should stop working through SIM network. The iphone is a universal mobile which can travel all over the world, many tourist people will suffer due to that, pls re-consider in taking back and try to make it upgrading this software.

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    What Troubleshooting Steps have you tried...
    The Basics are Restart... Reset... Restore
    Reset your phone:
    Press the sleep/wake button & home button at the same time, keep pressing until you see the Apple logo, then release the buttons...
    iPhone Reset

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    We've had all sorts of problems with this feature as it should've worked straight out of the box but after some testing we have found that its something to do with the way you open the actual file in InCopy. Which is far from ideal and should have been UAT by Adobe before release.
    This will not work consistently work if you open the designed .indd or .icma file in InCopy using the file open command within the application.
    If you need this to work, the InCopy user has to open the .indd or .icma file by dragging and droping from OS windows explorer into InCopy, we use Windows 7 acrros all the teams. Check out .icml files add text changes to the set auto resized frames, this process will expand/collapse the frames to fit the content but as you have to use the drag and drop method to open the .indd and .icma file, 2 users cannot access the same time doc at the same time (a serious flaw in the programming architecture!) which stops people working in parallel. Save changes, check in .icml content and close .indd or .icma.
    However the flaw comes in if you then open the .indd and .icma file in InCopy using the file open command within the application, before an InDesign user opens and saves the file (updates the design). The corrections added in the previous stage above, will not show the frames expanded/collapsed to take in the added text and instead show over matter???? The only way around this is to ask an InDesign user to open, update and save the design that way the InCopy user will see the same result no matter what file open method they use.
    Another suggestion is to design the page to have some of the auto resize frames anchored within main body of text and that way the frames will expland/collapse when checking out and editing the content. However, this does cause issues with InDesign crashing etc. so we have tried to stop this method within the working group.
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    As far as we can see this is a major flaw in how the application(s) work, we have an enterprise agreement with Adobe and purchase a large volume of Adobe products globally but so far the technical support team are unable to find a solution to this and I'm not hopeful of any resolution soon even with the new release of Adobe CC.

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    How is the hard drive formatted?
    Have you tried using a powered USB hub with the drive when it is connected to the Time Capsule?
    (The USB port on the Time Capsule is borderline as far as power is concerned....you may need to use a powered hub.....even if the hard drive has its own power supply)
    If the drive is formatted correctly....and....it has ample power, it will "show up" when you open AirPort Utility, click Edit, then click the Disks tab at the top of the next window.
    In the example below, my Time Capsule drive is named "Backups" and another drive named "WD Drive" is connected to the USB port on the Time Capsule.
    You should see the name of your Time Capsule drive (named "Data" unless you have changed the name) and the name of the USB drive if you perform the same check.
    What do you see?

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    1. Applications > Utilities > Audio MIDI Setup
        Audio Devices window
         Pllug in the speakers.
         Do they show up?
         Make sure that Mute is not enabled.
    2. Reset SMC.     http://support.apple.com/kb/HT3964
        Choose the method for:
        "Resetting SMC on portables with a battery you should not remove on your own".

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    Run Software Update on  your computer if it says your system is up-to-date then it is.

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    Since I have about 7-8 months left on my phone contract I am not prepared to pay for either option.  I find it amazing that a phone can develop this type of issue in such a short time and then expect the customer to pay for their failures.  Apple supposedly sells a very high quality product for a very high price, looks like they have taken a step back from this philosophy.
    I am disappointed in the options that he gave me (I don't blame the technician) but I suppose I expected more from Apple in terms of quality and service.

  • \n is not working by the time writing text into file ...

    I am reading each line from file and writing into another file ...
    It is writing continously in the file even if i use \n for new line ...
    Why "\n" is not working by the time writing text into file ...
    Here is my code:
    import java.io.*;
    import java.net.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class Test11{
    private BufferedReader data;
    private String line=null;
    private StringBuffer buf= new StringBuffer();
    private BufferedWriter thewriter=null;
    private File file=null;
    private FileReader fr=null;
    private String inputLocation="c:\\test14.txt";
    public Test11(){ }
    public void disp(){
    try {   
    file=new File(inputLocation);
    fr = new FileReader(file);
    data = new BufferedReader(fr);
    while ((line = data.readLine()) != null) {
    buf.append(line + "\n");
    String text=buf.toString();
    thewriter = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("c:\\test15.txt"));
    } catch(IOException e) { System.out.println("error ==="+e ); }
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    Test11 t=new Test11();
    System.out.println("all files are converted...");
    I used "\n" after reading each line .. i want output file also same as input file ... how do i break each line by the time writing into text file .. "\n" is working in word pad but now working in notepad ... in note pad i am getting some thing like rectangle insted of "\n" ....
    Any help please .....

    \n works just fine, and every text editor in the world except Notepad understands that it is supposed to be a line-ending character. You don't have a problem, except in your choice of text editor. If somebody is forcing you to use Notepad then you'll have to output "\r\n" instead.

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