Special Movement Indicator

Hi All
Hello, can someone tell the reason why the Special Movement Indicator entered in the material master (WM1 view) does not default in the goods receipt (in the WM tab of MIGO) of this material? Thanks.

Hi Nick
Thanks for the explination.
I set the special movement indicator in the master data so that when a goods receipt is processed (101) the special movement indiacator would be auto-populated in the WM tab so that on posting the GR the material is putaway and confirmed in a storage bin.
I can manually select the special movement but with a PO with many lines its not easy to process.
How can I configure the auto-processing of a special movement indicator in GR (101)
Any help would be appreciated. It would speed up out warehouse processing.
Thanks in advance

Similar Messages

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    I am trying to set up moving stocks directly to fixed bin using special movement indicator.
    Found the below in SAP documentation:
    Each time a goods receipt is posted for material ABC, you want to move the material directly to storage bin FIX-ABC in storage type 005 of warehouse number 001 without creating a transfer requirement or transfer order. To do this, you need to set up the system as follows:
    1. Create the fixed bin FIX-ABC in storage type 005 that is defined in the standard system using the fixed bin search strategy.
    2. Create a special movement indicator for your warehouse number.
    3. Add the special movement indicator and the fixed bin FIX-ABC to the material master for material ABC. 
    4. Create a new WM movement type to move materials directly into fixed bins without creating transfer orders or transfer requirements.
    5. In the reference movement type table, create a new entry that links an appropriate IM movement type to the new movement type using the special movement indicator.
    I have completed the steps 1 to 4. I am not sure of step 5 in IMG. Can some one please give me the menupath and guide me?
    Appreciate your help as always.

    You can go to LE-WM-interfaces-Inventory management-Define movement types-
    a) Assign WM Movement Type References to IM Movement Types - here you can assign your IM mvt to WM mvt
    b) then LE-WM Interface to Inventory Management - here you can assign the ref movement type assigned in 1 above to the actual WM movement type you want to carry out and you can assign your special movement indicator here as well.
    So this will be
    <WH No.> <ref. mvt say 101>  <mvt indicator say B ( for PO)>  <spl mvt indicator that you have created> <Wm mvt type> <TR creation - X or A > <Immediate To creation X or A >

  • Special movement indicator determination WM

    Dear experts,
    Apart from the automatic retrieval from the material master and the manual setting during goods movement is it there any change of determining the special movement indicator by using a customer exit?
    Thank you in advance.
    Edited by: Edith Alejandra Pedrouzo Rodio on Apr 1, 2008 1:49 PM

    For the movement types from shipping (for example, 601), picking technique 1, 2 or 3 is output in this field.
    In case of postings with active QM-interface a 'Q' is displayed in this field.
    1 = random picking
    2 = picking from fixed storage bin
    3 = picking large/small quantities
    little more info in OSS notes : 127291 and 388909

  • Special stock indicator O to add existing custom movement types

    Hi Gurus,
    Business having the two custom movement types for which they want to add special stock indicator O.
    please let me know is it possible to add special stock indicator O to existing movement types.
    Is it possible to achieve this with creation of new movement types along with current special stock indicators.
    Thanks in advance. 

    have you ever created a new movement type?
    try it.
    it can only be done by copy of a SAP given movement type, hence it has basically the same functionality as the original movement.
    the main purpose for new movement types are to post to other accounts and to segregate authorization.
    In other words you cannot add O to an existing movement, you need to create a new movement by copy from a movement that allows this O

  • Special stock indicator in the OD (goods movement  data tab)

    Hello SAP Experts,
    I would like to ask on how the special stock type indicator field (LIPS-SOBKZ) in the outbound deliveries, under the goods movement data tab, can be populated? For example, with stock type indicator E.
    Are there any configs or master data settings that allow the population of the stock type in the ODs? I'm just wondering why we have some ODs (replenishment deliveries) that are having the special stock indicator E, but sometimes, this field is empty. I would like to know what are the factors that allow the special stock type indicator field to be populated.
    Thanks in advance!

    On the SD side, the special stock indicator on a delivery line item is copied from the sales order line item.
    And the special stock indicator on the sales order line item is determined from the item category.
    If you are referring to the MM side of things, (and based on your description of the use of the 'replenishment deliveries you might be), then there probably are corresponding configuration on the MM side of things.
    +1 (707) 276-6473

  • Special stock indicator for the sales order (VBAP-SOBKZ=)

    Dear All,
    I am getting a warning message while making an initial entry of stock with Mov.Typ : 561 and Special Stock Indicator (E), i.e., "The special stock indicator for the sales order (VBAP-SOBKZ=)is different from the special stock indicator in the goods movement.
    The system is allowing to post the initial entry of goods but when I am trying to do a PGI, it is throwing an error saying that, deficit of stock in the specific storage location.
    Can anybody help me out with this problem ?
    Reward points shall be awarded.
    Indrajit Dey

