Speaker Sets & MP3 Players & USB

Is there a Creative Speaker system that will accept the USB output from my Creative Zen Xtra directly, without having to go through my PC?
I know I could just plug in the headphone output on the Xtra to an analogue stereo input on my Soundworks DTT3500 Digital. But I'm looking for a USB digital input, if such a thing exists.
I'm considering an upgrade, as my old DTT3500 is becoming a little unreliable.

does not exist.
simply because you need a somewhat complicated software routine set up to do the USB transfer, and the Xtra, as will all MP3 players, will only work as a client, meaning that during USB transfers the computer does all the thinking.
To send the signal directly would mean the MP3 should be able to do the thinking, and the capacity of the CPU in the player is far from high enough for that
(if it could do that, nothing would prevent them from doing visual EQ's e.g. as well)

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  • Hiss, hissing sound in speaker sets like the MegaWorks 550

    Over the years, I noticed that my MegaWorks 550 started hissing more and more. For anyone interested, i want to share my quest to find the cause.
    First of all, i looked on this forums. There were several useful posts.
    Based on these, I mailed customer service for some more information. Their mails were annoyingly useless. On top of that, they actually removed above mentioned posts from their forums! Here's a small summary of the mail conversation with customer support. It's so stupid, that it's actually fun to read:
    Dear Creative, [...] my MegaWorks 550 [...] has a clearly audible hiss. [...] This hiss is also present when no inputs are connected and independent of volume level. The level of hiss is equal on all five sattelite speaker connections, even when objectively measured with an oscilloscope. [...] I know the MegaWorks 550 is farbeyond the warranty, but i am a trained technician and capable of replacing any part. Could you please give a hint as to what causes this hiss? Kind regards [...]
    [...] To reduce static or buzzing noise from speakers, avoid placing speaker cables next to computer monitors, TV, an AC adapter, or any chargers for MP3 players or cell phones, etc. These devices have a strong field, which may interfere with speakers.
    Hissing Sound http://support.creative.com/kb/showa...aspx?sid=64810 [...]
    (duh, i already mentioned that it is independent of any inputs and also present with nothing connected)
    [...]Dear Creative, Thank you for your answer. I read the support solution you pointed to, and i also read about eight different threads about this on your forum, suggesting several causes. I've tested the 550 in an electromagnetic Farady cage and with no inputs attached. The hiss remains constant on each of the five outputs and independent of the volume level.
    It must be a problem in the electrical circuit. Since this is a very prevalent problem, I hope there's a technician at Creative who know the cause. It would be great if they could explain which capacitors or connections typically need to be replaced or resoldered to remove the hiss.
    I'm, of course, very aware that the warranty of the 550 is expired, i would just really appreciate some hints on how to fix it myself. It would be friendly to the environment, to my wallet and to your reputation! [...]
    If the issue persists after troubleshooting, please be informed that our product have 12 month warranty since the purchase date. Further information on product warranty can be found at:
    Please note that with most out-of-warranty products, we do not keep stock of parts anymore. You may wish to check with customers on eBay or at other forum sites who may be selling used parts.
    If not, in order to assist you, kindly complete the details below:
    a) Any previous CRS or RMA that was provided to you before? :
    b) First Name:
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    e) Company Name (if you are a Creative retailer/reseller or if we are sending the package to your workplace):
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    k) Phone (Home or Mobile):
    Note: For the address provided, please ensure that someone is there between Mon to Fri, 9.30am to 5.30pm to receive the package.
    l) Creative Product Serial Number (http://support.creative.com/kb/showa...spx?sid=6843):
    m) Date of Purchase (DD/MMM/YYYY: please provide Proof of Purchase and send it as an attachment in your reply to this email):
    n) Country where the Creative product was purchased from? :
    o) Product Name:
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    q) Issues with the Creative product:
    Please verify and make sure that the details filled-in above are correct and complete. RMA would be created provided that your product is still covered by warranty and that you have in possession a copy of the Proof of Purchase. It will also be good if you are able to provide us with a scanned photo of the serial number (S/N) indicated on the Creative product for us to check its validity.
    If you have further questions, comments or concerns please include them in your reply. Thank you.

