Special character causing trouble in making PDF accessible

Recently I embarked in project, making 900+ PDF's accessible and as I started working on this I ran into issues. One of complex issue is where Acrobat PDF reader (Read out loud) doesn't read text has special characters. Since we have source InDesign file of PDF I tried to provide alt text using InDesign 'Object Export Options' but that didn't help me.
Does Acrobat provide any workaround to provide alt text to that kind of story so that I could put there alternate text (without any special characters)?
Other issue is where I've chunk of text as image and for the same I'm providing alt text using InDesign 'Object Export Options' but again it is not being read in Acrobat.
I'm new to accessibility and I learned making accessible PDF using link http://www.nwcg.gov/accessibility/creating-accessible-pdf-documents-with-adobe-indesign-cs 6-v3.pdf
Can someone out there help me on this?

You can apply at text within Acrobat Pro. In the Tags pane, right click the applicable tag and select Properties. You will see the Alternate Text field on the Tag tab of the Object Properties. There may be other, possibly better solutions such as marking the special characters as artifacts, and applying OCR to the text-as-image - hard to say without seeing a sample document.
Read Out Loud is not the best tool for checking accessibility, by the way. With 900+ documents to deal with, you might want to try using a screen-reader-emulator such as the one built into the free PDF Accessibility Checker (PAC) 1.3 (http://www.access-for-all.ch/en/pdf-lab/pdf-accessibility-checker-pac/dl132.html)
Hope this helps.
a 'C' student

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    create or edit xdo.cfg file.
    For XML Publisher Desktop it is ( in my case) c:\Program Files\Oracle\XML Publisher Desktop\Template Builder for Word\config\.
    Find section fonts, add your font, that support polish. like that
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    <truetype path="C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\times.ttf" />
    For XML publisher is Note:399518.1. I think it can help you.

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    C "" " "
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    to text: \u0000
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    I don't know if it would work but you might try setting up a translation table. I don't know if the translation is done when reading the input file or when writing the output file. If it is done when reading the input this
    i might
    The software uses the "jetkeys.ini file to define various translations (Roman 8 to Unicode, etc). In most instances it refers to another file which apparently contains the complete symbol set. In a few cases it appears to have the entries within the jetkeys.ini file.
    I don't know exactly how you would set up the "Translate" values to get the software to do it (maybe [Translate 102 to 102] ?).
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    Is there is a way this can be achived. Please advice.

    Is it as simple as using two single quotes between PO and s?
    '/PO''s from Customer'I can't tell from what you wrote how you are generating the value in the first place so if not correct provide more details related to whatever builds the path.

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    Hi Palash,
                  Please use PDF! in print preview command field.. it will convert pdf file.

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    3) This opens the PDF options pane. Though I'm not entirely sure what I SHOULD be doing here, I've set the PDF style to [Print], rather then [On Screen] as I want an actual file, and the Job Name for Distiller to "Print". Under "Edit Job Options", on the "General" tab, "Compatibility" is set to "Acrobat 4.0 (PDF 1.3)". On the "Fonts" tab, I've selected "Embed all fonts", as I want the document to show properly regardless of where it is viewed, and "Warn and Continue" when embedding fails. Obviously there are a number of other settings which I assume are secondary given the simple test I'm trying to carry out, but again please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
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    When I hit "Save", a few dialog boxes flash so quickly that I'm unable to read them, then I get a greyed out message that reads:
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    There is an "OK" button which, when pressed, returns me to the document.
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    2) A "Save As" option also allows me to pick a destination.
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    That's about as far as I've gotten. Obviously, any help you could give would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for everyone's time.

    Okay . . .
    1) Not sure, but I THINK double colon might mean that the two folders exist on the SAME level. I say this because when I follow that pathway, I find them in the same folder. Also, a quick Google search produced some results which seem to suggest as much, though they are a bit difficult for me to interpret. Among other things, it seems the symbol has different meanings in different languages.
    2) In experimenting with the corrections you advised (which I'll report on last), I made another discovery. My default reader on the G4 is Version 9. When I instead open with Reader 5, files print much more quickly, though still with the same errors. If I move the files to my more current iMac, Reader 9 is then able to print quickly but, again, with the errors. Preview seems to print quickly and without error in both environments. The changes you suggested seem to have no bearing on these particular problems. Any idea what I might be facing here? Is it a crime to just use Preview for opening these docs once created?
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    4) Per your suggestion, I set the job to cancel when embedding fails with no apparent snags, so I guess that bodes well. And I disabled "Process DSC Comments." Below is a screen capture of both the results of a trial and the first level of all my setting panes. Hopefully all looks good. Some questions here too however.
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    5) What are pro- and epilogue.ps files, and do I need them? Note that they are currently not included. Is that correct?
    6) Should I allow my PS file to override my job options? Currently I do not.
    Screen captures are as follows:

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    Could some one help me out, how to search special character in PDF document? I have attached the screen shot for your reference.