    Hi Indrajit,
    Please post the stock with Special Stock Indicator (E), and againest sales order and item.
    Go to MB1C transaction enter Movement type,Plant and special stock indicator E.
    After that you enter Sales order Number and Item then save the document.
    Noe you try to do PGI,
    I hope it will help you,

  • "Special Stock indicator" field to be a mandatory entry with "501" in MIGO

    Where would you set the "Special Stock Indicator" as a mandatory entry in MIGO for mvt. type 501?
    Could you do it in config and if so where (IMG - MM - IM - GR or Mvt Types) ?
    Many thx.

    you can't make reqd entry but u can defulat it for the movement type 501
    go to MIGO - Setting - defulat and set it here the Spe indicator then this will defult for 501

  • Special stock indicator in WM

    Hi ,
    In SPRO path LEdecentralised WMScentral processingapplicationdefine interface to inv.mgmt and delvery related data --delivery related parameter for ref.mvmt type there is field SPSTIND (special stock indicator for WM).Values in it are 1,2,,Q,S etc.What does that indicate.How to know what 1 or 2 or q or s stands for.
    Thanks & Regards

    For the movement types from shipping (for example, 601), picking technique 1, 2 or 3 is output in this field.
    In case of postings with active QM-interface a 'Q' is displayed in this field.
    1 = random picking
    2 = picking from fixed storage bin
    3 = picking large/small quantities
    little more info in OSS notes : 127291 and 388909

  • Special stock indicator in production order

    We have a new business scenario from sales department.
    For example, A is a MTO item, it has component B & C. Now there is a sales order for A come in, and system create a production order, but there is no enough stock for B. They want to:
    1, Allocate C to the production order and other production order or sales order can not take it away via V_V2 or MRP run.
    2. Create another seperate purchase order for B and want this purchase order also allocate to this production order.
    3. They do not want to use WIP stock because it is difficult to display WIP stock in SAP you know.
    I trying to use the special stock indicator "E" for components in production order, and I move C to custom stock via 412 E with no issue.
    But when I create a purchase order for B with account assignment "F",  it goes to normal stock in MD04. After I post GR for the purchase order, the quantity goes to production order directly, does not show in MD04 and did not reduce the requirement quantity.
    If I create a purchase order for B with account assignment "E", it gives an error message "Sales document item is not defined for the transaction. I tried to change the requirement type from "KMFA" to "KE" in the sales order for A, and the production order disappeared, it is not accepted.
    How should I define and configure the process?
    Thank you so much.

    Hi Albert
    I suggest you to take a look on the setting "individuall/collective" on the tab MRP4 of the material master.
    For both components, you should set the value 1 and system will always plan the components under the sales order special stock.

  • Customer Stock (Special stock indicator B and item category C)

    Dear All,
    I am mapping my service center scenario in sap,
    We are consumer product manufacturer when material is wthin warranty or outside warranty, for any defects or replacement customer come with defective material to my service center.
    When i will post receipt for the material it should be the CUSTOMER stock,
    For that i need detailed information about special stock indicator B and movement type combination.
    also item category C in purchasing documents.
    plz tell me that i can directly configure these things in sap or B and C both are standard provided by sap.
    I am using 4.7 in my system B and C both are not available.

    In the Standard Sytem these are the special Stock Indicators
    E     Orders on hand
    K     Consignment (vendor)
    M     Ret.trans.pkg vendor
    O     Parts prov. vendor
    P     Pipeline material
    Q     Project stock
    V     Ret. pkg w. customer
    W     Consignment (cust.)
    Y     Shipping unit (whse)
    I have not found B - Special Stock indicator.
    You can use Accotunt assignment Category D  - with Special Stock Indicator E to get the Material into Stock Under Sales Order Stock..
    Item Category S - Third Party is used only in case of Third Party Process & athe Account assignment Category Picked is X - All aux.acct.assgts.
    Thanks & Regards
    Thanks & Regards

  • BAPI_ALM_ORDER_MAINTAIN not Updating Special stock indicator field

    Hi Experts
                  I am using BAPI_ALM_ORDER_MAINTAIN to create and  then update a Customer Service Order. When am trying to update the Special stock indicator field in the Components Tab(of IW32) through BAPI, its not doing so, and no error is thrown as well.
    The required qty and the batch field in the components tab get updated which ensures that the logic am using is the correct one.
    Please let me know if anyone has faced such a situation before. Any workaround(some other FM) to update this field is also welcome.
    Points guaranteed.
    Kulpreet Singh.

    BAPI_ALM_ORDER_MAINTAIN is only updating a field, when you set the update flag also in CHANGE method.
    So if you are maintainig the IT_COMPONENT table, you have to put an 'X' into the same field in the IT_COMPONENT_UP table also.
    And of course don't forget to commit the modification.