    Dear Creative,
    I would expect a €450,- speaker set like the Megaworks 550 to last longer than the three years it did before it started hissing. However, it's beyond the warranty period, so i'm not asking for any official warranty. But surely the least Creative could do, is help me fix it myself.
    I just need to know which capacitors to replace to fix it, probably somewhere in the power supply. I know that a lot of sets were sent back because of the issue, so surely there is a technician from Creative that can pinpoint the cause. PLEASE!
    Thank you for getting back to us.
    I'm really sorry but currently we don't provide any out of warranty repairment services.
    We're unable to help you in this situation.
    If you still require assistance, please reply to this email and include any previous correspondence to ensure a quick response.
    Dear Creative,
    I'm not asking for a repair service. I want to fix it myself. I know that a lot of people sent their Megaworks 550 back because of this issue, so there are people within creative who know what causes it. Please, I just need to know which capacitor to replace. I wont contact you after that, even if the repair goes wrong or anything.
    Thank you for contacting Creative Labs.
    We are sorry to inform you that we do not provide schematics, circuit boards, part details or pin-outs for all Creative products to customers. The information you are requesting is considered proprietary and are not allowed to share or release it to the general public, as it would be considered a breach or corporate trade secrets. For your reference every product information and its specification can all be found via the Creative website. http://uk.creative.com/
    We apologize if this is not accommodating your need and your cooperation in this regard is appreciated.
    So... i opened the case and did some more experiments. I used a variable voltage. The hiss was indeed dependent on the voltage. Since it was not dependent on inputs or volume level and present on all five speaker outputs, i came to the following
    - the hiss is most likely caused by the final stage of the power supply unit
    - specifically: decay of one or more of the 10 capacitors in there
    - this is caused by creative using capacitors of a barely sufficient capacity (too cheap). Once they decay the become insufficient.
    - communicating with the customer service is a fun, but not very rational process
    Perhaps i'll replace the capacitors. If i do, i might share pictures and keep you updated. Please respond if there's anyone out there who would appreciate that.
    PS for search purposes: Cambridge SoundWorks megaworks 550 5.1 MegaWorks 550D THX 5.1

  • Notes, grumblings and Questions on MP3-players in gene

    . A failing of (as far as I know)
    any MP3 recorder (if an MP3 player can record MP3s, I call it an MP3 recorder)
    are all those missing editing options available on MiniDisk: divide, combine, name and move tracks.
    Since fragmenting is of hardly any importance on flash-memory, I really don't see why they don't offer it. Unless someone knows one that does?
    2.Q: How good is the quality of this "direct MP3 encoding" compared to software encoders like LAME?
    I suppose it's lower ('cause of the far lower computing power and 'cause energy consumption is a FAR greater issue than on home PCs)
    but just how much lower is it's
    Asked differently: At what bitrate do you have to "direct encode" to achieve approx. the same quality as 80kbs CBR via LAME?
    3. "OLEDs are fascinating and are rapidly evolving, but have currently (July 2005) only a life span of 0000-5000 hours or 2-5 years".
    (Translated) statement from reichelt-elektronik. So, don't buy an OLED-device yet if you want something really long-lasting.
    4.Equalizer: Even on a HiFi stereo system, I'd consider it more of a gimmick (unless one doesn't have a PC - then it can be useful).
    If I want a song to have a stronger bass or whatever (which I never did, so far),
    then I'd use an audio editing software so the song always sounds the way I prefer it, independently from the playback device.
    On a portable player, this function is just a nuisance, since I have to pay attention that it is 'not acti've' or 'normal'.
    In addition, often a button is wasted/reserved for this function that could be put to better use.
    [So, plea for opensource firmware here that'll let me reprogram such a button. Or alternati'vely, several different firmwares by Creative that cater to different types of customers (like me).].
    Far more use than an equalizer, though propably more difficult to implement, would be a
    5. Volume Compressor: (A function that narrows the volume range of a song, for example from 2dB-60dB to 55dB-60dB.)
    Of course, your average pop song is already heavily compressed,
    but if you're listening to some opera or other classical music, it would be great if one could increase compression when there is (a lot of) ambient noise,
    so one can still hear quiet passages without going deaf on the loud ones.
    Q:I've read that some players have a 'Smart Volume' function. Is that a compressor?
    6. Who thinks that Artist-Album-Title is a great sequence for an MP3-player?
    Maybe I'm a weird guy, but I've never thought "Now, I wanna hear Madonna." or "Now, I wanna hear ABBA."
    Instead, I think like "Now, I wanna hear 'Goodnight moon' " (from whoever) or "Now, 'Music' "(from Madonna) or "Now, 'The winner takes it all' " (from ABBA).
    So, to me, the title is by far the Nr. criterion. What do I care who's singing it's And though with pop songs, one often can't help knowing, I've got lots of folklore, oldies and more extraordinary stuff where the Artist(s) and Albums are "Unknown" to me.
    What if you want to play a particular song? You don't just have to know who the Artist is and in what Album, but also what track number the song has, because on average, your player won't be able to display more than 'Artist' and part of the 'Album' name, unless each one is on a separate line, which usually isn't the case. (I know it's scrolling, but that takes time, and the longer the names, the more. Prelistening is usually faster).
    So, even to those who know 'Artist' and 'Album', the display isn't of much use since there can be dozens of songs in a particular album.
    [Again, plea for opensource firmware that'll let me change the display sequence, or many different firmware versions by Creative .].
    Of course, I can still have my sequence by saving the track title in the 'Artist' column, but, well... I'm not very fond of the idea!

