Spry textarea validation?

I have a form with a Spry textarea that needs to validate
character count. IE6 is not giving the "Maximum characters
exceeded" message (although it does work with a textfield).
Works like a charm in other browsers. Anyone have a

Never mind. After doing some experimenting, it turns out it's
something in my company's template that is conflicting with
Now I just have to figure out what it is.

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  • Spry Textarea validation extension to prevent spam

    I am using the fairly limited features of the spry framework in Dreamweaver to validate forms.
    When I get to the textarea, validation is limited to:
    min char, char count
    I would like to continue to use the spry framework since it is pervasive inside DW CS4 and seems useful - BUT I need to be able to add functionality.
    Specificly I would like to check the textarea for content matching a regx string. To determin if the form is getting hit by a spam bot.
    I can do this in PHP, like so;
    // Spam Detection code block
    // The \b in the pattern indicates a word boundary, so only the distinct
    //word "web" is matched, and not a word partial like "webbing" or "cobweb" */
    // Check for html and img tags in string
    function check($comment) {
      // if(ereg('(href=\b|http\b|url=http\b|<a href|<IMG=|<img|img=|scr=|www\b)@i', $comment)) {
      if (preg_match('(href=\b|http\b|url\b|http\b|<a href|<IMG=|<img|img\b|scr\b|www\b)i', "$comment")) {
          // comment looks dirty, lets put up a bogus thankyou.
         </pre><center> Thanks <p>We have received your comment and hope you enjoyed visiting our site. <p>To continue browsing, use the links above.</center>");
    else{ // comment is clean of URLs
    // End of Spam Detection code block 
    Is there a way to integrate this code (or similar javascipt) into the Spry library, so I can do this in DW?
    Anti spam technologies are a very important part of forms these days.
    I hope other people value this request and pipe up about it.
    -Daniel Hoviss

    Never mind. After doing some experimenting, it turns out it's
    something in my company's template that is conflicting with
    Now I just have to figure out what it is.

  • Textarea validation with max only

    How can I set up my textarea validation so that there is no
    minimum but the IS a maximum number of characters?
    I tried setting min to zero bas below but it doesn't work.
    It gives an error unless I try ONE character.
    var theDescription = new
    {useCharacterMasking:true, minChars:0, maxChars:180,
    counterType:"chars_count", counterId:"Countvalidta1",

    Hi Kate,
    As Dragos suggested you should add the isRequired: false.
    This will tell to the Validation Textarea to simply ignore the fact
    the textarea value is empty.
    Then if you completely remove the the minChars then you
    should obtain the behavior you expected. If any numerical value is
    passed through the minChars then the length of textarea value is
    validated against that value. Instead if you remove the option the
    Validation Widget will simply stop make the check.
    Into the documentation you have detailed examples for the
    different options that could be used for the textarea widget:
    Cristian MARIN

