Specifing application ALIAS in XE version of ApEx

How and where do you specify the following alias command in XE when there is no marvel.conf or dads.conf file?
alias /myapp/
Paul Platt

If anyone else is interested in a solution/workaround to this, then go to the following thread in the XE discussion group.. You may need a logon though...use your OTN UN/PW
Setting up a simple URL alias for ApEx application.  No marvel.conf file???
Paul P

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    Application Alias
    Image Prefix
    You can use substitution string #APP_VERSION# in page templates.
    Might help also
    Edited by: jarola on Feb 11, 2010 5:22 PM

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    rgrds Paavo

    Jari, here are some of my trials hosted now in apex.oracle.com. All url's to be bookmarked are "hardcoded" in to the login page html-header's javascript function.
    Sample db application - url with workspace name.
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    <script type="text/javascript">
    function bookmark()
    window.external.AddFavorite("http://apex.oracle.com/pls/apex/f?p=COM_ORACLE_APEX_PRODUCT_PORTAL:LOGIN:0&c=PAAVO_POC","COM_ORACLE_APEX_PRODUCT_PORTAL in ws paavo_poc");
    </script>- LOGIN page HTML Body attribute is:
    <input type="button" onclick="bookmark()" value="Bookmark me">
    </form>- tried to also add "Click here to bookmark me" button in the login region with the following code (couldn't figure out how to do button for this via apex developer)
    <input type="button" onclick="bookmark()" value="Click here to bookmark me">
    </form>- login doesn't work anymore
    Copy of the same sample application but with more different / more unique alias and without the "Click here to bookmark me" button in the Login-region.
    - the bookmark could be stored without workspace name, but it might break if the same app. alias name appears in some other workspace http://apex.oracle.com/pls/apex/f?p=paavos_product_portal:LOGIN:0
    - login works now because no hassling with the button-code in the Login-region :)
    Then fresh new application with the following URL's and with the same symptoms.
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    It would be good to have the URL constructed dynamically e.g. fetching the application_alias_name and the correct workspace to be used.
    In perfect world it would also be good to have feature in for redirecting the user from old version to production 'application alias' with dynamic action requesting the user to update his/her bookmark.
    But as said I am bit stuck ..
    rgrds Paavo
    Edited by: paavo on Apr 7, 2012 3:20 PM
    Edited by: paavo on Apr 10, 2012 4:05 PM

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    Try customizing the <context-root> element in the web.xml deployment descriptor, for example:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ASCII"?>
    <application xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee"
    Afterwards, rebuild and redeploy your application.
    I hope that helps.

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    desktop. With UAC, applications and tasks always run in the security context of a non-administrator account. So, a consent prompt will show up when you try to install an application with a standard user, the detailed information can be found at Microsoft:
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    Wade Liu
    TechNet Community Support

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    Last edited by Nikorasu (2012-11-17 20:54:33)

    I found the solution.
    For Pycharm, I just needed to add an environment variable PYCHARM_JDK. For running specific applications, I asked this question on the Unix / Linux StackExchange and got an answer there.
    Also, after running PyCharm in Java 6... I would not recommend it. OpenJDK works fine
    Last edited by Nikorasu (2012-11-17 20:55:01)

  • Report Bug: Application Alias Issue

    I have a unique problem of Application Alias not working. For a particular application only this happens. For all other Application in this DB it works nicely.
    I am using ApEx 3.0.1

    You have not described your problem in sufficient detail for posting to a technical forum. Also you present (and probably do not have) evidence that supports your claim that your problem is unique. Why would it be? Please explain the situation fully and create a demonstration on apex.oracle.com, if you can.

  • Application alias shows up only when logged in as SYS

    Oracle 11gR2
    APEX 4.2.3
    RHEL 6.3
    select *
    from   apex_applications
    where  workspace = 'MY_WORKSPACE';
    -- 0 rows
    When logged into APEX as a user with a workspace assigned (MY_WORKSPACE) that contains an application (and an application alias), no rows are returned when given the application alias in the query above (see the above SQL).
    But log in as SYS and the application alias is there -- i.e. a row is returned.
    What could be causing this?

    Many dictionary views limit rows returned by level of access.
    For instance, schema owners will only see applications related to the workspace their associated with.
    Some views won't let you see any rows unless you're querying via APEX (not SQL Developer), eg: apex_application_files

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    I successfully reinstalled 10.6 and I also reloaded the apps that were contained in another folder on the CD.
    Why would you "reload" any apps? They should have been installed when you installed 10.6. Where exactly did you reload them from?
    So I recovered my old one from Time Machine.
    ...which undoubtedly still contained the old copy of Mail from your last Leopard backup, and not the current version of Mail that should have been installed with 10.6.
    What you need to do is reinstall the appropriate version of Mail from your Snow Leopard install disk. You can install one specific program from the install disk using [Pacifist|http://www.charlessoft.com> - though, check carefully to make sure it's been cleared for use with the Snow Leopard install disk!
    Whether that will fix your problem or not, I don't know, as I don't know what exactly you've done. It sounds like you've done a lot of things you should not have done, mixing components of your older system into your newer system. It is entirely possible you will need to reinstall the entire system.