    .) Well, most mp3 players are not dedicated recorders like MiniDiscs were intended to be, namely why they don't commonly come with this functionality.
    2.) Guess it depends on the chipset used for the direct encoding I would imagine. I would think it differs from model to model.
    3.) Most people won't keep an mp3 player for that long in my opinion. I have had 4 mp3 players in the span of about 3 years. Not to say they've all broken (only one has in fact), but I am a fan of new technology. As are most people. I would think the majority of people have no real care for this figure.
    4.) Most people do use an equaliser. It's not a gimmick. It can instantly give a boost to a song when/if it is necessary. I don't personally use one, but it gives people the simplicity of using their player to implement certain presets without having to have any other technical know-how. Most players could do with some kind of memory system, where it remembers what EQ setting you used for a specific track, but it's not 00% necessary.
    Also, I've never had a player with a dedicated EQ hardware button. Not that I've wanted one. There are players with configurable buttons though. I am pretty sure iRi'ver players and Cowan's iAudio range have players with at least one configurable button.
    5.) No player I know has what you request. Smart Volume also generally is an overall way of making a track seem a different volume, it doesn't analyse separate parts. You could probably achieve what you wanted by running your mp3's through something like mp3gain.
    6.) My Creative Zen Sleek let you view by :
    Album > Track
    Artist > Album > Track
    Artist > All Tracks
    Genre > Artist > Album > Track
    I can even go into "All Tracks" and use the find feature to grab a specific track if I need to. Isn't this more than enough to accomodate the average person?

  • Creative MP3 Players and Car Au

    I'm a newbie and I don't know a lot about MP3 players so I hope you can help me out. I have a brand new Kenwood car audio with an USB cable to plug your MP3 player in. My friend's Samsung MP3 player doesn't work, after some research I find out that the MP3 player has to be an MTP one to work with the car audio. Now my question is: are all Creative MP3 players MTP maschines and do I have to make a software update or what ever to "make them be" a MTP player?
    Thanks a lot for any support!

    morrissey wrote:
    I'm a newbie and I don't know a lot about MP3 players so I hope you can help me out. I have a brand new Kenwood car audio with an USB cable to plug your MP3 player in. My friend's Samsung MP3 player doesn't work, after some research I find out that the MP3 player has to be an MTP one to work with the car audio. Now my question is: are all Creative MP3 players MTP maschines and do I have to make a software update or what ever to "make them be" a MTP player?
    Thanks a lot for any support!
    Are you sure about this? Which Kenwood is it exactly? The info I've seen on the Kenwoods say that the USB device must be MSC (not MTP).
    Perhaps your friend's Samsung is MTP, and that's why it didn't work.