  • UI Datepicker and Spry textfield Validation

    Hi, I am having a problem with using the UI Date picker and Spry textfield Validation together. I have created a sample form: 2 input boxe, the test box has the datepicker and spry validation and test2 has the date picker only,one submit button and some php code that echos the boxes values on submit.
    My date picker is date formated as 'yy-mm-dd' for four digit year.  My spry validation is formated 'yyyy-mm-dd' with validate on submit.
    Now when I click on the test input box the datepicker comes up normally and i select a date. I then select the date on test2. Once I click the submit button the test field with spry validation come back saying a value is required and nothing else happens.
    I was playing around and trying other things to get it to work and I noticed that when I select the test inputbox and the calander pops up if I enter some numbers into the text box then select a date from the datepicker then enter a date in the test2 inputbox and hit submit it works.
    So it appears to me that the validation is not reading anything in the test field when I just select a date.  Why is that?  When I select a date it shows a date in the inputbox.  It makes it hard to use the datepicker on a form.
    Any help would be a preciated.  Code is below.
    Thanks Winrol
    <?php echo "Test box 1 value = ". $_POST['test']. "<br/>" ?>
    <?php echo "Test box 2 value = ". $_POST['test2'] ?>
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
    <title>Untitled Document</title>
    <script src="jquery-ui-1.7.2/js/jquery-1.3.2.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="jquery-ui-1.7.2/js/jquery-ui-1.7.2.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="SpryAssets/SpryValidationTextField.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <link href="jquery-ui-1.7.2/css/base/ui.core.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <link href="jquery-ui-1.7.2/css/base/ui.datepicker.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <link href="jquery-ui-1.7.2/css/base/ui.theme.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <link href="jquery-ui-1.7.2/css/base/ui.datepicker.images.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <style type="text/css">
    /* BeginOAWidget_Instance_2137022: #datepicker */
    #datepicker .ui-widget {
    font-family: inherit;
    #datepicker .ui-datepicker {
    font-family: "Trebuchet MS", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    #datepicker .ui-datepicker-title {
    font-family: "Trebuchet MS", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    font-size: 1.1em;
    color: #000;
    font-weight: normal;
    line-height: 1.8em;
    #datepicker .ui-state-default, .ui-widget-content .ui-state-default {
    border-color: #e6e6e6;
    background-color: #e6e6e6;
    color: #555555;
    #datepicker .ui-state-default, .ui-state-default a {
    color: #555555;
    #datepicker .ui-state-highlight, .ui-widget-content .ui-state-highlight {
    #datepicker .ui-state-active, .ui-widget-content .ui-state-active {
    border-color: #FFFFFF;
    background-color: #FFFFFF;
    color: #212121;
    #datepicker .ui-state-hover, .ui-widget-content .ui-state-hover, .ui-state-focus, .ui-widget-content .ui-state-focus
    border-color: #5F5F5F;
    background-color: #5F5F5F;
    color: #212121;
    #datepicker .ui-widget-header
    border-color: #5F5F5F;
    background-color: #808080;
    border-width: 1px;
    /* Text attributes for the Days of Week Text */
    #datepicker .ui-datepicker table th
    font-size: .8em;
    color: #000;
    font-weight: bold;
    /* EndOAWidget_Instance_2137022 */
    <script type="text/xml">
      <oa:widget wid="2137022" binding="#datepicker" />
      <script type="text/javascript">
    // BeginOAWidget_Instance_2137022: #datepicker
    $(function() {
    $('input').filter('.datepicker').datepicker({dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd'});
    // EndOAWidget_Instance_2137022
    <link href="SpryAssets/SpryValidationTextField.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <style type="text/css">
    body {
    background-color: #FFC;
    <form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="">
        <label for="test">test</label>
        <span id="sprytextfield1">
        <input name="test" type="text" class="datepicker" id="test"/>
        <span class="textfieldRequiredMsg">A value is required.</span><span class="textfieldInvalidFormatMsg">Invalid format.</span></span></p>
        <label for="test2">test2</label>
        <input name="test2" type="text" id="test2"  class="datepicker" />
      <p onclick="<?php echo $_POST['test'] ?>">
        <input type="submit" name="submit" id="submit" value="Submit" />
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var sprytextfield1 = new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextField("sprytextfield1", "date", {format:"yyyy-mm-dd", hint:"yyyy-mm-dd"});

    This does work
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>Untitled Document</title>
    <link href="SpryAssets/SpryValidationTextField.css" rel="stylesheet">
    <link href="jquery-ui-1.7.2/css/base/ui.core.css" rel="stylesheet">
    <link href="jquery-ui-1.7.2/css/base/ui.datepicker.css" rel="stylesheet">
    <link href="jquery-ui-1.7.2/css/base/ui.theme.css" rel="stylesheet">
    <link href="jquery-ui-1.7.2/css/base/ui.datepicker.images.css" rel="stylesheet">
    <form action="" method="post">
    <span id="sprytextfield1">
    <label for="mydate">Date:</label>
    <input id="datepicker" name="mydate" type="text">
    <span class="textfieldRequiredMsg">A value is required.</span><span class="textfieldInvalidFormatMsg">Invalid format.</span></span>
    <div id="datepicker" class="ui-glass-gradient ui-80TopTo0Bottom-gradient-header"></div>
    <input name="mysubmit" type="submit">
    <script src="SpryAssets/SpryValidationTextField.js"></script>
    <script src="jquery-ui-1.7.2/js/jquery-1.3.2.min.js"></script>
    <script src="jquery-ui-1.7.2/js/jquery-ui-1.7.2.min.js"></script>
    var sprytextfield1 = new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextField("sprytextfield1", "date", {format:"mm/dd/yyyy", validateOn:["change"], useCharacterMasking:true});
    $(function() {
        $('#datepicker').datepicker({ showOtherMonths: false });