    OK, I found it myself:
    1. Tools - Pages - Edit Page Design - Header & Footer - Add Header & Footer.
    2. Select the font and size, etc, place the cursor on the appropriate site to insert the page number, click the "Insert Page Number" button, and click OK.
    That is!

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    If I want to open the file again, it will be downloaded to
    and not with the Special characters.... so SAP says
    could not be accessed
    So is there any flag to set in the customizing that the downloaded file will be with the correct Name or any note?
    (Our System is a Unicode System)
    (my Laptop has all the Windows updates including the language packages for Russia and China)
    Thanks in advance

    the SAPhttp.exe is in the Folder:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP\FrontEnd\SAPgui\Unicode
    on my laptop
    therefore I think it should be the Unicode Version?

  • Saving webi document from BOXI 3.0 in excel with special character

    Issue :Saving webi document from BOXI 3.0 in excel with special character as report name then file name in excel is not correct.
    This happens only with Mozilla, get correct file name in IE.
    Steps to Reproduce:
    1)Create a simple XI3.0 webi report through mozilla browser
    2)Save the webi report with special character name for e.g øäåýþ.
    3)Open the webi report and save it as excel or pdf file.
    4)Report name øäåýþ saved, displays with other junk characters instead of actual reporta name( øäåýþ)
    5)When saving the save report through IE browser in excel or PDF  display correct report name øäåýþ in excel and PDf file.
    Even after making changes in character encoding to UTF in the Firefox options (Content tab-> font & colors : advanced button -> Character encoding does not make any  difference.
    Has anyone came across such type of issue?
    Whether this is limitation of Firefox or bug.
    Ketki Fadnavis

    Issue :Saving webi document from BOXI 3.0 in excel with special character as report name then file name in excel is not correct.
    This happens only with Mozilla, get correct file name in IE.
    Steps to Reproduce:
    1)Create a simple XI3.0 webi report through mozilla browser
    2)Save the webi report with special character name for e.g øäåýþ.
    3)Open the webi report and save it as excel or pdf file.
    4)Report name øäåýþ saved, displays with other junk characters instead of actual reporta name( øäåýþ)
    5)When saving the save report through IE browser in excel or PDF  display correct report name øäåýþ in excel and PDf file.
    Even after making changes in character encoding to UTF in the Firefox options (Content tab-> font & colors : advanced button -> Character encoding does not make any  difference.
    Has anyone came across such type of issue?
    Whether this is limitation of Firefox or bug.
    Ketki Fadnavis

  • External Table - Issues With Special Character.

    I have an external table that reads from a fixed length file. The file is expected to contain special characters. In my case the word containing special character is "Göteborg". Because "ö" is a special character, looks like Oracle is considering it as 2 bytes. That causes the trouble. The subsequent fields in the files get shifted by 1 byte thereby messing up the data. Has anyone faced the issue before. So far we have tried the following solution:
    Changed the value of NLS_LANG to AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8ISO8859P1
    Tried Setting the Database Character set to UTF-8
    Tried changing the NLS_LENGTH_SYMMANTIC to CHAR instead of BYTE using ALTER SYSTEM
    Tried changing the External table characterset to: AL32UTF8
    Tried changing the External table characterset to: UTF-8
    Nothing works. Other details include:
    • File is UTF-8 encoded
    • Operating System : RHEL
    • Database: Oracle 11gR2
    Any thing else that I might be missing? Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance!

    ( 'FILE1.TXT')
    The data forms part of a major driver table, which I may not be able to provide as per the NDA with my company.
    The Script I have shared is standard template for creating external table as part of our applications.
    We majorly cater for EU regions with this project.(European Characterset needed to be supported)
    Edited by: RGRAM on Feb 11, 2011 12:44 PM

  • Special character in some of the employee records

    I have found special character in some of the employee records which is causing some reports to error out. Our instance is configured for English language and these special characters are unrecognized by the application. I have attached some employee names with the special character below.
    Request you to please look into this and reply ASAP.
    Employee Number      Full Name
    1278     M_ü_ller-Seydlitz, Mrs Hilda Suzanne
    1009     Evas, Mrs Sîan* Elynda
    Parvathi Arun
    [email protected]

    first you need to create a database function like the one below.
    the query to identify those records is then the below:
    select full_name from per_people_x
    where is_not_valid_text(full_name) = 'N'
    you can use the function also to verify other fields like addresses and so on.
    the corrective action according to me should be a manual one, meaning open the form and update the names not compliant.
    create or replace
    function is_not_valid_text (p_text in varchar2) return varchar2 is
    v_is_valid varchar2(100) := 'Y';
    v_length number := length(p_text);
    for i in 1 .. v_length loop
    if not ( -- allowed char
    ascii(substr(p_text, i, 1)) between 65 and 90 -- from A to Z
    or ascii(substr(p_text, i, 1)) between 97 and 122 -- from a to z
    or ascii(substr(p_text, i, 1)) = 32
    or ascii(substr(p_text, i, 1)) = 46
    ) then
    v_is_valid := 'N';
    end if;
    end loop;
    return v_is_valid;
    end is_not_valid_text;
    Edited by: Giuseppe Bonavita on 10-Dec-2012 11:43