  • Creative Mp3 Players MTP Problem Solution

    Hi,because of the firmware and windows problems,if you have a mp3 player with a firmware that doesn't support MTP problem,sometimes even if you reformat your computer,you can get "player not connected" error. To solve this you must install MTP supporting firmware on your mp3 player,but if you don't want to upgrade your firmware (because of being afraid of stucking in the recovery mode,some other reasons)there is some other solutions to solve this problem.
    Editing registry keys,and some other patches did nothing to solve my problem.So I deleted all Creative Drivers and programs from Add/Remove Programs,and I deleted Windows Media Player 0 and installed Windows Media Player 9,than I installed everything from my mp3 player's cd (media source,nomad explorer,device drivers,etc.) and I downloaded and installed new device driver (version 2...) from creative web site. I restarted my computer,and my problem is completely solved. Try it...

    morrissey wrote:
    I'm a newbie and I don't know a lot about MP3 players so I hope you can help me out. I have a brand new Kenwood car audio with an USB cable to plug your MP3 player in. My friend's Samsung MP3 player doesn't work, after some research I find out that the MP3 player has to be an MTP one to work with the car audio. Now my question is: are all Creative MP3 players MTP maschines and do I have to make a software update or what ever to "make them be" a MTP player?
    Thanks a lot for any support!
    Are you sure about this? Which Kenwood is it exactly? The info I've seen on the Kenwoods say that the USB device must be MSC (not MTP).
    Perhaps your friend's Samsung is MTP, and that's why it didn't work.

  • Can I connect a 5.1 speaker set to a HP Pavilion 17-e099ed ?

    Does anyone know if I can connect an external 5.1 speaker set to a HP Pavilion 17-e099ed ?

    Supersup wrote:
     Does anyone know if I can connect an external 5.1 speaker set to a HP Pavilion 17-e099ed ?
    Depending on brand and model of the 5.1 speakers. The machine only has the following list of ports:
     Multi-format digital media card reader for MMC and SD cards
    1 VGA
    1 HDMI
    1 headphone-out
    1 microphone-in
    1 USB 2.0
    2 USB 3.0
    1 RJ45
    That means you only have 1 port for speaker. The best option is to buy an USB sound card.
    **Click the KUDOS thumb up on the left to say 'Thanks'**
    Make it easier for other people to find solutions by marking a Reply 'Accept as Solution' if it solves your problem.

  • How to rip DVD to Sansa/iPod/iPhone/PSP/Zune and other MP4 and MP3 Players

    This guide shows you how to rip DVD to MP4, AVI, MP3, WMV, WMA, FLV, MKV, MPG, RM, 3GP, and other video/audio formats supported by popular mp4 and mp3 players by using DVD Ripper .
    Step 1: Install and run DVD Ripper
    Step 2: Import DVD.
    Place the DVD into your DVD drive and click the “Load DVD” button to load DVD.
    Tips: This DVD Ripper can load three DVD source, you can load your DVD from DVD drive, DVD folder in your PC and also IFO file.
    Step 3: Video settings.
    Select the output video format you want from the “Profile” drop-down list.
    1: You can also select Audio Track and Subtitle from their respectively drop-down list.
    2: If you like the current image of the video you can use the “Snapshot” opinion. Just click the “Snapshot” button the image will be saved and you can click the “File” next to “Snapshot” button to open your picture. You can select the destination of the picture by clicking the “Preference” button. As default the captured image will be saved at:
    C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Aiseesoft Studio\Snapshot
    3: If you want to merge the selected contents into one file you can check the “merge into one file” option. As default the merged file is named after the first selected file (either a title or a chapter)
    4: You can click the “Settings” button to set your video parameters.
    In the Video Settings, you can select Encoder, Frame Rate, Resolution and Bitrate for your movie
    In the Audio Settings, you can select Encoder, Channels, Bitrate and Sample Rate for your movie.
    when you choose the specific settings, the lower window will show the "help" to explain the meanings of each setting.
    Step 4: Start conversion
    Click the “Start” button to start your conversion and in a short while it will be finished.
    Step 5: Click “Open” button to open your output destination file.
    More tips:
    1: Trim Movie
    If you just want to convert a clip from your DVD movie, you can click the “Trim” button to open the Trim dialog, you can trim a duration of the selected title or chapter by either dragging the Start Time and End Time sliders or setting the time parameters in each corresponding field.
    After you set the trimming time, the length of the captured clip will be shown in the Select Length box for your reference.
    2. Movie Effect
    If you want to change the original video effect, you can click the Effect icon to set the video brightness, contrast, saturation, etc. You can also set the special effect for your movie to cater to your need.
    3. Video Crop
    With Aiseesoft DVD Ripper you can remove the black edges around your movie video by checking the “Crop” option, so you can watch your movie on your portable players in full screen.
    There are three methods available to crop your video:
    Method 1: Crop by selecting a crop mode
    Select a crop mode in the crop mode drop-down list and click OK to save the crop. There are three pre-set crop modes
    for your choice: No Crop, Cut off top and bottom black edges, Cut off top black edge.
    Method 2: Crop by adjusting the crop frame
    The crop frame is the dashed line around the movie video. There are four adjustment lines on the crop frame. Each line allows you to crop the movie video from a different position.
    To crop your movie video, you can just move your mouse cursor to an adjustment box and drag the crop frame.
    Method 3: Crop by setting the crop values
    There are four crop values on the lower left part of the crop window: Up, Down, Left and right. You can set each value to crop your movie video, and the crop frame will move accordingly.
    Before you start to crop your movie video, you can select an output aspect ratio from the Zoom list. There are four choices available: Full screen, Keep original, 16:9 and 4:3. After you select an output aspect ratio and finish the crop, the result can be previewed in the Preview window of the program main interface.
    dvd ripper for mac