  • Spry textfield validation

    Hi, how can I modify this code for the spry textfield validation.js file? My text field is set to yyyy-mm-dd.  When I enter a date and hit the submit button all works well but, how can I modify this portion of the .js file so the date yyyy-mm-dd is not less than today's date?
    'date': {
    validation: function(value, options) {
    var formatRegExp = /^([mdy]+)[\.\-\/\\\s]+([mdy]+)[\.\-\/\\\s]+([mdy]+)$/i;
    var valueRegExp = this.dateValidationPattern;
    var formatGroups = options.format.match(formatRegExp);
    var valueGroups = value.match(valueRegExp);
    if (formatGroups !== null && valueGroups !== null) {
    var dayIndex = -1;
    var monthIndex = -1;
    var yearIndex = -1;
    for (var i=1; i<formatGroups.length; i++) {
    switch (formatGroups[i].toLowerCase()) {
    case "dd":
    dayIndex = i;
    case "mm":
    monthIndex = i;
    case "yy":
    case "yyyy":
    yearIndex = i;
    if (dayIndex != -1 && monthIndex != -1 && yearIndex != -1) {
    var maxDay = -1;
    var theDay = parseInt(valueGroups[dayIndex], 10);
    var theMonth = parseInt(valueGroups[monthIndex], 10);
    var theYear = parseInt(valueGroups[yearIndex], 10);
    // Check month value to be between 1..12
    if (theMonth < 1 || theMonth > 12) {
    return false;
    // Calculate the maxDay according to the current month
    switch (theMonth) {
    case 1: // January
    case 3: // March
    case 5: // May
    case 7: // July
    case 8: // August
    case 10: // October
    case 12: // December
    maxDay = 31;
    case 4: // April
    case 6: // June
    case 9: // September
    case 11: // November
    maxDay = 30;
    case 2: // February
    if ((parseInt(theYear/4, 10) * 4 == theYear) && (theYear % 100 != 0 || theYear % 400 == 0)) {
    maxDay = 29;
    } else {
    maxDay = 28;
    // Check day value to be between 1..maxDay
    if (theDay < 1 || theDay > maxDay) {
    return false;
    // If successfull we'll return the date object
    return (new Date(theYear, theMonth - 1, theDay));   //JavaScript requires a month between 0 and 11
    } else {
    return false;
    Thanks Winrol

    V1 Fusion wrote:
    > Yes you can use regular expessions:
    > function validatePhone(value){
    > return
    > )?$/.test(value)
    > }
    > var custom = new Spry.ValidationTextField(id, "custom",
    > validatePhone, validateOn:["blur", "change"]})
    > regexp from
    Excellent, thank you, that will get me in the right
    direction. Its not
    100%, but I think I can tinker with an expression to get what
    I want.
    The number is couldn't handle is +44 (0)113 255 7666 but its
    not an
    approved format anyway, but lots of companies still do it
    this way, so I
    want to ensure I get it right.
    Thanks again!
    Posting Guidelines
    How To Ask Smart Questions

  • Conditional Spry Confirm Validation

    Hi Chaps,
    I know there are a few of these threads about, however, the answers usually point to a 404 webpage.
    I'm after a conditional Spry Confirm Validation Text Field.
    E.G. if a user decides to change a password, the (required) confirm validation comes into effect.
    If anyone can point me in the right direction, it would help me out.
    Many thanks

    never mind, found this: http://forums.adobe.com/message/2983481#2983481#2983481

  • TextArea Validation Widget don't function with Prototype

    I have seen that TextAreaValidationWidget don't function
    properly if is loaded also the Prototype library. To verify, I have
    also simply insert this code in the HEAD section of the
    FormsValidation Demo included in the framework:
    <script type='text/javascript'
    By adding this file, the validation of text field is running
    properly but the validation of textarea doesn't. The Firefox
    console of errors report:
    Invalid Quantifier +);} catch (e) {if!=$continue) {throw
    e;}}});} catch(e) {if(e!=$break){thow e; }} return this;}\b
    in SpryValidationTextarea.js line 785
    Do you know how to solve this?
    I use Spry 1.4, prototype 1.5.0 (because I use also lightbox