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    Hi Will,
    I believe APEX 3.2 is still shipped with Oracle 11g but I could be wrong.
    All the documentation regarding 11g r2 can be found at:
    The information regarding the patch can be found in Joels Blog:

  • Resusing Country Specific Application - GT

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    2) Define Active Subtypes and Use Case
    3) Country Specific Applications
    After this, when I changes my ID to GT PERNR and logged back in to Mexico, the Adddress & Personal Data works fine but not Family Members/Dependants. This iView does not recognize the already exisiting record son the GT emloyee's IT21  and when I click on create new record, it throws a Java Null Pointer Exception.
    Any ideas on this?

    Thanks You!! Solved issue!
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    Any thoughts?

  • Database version for APEX 4

    can I find official informtion on www.oracle.com over the requirements for the APEX 4?
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    Is there no statement directly from Oracle? I could only find information about the new features of APEX 4, but no requirements for it.

    Hello Dimitri,
    Thid is very intersting but I do not understand why I have on any version of Apex export the same error:
    name: ora-20001_error_import_apex_application.txt
    script generated by the "export" SCRIPT WITH apex321 version base: oracele xe 10g
    os: windows 7 ultimate
    execute immediate 'alter session set nls_numeric_characters='''||wwv_flow_api.g_nls_numeric_chars||'''';
    error generated:
    ORA-20001: GET_BLOCK Error. ORA-20001: Execution of the statement was unsuccessful. ORA-01756: une chaîne entre apostrophes ne se termine pas correctement &lt;pre&gt;begin execute immediate 'alter session set nls_numeric_characters='''||wwv_flow_api.g_nls_numeric_chars||''''; end;&lt;/pre&gt;
    Error installing application.
    Return to application.
    -- begin
    -- execute immediate 'alter session set nls_numeric_characters='''||wwv_flow_api.g_nls_numeric_chars||'''';
    -- end;
    but does not resolve the problem!
    Any answers from apex-evangelists GURUS?
    [email protected]

  • How to import updated version of APEX app without losing saved IR's?

    Oracle XE 11.2
    Apex 4.1
    Linux Red Hat 5.4
    Does anyone have suggestions on how to import updated version of APEX app without losing saved IR's?
    Also, I want to maintain app id from update to update (from revision to revision). In fact, I think that that is required in order to keep the saved IR's.
    The only process I have found that seems to "work" (i.e. loads new revision of app over old revision of app) is the following (via SQL*Plus):
    l_workspace_id number;
    select workspace_id into l_workspace_id
    from apex_workspaces
    where workspace = 'MYWORKSPACE';
    apex_application_install.set_schema('MYSCHEMA' );
    apex_application_install.set_application_alias( 'MYSCHEMA_ALIAS' );
    but I do not have any saved reports in this app. Will this process keep the saved IR's from the previous version of the app 'intact'?
    Edited by: user601798 on Oct 11, 2012 7:02 AM

    I cope with the same issue.
    But I've several prod instances and many applications on each of these... and SIR saved by many users.
    Of course each prod application have its own ID, distinct from the dev application ID.
    Is there really not any kind of solution in my case (apart from release the dev app on the dev workspace ; export 50 apps from it and import those 50 times, maybe more in the futur) ?
    I'd be a pity if not, I think there must be a lot of us working in that configuration.
    Thanks !

  • Using Application Alias in URL

    hi all,
    I wanted to use application alias name in URL of my application while running. I wrote an application alias in application definition, and tried to run it using its alias. Ir runs fine, but to my surprise when i switched to any other page except home page by using two level tabs, my application alias again changes to application id. Can anyone help me in this that what i am missing here? How can i use application alias on every tab click.??
    Thanks & Regards,
    Sunil Bhatia - Programmer
    Eon Technlogies Pvt Ltd

    I wrote an application alias in application definition, and tried to run it using its alias. Ir runs fine, but to my surprise when i switched to any other page except home page by using two level tabs, my application alias again changes to application id.That's the way it works. You'll have to look at mod_rewrite in Apache to achieve what you want. There's a Oracle Application Express (APEX) usage.

  • Full version of Apex vs. Runtime general question

    We have three environments, Dev, Test and Production. We have the full version of Apex installed under Dev and have developed an application. Our site is behind firewall and only internal users with Oracle user_id will have access into Apex application(s). Oracle recommends to install the runtime version of Apex on Test and Prod. But as I gathered reading some posts and replies in Apex Forum noticed it is quiet of task moving developed applications from Dev to runtime environment.
    Would it make more sense for our environment to install the full version of Apex into our Test and Prod? If not is there any good documentation around that I can access of how to do this?
    Thanks so very much for any info

    Last time I checked, that page did link to full installers. The format of the links for Windows was:
    I have bolded the part that currently says '''stub'''. Hand-crafted links in that form still work (but I have broken the link in this post with my formatting).
    I don't have personal knowledge of what's going on with the "all" download page and hope it changes back.
    As for blaming this forum for anything having to do with the "all" download page, you must be kidding. That page was always available from the main page using a link that said Systems & Languages and as the link says, it lists all the available systems and languages.

Maybe you are looking for