Square Pixels Question

I have made an animation that is 640 X 480 with Square Pixels.
I was told that I have to give the animation to a video guy, but that it has to be 720 X 480.
Do I simply have to change it to the .9 setting and change the settings to 720 X 480? Because when I tried that, it looked stretched on my computer screen. It looks correct at 640 X 480 with square pixels.

After Effects automatically and properly combines footage of any pixel aspect ratio with footage of any other pixel aspect ratio. The only time things get fouled up is when you mis-interpret the footage.
If your footage is square pixels it must be interpreted as square pixels. If it is DV widescreen then it must be interpreted as DV wide screen. After Effects will try and guess what the pixel aspect ratio is supposed to be for any footage that isn't tagged with a PAR identifier. It makes this guess based on the size of the frame.
For example, if you create a square pixel image in photoshop that's 720 X 480 the After Effects will assume that it's D1 Pixel aspect ratio because 720 X 480 is the standard size of a D1 frame. In this case, After Effects guesses wrong so you have to manually correct the problem and set interpretation to square pixels.
In your case all you have to do is drop your square pixel comp in a D1 comp for render and you're good to go. There will be a bit of black on the left and right side of the rendered video but you will never see these black edges in a TV when the video is played. In face, most DV cameras don't even fill the frame and leave 4 to 9 pixels of black on the right and left edge of the frame anyway.
I hope this helps. Just remember that your footage should always be interpreted as what it is, that AE will guess properly unless you create square pixel footage that is a standard rectangular pixel size or your widescreen footage does not have a PAR tag in the header.
As far as rendering goes, unless you can find a place to designate the pixel aspect ratio in the video settings the codec does not support such a tag and the footage may have to be interpreted properly in your NLE or other app to prevent distortion.

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    Thank You,

    t_Mc wrote:
    You are never going to actually see a non-square pixel JPG image on your square pixel computer monitor.
    Well, I just showed you one.
    No you did not. Our displays only show square pixels.
    t_Mc wrote:
    Are you yelling?
    Where will this image appear? Why do you need PAR if it looks "perfect" on the web without it? What is your output intent? 800x533 is not a video dimension.
    That is not important.
    I asked WHY because you started this discussion with extreme ambiguity. Others have typed many words to try to help you but you have helped no one in return by explaining yourself and what you are trying to do.
    t_Mc wrote:
    Eh... you (and every other photographer with javascript gimmicks) may want to re-evaluate how you post and "protect" images. PAR is not much of a step up from what you have.
    You making RUDE assumptions that are ridiculous This is only the second question I have asked. Thanks for the help lady!
    If I wanted to be rude, I would let you continue to waste your time on pointless techniques that really do not protect your images.
    You can prevent others from making assumptions by...
    fully explaining what you are trying to do!
    EDIT: oy, kids!

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    Yes, there are foreseeable problems of applications assuming that your 720x480 video should have D1-sized pixels, as you've already experienced.
    But once you finally end up with a 720x480 square pixel QuickTime movie that you are going to embed into a web page it should play properly.
    Just make sure you host the video yourself so you can control its presentation. I bet if you upload it to Vimeo or YouTube those services would also reasonably assume that your video had non-square pixels.

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    thanks in advance.
    Message was edited by: teresita

    Computers use square pixels, TVs use rectangular pixels. Thus, a 720x540 square pixel document viewed in, say, Photoshop should be made 720x486 with a D1 pixel aspect if you want it for television. You would need to make sure your document is the correct way if you were putting it in an FCP timeline or something, otherwise it would look squished/stretched depending on waht you did. But for DVDSP, you should create elements in a 720X540 square pixel document. This is also recommended in the manual in the section that pertains to your question. DVDSP will make the necessary corrections for a DVD burned for TV. Since most DVDs are made to go on TV, viewing in 720x486 (rect) would be the most accurate way to view, which is probably why simulator does that so you can see what it will look like on a TV monitor.
    I recommend working in the correct size and pixel aspect ratio anyway just to avoid problems down the line. For example, in After Effects you would work with 720x486 video in one precomp and all your generated text and graphics should be in a 720x540 precomp. Then bring the sq pix comp to the rect one (if planning to use for TV) and fit to comp.