    Based on a previous report we fixed this bug in the Spry 1.5
    preview release. To fix this bug you should edit the
    SpryValidationTextarea.js. Search for the:
    Spry.Widget.ValidationTextarea.prototype.switchClassName =
    function (className){
    and inside you should see around line 763 the following code:
    for (var k in classes){
    if (classes[k] != className){
    This code should change to the following:
    for (var k = 0; k < classes.length; k++){
    if (classes[k] != className){
    Please let me know about your results.
    Cristian MARIN

  • Spry Conditional Validation of Txt Boxes When Using Show/Hide

    Hi everyone.. just a quick question (if their is such a thing) if that is ok...
    I have been working on this single issue for 3 days.. it is driving me mad and hoped someone may be able to point me in the right direction...
    I have a form and it has a radio button with 3 options (about relationship status):
    If they select married a text box appears with Enter spouses first name;
    If they select defacto a text box appears with Enter partners first name..
    If single no text box appears..
    User then clicks on next to go to next page..
    All good.. except.. I am using DW CS4 and using spry to validate both txt boxes (spouses first name and partner first name).. problem is only one will be displayed depending on the option selected – Married or defacto.. spry tries to validate both even the hidden one and therefore will not allow the user to go to next page.. as at least one not completed..
    I have spent almost 3 days trying to write a php/java if statement to get spry to only validate text box 1 or 2 if radio button says married, defacto or single etc..
    I would really really really apperciate your input about how I should do this as it is driving me nuts!!!
    Anyway thanks and really hope to hear from someone..
    Cheers from Downunder
    Been playing and got this to work:
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function decision(){
    if(document.martial_status.martial_status[0].checked) {
    var sprytextfield1 = new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextField("sprytextfield1", "none", {validateOn:blur});
    } else if(document.martial_status.martial_status[1].checked) {
    } else if(document.martial_status.martial_status[2].checked) {
    } else {
    window.alert("Pick something!!");
    // -->
    BUT (and always a but).. if person goes back and selects say single rather then married after already clicking married the spry error msg is already in place for married.. and person cannot go to next page.. The joys.. tried martial_statur.reset and destroy and does clear the error message but still does not allow user to go to next page..
    Any thoughts? Thanks in advance..

    You can destory the validation:
    and it should validate.

  • Spry form validation working in IE but not in Firefox or...

    Ok putting together a contact us form and would like a few
    fields to be required. It works in IE7 but not in Firefox, Safari
    or Google Chrome. In IE7 I get the error msg for no valid email but
    in the other browsers it just does nothing. Here is the link to the
    Can anyone help with this? I have used Spry on a couple other
    site and never had an issue. I am updated to the most recent
    version also. I am running
    Vista Ultimate (64-bit)
    DW CS3 or DW CS4 (both do the same thing)
    I have attached my code here in a txt file


  • Function to call spry textfield validation

    Hi every body.
    I've a question for you.
    I'm using a filed spry text field validation. It works perfectly when y press submit, but I need to do this:
    I put some text in a textfield using PHP, the validation is only maked when I click the text field, or when  the user press a key, but how to make a function to do the validation after I put data on textfield.

    Click the on Blur as per

  • Spry textfield validation for alphanumeric input

    How can I set the spry input to the following pattern that I need: only allow alphanumeric.

    You can build your own custom validations with Spry.
    var custom = new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextField("id", "custom", {
         validation: function( value, options ){
              return /[a-z]/gi.test( value ); // your validation
    Related reading:  http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/spry/articles/textfield_overview/index.html and http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/spry/samples/validationwidgets/TextfieldValidationSampl e.html

  • Spry fields validations

    I have a webpage in a .cfm (ColdFusion) format to be used in
    a form. There are some Spry fields in it, like a validation text
    But I have some problems:
    When the user enters a wrong email format, the form does not
    do a submit. The form is good, but there is not any error message
    to show the user that the entered email address is not correct
    (Current error message is only for empty field).
    Any suggestions on how to fix this problem?