    Thanks! But when I visit the site recently, I found the program was upgraded. Now it has 2 optimized output formats specially made for iPod 30G and 60G players! Thus it is easier and more convenient to use without complex settings as other software. Try it at http://www.imtoo.com/downloads/dvd-to-ipod.converter.exe
    Another good news: there was a new discount suite ImTOO DVD to iPod Suitethat contains both the DVD to iPod Converter and iPod Movie Converter. It saves newly $20! Hope this can do some help

  • Using other MP3 players with ITunes

    Can anyone give me some guidance? My little girl wants an ipod after having great fun listening to my ipod shuffle. All my music is now stored on iTunes so the question is; does itunes support any other MP3 players or will it only support ipods - I was going to buy her a cheap £15 player.
    Any help would be gratefully recieved.

    To elaborate slightly on what polydorus said, cheap mp3 players play mp3 format files only, full stop. The one I have used (in the same price range you are talking about) connects to the PC via USB, and opens in Windows as a folder. You can then copy/paste files into it, or delete files that are already in it. It truly does not care if iTunes is present or not.
    To your comment that "All my music is now stored on iTunes": not really. Your music is stored on your hard drive, and iTunes only contains a library that points to it. There is no reason you can't use the same song files for some non-iTunes purpose, and that is what you will be doing with your daughter's player.
    Sooner or later however, she will want an iPod.

  • Is the new earpods support bass in other mp3 players?

    Is the new earpods support bass in other mp3 players?

    The new earpods should support extended bass noise with other devices as it is not a software eq but the actual physical response of the speaker inside the earpod.
    Hope it helps

  • Will any Zen MP3 Players run on Windows

    I've looked at the system requirements for some of the Zen MP3 players, and they all require Windows 98 SE, ME, 2000, or XP. The OS I am currently running is Windows 98. I was just wondering, since there aren't too many differences between 98 and 98 SE, would a Zen MP3 player run on Windows 98?

    forthenight wrote:
    I've looked at the system requirements for some of the Zen MP3 players, and they all require Windows 98 SE, ME, 2000, or XP. The OS I am currently running is Windows 98. I was just wondering, since there aren't too many differences?between 98 and 98 SE, would a Zen MP3 player run on Windows 98?
    There's definitely differences between W98 and W98SE. From what I know W98 does not provided much USB support and thus W98SE was released to provide the desire USB support. Although you can still use USB in W98, lots of problem may occur there. The explaination goes the same for Windows NT too. So that's probably why W98SE was quoted as the minimum OS require.

  • Only one audio out for a speaker set that requires 3 ??