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    Yes, I've been advised that 640 X 480 deinterlaced 422HQ Sq. is the best format for me to project from my laptop at a special screening.  It really looks beautiful.
    But that's not my question.
    I'm asking why Compressor will give me that format and that apparently AE won't.
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    Load the image from the Timeline into the Viewer and click on the Motion tab. Open the Distort controls and adjust the aspect ratio accordingly. Depending on your Sequence settings, -12 or -33 should do it.

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    6. Meanwhile if I take this same image and adjust it for FCP (2084x1324) and bring it into FCP, it looks just right, too. The motion tab shows that FCP has scaled it 38.83% (that's fine) but now it has ALSO distorted it by -12.5. So it is NOT behaving like the ellipse in No. 2 above (which had ZERO distortion)?
    Regardless, I wonder if any one can tackle this so we understand what's gong on. And the big question is: Why are we taking that step to prep the PShop files for FCP, if FCP seems to handle either version properly? We'd save a lot of time if we didn' take this step in PShop for hundreds of photos ...
    Thanks in advance for taking time to comment. This is a wonderful forum and we're always amazed at how kind and sharing contributors are.

    "FCP has automatically Distorted the 720x480 PShop file by -12.5"
    That should probably read 720x540.
    Yes, FCP does the distortion automatically. It's done this since v3. The problem is, as you've noticed, it doesn't do it nearly so well as Photoshop. Yes, you could let FCP do it for you, but it will soften the image more than you might like. There is also one caveat. This only works for flattened images, images imported as graphics files. Other PSD files with layers or transparency that import as sequences will not be automatically resized when they are placed inside another sequence.

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    Take your screenshot, then reply to this message and click the camera icon in the editing window. Click the "Choose File" button and select the screenshot. If you don't know how to take a screenshot, search for that term in the built-in help.

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    Can people recommend a tried and true workflow for making this conversion, including relevant setting I should use? I am clearly missing something. Thank you for any tips, advice.

    Where is it going on the internet? Youtube? Vimeo? Have you checked what specs are recommended for the delivery location?
    Is the footage even 16:9 to begin with?
    1280x720 is HD not SD. Unless you have a Kona card that can up rez you will be trying to take a recipe for 8 and make it feed 12. Does your client understand this or could they just be reading a specs page?
    640x360 is SD/square pixel/16:9 and accepted by YT and Vimeo
    640x480 is the 4x3 version
    A H264 compressor preset can be tweaked to meet your SD needs - try 2000MB for a video rate. Use AAC audio at 128. YT can accept videos up to 1GB if not 2.
    You can use these specs to uprez to 1280x720 but results will vary.

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    I also used to have a tic box for square pixels, how do I select this on CS5.5?

    In the 'Video' tab of export settings scroll down until you find 'Aspect' field:

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    Here is the sample of what i mean "square netted pixel":

    Somewhere in the LR 4 series Adobe changed/improved how RAFs are converted.  I think you’re using a really old LR without having set your DNG Compatibility options to old enough—something older than the default of ACR 7.1.
    The pattern you’re seeing is from the old LR that expects the DNG Converter to have filled in all the extra pixels whereas the DNG Converter is using a new compatibility mode that tells it that LR can handle filling in the pixels itself.

  • Export from Mac for Windows Media Player - square pixel widescreen

    I'm working with a square pixel wide screen iPad animation video. I built comps in AE and am editing in Premiere. I'm having issues with playback in Windows Media Player. Keyframe interpolation and cross dissolves are causing glitches. My pixel ratio is 872x486 And I want to export from Premiere with better results in WMP.
    Your help with export settings is greatly appreciated.

    Thanks so much for your response.
    my sequence settings are
    see attached
    My export settings
    see attached

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