    "Merdad" <[email protected]> wrote in
    message news:gmo4ab$a6$[email protected]..
    > I have a webpage in a .cfm (ColdFusion) format to be
    used in a form. There are
    > some Spry fields in it, like a validation text field.
    > But I have some problems:
    > When the user enters a wrong email format, the form does
    not do a submit. The
    > form is good, but there is not any error message to show
    the user that the
    > entered email address is not correct (Current error
    message is only for empty
    > field).
    > Any suggestions on how to fix this problem?
    > Thanks
    See if this helps:
    Ken Ford
    Adobe Community Expert - Dreamweaver/ColdFusion
    Adobe Certified Expert - Dreamweaver CS3
    Adobe Certified Expert - ColdFusion 8
    Fordwebs, LLC

  • Spry w3c validation

    Hi All,
    Have just implemented some spry elements into my site but
    it's failing validation due to the spry.
    there is no attribute "spry:region" and there is no attribute
    Anybody know of any work arounds for this?

    Ken Ford
    Adobe Community Expert - Dreamweaver/ColdFusion
    Fordwebs, LLC
    <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:g5gufr$6ps$[email protected]..
    > Hi All,
    > Have just implemented some spry elements into my site
    but it's failing
    > validation due to the spry.
    > there is no attribute "spry:region" and there is no
    attribute "spry:repeat"
    > Anybody know of any work arounds for this?
    > Cheers,
    > Simon

  • Spry Form Validation doesn´t with PHP

    Hi guys!
    Houston, I have a problem!
    I used a validation form for an e mail text field that works on .html file but not on a .php file.
    What I did?
    1.       I created my .html file and code all the Spry Valitation Form. If you test it, it works. This is the testing site link:
    a.      http://www.rayacosta.com/clientes/pparquitectura/v1/contactoT.html
    b.      The e mail field it´s the one that I’m validating.
    2.      I created 2 include files from the first one. One with the header info in header.php and another called footer.php. I need to use PHP to generate the form, so I thought it was the best way to go.
    3.      I create a contato.php file with:
    a.      header.php (here I included the links for the Spy Assets)
    b.      footer.php (with the footer info).
    4.      Here the file just doesn´t work. This is the link:
    5.      Any clues? I understand that Dreamweaver doesn´t show the Spry UI in the php file. But it supposed to be compiled correctly on the browser agent. The other files just work fine, but not this contact form.
    6.      In Dreamweaver, if you see at the header.php file, the link to the js file is not totally brown like in its html version.
    I really appreciate some light in this matter.
    Thanks in advanced,

    Two possibilities that I can see.
    1: Your HTML code has some JavaScript right near the bottom. This appears to be related to the Spry Validation of the email field. This same script does not seem to be in the PHP file.
    2:  Are the "header" and "footer" in the same folder as the contact page? If not (ie: if in an "files" or "includes" folder") the path to the spry files in the header would be wrong.
    For example, if the header file is one folder deep, change this:
    "_spryAssets/SpryValidationTextField.js" to  "../_spryAssets/SpryValidationTextField.js"
    When you view source when looking at a page, you can see the page as it is generated. Quite often it will reveal what is missing.
    Good luck.

  • Spry textfield validation with custom pattern

    I have sussed out the standard custom pattern, and how to
    enforce it,
    but what I would like to know is how can I allow any numbers,
    spaces, brackets, or plus sign, but no letters?
    This is for a phone number entry field, where it could be an
    international phone number or a standard one for the UK,
    where the
    length can vary, depending on where you live.
    Any ideas?
    Posting Guidelines
    How To Ask Smart Questions

    V1 Fusion wrote:
    > Yes you can use regular expessions:
    > function validatePhone(value){
    > return
    > )?$/.test(value)
    > }
    > var custom = new Spry.ValidationTextField(id, "custom",
    > validatePhone, validateOn:["blur", "change"]})
    > regexp from
    Excellent, thank you, that will get me in the right
    direction. Its not
    100%, but I think I can tinker with an expression to get what
    I want.
    The number is couldn't handle is +44 (0)113 255 7666 but its
    not an
    approved format anyway, but lots of companies still do it
    this way, so I
    want to ensure I get it right.
    Thanks again!
    Posting Guidelines
    How To Ask Smart Questions

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