  • Change component level special stock indicator for Purchase Ord-through CIF

    my requirement is to change the the spoecial stock indicator at the component level for the PO .
    The purchase reqqusition is available in APO system.At the time converiosn to PO, the PO will get created in R/3 through CIF.
    When the Purchase Order is getting saved in R/3 then I need to check the component level Special stock indicator(SOBKZ) & I need change its value.
    I am currently using the user exit 'EXIT_SAPLCPUR_001' to change the same.in this user exit, I am changing the component level SOBKZ in the table IT_INPUT & I am also setting X in IT_INPUTX table.
    But the changes are not reflecting in the newly created PO.It always shows the value 'E' for SOBKZ.
    can any one tell me is this the right user exit to change the above value? if yes please expalin me in rdetail on how to change this.

    Hai Saurabh,
    I have tried changing the CP_POSITION-SOBKZ field in the user exit EXIT_SAPLMEPI_006.This one changes the SOBKZ of the item of PO i.e, the change reflects in EKPO table.
    What I am looking for is to change the Component level SOBKZ of the ITEM of the PO.The change reflects in RESB-sobkz table.
    I think,  In the User exit EXIT_SAPLCPUR_001, the field IT_INPUT-SP_STK_IND is meant for this.But this is not working.
    Please inform me how the RESB-SOBKZ can be changed?

  • Error while using Special GL indicator H for Customer Down Payment

    Dear Friends,
    I have configured the Special GL Indicator H (Security Deposit) for Customer Down Payment received. I also make the necessary settings in OBXY for assignment of Special GL against the reconciliation account.
    When I am doing the Customer Down Payment entry through F-29 using special GL indicator H system giing me the following error message
    Special G/L indicator H is not defined for down payments
    Message no. F5053
    The specified special G/L indicator is not classified as "down payment" or not listed in the list of the target special G/L indicators for indicator "F".
    System Response
    The entry is not accepted.
    Enter an allowed special G/L indicator or initiate a change of the default settings
    I also check the configuration again but still systems is giving me the same above error.
    Kinldy give me the solution or way of doing this ASAP because I am working in an implementation Prj.

    Dear Surya,
    I have made the necessary changes in Special GL Indicator F in their properties I assign target spl GL indicator H but while in spl GL indicator H when I assign target spl GL indicator F system gives me following error
    Delete target special G/L indicator
    Message no. F4137
    In the SAP system, you can only use "Target special G/L indicators" with "Down payment/down payment request" when "Noted item" is also selected at the same time. These requirements are not fulfilled in the special G/L indicator "H".
    Delete the specified target special G/L indicator.
    Effects on Customizing
    You can define when this system message is to be issued in accordance with your requirements.
    You do this in Customizing as follows: Cross-Application Components -> Bank Directory -> Change Message Control.
    The application area and message number can be taken from the technical documentation.

  • Creation of New Special GL Indicator for customer long term accounts

    Hi Experts,
    We have a GL account (GL111) created for Long term accounts. this is a reconciliation account for customer. However, we have another GL account (GL222) assigned to our customer group this account is being invoiced for some expenses. Because of this we cannot assing GL111 to customer master data.
    We need to post in the same customer expense and loans. How can we create a new special gl indicator that will allow the posting from GL222 to GL111?
    Any inputs are very much appreciated. Thank you very much.

         Creating Own Special G/L Transactions: Specify  (OBYR-T.CODE)
    -  The account type for which the special G/L indicator is to apply
    -  Posting keys (for outgoing and incoming debit and credit postings)
    -  How it is posted
    - Properties for each special G/L indicator (noted item, relevance for the credit limit check, Warning message for liabilities and target special G/L indicator)
    -  transaction type (bill of exchange, down payment etc.).
    EXP:Go to T.code: OBYR path: Financial Accounting (New)>Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable>Business Transactions>Down Payment Made>Define Alternative Reconciliation Account for Down Payments click on Define Alternative Reconciliation Account for Down Payments and click on double click on K F Pmt req Down Payment Requests and click on Properties (F8) and tick the Noted items ,Target sp.G/L ind. AIMB1 and save .
    Edited by: sridhar.shetty on Feb 28, 2012 1:21 PM

  • Add New value to the special reference indicator on the TO field

    Can you please tell me how to add a new value to the special reference indicator dropdown which is on the transfer order. 
    LTAK->SPEZI  ?  Currently it is displaying values  A & B in the drop down and want to add a new value to the indicator.

    I dont think you will be able to add more values to this field from configuration.
    If you check the data element and domain associated with this field (LTAK_SPEZI) in SE11. You can see that the value range for the domain has been defined there as  A and B only.
    So if you want to add a new value you can ask and ABAP/technical consulatnt to add new values to this Domain.
    However i am not sure it will be useful (unless you have a specific requirement and want to modify the standard programs) as the field is checked in different program (eg in inculde  LL03AF4V , LL03AF7F ) against these fixed values A and B.

Maybe you are looking for