    I just got my splendid MacBook pro today and I put my PC for sale simultaneously.
    Switching to Mac was a charm - I'll save the details - but only one thing is still bugging me :
    I've got a Logitech Z-640 speaker set. The center speaker is the one to connect to the computer (or audio card whatsoever).
    Well, it has three plugs, since it's a surround speaker set.
    But, my MacBook only has one (the earphone plug indeed).
    So if I plug the "green" plug, everything seems to work.
    I unpress the "matrix" button on the center speaker and they all work, including the subwoofer.
    On my PC I used to have a small application that would "test" them (make each speaker play one by one, so you could tell that they are all controlled independently and therefore that surround sound is enabled).
    I couldn't find anything like that on OSX - is there a feature like that ?
    And do you think I'll still be getting surround sound effects even though I could only connect one of the three plugs ?
    Any other suggestions ?
    And is there some kind of devide, like a USB one, that would let me connect the three plugs ? Is it worth it ?

    Congratulations on your new mac. It is a great machine.
    First of all, the MacBook Pro actually has 2 audio outputs -- they are just collocated. One is the analog headphone jack and the other is a mini toslink digital optical port.
    The "green" plug you refer to is just a stereo analog input. The "matrix" feature of your speaker system is just simulating surround sound. If this is OK with you and you don't want or need true surround sound that is just fine.
    There is equipment available that can separate and convert the digital optical output signal into discrete analog channels, but this equipment is highly specialized professional gear. You're not going to spend $1000 to hook up a $50 speaker set.
    If you want true surround sound, you should upgrade to a speaker system that will accept a digital optical input, normally referred to as toslink or s/pdif.

  • GX660R - Connecting to 5.1 speaker set.

       I recently bought a new MSI GX660R and have read that you can use the headphone socket as a S/PDIF out connection.  I have tried to link my laptop to my 5.1 speaker set using a RCA jack but I cannot seem to get any sound out of the system.  In fact, my speaker system doesn't even recognise that something is plugged in as i get no speakers or digital symbols on the amp.  Does anybody know how to set this up correctly?

    I have another question regarding the jack connectivity of the GX660R.
    Do you know if we can plug a 5.1 headset like ROCCAT™ Kave model.
    It seems that the microphone plug and central/subwoofer is the same plug but headset need separate plug in for mic and central
    As shown on this schema  
    If so it's sad because all other headsets need a soft plugged with usb and this laptop is equipped with a real good soundcard.
    Does anybody tried this function?
    thank you

  • Using 5.1 surround sound speaker set with my laptop

    1. HP Pavilion DV6-6150EW QA944EA
    2. Windows 7 Profesional 64 bit
    This is my laptop.
    I want to buy a set of 5.1 surround sounds speakers (most likely some cheap and popular creative inspire Inspire T6160).
    My question is will they work with my laptop? Ill have to just plug cable from that speaker set into my 3.5mm jack socket on the left side of laptop (where i usually plug in headphones) and it will work?
    Or this laptop dont have 5.1 sound?
    I didnt found what sound card it has, all i found is that its beats audio and IDT High Definition audio codec (driver date: 2012-03-23, driver version 6.10.6395.0).
    I would appreciate help sice i dont want to find out that if i buy speakers they wont work (or only 2 speakers will work).

    Hey there,
    I would recommend using one of these USB audio processors: http://goo.gl/5z9Gm
    This is just the first one I found so do you research to see which one fits your needs the best. I looked at your laptops spec's and could not tell if you had any digital output connectors. HDMI will also transfer digital audio, it just depends on what your trying to accomplish.
    Hope this helps!
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  • Which MP3 players have "Resume" and/or "bookmark&qu

    I want to list to MP3 files (saved radio programs) turn off the player and be able to go back to the last place I was in the MP3 file when I resume listing. Which inexpensi've Creative (or other MP3 players) have this feature?

    The Nomad Jukebox and 3 are the only two players in the Creative hard dri've line with a line in for a mic. The JB3 in particular has been embraced by the tapers community and does very well at this function in part as the format can be almost any setting from 48kHz wav to a 64kbs mp3. The Nano Muvo also has a line in, but from what I have read here and at nomadness.net, the result is lacking. Format (IIRC) can be 60kbs mp3.

  • Non-iPod MP3 players?

    I work in a middle school and we'd like to experiment with distributing audio books via MP3 players. We don't want to purchase iPods for various reasons. Does anyone have a suggestion regarding good MP3 players that have these features: some type of LCD display, USB, can play MP3s as well as files from Audible?

    I believe Audible has a list of compatible players. I think they also sometimes have specials. You might want to start there.

Maybe you are looking for