SQVI - Contact person data

Hi experts,
I want to extract information from contact persons in CRM through transaction "SE16". I want to have data from following areas of the contact person "General Data", "Work" and "Private". Unfortunately I can't have all data at once in just one table. So I'm thinking that join tables through SQVI would be my solution. Unfortunately is not that easy I discover. I have tried to search for help throgh different forums but can't find any solution regarding my case.
So please help! I want to know which tables I should use and which key figures as well. I have found the data I'm looking for in following tables:
but how should I join to actually have a report that will extract the information I need?
Thank you in advance!
Best regards,
Hannes de Richelieu

Hi Hannes,
He can write a program in which we can fetch the data as per the tables you have mentioned. We can search with single BP as well as we can get the result for all the BP's in the system.
Moreover we can extract same in excel sheet, just need to write one query & upon executing the report pop up will ask to save the file in system.

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    I think the BP data will change with the changes in the critical fields of the customer master. Try chaning certain fields in the customers where you want the data to be updated. Hope that will work. Other wise you need to look out to do a mass update on the BP.
    Best Regards,
    Edited by: Jagadeesh G Chary on Feb 1, 2012 7:34 AM

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    Hard Learner.

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    Best Regards

    Andrey Vishnevskiy solved my Problem.
    This was his solution, which worked for me:
    if you need the same views/screens for contact person details as it is for SALESPRO follow these steps:
    1. Identify Navigation Bar profiles which are used in IC agent business role and sales professional role. Standard profiles are IC_AGENT and SLS-PRO accordingly. (SPRO -> CRM -> UI Framework -> Business Roles -> Define Business Role -> double click business role -> here is a field Nav Bar Profile)
    2. Identify Target IDs which are used for the desired navigation in sales professional's navigation bar profile. For instance:
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    Thanks & Regards,

    Hi Anil,
    I am not sure about the best approach, but I have worked on data migration of contacts using Report program.
    I had created a report program that would accept an excel file as input that woudl contain the contact person deatils. I then craeted a contact using various function modules.
    Please let me know if you need further information about this approach.

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    Thanks & Regards

    I think you can use BUPR_CONTP_CREATE to create contact persons or Badi BUPR_CONTP_CHANGE to change COntact Person Data. I give you a code example when I have used BUPR_CONTP_CHANGE to change data of contact persons:
    SELECT * FROM but051 INTO TABLE lt_but051 WHERE dprtmnt NE space.
    SORT lt_but051 BY relnr.
    MOVE ls_but051-dprtmnt TO ls_babi_persona_contacto-comments.
    MOVE 'X' TO ls_babi_persona_contacto_x-comments.
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            iv_contactperson = ls_but051-partner2
            iv_date_to       = ls_but051-date_to
            is_data          = ls_babi_persona_contacto
            is_data_x        = ls_babi_persona_contacto_x
            et_return        = lt_return_bapi.
            return = lt_return_co.

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    Not sure if you can add this field to the selection criteria. Please look at OSS notes 188663, 310886. I remember there were some restrictions as only fields from certain tables are allowed to use in FBL1N, FBL3N and FBL5N transactions.

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    Dear Ritvij,
    Am no sure how best I can answer but attempting:
    Basically the contact persons in the R/3 system when are transfered to a CRM, the system generates the number from the number range with internal number assignment of the standard grouping. Hence, no PIDE settings involved.
    Now, maintaining the contact person in CRM and to determine the number range for contact persons differently, you got to go for enhancement. You can look at the note 564538 which might give you some clues as to what enhancements are required.

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    Message was edited by: Manish Kumar

    Hi Malik,
    Please refer the below SCN links for creating Contact Person.
    To create quotation, use the BAPI - 'BAPI_QUOTATION_CREATEFROMDATA2'.
    Hope, this helps.

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    You can use this bapi to create customer along with personal contact data
    check the PI_PERSONALDATA in import parameter.
    Or if the customer is already create then u can use this Function modules to
    to add the personal data.
    Hope it helps.
    Hiren K.Chitalia

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    Rahul >>>

    Hi Rahul,
    I'd suggest you running a session trace / ABAP debugging to see if some information is not getting passed from the Java stack onto the ABAP stack. An alternate move would be to create a new OSS customer message.

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    Thanks and Regards,

    Since ERP 2005, vendors master data do support maintenance of contact persons in the core.
    Previously, this was true only for IS-Retail.
    ALE Distribution of vendor contact persons has never been developped.
    So your ADR3MAS idocs do surely integrates perfectly in the inbound system expect that this will be an orphaned Person.
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    Can you please guide me in using the Vendor master -General data - Contact persons for sending Purchase order output.
    Using partner role 'CP' - is it possible to determine the PO message output automatically.
    Thanks in advance for your support.

    Hi Raja
    Thanks for your immediate response.
    Can we use the Contact persons as partners instead of vendors and trigger the PO output through email?
    What should we do for that please?
    I have tested that, but the partner number(contact person number) is not getting copied to the message in PO.
    it is looking for a address number instead of contact person number.
    Any suggestions please
    Thanks in advance for your support.

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    we can maintain alternative e-mail id, Phone Number, Fax Number etc. for a Vendor, go to MK02 ehter the vendor you want to change, in the Basic data view under communication tab page you can maintain all these parameters apart from the one whcih will be marked as Standard for communication.
    Prashant Rathore.

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