  • Table Maintainence generator Error Special Character '_' in generic key

    I have created a Table which contain 6 fields. All the fields of the table are primary key. The combined length of all the primary key is 163 characters. In the activation Log of the table we have a warning message which states "Key length > 120 (Restricted functionality)". Initially we are able maintain the entries using SM30. BUt now when we are making the entreis in the table an error message comes. The error is Special character "_" in generic key.and we are not able to save the entries.
    I have deleted the table maintainence generator and have regenerated it. But the same error is coming.
    Please provide your suggestion.

    Please provide your suggestions

  • Special Character to convert to Space

    I have a field in BI "zpustreg" which has values with - and # which is not allowing me to load the data to cube so I am writing this code in transformation to convert any special character to space. but it is having error if you can help me fix the code below would really appreciate it
    Abap Code to Load ZPUSTREG
    METHOD compute_ZPUSTREG.
    request type rsrequest
    datapackid type rsdatapid
    RESULT type tys_TG_1-/BIC/ZPUSTREG
    MONITOR_REC TYPE rsmonitor.
    $$ begin of routine - insert your code only below this line -
    ... "insert your code here
    *DATA:Monitor_REC TYPE rsmonitor.
    DATA:L_D_OFFSET LIKE sy-index.
    CONSTANTS:c_allowed(60) TYPE c.
    Value `ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ!"%&'()*+,-/:;<=>?_0123456789_’.
    DO 60 TIMES.
    L_d_offset = sy-index – 1.
    IF RESULT+1_offset(1) CO c_allowed.
    RESULT+1_d_offset(1) = ` ’.
    E:Statement "VALUE" is not defined. Check your spelling. spelling.
    E:Unable to interpret "C". Possible causes of error: Incorrect spelling

    Also, you'll need to change in this line:
    RESULT+1_d_offset(1) = ` ’.
    the ` for a  ’
    Have you maintained the RSKC transaction? If you put ALL_CAPITAL there it should allow you to use those characters.

  • Biztalk error if "&" special character is used from Oracle Database

    There is an error when system was received data form Oracle database. The data format is including "&"....etc special character. Becuase of the error appear between Oracle database and receive port. I can't do anything in Biztalk program to
    encode the message. Does any way to do encoding when biztalk receive data?
    xlang/s engine event log entry: Uncaught exception (see the 'inner exception' below) has suspended an instance of service 'ECT.TOSToEDB.orcWorkingTable(7e2c77ec-adb6-5790-29ad-835ec8374c1d)'.
    The service instance will remain suspended until administratively resumed or terminated.
    If resumed the instance will continue from its last persisted state and may re-throw the same unexpected exception.
    InstanceId: 8eb4cb36-82b2-4d34-9b45-64b8aba23758
    Shape name:
    ShapeId: 09bc980e-3040-4238-a838-f3606294effe
    Exception thrown from: segment 1, progress 84 Inner exception: An error occurred while parsing EntityName. Line 4, position 112.
    Exception type: XmlException
    Source: System.Xml
    Target Site: Void Throw(System.Exception) The following is a stack trace that identifies the location where the exception occured
       at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(Exception e)
       at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(String res, String arg)
       at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseEntityName()
       at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseEntityReference()
       at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Read()
       at System.Xml.XmlLoader.LoadNode(Boolean skipOverWhitespace)
       at System.Xml.XmlLoader.LoadDocSequence(XmlDocument parentDoc)
       at System.Xml.XmlLoader.Load(XmlDocument doc, XmlReader reader, Boolean preserveWhitespace)
       at System.Xml.XmlDocument.Load(XmlReader reader)
       at System.Xml.XmlDocument.LoadXml(String xml)
       at ECT.TOSToEDB.orcWokingTableCheck.segment1(StopConditions stopOn)
       at Microsoft.XLANGs.Core.SegmentScheduler.RunASegment(Segment s, StopConditions stopCond, Exception& exp)
    For more information, see Help and Support Center at

    There are 5 special characters which in xml   & < > "  '  if the Oracle fields contain any of those characters it will cause invaild xml.
    This can be solved at the oracle side be replacing the special characters by it's  html encode equivalent, so  & becomes &amp; , I think the best way to solve it
    is to make a custom pipeline component and translate the special characters there.
    There is my Send Port Properties. Do you mean the default biztalk pipeline component ("XML Receive") cannot translate any special characters?

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